The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 27-52

% TjrryAriTWHaawi OHIOSTATEFAIRTOEEHELD 1 LASTFIVEDAYS OFAUGUST j J LOCAL AND PERSONAL af m^ m Sfalo’s Greatest Institution” HasBonof Inostima&le a „ to Formers—Vast Exposition CongressesMani O r a l l i s g s t i e t o B r a w l Spaoo, , I _____________ i Mrs. Will McMillan, of Moumoitth. j III., is tho guest of relatives hero i for Boxno time. I f ffc would 1x5 iJsrail'1©to p^cvt^ln Just what tho Ohio State Fair iir,;> done for farmers of tho Buckeye «tato the actual pse. nutation of fig­ ures would be co lar^o no nearly cer­ tain to astound the state. The mime of "Ohio’;? ' {rrcatr:;t institution,” which-has .been applied to the fair, t prairscful enough to dcccriba’ >ii'6 fair which will be held thin ye ir at Columbus during tho Inst five dayo of August. • There are three institutions which are mating, over tho business of farming? in Ohio, One of these is the college of agriculture of Ohio State University. The second is the ex­ periment station at Wooster, and tho third is the Ohio State Fair. It is not possible for the state at present to entertain everyone at the experir meat, farm nor can all the farmer- boys possibly hope to reach tho col­ lege of agriculture. Everyone can go to the State Fair, which compresses into imrrbw space many of the good things of both tho other institutions. How valuable the fair has been as a producer of better farming and better results in every- thing that relates .to the soil is hard to c " tu ‘''’> c . Jlv.t; it is reasonably • ' * to cay that every well bred ar«l- >i» any farm in Ohio io there h'-.y-o’y because of the State Fair. V:.ea Ohio farmers first were uv ; d to raitio thorougli-brcd livo- Hm idea wan regarded as so novel that ■ it cm.'onra.'vni actual op- pn'-'t'on in cmne parts of tho country hccau'.-o tho farmer wen led to think that the pure bm l stock proposition was just scheme of the breeders to unload their animal wares upon him. What has*changed this idea? The average farmer says that tho desire for better cattle, better sheep, better homes and better swine has been in­ stilled through visits to the State Fair, v Perhaps only a few acted on tho notidn that they received while look­ ing at the prize winners. Even so, each man who obtained better stock was a missionary, and today one may travel through,..districts where farm­ ers have found that the pure bred an­ imal is a dividend "producer. Tho entire state has not yet been con­ verted, b it if progress continues at the rate of the last two decades tho conversion will*be pretty near uni­ versal. "• . But the possibilities of Scientific achievement—which is the real lesson of the fair—are not to be easily ex­ hausted. ! Mr. and Mrs. Hi am Shroadce, of i Hpringflold, have been spending the ! week with relatives hero. j | Mrs. W D. Mnoreheadiutd dnugh- ' j tor, of Xenia, and Rev. W. T. May- \ | bor and family, of Bollefountaiue, i j <)., wero guest. of Mr, J . JO. Hast- | ings and family, Wednesday. j Famous Ayiatrix Will Make Flights Each Day andNight During Week of Ohio State Fair RUTH LAW. No other person who sails the clouds has attracted more notico and 'interest than, Ruth Law, who will be t h e ' amusement headliner a t tho Ohio State Fair in'Columbus during the last five days of August; Sho is to make two flights daily, afternoon and night. The ascents will' ho launched in front of tho grandstand, and at night Miss Law’s flying machine will be illuminated. The effect on spectators as they watch tho machine Roping-the-loop, turning somersaults and doing "death-drops* is startling in tho ex­ treme. Although defying eternity in many ways in these exhibition flights, it is .nothing more than sport for Miss Law, she says: "I bar* never been afraid of the air," her story goes, “though I have had some very nar­ row OBeapfes from death. I have been flying since July, 1912, and have ap­ peared in nearly every large city of the United States. Next to flying, I love animals, particularly dogs and horses. Flying is not all pleasure. Like all professions, one must work hard to succeed, It’o us necessary to know your aeroplane and to bo as familiar with your motor as you are with your mirror and powder puff," IVfa Law believes that flying was The o a r With a Wonderful Motor OA K LAND HoStKlbh- Six 41 I t. P. Muter, Slim irm. Weight 12x4 flicit Tiros and other features. (lot st thMnmsnH’SifWn. C. B. SC H M ID T with , Jluhtnef Muter Com,; Cer, Church end Wh»t*ma.tStWXe»lo. Local Aicwt ........ tho profession that was intended for her. She comes from a sedate New England family and, according to her own version, was not content to stay at home as most girls do. “I had ttr have a profession," sho says, “and aviation seamed to be tho one thing that I could do ar.d still be free to enjoy tho great outdoors. I think that flying came to mo naturally.” Sho holds all tho important records for woman aviators, also the world’s second long-distance record, scored on her memorable Chicago to New York flight. She, holds tho world’s second highest altitude record—12,800 foot. Only recently Miss Lnw Returned from France, where sho studied mili­ tary aviation and war tactics. She took a ride over Paris in a military machine. On. her return to tho United States, sho offered her ser­ vices to tho government for the avia­ tion corps. Sho also lias been assist­ ing in tho work of recruiting your, men for the corps. Sho helped to push tho Liberty Bond campaign by flying over several states, advertis­ ing tho loan. At the State Fair, Miss Law will give dsmonsratiens of military fly­ ing, during which she will throw bombs from tho regions of tho stars. Her exhibitions will be free, as also will bo Govern! splendid vaudevilU acts. #»#8!i3!l«S!8S9*^^ tw C U R K M I - t 'A W , M 5 w,Kiraei! M m r j y * ’ -' ‘* M * iP-Tzz ‘t&r". ‘V » f^Tvos/^k i IMltiffiEiEiEIEEiE L o p „ I j Mr. Forest Waddle moved back | hero from Xenia, Wednesday, FOR SALE I" Automobile S passenger Bulck.Touring Car. if intereated call and see me- R. BIRD I L. Commanders must have office-trained men for dictation of military dispatches b»nd to keep records. Young men who take a course hero nro ready for good positions in tho army or in business. Young women, busincr.s ngedo you for the vacancies lift by th,- nation's ealL- Write for free cat­ alogue without delay. Now! Miami-Jacobs Business College Second and Main, Dayton, 0 . Mr. W. Dwight Sterrett, who was principal of the Wilmington, 111., high school last year has resigned that position and will become professor in mathematics m the high school a t Greenville, 0 ., a t an Increased salary. FOR SALE! ~ Pheaton Buggy cheap. You cap aee It a t Boyd’s Liverybar it. He w ill se ll It to you. R. BIRD The following invitations have been received here:—“Mr. and Mrs. George Clematis request, the pleasure of- your presence a t the marriage of their daughter,Florence, to Mr.. William Dwight S terrett on Wednesday evening, the eighth of Aqgustone thousand nine hundred and seventeen a t half after six o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond William­ son gave a miscellaneous shower last Friday evening in honor of Miss Florence Clematis who becomes tins bride of Mr, W. Dwight Sterrett on August 8th, About- thirty were present nml a number of useful gifts wero received. Light refreshments were served. Miss Hazel Lowry gave a kitchen shower Saturday afternoon for Miss Clematis, a num­ ber of voung ladies being untcr- fcained Ulster honor. Mrs, George F. Hardy ret mied to her home in- Crider's Point, N. Y'., Wednesday, after a visit at the home of Mr. R. C. Watt. She was accom­ panied by her mother, ■Mrs. Maria Beal, and both expected to stop in Urichsville, Ohio, for a few days with Rev. W. A. Condon and family, before going on to New York. Mr. "Walter Iliff, wife and daugh­ ter, Helen, left for Detroit, this week, expecting to be gone some time. The firm" o f'Iiiff Bros, have a .$60,000 bridge contract for the Pennsylvania railroad th a t will require several months to complete. Miss Florence Somers has returned to her home in Republic, Ohio. . The question of ownership of .one share of $1000 stock in the People’s Building and Savings Society, Xenia, owned by Nannie Hood and devised by will to Robert Hood, should be di­ vided equally between tho heirs of Robert Hood and Nannie Hood. Mrs. B. Hi Little has for her guest Mrs. Jostor, of Columbus. WANTED: —Doad Stock. We pay the highest cash price. Prompt attention paid to all calls. Cash paid on removal. Bell Phone, Pitch- In, O. Home Phono, Farmer Lino, Springfield, O. Phono No. 8-178 Cedarville, O. B>ubaker Bros., Selma, Ohio. Mrs. J. W. Patton had for her week-end guests her sisters, Mrs. Hammon and Miss Fritz, of Dayton. FOR SALE*.—Thru* targe lots on Walnut street with half Inter­ e s t in a big potato crop. DR. J. O. STEWART President 8. f . Baker states that extensive preperatiom, are bring made for the Groeno County Fair this year. The board realizes that late harvest may give them some handicap and for" this reason have provided extra amusements and at­ tractions and are bending every effort to have all tho live stock and speed claaseS better filled than formerly. As for displays of various sorts in the halls there will be some­ thing now and interesting aud the public should koep this in mind. Everyone should keep the date of the fair, Augimt 7-10 In mind. Spend a t least one day a t your county fair. Go to meet old friends and make new acquaintances and have a day a/vay from toil and labor. ' FOR SALE—I have for sale a very desirable, centrally located piece of property in Xenia, which win rent to good tenant to pay 10 per cent per annum. The price is $0,000, but time can be had on much of this, if de­ sired. -No better location in town, only one square from court house. As an investment this would he first class. Sde A. W. Tresise, No. 89 Greene street, Xenia, Y. M. C. A. Building, FRANK L. JOHNSON, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law mb « . XENIA, OHIO, Office over Galloway & Cherry, Gas Will Not Be Cut Off We wish to cancal the announcement to gas con­ sumers that gas would be cut off Saturday noon. Other arrangements have been made and no one will suffer any *1 incon­ venience as there will be plenty ,of gas. The Ohio Fuel Supply Co. NOTICE The library will be closed during tho Inonth of August, Librarian. ' NOTICE All persons knowing themselves indebted to Tho D. S. Ervm Go., ate kindly requested to call at my residence and settle their account. D. S. ERVIN. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Chandler S ix automobile, model 1915. Newly "painted, new tires and in first c la ss condition and fully equipped. DR. J. O. STEWART Do you get up a t night? Band is surely the host for all kidney or bladder troubles. Sauol gives relief in 24 hours from all back­ ache and bladder trouble. Hanoi is a guaranteed remedy, 35c and $1.00 a bottle a t tho drug store. The corrected list of numbers In the army draft are being tabulated and already some mistakes have been found in transmission by -telegraph. Out of a list of about twenty-four we find only one number that would con­ cern .Codarville and that is 507, which Should have heen 570, In this case if the numbers apply here -the name of Oscar" Bailey will be dropped and Fred M.-Townsley Substituted. Henry C. Justice is drafted by 588, the for­ mer report being 6,038. The now State Board of Agricul­ ture met Wednesday at the home of Mr. Foster Houston, in South Charleston, Wednesday, to consider appointpients for the- new bureau of markets to be established. Mr. Hous­ ton j s probably the largest farmer in the state, having more than 1,700 "acres in wheat this year. Mr. R, D. Williamson, a member of the board, attended the meeting.' James K. Hart has made applica­ tion for appointment as administra­ tor of the estate, with the will an­ nexed, of his father, William D. Hart. Reports from the sick in this vicin­ ity shows much improvement - f o r ; Prof. C. C. Morton. Mr. Walter Mur­ dock is not much improved while Dr. J. L. Ghesnut is much better some days than others. A Red Cross benefit concert will bo given next Wednesday evening in the opera house at Yellow Springs by four young men from the Conserva­ tory of Music, Cincinnati. The, ad­ mission is 25 cents or 30 cents for reserved seats. The fire department was called out Wednesday afternoon when the W. M. Barber barn burned. The first re? port wag that the fire was a t the college and again the barn of Thomp­ son Crawford. There being no cis­ tern that far out the department had to return, Woman’s friend is a Large Trial Botilo of Hanoi Prescrip­ tion. Fine, for black heads, Ec­ zema and all rough skin and clear complexion. A real sltin Tonic. Gel a 35e Trial bottle a t the drug store. ' HOW’S THIS? How’s This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine, 3 Hall’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for tho past thirty-five years, and has be­ come known as the most reliable rem­ edy for Catarrh. "Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood and healing th6 dis- oftr.od portions, , After you have taken Jlnll’p Ca­ tarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general, health. Start taking Hall's f’alanh Medicine at oned and get ml m catarrh. Sand for testimoinals, fvco , 1■ l \ 3, CHENEY A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. GROCERIES that SATISFY It is a man-sized job to keep up a stock in condition to meet jtho want* of all the people, but that is what we are doing. W« are prepared at all ti»*a ‘ to give you the best of the market— clean, fresh, satisfying Groceries and Pro­ visions of eyery description. And at Very Moderate prices, considering the times. Try US next time.' Wesll make good. FLYER forFriday andSaturdayonly 2 5 - l b . Sack of Pure Cane Sugar - - - - Hers is a chance to buy Sugar far below the regular selling pries. Old Reliable CblTee Pound, stool c u t......................................... 28q Prunes, fancy largo Santa Olara 40-50 size, Ipmjndk fo r.............. . 26c Country JButtor Per pound .......... .............. 85o Extra fine Dried Peaches per pound............................... 12Lfc White Corn Meal 2 sacks t o r ................. .................18o Steel Gut Doflpo per pound.................................................... Wo 9 Differedt Kinds of Broad por loa f................ ................. ...........;.......... 4a Just Received a Car of * ' . Watermelons and Cantaloupes ► Get One Off the Ice For Your Sunday Dinner * < H . E . Schm idt 6 Co ., Wholesale and- Retail Grocers 30 S > jl tU Detroit Street, . . Xenia, Ohio Hm-221 S.MAIH-ST. July Clearance Sale Ends With the Month Keep the boys and girls home by having a weTloftzrnished, comfortable house. July Clearance prices enables you to furnish luxuriously with a very small outlay of cash. Reductions of This sale is unequalled in its display of Seasonable Furn iture for every room. I t is one of the greatest MONEY .SAVING events of the year. A most wonderful opportu­ nity to save. In many cases we’ve remarked furniture to sell for less than today’s wholesale cost. Come prepared for the greatest value giving surprises in the history of merchandising. HERE ARE A FEW OF TH E WONDERFUL VALUES : ?8.00 Library Tables, golden*or fumed finish, 24x3G i n , . . . , . . . , . ......... $15.50 Quartered Oak Library Tables, fumed finish, 20x12 inch t o p . .. .. .. .. $24.00 Library Tables, quartered oak, fumed or golden finish, 2Gx42 inch top, tilting pockets at ends, largb drawers and magazine shelf, 6 inch l e g s . . . . . . . . ........ $30.00 Buffets.................................... $35.00 J Buffets ............. ............ . $5.85 $7.45 $13.95 $20.70 $24.75 $59.00' Buffets ....... ......................... Four-piece mahogany $116.00 Bedroom Suites . . . . . . . . . . . . Four-piece $122.00 quartered oak Bedroom Suites ......... ............ . . $39.75 $79.50 ..$84.50 $3.50 four-foot fumed oak Porch ( 1 q q Swing .......................... ............. $ 1 .0 0 $4,75 five-foot fumed oak Porch Swing ......................... .......... . $6.00 six-foot fumed oak Porch Swing ........................................... Price Includes chains and hooks. $2.95 $3.75 Tables, Rockers, Rugs, Desks aud Chairs Also Reduced Regular R u r a l Free Delivery Gomply with the now auto law which goes into effect today, Get your new Ions for' tho auto head lights. We have all kinds from the cheapest to the highest price, all of which ars in the requirements of the law. "\Ve have those in stock and can fit you out a t once. ' B. A, Murdock Garage. When you have the backache llie liver or kidneys are sure to b e . out of guar.' T ry Hanoi) it does wonders for the liver, kid- noys and bladder. A tria l H5e, holtle of Hanoi will convince you. ’ Gel. it a t the dnf£ store. 1 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always hears the Signature of e astern ft you can't Bleep tor nertovtsq*m a Dr. Mite*’ kuU*t’M» PIU Spring and Summer We have the lino of woolens everybody is looking for, ths netvesfc style* in foreign and Domestic, only first class goods, nothing else KANY, The Leading Tailor XENIA, OHIO 1 /