The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 27-52

»*■ -K#-r ** M i ADAIR’S Thi Lading Home Furnisher For Over Thirty Years m / K - ' 7J=aT3 U u 'r jfimiiitr MWilll TTnu^i!!!!! “ uimi]miiiiim!in]iiimn)iimi!JUimi!i nniiiimjiini Furniture of Worth and Beauty Within Reach of Every . SPRING BRIDE W« realtee that the deahe lor a beautiful, livable borne ia uppermost i» the heart of every -real man and woman, and our store Is conducted so as to make the fulfillment of that desire, possible to prac­ tically, everyone., “Quality” is the keyxfote of Adair’s furniture— quality at moderate prices. Home makers will find inat they will to make their money go * far­ m e r at Adair** and secure furniture o; unquestion­ able style and character,. * Always welcome to inspect and compare values,^ whether yourbuy or not. I Bed Davenport* $91,00 up L ib ra ry Tables . 9.60,up . Rockers s.eoap D ressers * • 1Q.60 up Bifass B e d s ' 10.50 up - Chiffousrs. .’ . ' .7.00 up . Sp rin g B rides-To-B e' wiUbe delighted w ith our beautiful allowing of Fur­ n itu re , Fashions—-bride­ grooms-to-be w ill like aur prices. ' » A D A I R S K -• s Cohvenienfc Paym en t P lan enables you to enjoy beau* tif ui home furnishings while you. are pay ing for th em . o i l i -Matting Rugs $ 4.50 0x12 Brussels , 18,00 9xl2-Axminsitef 25 00 9x12 Velvets . ' i2.f0 0x12 Crass Rugs . 0.60 L inoleum , per yard £5 D ining Tables $10.00' up Buffets - * 15.00 up Comb.Book Case 14,00 up pouches - . i S j BOup K itchen Cabinets 15.00"up . Exclusive agents for Cold Storage Refrigerators, FJorenceOilCook Stoves, Quick Meal Ranges, Copper Clad Malleable Ranges, Sterns & foster felt Mattresses/ Harper Upholstered Furniture, 8erkleyg|& Gay furniture. * \ • VICTOR VICTR0LAS AND VICTORgREGORDS'l . 22-84N .© •treitSt. ^ A t T A t R ^ ci& Furniture,!Carpets,g I Xenia, ,0Mb, ^ ‘ J xr’ J ’ Stoves, Victrolas ^ f / ! V i Hear the call of Liberty! freedom perish from the earth? In th is hour, in thft greatest crisis o f centuries, America is the hope o f the world, Our n a t i o n c r a d l e o f liberty, and now its last rock and refuge—is called upon, th a t mankind shall b* free, To each one o f us comes the call. Shall we answer like ■men ? Shall the embattled farmers hf Concord.and Lexington, or Appomattox and Gettysburg have died in Vain? Or shall we, o u t of bur abundance, cause the bells of Liberty to ring the world around. Demid* how . The Government asks for n o But it will borrow your money ($50 nr more) and deliver to you United States Liberty Bonds paying yau 3 per cent interest (tax free). Backed by the never-broken faith and credit and by* the entire resources of the United States, richest bf*all nations. theae 'bonds are the wotId4* *a£**t invaatment, ** Friend, le t It not be said th a t you were deaf to mankind's tfijra need. I f you love liberty and peace, don 't go to bed. to- n^btaw tUyoahave seenyour banker and ordered your Liberty bonds, Your banker will handle the order and give detailed information* * . U. S . LIBERTY LOAN COMMITTEE , 4th PwUwitl &***rf* Di*tries ' .. . ____ ....... C a r t a O w l in O ne H ay SMtaLanttv* I rmao fightiae ’I'fftieM ■jj&grforfji 'frdfc MjpPVMMIIMMMMBM *w #19IMP' J The Cddarvllle*Herald, . Ts met * KARLH BULL Ed Ito rseir Entered at the Fc*t-otHee, Cedar- | vihe. October 81, 1067, as second i class matter. RH>CROSS WILL CM PARI OF FftOCEStt FRIDAY, JURIS 1, J91T Cwas Grip Mtmtmytb Oft e v e r y k k « 2 3 m sC00D LAND TO BE USED FOR AVIATION The government has ©sntrseted with tbeDayton C o a ssm noy Board for 2500 acres of the Mad River Valley farm land *b$cit Fairfield to ho used for an aviation school, This land was under option to th* h0ftrt) for reservoir purposes bu t I t now appears t h a t the governmept will have control of it. Farmers have beep ordered off and they have been offered as high sb $40 per aore for corn amt wheat crops. I t is expected th a t the entire tra c t will be plowed a t once and pu t in grass, Fencefc and all farm buildings will be moved. The owners m ust seek new homes, I t is reported in the press that already 200 car loads of lumber and equip­ ment is on the way to Fairfield and the government agents a re offering $7.00 a day for teams to unload th is material. I t does look ’I lk a a crime th a t growing crops in one of the best and most fertile sections of th e United States should be destroyed in a year when every recourse a being taxed to Increase the production of every crop. Why Western land th a t has not a fence, tree o r building on it could no t have been secured we 'd o .not know? „ The government may have some-j£ood <reason lo r tho selection of - the Fairfield , site ,but the public is never taken mto. con­ fidence oft governmental matters, particu larly Itt w to times. -It is' said the government will have a t lea st 8000 young men in tra in ing on th is camp and th a t probably 10,00b a irsh ip s will be assembled and tested by tho yfcung aviators. Most of these m&v Will be trained for work nr, France and especially ever the. English channel to hun t down the submarines* * Mr. • . H, Hartman, secretary of the Chautauqua Association, has received a letter from the Ooit-Albar Company stating that the R« h I Cross will be given a ll single ad mission receipts on the opening day of the Chantauqua above sum of $i& It requires this amount to pay- local expenses of the superintendent and crew for the day. This is quite a concession on the part of the com­ panym view of the fact that every­ thing about the operation of the Chautauqua has almost doubled in prige. APP01NTEES N A P D FOR REGISTRATION DAY "and Democratic tratton day in it Tuesday are A. Townsley h- *v - v Underttoviayf ev^ry male oitixen between21 and 01 must register, There* are ho exemptions .and igncrahpeof thelaw will excuseho one. To fail to-register will likely result into being forced into' the armyor sent ( a J«SEL The Repnbli appointees for the borpbrufio: O.C. Mortph Iff the town offieers will ‘fit? ai«i;Qbarie#t4# FOR^RENT j —Utable to be used for aut ). , Mary L, .Cooper, SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTYi Notice is h«r$by given that the Board of Education of Cedarville Township Rural School District wil; offer at public auction on the promisee of the following described real estate on. ' .. "*: . SATURDAYKJUNE 23 , 1917 .* At One O’clock P. M. Town School Property. Building is an eight room brick structure with largo basement. Walla of building are strong and Suitable for manufacturing purposes, Large halls on each, floor. Plenty of light in overy room. Furnace in the base­ ment* Wide stairways permit easy access to each floor. Budding under, good roof. Building,Is located On large plot of ground on. ,We»t Xenia avenue where access may be had without much ex­ pense to Pennsylvania linos. Excel­ lent well of Water on the ground. The property is fenced in and would per­ mit of a fine location for manufactur­ ing plant, Possession of property could be given June 1st, 1017. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or all bids.-- Terms made known on day of sale. By order of tho Board of Education of Oodarville Township Rural School District.* ’ ANDREW JACKSON, Clerk, M ICH IGAN In Summer AlIS**wora Onlymi ti*«migbt ikb la Spring*,MackinawCityand othat ra*Ort* In North Michigan* Pwuufflftaii-G. LAI*Root* Fortaintnkrttt*i»n thkn Mrxi, ■ ^ ttraikti*. »• ,, ,■ . MX«r Tablet* m* . ww% Vtm '*>W wm - w *. rmwmm*# mwi'»te«a PathePhonograph No Needles to Change Plays Any Record Be sure to see and hear this machine be- making a purchase, Machines gladly - sent on approval. Galloway & Cherry fill E. Main S t ., Xenia, O-i ’ Get the Habit of Coming Here for your Motor Gar Needs You will find in all the lines we carry, a high standard of value, a full measure of service and our guarantee behind everything you buy here. We want yoi^ for a regular,day in and day out,yean after year customer. And our stock* our prices and the spirit with which -we take care of . your needs are all designed to make you bo , one you have made your . first purchase here. J ' • Far from wishing you any ill luck, if you murt have a puneture, please have it in front of our door, so that we may get acquainted, * . m SAXON AUTOMOBILES. Firestone, Ajax, Dayton and Delaware Tires; - Coffield and Maxotire Tire Protectors % ACCESSORIES H O S I E R S A L E .S C O M P A N Y Citizens Phone 110 . * - ' 0 BelllPhone 66. B. , . 102 E. Main, Xenia, Ohio. "" - ‘ ; : # SP E C IA L SILK S A L E FOR jjUfj; t - u FANCY and PLAIN TAFFETAS. Valuta up to $2.00. 0* $ A SPECIAL t* ' - 44 INOa S ILg TUSSAR-^OO values *1.00 and $1.60 IP 1 l i t SPECIAL a t . . . . . . . . . I « 0 " ’ 1 $ < - .4 '> , ’* "*■*V •* ,“ - ' CREPE DE CHINE odds and ends $1.50 grade. £ C r SPECIAL a t ...................... .O O C NARROWFANCY TAFFETA Silk Vklues $1.00 and $1*.50 “ rjra s p e c ia l a t . : ...............: . . / y C Largest* Store in Greene County XENIA, H OHIO Pm • * o UR Spring Clothing for Men—Young Men You men are going to like the clothes you| get ,. here this spring. The styierange is vast. Ultra fashions in sacks and belters for young chaps; more conservative ideas * for older men. You’re sure to get just the sort of style you want. Michaels Stern Clothes FOR YOUNG M$N America’s smartest styled clothes in suits of highest quality. $ 2 0 , $ 2 2 , $ 2 5 The Criterion , dYoiw for ®ad and thte Boys** South ftetroit Streetf * * ■ * 1 » Im tC fp th ff Xfwta, Ohio V»4 , 4>C*i Mr. an<l 2 MS* Bmho. fipriaghelfl, d»y #xmL t A nunTi; Memorial Governor 1 dr<m a t Wt High ch Hwrdock WodoflBriaj day eights The credl eery comps next Taesq the office ol Mr, JBfari doa, «pent tive* bfre. Cnlilvat *1 Cpitivi beat off thi Mr*. Oa., fch« borne > A, IVpebcf Mr. Rob from Pitts parents, M Who were Mr. Conle; in it few t will gradui nical Ihsti graduates tu rn home With a piano and electio fai ,going to Mdrdoolc , Mr. Job -here for I s XE A WE OR trac - ••! LEi; G O ' 1 CA1 Men \ in