The Cedarville Herald, Volume 40, Numbers 27-52
$ 10CAI AND WJ$ONAl J **.,)!L.IIMWjutwirw* - CUwatene sierli*,* lyutt j*rs. A d augh te r w«* born to Mr. and lira , W ilbu r Dooley, F riday , Mra, Louise Htff 19 the guest of Mr M arry IiiB and fam ily in. London, Mr#* Cbas.“H*4 at Piqua spent Monday here. g f e g 1 •W» Hweeney of Newport, Ky,-(was here la s t F riday , Watoh for th e Olltnaleno lady. " 1 "' ' I “I If -|| ......... . „ Wash p a in t w ith Ciitnalejia M r ,, 3Sd E rlich , wife, and eon, David, o f Ludlow, Ky», are being en te rta ined a t the homs ot Mr, and Mrs. W . It, W att. Mr#. G. M* Crouse was afc-hotne Monday afternoon to a number of l Rdie* honoring hpr guest#, the MI bbbs In ez and Eloise Cook, of Al- toona, Pa,, neices e f Mr, Crouse, L ig h t yefreahments were served du ring the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Meson Manna have returned to the ir home m Ruthyeii, Iowa a fte r an exteuded visit w ith relatives. Mr. G. F . Slegler is with a South Charleston delegation spending a week a t . Russells Point. Miss N ina Shroades is th e guest of Springfield relatives th is week. Miss Josephine Baudall is v isit ing in Springfield th is week. Mr. F ran k Shepherd of Colum bus of GottimbuS is spending a few dkys with his aun t, Mrs. Mary Bridgman. ’ Miss E lla Clemans of Wilmington is a guest a t th e home ot her uncle, Mr. W. L . Olemans and wife. Mr. B . M. Mo Kee and wife are v isiting in Toledo, d riv ing through and «xpeoting to re tu rn Monday. P rivate John Townsley of- Co. B Th ird Ohio Field Battery stationed in Columbus, dropped in to town th is week, for a short stay , John is nu rsing a sore arn i due to vaccina tion. A line of snowy wh ite cldfhes when you Use Oliittaleiie. WANTED: —Dead Stock. "We p ay the h ighest cash price.* Promp t a tten tion paid to a ll calls. Cash paid on removal. Bell Phone, Pitoh- iu, O, Home Phone, Farm er Line, Springfield, O . .»Phoae 'J^o* 8-178 CedarviUo, 0 . B rubaker Bros., Selma, Ohio. Woman’s friend is a Large Trial Buttle of Sanoi Prescrip tion. Pine fo r black head?, Ec zema and, all rough, skin and clear complexion. A rea l skin Tonic. Get a 35c Trial bottle a t the drug Store. The many friends and relatives of Miss Pauline GiUaugh of Dayton, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs, C. H . G il- laugh, will be pleased to h ea r of her m arriage on Thursday , Aug* 9 a t 3:80 P . M, to Mr. F r e d ric k , H u rs t Moler. The wedding wa# a very qu ie t affair, tak ing place a t the home of the bride in the presence of th e fam ily and a few friends. The b ride and groom le ft on trip for the lakes. Mr, Moler has a responsible position w ith the P l a tt Iran Works and bis bride is a, charm ing young lady with m any friends here who ex tend congratulations, Do you get up a t night? Sanoi is surely the best for all kidney or bladder troubles. Sanoi gives relief in 24 n mrs from all back ache and bladder trouble. Sanoi is a guaranteed remedy. 35c and $1.00 a bottle a t the dnlg store. Suiiday,AugiiBt 19. P e n n s y l v a n ia . JUNES D a y t o n JUL, SPECIALTRAIN LEAVES 7:48 A. M. ............................— — " J '• ■ l.n * ’ 'W.JI.wvff—*? 1 '• 1 - 1 u , - - - '. - - - - TT^ " r, « i— , Dayton Sales Events Now Are Bound to c • , ' . . . Every'Wedaes Murknlop rfliUtn if DaytixKitaKTrail Bxriau The drive for the gale of Chautauqua tickets will he made Tuesday, August » 21, -The Guarantors will m eet Monday evening in the council chamber to receive -tickets and . get routing. Progressive people use Cumalene, Interest Thrifty Folks More of the people are looking ahead now than ever be- You are saving not only the amount o f the reduction fore* They know that manufacturing costsiire going up from the former price—you save also the amount of right along and it’s wise to think 01 future needs and. increase you would have to pay fo r the same merehan- buy for the future when good opportunity presents disc next year-'because manufacturers* prices are itself, *, , . _ always advancing* The reduced sales going on this month m Dayton’s big ' Bear in mind the sales include" furniture, furnishings, stores offer the opportunity and are actually double furs, shots, millinery and other apparel for men, savings-—yes double. women and children. ♦. 1 EveryWednestl&y ftjkr&anSfiopp£ DaylnDayton Visit tin stirKljsp?iy»tttis tallii Climalcne lasts longerai>cl has more uses th a n sim ilar articles* Misss Florence Williamson is down with typhoid fever. Miss Winifred doe, of West Lib erty, has been the guest of her cousin, Miss Hester Dean. Mr, G. H. Smith sold the Charles Martin farm this week to rJames St. John, of near New Jasper. The i'strm comprises 64 acres and brought $150 an acre. Mrs, J. W. Dixon wa's at-home Thursday afternoon to the members of the Kadantra Club and a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. W.^R. Sterrett have issued invitations for Friday night in honor of their son, W. Dwight, Ster re tt and bride, who have 'returned from.their wedding trip. Mr. James I, Townsley and wife, of Jacksonville, Fla., have been the] guests o f Mr. W. P. Townsley and family. Rev. J. W. Patton is- visiting his parents and sisters in Marietta and New Matamoras, Ohio, expecting. t,o be absent about ten days, ‘ Harvey Breakall, Xenia, who cilt his wife's throat last Thursday qight on the- streets in that city and then slashed his own, will have to face a charge of cutting to kill. Both are improving, though her injury was the worst, . Miss Ruth Owings, of Cincinnati, is the guest of her brother-in-law, G. H. Hartman and family." t , QUARTET FROM LOZITO’S BAND. ^ In addition to the splendid ensemble numbers which the YbtK City' Marine Band, under the direction of the magnetic bandmaster, Mario Lozlto. ■trill give a t our Chautauqua, there will be a great variety of combination numbers. The quartet shown ‘above has been especially chosen, from among the select artists making up this great organization. \ A complete stock of United States Tires carried by OWENS & SON, Cedarville, Ohio. Louis Wehner, of Indianapolis, has been the guest of his sister, Mrs, L. M. Miles. Mrs. Wm. Neeld and daughter, Edith,.of Xenia, are a t the home_of Dr. E. C. Oglesbee, during the ab sence of, the family a t Atlantic Cify for three weeks. Mr. O. M. Townsley, while a t work about his chicken yard, was stricken with paralysis Wednesday morning. Dr. J. O. Stewart was called ana ten-, dered medical aid. Mr. Townsley has recovered the use of his right j*de, but the left still troubles him.. Johnny Jones, colored race horse driver, met with ml accident a t the Springfield races Tuesday when two horses collided. Jones was driving, James Daile’1's horse. The bike was damaged beyond repair and Jones in jured about tlie back. Mrs. J. E. Mitchell and two daugh ters, Marion and Ruth, have returned home after an eight weeks’ visit in the West, most of the time being spent with her brothers, Boyd and Graham Wylie, in the Dakotas. Sev eral stops were made enroute home, one a t Monmouth, III., where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will McMillan, Mr. A. E. Richards visited his brother, Ralph, in a government training camp near Charleston, W. Va„ ever Sabbath. Ralph enlisted from Parkersburg, tha t city having furnished enough enlisted men that none will be taken from the first draft. Only a few cities or towns have such a record. The record price for hogs on the big markets, $l7*G0, is causing farm ers some concern just a t present. Can this price be maintained with the government in control of the grain situation. Corn has dropped and this is almost a forerunner of what hogs will do. The wheat market is Very uncertain and many believe that farmers will yet have to take less than $2 for their wheat. The govern ment is npw in charge of the situ ation and those who have their, wheat crops to sell are on the anxious scat. Young msn and -young women with office training are sure of good post" ttotui -ploa#*nt work, excellent p#y, splendid prospects. Write for illustrated catalogue, free. MIAMMACOBS BUSINESS COLLEGE f .MWI 0 Malm,OtyMIMOhfc* CHURCHiSERVICE. . M. E . CHURCH. J .W . Patton , Pastor. Sunday School a t 9:80 a. m» L< H Sullehbergor Supt. Rev. C. D. Munsey, of South Charleston, will fill the M. E. pulpit Sabbath morning. NOTICE - Owing to sickness Rev Munsey cannot fill the pu lp it so there wilUie no p rea ch in g Epworth League a t $ no. T h e Old Reliable “Brinkerhoff” Piano Honestly Made Honestly Advertised Honestly Sold Your Inspection Cordially Invited MUSIC STORE 166 NORTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO. *
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