The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 27-52
UXAL AND «*SeNAL Mr, trad M n . H&tn*r , Springfield, ar* sounding day* with relative hare. W*d», o f WYsral PAPER MILL CLOSED DOWN. Muw Mary Marshall, o f Columbus, ha* boon spending part o f the week visiting relatives. Mr. Fred Bird, who has been em- K l at the Weatinghouse plant in lirgh, came home this week for his examination under the draft. t*r» E. C, Ogleabee and family ex- Smtic°CityVe t°d*y * * * trip At' riHi.-iMt.ui. j .W m , - l h? r five’/ 1(>&r'Vld daughter of Mr. Jk« was struck by Jj* ■»**» driven fty.,"*®***1piffTiald on Tuesday. The little girl had been behind the Ken- huH across the road just as the ante was meeidng the ^ n Mr Dnffield took the child to for treatment and ex amination. Several bruise* and small SVp "j^era ffund but nothing serious. Mr. Duffield could not be held «c- countable due to the fact that he was mot driving fast ,and exercised un usual care under the circumstances, Mr. W. J. Tarbox and family in company, with Mr. Harry Waddle'and wtfe» of Springfield, are spending a week at Toledo Beach on the lake where the latter has a cottage. Mr, C. N. Stuckey has a letter from a nephew in Pittsburg stating nr __ that in one unit of that city but 7 „ 0o '" n^e*8on. recently volun- men out o f 1X7 have passed the TT*+^W,?0t t ^ I 1" ari-an \n a™y- physical examination for the army. jasi wee^ 4,1 After all there is some c o i ^ e n S n d°Wn ow‘ in staying on the farm; better health,1” ^ * physical qualifications, than with the city chaps. Sanol .g a faniouf old remedy fo r a llfo rm s o f Eczema and skin, diseases, Sanol is ;a guaranteed remedy. Ilia Harar Straw Board * Paper company’s plant was dosed down Saturday night for extensive repairs. The company took advantage of mak ing changes and repairs during a slack time, it having been two years since any improvements o f impor tance have been made, Supt., A. Z. Smith has a large force o f men at work, though it will be several weeks before the null «a» be placed in op eration, T^e *•*&* Md family, Mrs. L. G. Bull and Mr. Frank B. Bulb Indian- S olis, attended the annual picnic of K Valley Press Association m t Friday afternoon at. the N. C, It. Country Club, Hills amp Dales, below Dayton. The property ib owned by Mr. John H. Patterson and is kept up for the benefit o f the N. C. B. em ployees and other members of the club. *the Madison Press, London, states that out of the first 21 men examined ... ornn-imfeon only one, William E, Gallagher, when b i S 1 1 , T ? / - asked if he wanted an exemption a tria l bo ttle at the blank stated in emphatic terms that he did not and that he was "ready to go.” Mr. Andrew Jackspn spent the first of the week ,in Columbus attending the Grand Circuit races. Dr. W. D. Darnell, Xenia, colored physician, was the only Greene coun- tian to be given a commission from the Federal Officers’ Training camp at Indianapolis. He becomes a sec ond lieutenant. Over at South Charleston the pop ular hotel is known as the “Houston Inn,” owned by .the town’s leading citizen, Foster B. Houston.- The table equals the best city hotel aW hun dreds of automobile parties make the hotel a regular stopping place. It must be some house for chicken as we learn that one Greene county poultry raiser has contracted to fur nish 700 young chickens. w ------------- Dr. J. H. Harris, o f Clifton, was operated upon Tuesday kat the Mc Clellan' hospital for appendicitis. H. A. Chase, aged 83, South Charleston farmer, who. .wandered away from home, was found dead in a wheat field a mile, and one-half from his home. The aged man Was missing .from home more than a week before his body was found. The draft board in Madisdii county is in trouble over the. loss o f 14. draft cards from Jefferson township, these cards never haying been turned in. The 14 men reported but had no num ber and Federal authorities are in- vestigating. drug store.___________ Dr, J , W . Dixon and fam ily arid Mr. and Mrs. Mason Hanna were called to Chilliootbe Sabbath by the death of their brother-in-law, Mr. William Jones. Thn deceased for merly was a resident o f this place residing on the Carson farm, Mr. Robert .Dixon did not return home with his ‘ parents following their visit to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Robert secured a position m that city and will remain until school opens.'' . Prof. F, D . Francis and Wife, ot GiUinan, Iowa, are guests o f Prof. 3. C. W right and family. Prof, Francis is superinUnusnt of the schools in that place, R ev .W . A . Pollock and family, of Chicago,are guests at the home of Hr.. W . R. Sterrett and family. Miss Rosa (Stormont is visiting her sister, Mrs. McGary, la Buffalo, N .Y . Splendid Pay Is offered to young men and young women who have taken one of our courses—whether in stenography, bookkeeping or both. Instruction here is rapid and thorough—-because it is largely individual under most progress ive system. Write now for free book containing photos and all details* ' - Miami-Jacobs Business College ♦ *** Second and .Main, Dayton, 0* Do you get up at night! Sanol is surely the best for all kidney or bladder troubles. Sanol gives relief in 24 hours from all back ache and bladder trouble. Sanol is a guaranteed remedy, 35c and 11.00 a bottle at the drug store. . Leave Something to Others. If, ns Shakespeare says,, “dll fh world’s a stage,” don't try to .be til whole show, or you iire apt to find ai unpaid clown when you look In tli> mirror. , Dally Theuoht And if we find but one to whom we can apeak out our hearts, freely, with whom we can walk In love and aim* pllcity without dissimulation, we have no ground o f quarrel with the world or God.—-Stevenson, FQR SALE—I have fo r sale a very desirable, centrally located piece o f property in Xenia, which will rent to good tenant to pay 10 per cent per annum. The price is $6,000, but time can be had on much of this, if de sired. No better location pi town, only one square from court house. As an investment this would be first class. See A. W« Tresise, No; 39 Greene street, Xenia, Y. M. C. A* Building. — ■ .'V''I ■ Nw . iiji . ii * 1.1. a i w s a H M MUSKINGUM COLLEGE rang f-'u :lty of thirty. Five are study- t in iver»ltle» this summer.* indai high—fully accredited by State itmrtnunt of Education. Graduate* re ive state teachers’ certificate* without atriinatlon. Courses leading to the do pes—A. B., B. S. and B. S. In Educa- n. Special courses—Normal. Agricul- ral, Domestic Science, Splendid Conser vatory andDepartment of Expression and Art. Fine student body. 852 frpm eigh teen states and four foreign countries. Best moral atmosphere. Location beau- tirul—campus of flfty-oix acres—-main line B. A O. By. Expenses reasonable. Fall semester opens September J8th. J. ■Knox Montgomery, New Concord, Best Prices for Butter, Eggs and Poultry Farmer* call us by phone, get our prices on produce, and arrange to have your groserie* delivered. Nagley’ s Grocery P h o n * 4 0 . Cedarville, Ohio ............................... ' t e m O N A L S k t S oke L esson (Ehr .RSV. P. B. FIT1SWATHR, D. D., T**oh*r of En*lish Bible In th« Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, HIT, Western Baton.) LESSON FOR AUGUST 5. MANA88EH’8 SIN AND REPENT- ANCK, XiKMOK TEXT—II Chronicles 22:1-K. GOLDEN TEXT—Let the wicked fo r* •eke his way, and the unrighteous man hie thoughts; arid let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.—Isaiah E£:7. The reign, of Manasseh was the long est of any of the kings of Judah. It Is strange that a wicked king should have the distinction of the longest reign. This can be accounted for, per haps, by the fact that the nation was in such a state that their idolatrous corruption needed to go to Its fullest development* It seems to be neces sary in a world of free beings, that their actions must go to a certain stage of development. It was so with the inhabitants of Canaan before that land was possessed by Israel. Israel was kept in Egypt until the iniquity o f that nation was full. . In this case, doubtless the Lord permitted this to go on until the idolatrous practices would became extremely obnoxious. 1. Manaeeeh's Sin (vv. 1-9). Though he had the exar-de of a good father, he with passionate endeavor gave him self up to the imitation of Die heathen about him. This shows that grace Is not Inherited; a good father may have a bad son. It also teacheB ns that It is absolutely necessary to bring the grace of God Into vital touch with our children, for that grace is absolutely essential to their salvation. Only his grace can counteract.. the downward , pull of sin. L He restored the high places which had been destroyed by- his father | < y . 3). I f is thus seen that he Bought to undo the good work done by his father. - « 2. He erected altars to Baal (v. 8). The idols worshiped on these .altars seem to have been images of licen tious appearance, provoking the indul gence of the human passion. There fore, with this worship was. coupled the grossest licentiousness’. 8. He introduced.the star worship o f the Chaldeans and Assyrians (v, 8). He even erected these altars in the house o f the Lord, placing them on a level with God himself. . 4. He set up Moloch In the Vale of Hinnon (v. >6), He not only encour aged Mils worship on the pari of oth ers, but he even caused his own chil dren to paBs through the’ fire*. 5. He practiced' magic, witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit (▼. 6). So gross were these practices-that they did even fyorse than the heathen whom God had destroyed before the Children o f Israel came into the land. 8. Ho rejected the Lord’s testimony Cv* 10), Doubtless the prophets had again and again admonished him, but he teems to have turned entirely aside from such remonstrances. II. Mariaueh’s Chastisement (w . I l l s ). The Lord in grace used the As syrians to chastise Manasseh, so as to bring him to see his evil ways. He was captured, perhaps while biding 799SSK9HBBBBKS amori* tife thicket iff thorn* tv. 11), bound in chains and carried to Baby lon. This was most humiliating. Hi* bands ware manacled, hia ankle* fas tened together with rings and a bar. III. Manaoeh’s Repentance, ( yy , 12, 18). Fortunately, tbe chastisement bad its desired effect. Manasseh was brought to hi* senses end turned from bis evil ways. The steps tn his re pentance, are as follows; 1. Affliction (v, 12). This wsb most severe. Bound wlth chalns and dragged to Babylon. While this was severe, it was light in comparison with the sins which provoked it. 2. Supplication (v. 12). Manasseh had the good sense to cry out to God In this condition. If Is the unmistak able evidence that God’a chastisement Is accomplishing Its purpose. We are Instructed In James 6 :18 in time o f af fliction to pray. 8, Humility (v, 12), This la a com mon characteristic of penitent sonls. Those who come under the hand of God always recognize It in their hum ble walk* 4, Forgiveness (v. 03). As soon as God sees the signs of penitence, lie turns* In mercy to the penitent and grants absolution for sin. Ho one needs to wait long to receive his for giveness. 6, His kingdom restored (v. 18). Manasseh not only was .forgiven, but he was actually restored to hia king dom. Those who truly repent, God will not only forgive, but he will re store (Psa. 32:3-5), 6. Apprehension of ’God (v* 18). Through this .experience Manasseh came to know God. IV. Manasseh's Reformation (vv. 14-20), Manasseh was not content with merely receiving God’s forgive ness and restoration to his kingdom, but he sought so far as possible to undo the mischief which he had done. 1. He strengthened the fortifications of Jerusalem, so ns to make his peo ple safe from the attack of a foreign foe (v. 14). 2, He removed the idols from the House of the Lord (y /lB ). Through bitter experience be had come to know that an idol is nothing, that It cquld avail him nothing In time of deepest need. . Alt the ladies o f the community are urged to attend the meeting of the Red Gross on Tuesday and Fri day afternoons of each week in ttm basement o f the R.* F . church to help in making oi garments apd rolling bandages for our soldier boys in. France. ' Rev. McGrory, o f Monmouth, III., has been tbe guest ot Rev. Me- Michael, during his canvass for the Monmouth College endowmentfund. Miss Elizabeth Nisbet, o f Love- is visiting her grandparents.. Mrs. Dora Trutnbo and daughter, Mildred, are visiting In Osborn and Donatdsville. Your attention is again-called to the appeal made for beaksfif travel and Action to be sent to tn* army camps. The popular magazines are In great demand but bone over two years old are wanted. Sep* to the, library on Thursday, A h gu it IT* j notify the libarian and they will be j called for. ' , You don’ t believe in sales! Well you’ll believe in Our Public Beneft Sale If you’ll Investigate Hart Schaffner Sc Marx finest suits are reduced 20 % Boys’ Suits reduced 20 Per Cent. Straw and Panama Hats reduced 20 Per Cent Always the best quality merchan dise at lowest prices. All Furnishings are Reduced . 10 Per Gent. STRAUSS & HUB “ The Surprise Store” 28-30.E. Third St., Dayton, Ohio urday at 6 p. m. We give S and H Green Stamps. Store- closes Sat- Here is Your Chance ' ..■ / ■' ' ■j ■ ■:■■■' ■ ■- " To Lay in Tour Stock for Present Xhe and Also for Your Fall and Winter Wants. Greatest Sale Ever Turned Loose in This Section of Ohio. Clothing and Shoes are going up higher in price every day. But we have thousands o f dollars’ worth o f merchan dise that we must turn into cash. Don’t miss this -chance. MEAT’S AN D BOY|S’ C LO TH IN G , F IN E SU IT S , TROU SER S , H A T S , CAPS , , SH IR T S , U N D E R W E A R , H O S IE R Y , B E L T S , SPO R T SH IR T S , S IL K S H IR T S , W H IT E D U C K P A N T S , P A N A M A H A T S : L A D IE S ’, M ISSE S ’, C H IL D R E N ’S, M EN ’ S AN D B O Y S ’ F IN E SHOES , O X FO R D S AN D S L IP P E R S . A ll Kinds o f Every Day W O R K SHOES , O V E R A L L S , SH IR T S , JA C K E T S , E tc. W e ha;e no room to mention prices here, but come and get bargains never offered before. Don ’t miss it.* C. A . K E L B L E ’ S THE BIG STORE 17-19 W est Main Street, Xenia Store Open Evenings During This 15 Days' Sale. The Old Reliable “Brinkerhoff” Piano Honestly Made Honestly Advertised Honestly Sold Your Inspection Cordially Invited MUSICSTORE 168 NORTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO-
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