The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 1-26

% * F O R . PLEASURE AND PASTIME Why not spend your leisure hours in doing: some** thing useful? *» —Knitting for thbee “ Over There” and “ Over Here” . -Embroidering a waist, drees, hat, or something for yourself or little folk, -M ak ing a pillow, just the thing for the canoe. . Our “ Art Shop” offers many useful articles for the summer, vacation or trip. - ATTENTION! Free instructions in knitting and embroidering are given to all who purchase materials here. The Elder & Johnston Co. DAYTON, OHIO “ The Re-Making Of A Nation” Official Government, Motion Pictures of Camp Sherman, .Ohio. . Murdock Theatra, Cedarville, 0. ATI S P IC E S B E D CROSS d am p lilt© o i Cedatvill# and Oh io B oy s at Camp Sherman, Ohio. Performance Starts J:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8;00 and 9:30 P . M . ADMISSION 25 CENTS, NO WAR TAX No Needles to Change Record Be sure to see and hear the machine be fore making a purchase. Machine glad- Iy sent on approval. i l l £. Main^st, Xenic, 0.1 a Thrifty Personand Buya Wil ard, the * ; Thrift Battery J What if Your Spark Should Fail? •If the spark fails there^ nothing to do but phone for help. Worse than the expense is the annoyance — the loss o f time —*both easily avoidable. W e can show you how to get a t the facts and avoid the danger o f a “ dead** engine and a tow back home. In the Still Better Willard with Threaded Rubber Insulation there’s more starting^ ca­ pacity, more Sparking ability and better light- mg than ever before and Besides that it is the only battery with the “ Bone D ry” principle that is your absolute assurance o f getting a ’ battery as hew as the day it left the factory* Let l us tell you about it. LOCALANi) PBRSQNAL * EKmM ALL IN M M l Fresh bread at Nagley’s. Fresh Guernsey cow fo r sale, pure bred. Oliver Jobe. T*" We have received'A ear o f Amer­ ican Fence. .Supply your needs be­ fore it is all sold. Kerr & Hastings Bros. Mr, Harry Bird, o f the University o f Cincinnati, came up Friday fo r college commencement. Mr. G. A. Shroades spent Sunday in Columbus, ’ Mr. Lawrence Nisbet o f Loveland, spent the week-end with relatives here. ifoisa Vera Andrew, who teaches at Parkersburg, W, Va., is home fo r the summer vacation. For Sale—Two fine Collie dogs. In­ quire o f B. B. .Barber, Mrs. Clarence Lloyd and baby o f Akron, Q., are the guests o f friends. Miss Blanche Turnbull drove through to Oxford last week to spend 'the week with former college friends. She was accompanied as fa r as Tren­ ton, O., by Mrs, M. W . Collins, who is making a visit with friends there. Miss Kathleen Blair, is spending the summer at Powell, O. A son was horn last Thursday to' Mr. and Mrs. Oliyer Jobe; Dr. J, O. Stewart is in Chicago this Week attending a medical convention. The Doctor'expects to go on to Mich­ igan to visit with his son, Dr. George Stewart, and Wfe. Mrs. J, H, Milbum- le ft this week for an extended visit with her son, Mr. Frank Milbum, and wife, o f Lodi, Ohio. Mr. It. C. Watt left Tuesday fo r a Week's visit with Mrs. Maria Beal, who is quite feeble at the home o f her •daubhter, Mrs, Hardie, o f Cry- deb's Point, N. Y. The W . C.. T . U , w ill meet next Thursday a t 2 p. m . a t the hontte o f Mr*. Wm ; Speucor. B . K . McC lellan, o f L im a , who lias" been viBiting his nieces, lira . J B a z e lM o C l u r e a n d M r s . Aaron Shephard, returned home Thurs­ d a y morning. Mrs. K / H . Clark, o f Columbus, .Was the guest o f Mrs. ® . E . Payne, Sabbath. M «s Mina Shroades Is visiting relatives and friends In tJpriugfleld. Use the celebrated Thomas mower to harvest yoUr hay crop . Mads in Springfield and no unnecessary de­ lays in getting repairs when needed. K oK e e ’s Hardware Store. Mo better mower on the market than the Thomas and we can give reference to those who use them. We cau deliver at prices that are right. I f yen ever need repairs you can have them in two hours time. M cKee’s Hardware Store, . Ralph W o lford purchased a Dodge touring oar this week. Mr, H enry Farrell informs us that during his v is it ft few days ago at Montgomery, A la ,, to visit his son, Lawreiicb, in camp there he had , he pleasure o f meeting. Second Lieutenant Ralph McM illan and Private John Townsley. .A l l the boys were in good health and spirit but have since le ft lo r H obokon , M. Y ., expecting to be sent to Ita ly . PUBLIC SALE—Household goods, dining room furniture, kitchen furn­ iture, stoves, carpenter tools, etc., Saturday, Juno 15. Mrs, S. E, Lucas. Harry Kennon, Auct. For Sale—Fifteen acres o f mixed hay on the ground. Mrs. Anna Mil­ ler Townsley. Silk shirts with collars, attached $4 to $7.50. C. A. Weaver, Xenia, O. For Sunday service apply to The.Hosier Sales Co.,' just 5 doors west > Tjid Willard Service Station, 118 East Main street, "Xenia. K. C. Shroy- • Battery Expect, in charge. We repair and recharge t o y make o f bat- 'ry, Bell 688-W, Citizen* 220. ^ ------------- 1 -.......— ..... * .......^ ^ . . '■ . lllnirii,„i„.'.li,iT ■ ii miinmiliiiiilMrtriNn n&t month's Butteriak Patterns me I0e and 15c—mne higher. ...................... ..............................iiiiim iriif r ’1i.. DB. O. P. ELIAS *» / DENTIST Exchange Bank Bldg, Cedarville, O, w a r m . I P I C K P A I C*t . o .... Equally good service on the piazza of your home. Walk­ ing on it doesn’t mar it. Rain NE hotel with piazza* 800 feet long has used it for twenty year*., - end snow do not injure it. Come in today and ask about It, 3 THE TAftBOX LUMBER CD, ^perches, floor* and ilf t jM t fig k m a . hjn ix , J ufwatts i m ih t Th* entries fo r coun ty officers tits a llt u a o d but few contests are in |sight, Fpr eoWmlM|oner» Messrs. WHUamaou, Corxy antT PerriU get birth* w ithout eopteat. F or auditor there la A. E . Faulk­ ner for re-alection and Prof. W ade Y ellow Spring*, Four for *beriff, Deputy Funder- burg, Supt. Crow o f the workhouse E . is. Lighthlaer and CLifl Lattim er, F or clerk o f court, prosecutor, recorder, coroner and treasurer there is n o opposition . . For surveyor F aw cett w ill have opposition in Perry Shumaker fo r m er city englueer iq X en ia . mtS NjwswtwhiiattiwpiiaWtijii^^ emmctstamnOsm GAMP SHERMAN SAMMIES TO BEFLASHEDFROMSCREEN Samm ies a t Camp Sherman, to gather w ith the thousand o f other selects, w ill b e flashed from the screen, when the b ig camp m ovie / ‘ The Re-M ak ing O f a .N a tio n " is presented a t the Murdock Theatre matinee and night, W ednesday, July 3. This film shows a group o f ‘ •selects” arriving at the camp. Their assignment to a certain d i­ vision, their training- stunts and recreation s p o r t .. I f shows in every detail the life o f a soldier from the .moment he arrives at the big can­ tonment until he is made into a finished Sammy: The picture was made by a b ig Chicago F ilm Producing Company anu produced under tho* personal supervision a t Major General Glenn, MOTIONPICTURE NOTES A good b ill for the com ing week w ill b$ found a t the Murdock Theatra so that picture patrons can attend each night and 'see a star o f the first magu itude.'. Saturday n igh t Fannie W ard w ill be here m “ On the Level. The ad­ mission is 10 and 150.. ' M onday n ight that famouB .film production' that has be'en seen in cities by hundred* o f thousands “ Jack and the Bean Stalk” has been booked. Y ou miss something if you do' not see this. Adm ission 16 and 20c. Marguerite Clark, one o f the sweetest ahd cleverest performers on the s ta g e 'w ill be seen W ednes­ d a y n ight in “ The Amazons” on e o f the. biggest productions y e t filmed. Adm ission 10 and 16c. Thu rsday n igh t, June 30 Corrlnne Griffith and H arry Morey In ‘*Who G obs There?” wifi be the attraction. Both o f these stain are Well known and yott can see theta a t. the Mur­ d ock theatre, -Adm ission 10and 16e, M ls se sE Ia le filifoiffles, Mildred Trumbo and Ora Hanna le ft Satur­ day for O x ford to attend Summer S ch o o l.. Miss Donna Burns .delightfu lly entertained the <3. C, olafts of. ’ 17 to 6 o ’ clock idinner , on W ednesday evening. Tb* menu and the lovely .center piece o f An ierican Beauty roses and white earhatioiis carried ou t the class colors of. red and white. The vacant p la ce * f the one soldier o f the. class, John Collins, w h o le now in the service o f biB country, was covered with an American flag. Orders taken lor homemade fancy cakes for any occasion , Mrs. A rthur Sloan, Ph on e 144. The Kadantra Club was enter­ tained Monday a t the hom e o f Mrs. Slayton McMillSn. A lawn fete w ill be held a t the rear Of the opera house Saturday evening by the combined Oedar- v ille-Ch fton bands for tb* benefit o f the Red Cross. Mrs. Earl" McClellan, ne* Mary Hastings, entertained about thirty guests Tuesday evening at her home on the Upper B ellbrook pike below Xen ia in honor o f Miss Bertha Btormont, whose marriage to Mr, W illiam Ferguson takes place this month. Tea towels were hemmed and presented to the gitCBt o f honor. The famous high grade v ety light weight “ Bals- buntal” straw hat for com ­ fort at $8.00 each. C. A. Weaver, Xenia, O. T AN K A G E for sale. B e ll Phone C lifton or P itchln exchange. B R U B A K E R BROS CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over30 Years Always bears the Signature of YouCan’t Affordto Speculate in Clothes These Days== Today with clothing costs going higher the prudent man gives thought to where his money goes; he seeks the safest channels. His clothe§ are chosen with the same care as his doctor op lawyer* That’s why so many men are choosing Hirst Wickwire and Michaels- Stern Clothes. We’re featuring a large line of these two famous makes at $22.50, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 to $40.00 Clothes you can depend on to WEAR and HOLD their shape to the last, all backed by our guarantee. For your comfort this hot weather we’re showing a large line of Coo* Crashes, Palm Beaches, .Mohairs and Gabardines. The 22 S. Detroit St; H fm , m m m a t h 8 c y £ XENIA, OHIO IjiHiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiuiiiiiiBiuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiijfiiiiiiiiHiiiuiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiii,;. S s COMMENCEMENT DAY A Mommentous Occasion In 1he Life Of The ‘ ‘Sweet Girl Graduate” The day of days—when ati appropriate gift .of permanent value has great significance and Is especially prized. Nothing finer, nothing more fitting, no gift more enduring, no g ift. * more welcome to the talented young graduate than the dainty, exquisite , BRAMBACH BABY g r a n d p ia n o A perfect gem of an instrument Requires no more space than an Upright piano, ahd costs no more than a high-grade upright. PRICE $525 Come in and tee the Brambach Baby Grand! Piano, We have just received some typical example* of these beautiful little instruments. We will be glad to trial!, to anyone making Request, a tissue paper pattern, the 4 exact size and shape of this wonderful little Brand, which, when laid upon the floor * ' will show the spacefills Instrument, .wli! occupy. • General Change inTime of Time S U N D A Y JUNE l£ th M 8 ^ S t L ^ i ^ A g t o t ^ r pkrtloulkrs 168 NORTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. € ! & » j£ n , j c h , •*«*, *f M u C t w r a n o u v s e H t t "3h i