The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 27-52
.r* • mm f lin^ltveSlOtl^M^W^rLI |\TAS IS iHlJU^Ky jTheretyftojnoa^1^ ^ a « e t f t t t a e s s « ^ ^ g jj 5 neitherOpium,Mccpito |Mineral. N o t N a « c q TIC jgu^fSS^SSaffSM t, fS*i *sa* /km T q i ^ i f Q R S s \{ C|IIKIH Exact Copy o f Wrapper* IW I n fS k a t * a n d C h ild r e n . Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature o f Over ThirtyYears YHCC.NTAUnCQMMNV «C«yVenKCITV. W e are Showing Lace Oxfords . in Black, Brown and White s■ v-'i irP V^V^v'r;V.-v £?■ * * , * with both high and low heels, .pointed and round toes. Lace oxfords are the most fnost comfort-' able low shoes made. * . \ Fraser’s Shoe Store “ F o r 17 Y e a r s t h e L e a d e r ” XENIA, , % . O H IO :H r W . L . C L E M A N S R e a l E s t a t e jCin be found at m y office each Saturday or reached by phone at i; m y residence each evening. C Office 36 PHONES .Residence 2-122 CEDARVILLE, OHIO. Farm Economy The Biggest Lost on Farms Today is Perishable Posts and Poor Fence Prefits Are Made by Matmging a Farm on a Busineea Basis UseAmericanSteel FencePosts Midi by American Steel A Wire Company THEY LAST A LIFE TIME Thousands 1ft use in the fust 16 years, which have tiotrotted, rusted o r hurtled because they *r* heavy ainq Coated Inside and outside. American Steel Poate— Oau Se DrlYsn Eliminates Fence Repairs Every Tost a Lightning Rod protects Stock from Lightning Ho Staples Required Fence Rowe Can Be Burned,4Des* troylfig Weeds and Version Land with ttceei.Posts is More Valuable. SUSSMSCHOOLOPENING The third am Uai sessiou on the Summer School o f Cedarville Col* toga w ill open next Jtfoyday morn ing, dune IB, at. 9d9$ o'clock . The program is as follows: Devotions. Musical Program. M Vocal solos by Mrs, J* W . Johnson and Mr. Cameron Rose and Prof, George Siegler. Fisao Solo by Miss Oglesbee. The address o f the day by Rev. Waring, pastor ol the, Methodist Episcopal church of South Charles ton, - Announcements. Organisation o f the school. The executive committee o f the College Hall at 7 :S0 to attend to the registering of student? and 'selling of bopks and receiving o f tuition. The public is cordially invited to the opening exercises. Y, M. C, A. CLUB HOUSE Realizing the need of a dormitory and club house for the college fcoys^ ;he Y . M. 0 . A-^of the college have undertaken a campaign to raise 36000In order to supply tills need. This is a worthy cause and it de mands your The object 1 b to buy a housein town, furnish the up stair rooms for sleeping apartments and the down stairs for reading, eating and game rooms* I f you can help us financially, do so and it w ill be appreciated, if you are unable to help financially, boost the prospeetand encourage up. To date there has been subscribed upwards to a 31000, will you help swell the amount? The oeuimitee is as follows: Wm . Anderson, Wm. Collies, M. S'tor moot, L . Kennon and1R. „N- Col man, Jr. « * This is to satisfy no selfish inter est,but for the good of our college and fellow students. CHURCH.;SERVICE. M. E. CHURCH. J. WvPattoh, Pastor. Sunday Sohool at 0:80 a .m . L . p . SuIIenbergur Supt. ' Preaching by the pastor at 10:80. Epworth League a t 6:80. R. P. CHURCH (MAIN 8TREET) J. L. Chesnut, Pastor. Teachers’ Meeting Saturday at 7. Sabbath School at 9:8Qi Preaching by the pastor at 10;8Q. / O: e , 1st e. , -1 Prayer meeting1Wednesday 7:00, at This 1s the year you want a large corn crop. The w ay ' to get it is to cultivate i t properly. To dp this yo#shou id ,uso a National. You only have to see it to be convinced. R. M. McKee. H igh class pheto plays at the Murdock theatre each Monday, Wednesday, Thursday' and Satur day nights. Cultivate year corn with a Nation* al Cultivator, aokuowlsdged the bsBt en the market. • . R. M. McKee. Miss Auna Alexander, of Yellow Springe, spent Sabbath with her sister, Miss Margaret Alexander. Remember on, June >3, you will have au opportunity o f baying a good ■home at the edge of town. The Hood homestead, is well lo cated and will be sold by Sheriff Jackson. FOR SALE—I have for sale a very desirable, centrally located piece o f property in Xenia, which will rent to good tenant to pay 10 per cent per annum; The price is '36,000, but tune can be had on much o f "this, i f de sired. Ho better location in town, only one square from court house. As an investment this would be first class. See A. W. Treaise, No. 39 Greene street, Xenia, Y. M. C. A. Building. iHIPHW»| MU* gUt« v# Ohio, Or#«n Oeuaty. liureuant to command el j , mi. an order M, iidAi, m f let, IHKHTPP'i tALtt CP ftEAh ftg tA tl ON PARTITION, „ _ e , ■ - --------— ------- - .......... Btete of Ohio, Green County, ss, *Slar for sale at public auction at tUo l waat door of the Court Rouse Ja Rie Pursuant to command of on order of i> or Xenia, Green County, Ohio on !s*Ie In partition issued to me from tliej 11T.,Dn iv .Court of Common I'leon of (.aid County, i SATURDAY, JUNK 25 A, P. 1917, land to me directed and delivered, Xwill > . . . . . . . offer for sale at public auction at the at ,1**1 o clock A, g . ,tha following da- West Poor of tiro Court House In Xenta, Hads and tene- Ohio, In said County and ijtato on SATURDAY, JUNE 23 A. D. 1917, AT ify O'CLOCK At M. the following described real estate, lands and tenements; Situate In the County of Greene, State racing to-wlt; TRACT NUMBER ONE—Being lot number 18 In Rolraee proposed addition to the Village of vCedfcrvlH*, more fuUsr described as follows; Beginning at a auke m. a proposed street of said Propos ed addition; thence north S3 degrees 10 minutes, cast 150 feet to a stage in the , ------ .. westerly line, of a proposed alley corner of Ohio, and In tho Township of Cedar- to said road and lot number 15; thence yllle, and bounded and described, as fol- along said alley north H «Rgr«es 30 min- lows: utes, west 00 feet to a stage corner to this Ipt and lot number 17; thence south oo degrees 10 minutes, west loo feet to a slake In line of said proposed street; thence with tho line of stud proposed street south 31 degrees 30 minutes, cast ad leet to the beginning containing 7500 situate feet. * » TRACT NUMBER TWO-SituatO In the County of Greene, and the State of Ohio, and the township pf Cedarvllle. Begln- i'lng at a stake in the west margin of- filiUer street In Cedarville. and corner to d, E. Werce. and Mary IS. Tierce, 130 feet, II, W, Keimons south corner of Miller’s street; thence south 34' degreew 30 minutes east 00 feet to a stake; thence south' 55- degrees 45 mtbutes, west 147.35 feet to a stake; thence north 34 degrees to John E, Tierce; thence north 55 de grees 45 minutes, east 147.25 feet with the 30 minutes, west 60 +eqt to a stake corner line, of Tierce to the 'Place of beginning containing 2887 square yards more or propqsed addition to the Village of Cedar- Tnsa and being lot number 0 of Holmes vine, .Greene'County; Ohio, ' TRACT NUMBER THREE—Situate in the County of Greene, the. State of. Ohio, and the township, of Cedarville and bounded and described as follows; Begin ning at tho southwest corner a point In the center of the highway loading from Cedajrvllie to Jamestown hearing from the southeast comer of the tenant house occupied now by Samuel MeCulluin sputli 13 degrees 30 minutes, west, one chain, 43 3-4 links; thence as the compass now reads north 48 degrees 2D minutes, east 3.58 chains to a stake In the center of a XC foot alley along the center lino of samp north 35 degrees 16 minutes, east 2.04 chains, (A point bearing from a wlul cherry tree marked X. north 1 3-4 degrees •west- 13 links stttndinftt at south side of jjald -alley!) thenoe south 48 degrees 20 minutes, west 61,18 chains to center of highway aforesaid; thence along same north 41 degrees 40 minutes, West one chain and Hi 1-4 links to the place of beginning containing 63-100 of an aero being 80 front on centerjino of said high tuny- extended northeast with parade aided at right angle to said highway, ex tending to the center line of said alley .at tho rear and being In the .westerly side of a parcel of 20'Of-res of land convoyed by Geptha Dunlap, St al.; to. parties of the first -port by dped dated May 4, 1891, C A S T O R I A For Infants and Children InUse ForOver3 0 Years Always bears the Signature of 8B2tSB58ttplfc86se|8i MICHIGAN I n Summer recorded in Vol. 73,'paga-44, together with the right to layj and. maintain- a 2-lneti Iron,pipe in and to and from the well on the lot adjoining these premises' on the west, and to use water Rom said welt for domestic purposes only on.‘ the prem ises hereby conveyed. TRACT NUMBER FOUR—Situate In the County of Greene, State., of Ohio and the township Of. CedarVilla,- and, bounded: and described, as follows;. Being all ot lot number 5 of Holmes.proposed, addition to the Village of Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, on the West side of Miller street us the same was surveyed and laid off on the.plat of said Addition. Beginning at a-stake In the west margin, of Mil ler Street in the Village of Cedarville, 140 feet;from R. W. Kennoh, southeast cor ner of. Miller street; thence south' 34 de grees 30 minutes, east 60 test to a stake; theme- south 55 degrees 4S minutes, west 147.25 feet to' a stake; thenca north 31 degrees so minutes, -west -so feet to a stake; thenoe north-55 degrees. 45 minutes, east J.47.26 feet to a stake and place of beginning containing’ 26,27 square xods more or less. TRACT NUMBER FIVE—Situate In the County of Greene, the State of Ohio, und the township of Cedarville, and’ bounded and. described as follows: Beginning at a .point In the southeast line of Robert Hood 800 'feet a im the center line of Main street in- said: line -at a poet; thence along aald Hopd lot as the compass now reads north-48“degrees SOmin utes, east 148J4 feet |q the center- line of a 14-foot road along Vania; thenoe north 85 degrees 15 minutes, east 367 feet; thenoe south 40 degrees 20 minutes, west 359,7 feet to a stake atVthe southeast corner.’ of tlila parcel; thenoe north 41 de*: green 50 minutes, west 160 feet to the place of beginning containing 91-iao of an acre. * S« . < , The above described, premises are located a* follows; Tract Number One is located In tho Holmes addition-In Cedarville township, Greene County, Ohio, .and known as the old Farris property. , Tract Number Two is. located In tho Holmes, addition to Cedarville township, Greene County, Ohio on the south of Mil ter, street of the Village of- Cedarville, Ohio. v Tract Number Three Is .located on tho road leading from Cedarville, to James town. In 'Cedarvllla township, Greene County,. Ohio, at the southeast end of Cedarville, Ohio, Tract Number Four Is located In the Holmes addition In Cedarville township, Green County, Ohio, on the south of Mli- U»r street of the Village of Cedarville, Ohio. Tract Number Five Is located back of. tract number three In Cedarville town* ship; Greene County, Ohio. The above described premises were ap praised as follows;'' Tract Number One-rAVaa appraised at Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars, (2750.00.) TracLN&mbcr, Two—Was appraised at Seven - .Hundred .and Fifty Dollars, (2760,00.) - Tract Number Three—Was appjralsed at Three Thousand Dollars, (23000.00.) Tract Number Four—Was appraised at Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars, (2750.00,) Tract NumbeAFive—Was appraised at Two Hundred Dollars, (2200.00.) Terms of sale—One-third cash on day of sate, balance in equal payments. One- third in one year, and one-third in two years, from date or rale, bearing six per cent interest and secured by mortgage on the premises sold, with the option of tho purchaser to pay cute if he or she so desires. Tho above wscrlbcd prem ises to be sold by order at said Court In case number 14871, wherein Jcanncttco M, Barber, is petitioner, and Isabelle Best, fet al,, ate defendants, F. A. JACKSON. Sheriff of Green Cbunty, Ohio MARCUS SHOri*. Attorney for the i’ etltioner. 1 FIRST TRACT—Being part of Military Buryey No, 2207. Beginning .at a point< In the line'of JU Anderson, Nichols, und Pm-box, in the West edgo of Xenia and bputli Charleston pike; tlirnco -with said pike south 08 degrees 30 minutes, oast 79.25 poles to a stake in the West edge pf the pike; thenoe south 41 degrees 20 minutes, west 46.60 poles to a stone on tho North side of the pike 17 links from old corner stone and corner to South diarieston; thence south 42 degrees 46 minutes, west 103 poles to a stone corner to Joseph Gibson; thence north 8 degrees east 208.19 poies to. a stone, Sugar Tree, White oak and cheery stump, original- corner do said survey, said lino crossing Measles Creek at 144 poles; thence north 81 degrees 45 minutes, cast 34.40 poles to a stone corner to Covenanter -Church land; thence south 9 degrees 80-minutes, west 18 poles to a stone corner to said Church lot; thence south 80- degrees 30 minutes, east 36,48 poles to a stoke corner also to said Church lot. Thence north 70 degrees 45 minutes, east 18.09 poles to a stake corner to said Church lot; thense. south 81 degrees 45 minutes, east B poles to a stake In- the County road; tliengo With said;road south 48^ degrees west 20:10- poles to a stone near tho creek; thence south 25 degrees east 2240 poleB to a Stake crossing tho creek at 5 poles; thence south 20 degrees 15 minutes, east 81.30 poles to the center of said pike crossing the tail raoe at 4>4 poles; thence north 66 degrees -30 minutes, east 36.94 poles to the place of beginning containing -83.40 acres of land more or less,. Excepting one and one-fourth acres conveyed to Thomas Guy by A. R. Bull In 1860 leaving in ald tract 8140 acres. SECOND TRACT—Situate In the County of Greene, State of Ohio, and Town ship .of Cedarville and hounded and de scribed as follows; Being tho same prem ises convoyed to Andrew R, Bull ■by James Bull and wife by deed, dated Sep tember 19, 1805, recorded In Val. 38, page 037 of Greene County peed Records, con taining 183 acres more or Joss, jvlth the following exceptions to be taken from sutd 18S acre tract! 13,32 acres sold to John Harper In 18515: 53 acres sold to James Anderson In 1859; 83.30-acres sold to Chapel U- Winter In 1865; 20,66 poles sold to Massies Creek Cemetery In 1871, leaving remaining- out of sajd 18$ acre ■'tract .about 26,25 acres, and -being in the above, two tracts 108.40 acres mere or less, excepting the road way conveyed by ~ . . . - Stanley recorded A. R. Ih Vo): SUll to J, W. X page 503, . Said premises are located ns-follows; . On the' Xenia and South Charleston commonly known Os -tho Xenia and Columbus pike and: on the- road leading from Xenia and Columbus pike past the Tarbox Cemetery. Said land Is In Codar- vllle Township, Greene County, Ohio.' Said 'premises are appraised at 272.00 per aero and cannot be- sold for less than two-tlilrds of the appraised value thereof, Said premises shall be sold as a whole. Terh»3 of sale one-third cash, balance In equal payments of one and two years, bearing %% Interest and secured -by mort gage on the premises sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser,. To be. Sold by order of the Court In case No. 14429 wherein W Clifford Bull Is plaintiff, and Mary A. Ramsey, et al,; are plaintiffs. Said . and the title to‘ bo sold free of dower s perfect.. A reasonable deposit will be required of the purchaser on day of sale. F, A. JACKSON. Sheriff of Greene County, Ohio. ' MARCUS SHOUF, Attorney for plaintiff. The Car With * Wonderful * ‘ Motor OAKLAND ' Sensible Six 41 H, P, Motor, 2150 lbs. Weight >2x4 Inch Tires and 20 other features. Get a Demonstration. C.B, SCHMIDT ■ with - ' Bildner Motor Com.; Cor, Church and WhltemanSt., Xenia. Wanted Local Agent SPECIAL OFFER ^Stoves will be much higher this fall than now and we have a* special proposition to mpke that will savoyou-tlW difference, YOU CAN PUT Tf?JS MTOVE TNT YOTJIt HOME TODAY AND DO NOT SEED TO PAY FOB SAME UNTIL THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER. The saving to you will be at least 20 per cent We ha’ve only a limited quality to put out this way—-Come in today and place your order. The Joy Eclipse is the best stove for baking on the -market today. You do not have to Bland guard over a Joy wbllg it &ak.est shifting and moving the pans in order that bread and pieB bake evenly. You can guage your heabaccumtely by the thermometer, then control, the oven temperature by . the . adjustable damper. Note that the drop oven door forms u convenient ehelf, just where you heed it. . ' - T h i s , O v e n W i l l N o t R u s t The steam or vapor given off by roasts w on tn ist out the Joy Eclipse oven, it is made of pure cast Iron—no asbestos .is' used in. the lining ol the Joy because asbestor collects moisture and rusts out the body. H u t c h i s o n & G i b n c y Largest Store in Greene County X E N I A , O H IO SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby givfen that the Board o f Education o f Cedarville Township Rutal School District mil offer at public auction on the premises of the following described real ,estate op SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1917. At One O’clock P. M. , ‘ Town School Property. Building *is an eight room brick structure with large basement. Walls of building are strong and suitable for manufacturing purposes. Large halls on ,each floor. Plenty o f light in every room. Furnace in the ijpse- rnent. Wide stairways permit easy-, access to each floor. Building under* good roof, • ' , Building is located on large plot o f ground on West Xenia avenue where access may be had.without much ex pense to Pennsylvania lines. Excel- lent*VireH o f water on thejground. The property is fenced in'ftnawould per mit o f a.fine location fo r manufactur ing plant Possession ■o f property could be gwen June 1st, 1917. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Terms made known on day o f sale. By order o f the Board o f Education o f Cedarville Township Rural School District. ANDREW JACKSON, Clerk. If you can't sleep ror nervousness « Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain FilL ■P stop m MasiJVe yome ta<k tireatp’ w*t* Ur. ta tm Tablet* Columbus SUNDAY -E X C U R S IO N 4f P ennsylvania . L in e s . * Round Trip from Cedarville JUNE t?t SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES 16:25 A. M. We Keep Prices Down Are you skeptical of this statement? Let us tell you W H Y W E T t E E P P R I C E S D O W N , then yo itw ill U N D E R S T A N D , Since this war commenced there has been an insane scramble every where to boost prices and get rich quickatthe expense of the consumer. The people had to pay, and they arc still paying, and they are getting tired and desperate. Sooner or later the government will take a hand and compel a re duction of-prices to normal conditions. Then the price booster will pay the penalty of his greed in {Jhe loss of customers.” The people will go to the grocer who has done, his best for them in keeping prices down as much as he could. There’s our reason in few words. W e like money as well as the next one, but we have foresight enough to know that we can’t skin our customers and hold them after words—and we inust hold them or go’ out of business. Just Received 2 Cars of E X T R A F fN E S E ED PO TA TO ES The best kinds the market afford, Irish Cobblers, Ear ly Six Weeks; Early Rose, Sandland, Early Ohios, Rural Newj York, Snowflake, etc. Onion Sets Specials Friday and Saturday Old Reliable Coffee Pound, steel cu t......................................... 2*o P f lines, fancy large Santa Clara 4o>sb size, 2 pounds to t ...............................25c ■ * Country Butter Per pound ................................: ........ .. 86e Extra fine Dried Peaches per pound................ . ........ ............. .......... 12*40 White Cor/i .Meal i sacks tor ...................................................180 Steel Out Coffee per pound,.:............ ..... ............ ;................... lgq -* 9 Dlfferedt Kinds of Bread per lo a f..... ........................ ................... .........4o GRAPE FRU IT ......................... ........... a for lOo Radishes, Strawberries, Onions H. E. Schmidt 6 Co Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 Smth Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio
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