The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 1-26

Mcrald. Th* (Jaw l# ate? *4**ratai*rta w } mw you mo ready to *t*i* 4 « 4 a<Tjwfaiww. you’ll notice tim t the ****j!*seiye »««dte*t ta «« advertiser, 'V W V V w W ////^W A lV W V V ,A FOKTY-FIBST Y EA B ^O .i. OEDARVIEEE, OHIO, FRl$JkY, DECEMBER 21, 3T 1917 PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR CAMP SHERMAN BASKET BALL TEAM HERE SATURDAY % Famous Football ted Basketball S ta ll From Large Universities Will Meet the College Boy* at Alford Gym. Saturday Might —Greatest Basketball Game Ever, i# Scheduled. the the The larger universities had honor of football contests with - - Camp Sherman boys but one of the greatest athletic treats ever offered Cedarville Tropic comes Saturday night when the Company,F basket ball team from Camp Sfifexmari will meet the College team »n the Alford Gym floor. Every available inch' of standing room should be taken up *by Cedamlle people ’in honor of the camp team. < While some of our local boys from the edmpany team null have a patti yet an introduction to the list,* of players will convince all that no such list of basket ball talent ever before graced the floor of Alford gym., The^ entire proceeds,'of t h i game goes into the athletic fund of Com­ pany TP, composed almost entirely of •>Greene county boys and the one that has the largest per cent of Cedar- j ville conscripts, ^TKe Saturday night* , game is going to ,be like two hom,e teams, ' • According to- advance information . fro in the Camp,, Manager William Coffins of the College team, is ad­ vised that the ♦JF" boys will be as .follows: Captain Edmunds of Company F, is a Michigan University man of All- American foot ball fame/ “Nocky’’ Rupp, an All-American foot hall Star* and basket ball player of Dennison University.' Lieutenant. Keagy, coach fo r West­ e rn Reserve* Wilbur,Cony of Antioch and John Collins and Paul Creswell of C. C. fame. , • Don’t be a slacker Saturday night but enlist for this great game. The admission is 35 cents and the' entire proceeds. goes into the Company F athletic fund. Honor the bays who go to the front with a packed house. ■-'fit ” ' HERALD GETS LETTER . FROM P, H. CRESWELL YOUNG WIFE DIES, ' ’ ” H |trrju-n.iunn-, ■|- /ill _ ., 1 '. < ^ *M . * INTERNAL REVENUE**COLLEC- TOR COMING JANUARY 3rd. j ■ We have a communication from A. C, Gilligan, collector of internal rev­ enue for this district, stating that an Income tax officer will be in this couit- tatt Jan. 3 to 15,, with hcadquat- i^de^OTmeht IV, and women of this county will be call­ ed upon fo r income taxes, • .The officer.will have proper blanks ahd assist you .in making your return. I t is your duty under the law to seek the officer, ho is not compelled t<* find you.. I f so, a penalty of as high as $1,000 is levied or jail sentence. I t is up to each citizen to lookrinto this matter.., , AH single, persons with an income of £1,000 or married'with $2,000 ft year must make returns.. Mind, the government does not figure in gUess work. You mustrgo prepared to pre­ sent figures tha,t can bo proven. This, is up to the citizen, not the govern­ ment. I f the officer is not satisfied with your return he may put you down for whatever amount he thinks best. If this is ignored, the penalty as above is enforced.* No family expense can he taken into Consideration, money used to pay principal of debt, machinery, build­ ings. Expense of interest, taxes, hir­ ed help, seed, stock for feeding, farm ren t but not household. These-are the things you had better know before facing the collector. I t might be rather expensive to have him call on you. .. This is to be a Red Crosft appeal to you.. Possibly before you read it, lowever, you will be visited by a Red Cross enthusiast who has asked you so sign as a member fo r the comiiig year. How did you answer? Per- nnps you have not realized the need. Would you respond'if you knew your ion or brother was wounded a t the front and his wounds were dressed, with ekcelsior for lack of proper dressing? Sohiebody’s boy is endur- ;ng that, _because We do not under­ stand the conditions a Red Cross •vurse or physician must meet. Cedarville has justly won recogni­ tion all over the county for her in­ terest and liherality and we have, a reputation to sustain, and. ctepb^filV, behind the other towns’Ih our liew membership drive. To those who • . . . “ mP.a ■ He,) Croi.s regulations require all WAR TAX ON ALL LECTURE TICKETS According to a ruling of the in­ ternal revenue department all season tickets for entertainments will be subject to the war tax. The tax will he based On the single admission J irice. The tax must he collected or each number, If the single-ad­ mission is 05 cents the tax will he 4 cents, « FEW GET FURLOUGHS. I t seems tha t one-third of the Camp Sherman men will get Christmas fu r­ loughs, the lucky ones to be chosen following a merit test. Last week Or­ ders Were that none of the conscripts would get to leave the camp. This rule Is to apply to the Camp Sherman boy* in Alabama. HOME FROM SPRINGFIELD. Mr. Cash Gordon was able to return from Springfield Wednesday after be­ ing in th a t city several weeks where he underwent treatment for ulcerat­ ed stomach, Mr, Gordon is much im proved although still Weak. GOES INTO RECEIVERSHIP. The Greenville Tribune, daily, has joined the l(mg„ Hat of Ohio papers th a t bare wet financial WSuhle over the h i # cost of material that en­ ters into the making of newspapers and a receiver ha* been named to take over the plant. The Wednesday mail brought up a letter, from P, H. Creswell, who i» with a branch of the aviation corps somewhere in Italy. Paul writes that he is thoroughly enjoying his work and th a t he has fine quarters and good treatment in the finest aviation train­ ing camp in the world. He states that he has traveled through several countries and lie is convinced that it is up to America to either win • or lose - the war. The struggle has just begun and has not been felt a t home, so the sooner the country awakes the sooner the con­ flict will be over, nnd you know I am an optimist. Paul is anxious to hear from home and asks that the Herald be sent, as well as^asking his friends te* Write him once in 'a while. Christmas and New Year’s greetings were extended to all. The camp would appreciate any books or magazines. , , Mr, Albert McGiven is ip a'very se­ rious condition, though thought to be some better a t this time, J -------- ------------- , ORDNANCE INSPECTOR . . . Mr. Robert Conley was home over S.abbath spending the day with Ids parents, Mr. and Mrs. WiJIiam Con­ ley. ' Robert a t present "i* located in Middletown whpre he is ordnance in­ spector for the navy department of the American Rolling Mill Co, TJp until ^recently Mr. Conley was locat­ ed in Dayton making inspections of war materials manufactured in that city. ' CEDARVILLE REP CROSS MEMBERSHIP DRIVE membership* to begin the first;of the year, but Cedarville .was late begin­ ning last year, so. all fees are due now for the next year. ‘ Mr. Sullen- berger has kindly offered, his store as Red Cross headquarters. Anyone leaving their name and dues, one dollar, with him, will bo enrolled. Or leave your name and the dues will be accepted later, if th a t is more con­ venient. Election of officers fo r the new year will be held in the mayor’s office at 7:30 January 4. As many members ^as possible .should he -there,- I t will be gratifying to alt the ladies who have been interested in she know that a t the re­ cent Inspection in Xenia, Cedarville’s work was approved and accepted. In­ terest i n . the sewing has been de­ creasing in the. last few weeks ahd those in charge are very much con­ cerned. There is room and work, both, a t the library for a great many more ladies on* Friday each week. Can We not feel a greater interest and give one afternoon a week to the comfort and very real need of the boys “over there?” We believe this to he the biggest appeal to each ladie’ time and aid just now. Tlie following has been completed and sent: 3119 surgical dressings, 18 fracture pillowB, 10 hospital shirts, IS pair* pajamas, S3 sweaters, 16 scarfs,, 23 w ristlets, * sleeping hoods. A CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION, When you make a present of The Youth’s Companion you are giving not merely the means of wholesome pleasure and fascinatng information every week. The Companion is all that. But it? is something mane. Hundreds of letters to The Compan­ ion speak of the influence of the paper in binding home ties, The mothers and fathers and tile boys and girls in Companion families are. very close knit in ther affectons. They have a comon interest in the same duties and recreations, and they all regard- 'The Companion as one of themselves. I t has a person­ ality and a character unique among publications, and you cannot intro- Uce a more inspiring influence into any home circle. I t la' not a publication merely— it’s d friend. The Companion alone is $2.00, but he publishers make an Extraordinary >Double Christmas Present Offer—The Youth’s Com­ panion and McCall’s Magazine to­ gether for $2,25, ! , This two-ab-one-prko offer in­ cludes: ^ , i. The Youth’s Companion— 52 issues in 1918. . / „ , 2. AU remaining 1917 issues of The Companion free. 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1918. , * * 4. MeCal’ft .Magazine—12 fashion numbers in 1918. All for only $2.25. THE YOUTHS COMPANION, Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. . N«w Subscriptions Received at this Ottee. BITS OF NEWS TAKEN FROM THE HERALD FILES | Mrs. Elizabeth Barnett Lackey,: jwife of Clarence Lackey, who lives! . on the Jamestown and Selma pike,' •diedSabbath after a short illness fo l-. !lowing the birth’ of her baby daugh- ‘ iter, Martha.Virginia. The deceased — ^----;--------------^ iwas hom in 1884 and was the daugh-1 te r of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barn-i ] e tt of the Bellbrook pike near Xenia.; v&M P®r f 0* "> Ishe was married to Mr. Lackey in i . Cleveland Jaws i 1916 and leaves the little daughter,! torn of Jerusalem . !husband, her parents, six brothers j ■.Marion chamber ] and sisters, four of the brother* be-1 cured 40 Q new m j ing at Camp Sherman. The funeral f Ralph. Crew, 23, : was held Wednesday, burial taking killed while fight! ' place a t Xenia, in -France. ---------------— •— The Oak. Harbor a t Oak Harbor *li pended publication, . ;.Four' parson.*:.d< Youngstown of tha were1frozen to daa Burglars stole $3. from*the Toledo. Si ing company of ’ died of injuries, fi ..fell ddwn£itt::fi|gB| ; Rev. Wesley 13. was appointed eh Thdiistfihi'', behtmi.;'nt2 •;uRevt '^Findlay,1 killing a squirrel Four freight „train rear 'of:hjuafher' ... ’slon selected O, H work, . 7 from railroad cars Covered by the poll In a i,arm Rev. M. M. K Grace Lutheran ch summoned' to be erau church: at ■*Payrolls of Y last month totaled record, Total -tor the year ta $63^05, A t Chardcn guilty to secoufi tlie charge of kill aged Midsilefield ri Mahoning commissioner* heeftars to oltaeno days and. wliootl War breads afi formula, has made' Ohio c{tiea and range from 3 to .loaf. ■’ --- Fifteen perse -a t Toledo Of a were ordered'. Bits pf Items taken from the files of December 1891, that will be read with interest; We. are informed that B. G. Ridg- way, our popular druggist, and Miss Jennie Warner, were quietly married in Columbus on Thanksgiving day. The wedding was private as only two of their most intimate friends were present. School will be opened Monday as alt the scarlet fever patients are getting well. Mrs. Belle McMillan has gone to Yellow Springs where she will keep house for her son, James H„ who has gone into the furniture and Under­ taking business in that, place, A house ton the Dr, Snyder fktm was dynamited Thursday evening but the loss was not great. The parties interested have not been made known but it is said the neighborhood was not very desirous for the company of the family that occupied it. Link Jeffries had a doso vail at Ervin's lime kiln yesterday while fix­ ing a belt. His coat was caught in the shafting and he was hurled over once when Mr. Ervin caught him and held him until his clothes were torn from him. He was not injured other than’bruises. Dr. Baldridge was severely injured, yesterday when he alighted froni his; buggy. His foot caught in the lines ami in the fall his left leg was dis­ located and he wilt he confined for several weeks." Newton Townsley 'celebrated his 7$th birthday yesterday with all the family present, _ .„ Cof. I. T. Cummins endorses the lectures course number, Willetts, who lectures on “Sunshine,” Miss ’Bernice Wolford of Spring- Miss Gertrude Dean has gone to Co­ lumbus to spend th e winter with her sister, Mrs. Patton. Dick Nesbit secured a position a s mait clerk with a run between Pitts­ burg and Cincinnati. Will Conley had a severe *“son” stroke last Saturday merging, but it is safe to say he will recover as it was the first attack, < There was trouble a t Zion last Saturday night hut not the Zion you sing about. .Trouble.broke out-.imon'g members o f Zion Baptist church’when Ellis McMillan was making a state­ ment before the congregation. Anoth­ er member objected and there was trouble In camp. Charges were filed against Ellis but before trial the church leaders had changed their mind and Ells was given his liberty by the Officers. Yellow Spring*, will be without part of the street lighting, accord­ ing to a notice given by the Board of Public Affairs, Council,has failed to provide funds and the board not having autho ity to borrow money must curtail the’ light. People .about town have been con­ gratulating .themselves on the few tramps that have visited the town this winter. The tramp-liouse has been used but a very; few nights, probably three or four, something very unusual. I t is an indication of the scarcity of labor and that those who heretofore have been troubled with “Wanderulst” have Settled down to do something for themselves, Notice—-Our store will be open ev­ ery , evening from now until Xmas. C. A. Kelbles, 19 W. Main street, Xenia, Ohio. A number of the registered boys in this Vicinity as well as over the coun­ ty have received the questionnaire* sent out by the county board. Five per Cent or about 100 are mailed each day and the boys must have the blanks filled out and relum e . in sev­ en days. Attorneys in Xenia have offered their services to the boys in filling out the blanks. Take no chance on having an unexperienced person advise on this matter as it may get you into trouble. HOW’S THIS? How’s Tills? We offer One Hundred Dollar* Re­ ward fo r any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine, Hall’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers fo r the past thirty-five years, and has be­ come known as the most reliable rem­ edy for Catarrh, Hall’s Catarrh Mtdidne acts thrutfhe Blood oti the Mucous-surforeft, expelling the Poison from the Blood anti healing, -the dis­ eased portions. •.After you have taken Hall’s^la- tairh Medicine % a sport time you will see a great improvement In your ;:eneral health. Start taking Hall’* t atarrh Medicine at ones and gat rid of catarrh, Send for teetimoinali, F. .UCHENNF A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Drugging 7 fo are to pay powder, tad’ the cap- :British, commerce se­ ta throe days, lion, ha* been fth the.British published 11378, has sun* tlie toll in .wave. Three f-worth of cloth and -Refiu" COAL ARRIVES SATURDAY ' TO RELIEVE SITUATION * 4 S’ - % Six care of coal were received "in tfiis county Saturday, one of which was distributed through Kerr & Hast- mn» Bros. The time is past for there toing a choice of coal'the last ship­ ment being furnace coal but those out of fuel were allowed*a half ten. Dei :’ivories ware made Sabbath morning to a number of families in need. APPEALS FOR HELP, NATIONAL PROHIBITION UP TO STATE LEGISLATURES Y. W. C. A. CAMPAIGN. The Y. W. C, A. War Work Cam­ paign opened in the opera house Sab­ bath evening with a good crowd pres­ ent, The speakers weret Dr. B. R. McClellan and Mrs, Carrie Geyer, h 'th of whom inspired the audience ' s giving support to the wdrk, .Sub- friptions, to the amount of $200 wei*e received, The township trustee* have had an unusual number of appeals from the poor for fuel and groceries dur­ ing the excessive cold weather. There have been a number of cases where families were not only destitute but almost a t the point of freezing, The coal shortage made it impossible for the officers to give instant relief and in one particular case neighbor* hauled wood and then cut it that the aged people could be kept warm. Liberality on the part of a number of citizens who have rendered aid have been reported. It is not good policy to mention, names due to "the fact, that offtimes •poor families that are worthy of support are Eensative of charitable assistance. 1 Mr, .T, W. Johnson was in Cincin­ nati, Tuesday, on business’, - ■ An important step for national pro­ hibition took place Monday when the House by a vote of 282 to 128 author­ ized that the amendment be submitted to the state legislatures, ratification or rejection to take place in seven year*. Tuesday the Sedate passed the same law by a vote of 47 to. 8. Ir­ respective of this action the OhioAnti- Saloon league is determined to have another vote in this state next fall, so that the people can go on record. WILL BE AVIATOR. P ro f R. Cecil Burns, principal of the DeGraff schools, has enlisted as an aviator, taking his Examination in Dayton and Cincinnati last Wed­ nesday. ’ . ; Somerset, when she A' ,of Marysville at the Boys' ter- Jeneru, near, and costs for, [bf ssason- whon a Big bed into tha : at. Tiffin, may comrate of Crystal prevention i r o b t . b i r d & s o n s ’ c o , ( Big Store is chock full of good things for Christmas Shopping. Gifts suitable, for everyone can be found £ here. r , r- ? t e r shoes, stolon Toledo, was re- teo foiipfi them ie, pastor ot Altoona, was of First Lath . industries. 239 , 803 , a non i i months of Joiner pleaded murder on rton Raymond, 'ihpior license 2§5 saloon- leatless T ugs - lay**-! government ratico, in •well. Price's ter a small ^were accused in transit on for coal (j^ddttkmal for l i n society and Fite and Game asspeiation. OhCodn* are asked to throw out crumbs and other bits of food.- for tha feathered folk. " • ' , Mrs, William S, Mackenzie,. 34, Springfield, wife ot the former presi­ dent of the Builders' exchange, 'Com­ mitted stttcido by shooting herself In the brenet, IH health 1* given a* the z s t cause, .Two hundred interurban trainmen, or the Cleveland, Southwestern and Columbus railway wont on strike fob lowing a. vote- taken after-, company officials refused te grant a pay in­ crease. WaUer Wfyiarcft, 00, was suffocat­ ed a t a Newark boarding house when it was partly destroyed by lire. Wiyi- arch discovered the fire and left the building, but returned to rescue his pet dog. Ohio householders who hoard food ,will be dealt With by the food admin­ istration as severely as Tetail and Wholesale dealers, according to a warning Issued by State Administra­ tor Fred C. Croxton. For cutting the throat of hi* 15- year-oht sweetheart,. Augusta Sickles Harding, at Worthington, Franklin county, her murderer, Blaine Snotiffor, 28, was put to' death In the electric chair at the Ohio penitentiary. William G. Roberts, 45, former aud­ itor of Mtlgs coutity, and who resign­ ed n few weeks ago as county treas­ urer, committed sulckle by Jumping into a well a t his homo in Pomeroy and drowning himself. He had bean ill. • At Youngstown fire which was started by a hot plate In the Rogers Clothes shop, quickly spread to the itarohson Brothers’ Hquo store and tlie Charles; Livingston & Sons’ cloth* ing store, each of which was destroy­ ed by the flames, Almost priceless art treasures, a collection of a lifetime, miyte by Jo­ seph G. Butler, Jr., multimillionaire steel ■manufacturer, Were destroyed when Butler’s residence a t Youngs­ town was burned. The loss is esti- ~si mated a t $1,000,009. Julius Kish, native Austrian and mechanical, genius, convicted at Cleveland of first degree murder, had his death sentence Commuted to life imprisonment when he promised ta spend, his time inventing war imple­ ments ter the government. Announcement was made that Miss Edwin Glenn, daughter of Major Gen _ _ eral Edwin J3. Glenn commander of1”"”* the Eighty-third national army dlvi sion, and Captain James R, Garfield, will be married Dec. 31 at Camp Sher­ man, Garfield Is a grandson of termer President Garfield. Oft order Of- Governor ( ‘o t several thousim-war* of lake otmsigned c?af on te lln p lnTBiio wqgv jnelitod and: placed at the disposal of Ohio domes-1 He and cointaere>! consumers. The gotrvm.r branded the agitation for <oni in the northwest as a m<we to enable operators to get prices hig.ier .than those fixed under the fuel law. Vdzure of the coal was made over* tfm pretest of Enel Administrator Garfield. . ■ ■ Christmas shopping made easy If von come to the Big Stare. C* A* Kalhte’fc Xania, Ohio. Fancy Towels, Handkerchiefs, Cap and Scarf Sets, >ers, Silk Hose, Fancy Collars, Neck Ties, Mufflers, Cut Glass and Chinaware, - > 1 . ■- .-: m » • "'k- * -. -" -i- •.r . a v - . \. • ;• ■'-i. • ■' V 1 ■ .,r.- ; •••.•■_ ■, . ■■ 'j • •:•<- ..v. U tf Toys, Dolls, Games, and Books ■ ' f We want your trade, Come in and see our display. Make our store your stopping and shopping place. Remember it pays to trade at YouAreInvi ed toBecomeaMember . 7 • /; ■ O F O U R And start a Bank Account with lc 2c 5c 10c $1 or more 1 The Easiest, Simplest and Surest Savings Plan 55 Coma to th is Bank Deposit lc , 2c, 5c or 10c and increase th e same Ej§ am o u n t each week for 50 weeks—-or deposit 25c, 50c, $1.00 or $2,00 regu- S larly each week for th e same leng th of tim e—According to th e following III classes: • H Join as Many Classes as You Desire Class, and save........ .................$ 12.75 it 1 -A II 4 ............... 12.75 it 2 41 <1 i .* 4 * n gn «ji t «i «i i ■ it 2 -A >IIJ 41 . . . . . . tf. 25.50 . U 5 It 41 ............... 63.75 II 5 -A it 41 *■ »>' *M*. * . , , ** 63,75 Class 10 and save, *$ 5.00 *♦ “lc <i u 10 tttx # | “ 50 “ , “ ............. . 25.00 “ 100 “ ‘ ” ............. 50*00 ” 200 “ " . . . * ....................... 100.00 “ 500 w 250.00 8 B igg) - mumm, g Enroll Yourself-Enroll EachMember of Your Family H - Get Your Friends to Join . j S e t Your Children a Good Example — Teach T hem th e Saving H ab it H Encourage Your Employes to Have Bank Account# g Everybody Is W elcome The Exchange Bank