The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 1-26
twPMUMPjf 8P1 4MMf jftJiAliMMVAft mtymm d^faymjuagtibaftauM. Jff ‘JSw “ ♦ -w*^ ^WP^q|P- w Y<MJnB 'j^MHl $§££ JMNMHBilNrtVil j o s T T - r a w r m * » . i : iUlM* CEDAJ3.VILL& OSEtit 3jf.tjtmm Tht Cedarvfn* Cemuftuiiltjr Club WHl ,®€ Held T wm day Evwelftff, Jan 18.. Oaring to lib* fact that another baporUHfc meeting i* scheduled for Jawwry.$, the wmmti m*«w»ff of theCeflorvOleCcmommityOhmwwckb muaauwaeedfor that elate,will be hsid net week later, January 18. Jurtwtire themeettagwiHb« hold ka# b»woartata, bat thspacewill jgumebaedneatwesfr A apIwwMd chicken supper will be semd by the Bed Crow ladic* and a »pf«tke* of prmwbWttce will be *e #«r*d fim* toe occasion. 3h a few dayi •ma^rtyhto cards fo r l9 l8 will ty membrtr^dp m is one dollar whhffi include* the Jrtuwusr, l«* i year an# bondred and fourteen ticket* were sold for the banquet. Let n* etito** that number to* year. The board o f governors have agreed to give the laaww of the Bed Cross fifty cent# per plate formip- per and also a bonus of twenty five cent# per plate for the Bed Cross fond. Every matt to Cedarville CMfcftMMB COUNTYLEADER EasyWhser good' cauee, besides enjoying a tho roughly good time. The plecftdon of officers for the en suing Vear will be held at this meet ing,- The two nominating committees have reported the following sptendid list of- names from which you may make a choice. • - > ' Regular Ticket. President, Dr. "W. B. McChesney , V, President, G. H. Hartman ■Secretary, Prof. P. A,- Jurket Treasurer, L, P. Tindall' - TrUsfee, J. C. Barber Independent Ticket. s . President, O. E. Brodfute V. President, Dr. J. 0, Stewart . Sesretary, Prof, L. D. Parker • Treasurer. L. P. -Tindall Trustee, Clayton McMillan Th« Camp Sherman Co. P tfiOth bosket U*H team were -easy winners in the game between the oosecr' and the college bey* at the AH l**t Saturday evening. The team is composed of four athletes fream this county, three o f whom were from C«- tiarvifie and had brought honor m**»j times for the college team. The camp boys ware in fins form. due to the hardy training they have bean Taeahring on the field. There seemed to be no end to their endur ance. The college boys made a good showing but haver was in sight of success at any point of the game. After all the game was so much like both being home teams the crowd Sheered fust one side and then, the other.' , . The camp, team was composed of Wilbur Carry, former captain of the Antioch team and a recognised bas ket ball thrower. •Paul Evers war from Xenia high school where he had had much experience. Rupp and Hootman were college stars while John Collins and Paul Turnbull were always local favorites In the game. The Cedarville team was- composed of Roger Collins, William. Collins, Horton Creswell, Oliver Cornwell; Prank Cr&well acted as referee, field ko «1 b , Rupp, 10; Cony, 9; John Collins, lO, Turnbull, 6, Hoot man, 1; Creswell, 2, Cornwall, S t, W. Collins, 2, B. Coffins, 2. Foul goals, Cojtry '3, W, Collins, 3, . Captain Edmunds of the Company did not .plav in the game nor did1 lieutenant Kagy, both famous stars. One feature of the game was three brothers^ John Collins on the camp team, said to-be one of the best ath letes at the big camp and Roger and William ColUus of the college team. The score was ,75 to 19. It is- doubtful i f as many stars of basket- balldom ever met on any- floor' in the county. The crowd was the larg est, of man> years. . 0 , lb Jobe Named by Hatted States IRq^mentefAgrlcattare ia Internet «t Feed lucre*#*. LIBRARY NOTES. We want to' thank alt who gave books and' periodicals for the soldiers. They ftre &li Sent to Camp Sherman. A M # a tittfe-hoco tofcgarineg for the | tolhe Boy Scout* '*ms lihmay-’ M r i*Od cmkervation The followtog hr a list of ndsceWstt' eons becks just added to the .librimy. Is there n# oae fc&She list Whkh t o be of interest to-yott? AH books are free fo everyone who lives in the township. Addkon-~-Sir Roger Decoverly Papers Alexaiider—-Boy and the Sunday , School. Allen—Across Asia on a Bicycle American Mett of Letters, Irving American Jfea of Letters, Hawthorne Am-"iciitt Men of Letters, Poe . . Andrew*—Courage of the Common Place 1 Bulks—Seven Wonder* of the Ancient ■' WoHd Bafley—Stories Children Need Bailey—For the Children's Hour Banv'i—Commodore Bainbridge Berier^-The; House Brookings—Briefs for Debate . , Burroughs—Nature Study Series, 2 ■■ :Votemes. , Bummgh*—Winter Sunshine Chicken Thief Left His Sack Etel Crow made a good discovery at Saturday-that resulted m a sup- k,Jsed diicken thief dropping his nhd making a dean got away. -The fellow was seen walking down the read and Mr. Crow being he- * ' “ to * ~ ' cottwined thirteen nice fat heng ail k W ch had had their ne«aa wrung. Wnkmg the property was Howard Turnbull's, he being in town was called to inspect the. poultry and it was identified.. The blood hounds fere called but could not get any definite trace. The chickens being warm were dressed and placed on the market at Post’S grocery, ~ Get Questionnaires Farming Cleveland—First Lessons in Finance English Men of Letters, Burns English Man of Letters, Tennyson Fowaah—Boy Problem Fowle—Ealdgh and His Exploits Holmes—New Wars and Old Gill—Practical Bwkatiy/ _ Glwucm—Our Part in the Oreat War Green—Popular Fruit Growing Homan—Ooysaey Hopkins—French Canada Johnson—Problems of Boyhood Kannelly—Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony i Khme and Cooley—Food and House hold Management Erehbiel—Book of Operas Iamb—Essays of Elia Mable—’William Shakespeare TilcKeaver—Training the Boy McKeevao—Training the Girl Old EngiUh Ballads Richard*—Cost of Living Rofetaeon—Hand o f Fa Manchi Bose—Feeding the Family Seton—Wild Animals I Hava Known Swmeer—Essay on Education ‘raoreem—Walden ■ WVhwtt—500 Ways to Help Your Omrch WBsen—Why W* are at War The conscripts under the draft are receiving their questionnaire* and each day finds a good crowd about the court house where the attorneys act ing as a legal advisory board are giv ing assistance to the young men in properly filling ont the blanks, I t is said a number of amusing things hap pen the most prominent being where conscripts With dependent* want to make their earnings as high as poss ible without getting in tinge of the income tax provisions, Borne of the boys place their earning within just a few dollars of the $2000. exemption for income tax. en Conscripts Home On Christmas Furlough A number o f the soldier boys came home for Christmas some returning Wednesday and some Thursday. This it the longest furlough granted the Camp Sherman men. Among those here were Sergeants Turnbull, Bose, Collins; Corporal Creswell; Privates, Charles Lowry, Oscar Bailey, Frank Shroades, William Fisher, Asa Jones. Lowry and,,Jones have been trans ferred to an automobile truck divi sion and expect to be sent to France in a short time. Privates Fred Towns- ley and Hugh Turnbull, who am in a Columbus artillery company were al so home. GAVE THEIR APPROVAL^ , Cadarville College Notes The ’’Christmas Greeting” page in o«r last issue proved a very Cedarville College will reenme reci- i«&iett« aaxt Wednesday morning, Jan uary 2, ISIS, at 7:30 oVlock. It is Important to bo proeent k elaasos on m opeatef day. The dmartmfcg hvpcrtiiMiiif meal a ‘ bask in voc musk, and home BWWnW* IM PVGnMowMljr*’ k the Theotogkal Semii- instrumerttal ecoridm* j wurk sa tbs m ‘ js >I[ wmk . sm,aiSusiA AWwdLk wvm yiRv rmmm wMnr wot * wtmi aftoraoon’s schedule. ___ m wtlb the movement Is fa iled -among the ehweh M l ob acoouat o f the exi- «tf the war, Cedarvilto Crf- Sriiwol impossible represented. Next year we hope to have a more extended service. W5CRFUND SALE. ! The war wograa of the D, S, De partment erf Agriculture la for a greater kerease in grak and meat products from the farm. To this end the satire ooaatry is being opgaak* ed and for Greene county Mr, G. K. Jobe, one o f the county’s foremost farmers and etoek breeders, will have charge In this canvass. The estimated number o f huge slaughtered under Federal Inspec tion is said to be 60%, with 67,470,000 the year 1916 and 67,020,090 for the year 1917, showing a decrease thi* year of 450,000. It must also be tak en into 'consideration that the bogs slaughtered this year were much lighter in weight than for the .prev ious year. The report to the depart ment as to the number of hogs on farms on September 1, shows a de crease of mere than five million over lastyeatv : j 'Regardless pf the high, prioe of hogs farmers are asked to keep out a-.greater number of brood sows,than has been customary, The demand for pork continues to grow and the short age in storage with the -decrease in the number of hogs on hand indicates that the price for next year will justify careful attention" to increas ing hog,production, As to the grain production the In- crease.thia year oyer last is placed at 607 million., bushels, on & five year average 4?8tOD0,QOOy - the depart ment estimates that 20% o f the crop is soft ^which must be fed to live stock. ‘ \ , tl-k It is planned to replace as pinch wheat as possible •with - corn. The corn production is .SO bushels per capita. Thfe normal wheat consump tion is 8,6. bushels per capita. The duty o f the farmer m to increase his hog production which makes the;com crop, .marketable.. I f there:is a, hog shortage in 1918 there will be a large crop o f com that the market cannot absorb.' The- country requites -an in-, crease o f at least 18% in.hog produc tion. The table" o f production■ shows for Ohio where”a funder bred. 20 sows in the fall o f 1916 he should breed 23 for 1917. - • The increase in,farm, production is under Mr, Jobe's direction in this county^ He is expected to lecture or’ address gatherings on the subject vriimx the opportuiuty presents ifsdf. r'thi»-workr Frank Donaldson Dexldl At _ kabk i be who te m ' „ FWgrai -f< aU fifrtka Boothem ■ ChulM khuk eok^fV suimda by IlovsBmat R m ishUsh at Co' aad otty o9«B. caps. ■ ; At DaUipolls sentesued to tits ' murder at ak . Laeper, c George wa* tokMwi Vr. '«r itstikg FgeaA" webto. Following nas** of 'smafistogl L090 saieok v ise ‘ antiae. Hmne ceJoJia Forest ftill, jCl bv 8re,; Los* $1*9,8 suspected. , • Johnson - F, w®hr 9 t dian hmcent.- wej% Frenra front. Near Newark Summit station buried in a spoi overtimed auto. Four persons ■ In a rear-and line t>£the Ms road, near Lav Franklin b . ney, was appot the. appointment trade board in ■ Lieutenant i town, second In, Tenth Ohio re dan, tendered .hi*-* Charged .with in an Aitiano# pi Daniel Scbajnger federal offtoiak. ' *|rA..;Mabdt. burns rectived caught fire asaha a stove at her.bos C, P. Ind., has f» mm '■ a skd bittiuw tomdJtag up % th « (Aifer committed riannobad •taoe, county Ghlolkpubib Varrisop- ;wa*' isoument, fdr Mr, Frank ad baker, oo a charge th*'required of several Sherman, under quar- Rockeftiier, at was destroyed , Inceadiarism' xcaster and-1 with -'<|KJa> Sutter* of found dead, beneath, his lured seriously I-ou the mtin- f-*ad Sbena&go inh-attor.: i'5aavl»Sr' #1 nf thtf whs?- of Youpgs- of the t it ffctnp Shaft- 1 1 machkety; arrested- hy m alien. rdied firom her' a$wtir' pfOotbiltii . 'j|*wi*ik. - - i- . B.'F. Donaldson, aged 63, diei'Fri day evening, at hi* heme en the H^rry. Nagley farm after a two-weeks ill ness of pneumonia, The deceased was. horn m Ross County but came here in 1902. Hewas married toMis* Ajetha Miller artd they would have celebrated their 40thWedding anniver sary .Wednesday. The, deceased was a member o f the M. E. church and al so o f the K. o f P. lodge. He is sur vived by four children, sixteen- grand children, two brothers and two sis* tars, besides the widow. The funeral was held Monday aftemoan. Rev. Rat- ton having charge. Burial 'took place north o f town. Dog License or f The Consequences . The new dog law make* it a fine, of $25 not to have a dog license before January 1. The** license* can bo sh* cured from County Auditor Faulkner, Those who have been in the habit of paying a tax on dogs must not Over- look the fart that they have no chance now o f refusing to take out the li cense unless the dog has been sold or died. You do not haveto own the dug to be responsible for the license, If the dog stays on your premises you are liable to a fine for neglect Every ' g owner has had warning through publication o f the law, Better spend a dollar for license or get rid o f the Ibis law is framed on the fash* • is now do. l&Wv ion of the game law where gam killed out o f season. You all k the result of guilt in such case*. Teg* wffl have m 9m m m i w K to E gM^ftdy i to . t y i WtwSm #ar seawBiuee un|) wb t a ti s," e Iwps ill* ftpHer Gellefw pkpB ITK t, FtBWdtiet ^iMtfVMNnppWWSNWfiB iijPIvM** 'Mbw**' Farmers about Berth Charleston are having a public tide today for the benefit o? the Y. M. C. A. and Red Crue*. Aoeerding to a statement by Farter B. Houston, the community hew donated 6S000 worth o f hogib cat tle, poultry sad farm waohiaery for Wm Wmm* XW$ TOSTrS jRrBWBCw.pBi w tite tarious funds. Governor Cox will aeartioa off the first jdg. c o t m M m m . jj|A ngMjteifeJlfffe1' BBuBWIPBI fwrSlwWB■ Bn» -B'fVW I'll• “ Santa Claua” Cox , Goes to Sheridan Governor Cox and party passed through hare Saturday afternoon on a Special train bearing the Christmas package* to the soldier boys at Camp Sheridan, Alabama. There was a package for every boy, the parents and friend* sending the gifts to Co lumbus where the state provided transportation to the camp, Boys without parents or friends were it- mumbered with gifts purchased from contribution* of. prominent titiaen*. There Were 82,000 separate packages on the "Santa Claus” special, ' . FOR QUICK SALK. I will offer my home o f 2:11 arts* for qsfck sale at a bargain, Seven rooms, four with double finMed floors. Modem chicken house, sttida and cow stable with Cement floors. Plenty of fruit of all kinds stach a* ee,. pqpatee, plums, peats, eket- wnm, way -and whiter r* hragus, S it 'e f, Gideafo Ime mtfWm Wmgm wrwi YiNir* owitiM m i patch c i t r a v ___ If wwam at, osww, low ptfeej as *1 , tireJo locate in another state. Bee . L. C%&wm* or David N. TMbex, Ce* dahdlie, Ohio, ' Mr. F»«t Mameey b-ae beet the guestef Meanl* at Idavilk, IM , of- $m 'Pd«y* district elected / Brickleyrt*' HooUng-Moigan n , , Frank-;fickta ’Logan, preeldej^ Wttd-. C: G. .Carr-of thrboksvilie, utcm *ty. ' . MoC«a*el*vl%, Morgan county, claims the' yqongost member of-the Red Oeeeig Ut>a*f»' Metriam McVeigh btring bam tiumiled when -cue hour - old, i Toledo'* Indian imputation,was In-! creased -3* L$ per- cent when a- pa-1 jtOoie stt I vs Aat the home of Jbceph and Marti*’ Careon,. full-blooded *0 q - l rigitiee. *-J. A. White; head at t»e Ohio Anti-‘ Saloon league, predicts the early rat!-. fleation by the stales of the prohibi tion amendment, recently passed by $ongre«*. ' • Jaipe* L. Walter* of Cambridge, be fore ending Ms life, wroteTetters to, hi* wife and to.the man who, he,* claimed, -enticed Mrs. Walters awpy *> frOm him " . Ga* Msriptag from, heating fixture*) In their apartment* fo Youngstown, killed William H. RUrkett, 45 and Gerako* Natrides, 35, Two others, at* In aeriou* condition. , | Attorney Emmett Tompkins, ti. Who served several term* in ooagress, from the Athens gad Columbus dls <j trictl, died at his hoots in Columbus,| He w*s at one time mayor of Athena \ A srirrloe fbkg with 151 stars was unfurled in the memorial chapel at. Wooeter college. .Two of the 151 men the college has seat to war, Eos* Boor and Iran Foreman, have died Is yvsnce. William fprott, 23, Foetoria, mill workman, was asphyxiated in the rooming huuee til W. N, TachaPiAt Mrs. TaChappat had smtll i*cn iai;y not recover ftem gat fumes that peuc* trated their room. Ohio milk dtatritrafora bate post poned their sorts of increased priced. This is because the food edmltistra tion him invsrtigatiag oemrnlttese at work in various parts of the country to determine ooet of ptodaotieo and dlrtribdtiort Seven armed bandits entered the Edet Bide branch of the Garfield Sav ings bank, Gieveiand, and while one man pointed a revolver at six em ployes the others entered the cash' *er*s oage, took 15,000 and made their get-away is an automobile, School children of Ohio hate ren dered Invaluable aid is preparing Rad Cities Christmas Jaoketa tor ettdiert, : according to Jams* R» Garfield, man ager of the l«ke dlvlalon. In addi tion to jackets, the girl* have turned In 4 large number of krttied afghaae. , James R. Garfield of Oieveiand ha* . fake* up his new dalle* as dbrtn&an at the Oslo war (xauatimloa. Loca^ oommittcea hate been formed in •very city and town of tiesMate. They will ears for the butines* affairs, tttitlsjps and doyendwnto of selective toidlers. In eight days Mrs. Frank Tam amt i Mrs. frter Betier, -two. staters, re : siding fa Bacyran, kaitied, washed, dried, rxsed , graded and pecked : fill pair* of aocfce tor the Inert Rhd Cross chimter. Mrs. f*m knitted the, nooks on a maiiifiMi'attl Mm. Meher; Hosed the Mm - i FOR W ikttj’ -i u Every city employe rt bm im m esived a It per een* wage tneeewto- OtnctnaaU wUV drivers tkreetsetto slrik* fier.wwMfnersaneo f $S a week. BsllefoaUdne oily employee receiv ed iaoreaae of pay from II to f i t a month. Now brick, ipad between New Lex- iagton «wd .gemlrert. will be Bee, II. Thomas jCsTri* death, which ooeur- red at Urban*, was the first fa hi* family in 52 year*. Fire at Briakhavea, near Coshoc ton, destroyed several htdldidg* and the Blater residence, Loss *10,000. Chari** H. Miller^to, Treble county stock dealer, was killed near Dayton lv*a Fenniylvaaia paseen^r train, ■ Flra of mysterious origin deetroyed Hoffman Brothers* lumber yard at Youngstown, causing 360,000^damage. A-train struck a buggy near Gene va, killing Wallace Hodge*, farmer of Thompson, and fatally injuring ht» wife. ,l ’ Corporal Milton, BE.Sharps o f Cleve- Jand was Chmp Sheridan, Montgomery,: Ala-, when a team ran away, ‘ : TS, j t Bathrick, member of-congress from the Fourteeath Ohio district, underwent an operation .at Akron for gallstone*. Probate Judge Edward Boll of Dark* county, according to. report*, reaching Greenville,.died ' Jackson, Mich. « ■' Dr. O. L, Bummer Jt Beltefontalna was named veterinarian for Lt^an, Union, Hardin att$ Marion comities to fight hog cholera,, Lorain attorney* will close,their of. Ape* half a day for lOdays, beglnpinfi Dec. 75, to help registrants prepare draft questionnaire*. 'Douglas*-Manning*,civilian Ihsfmo tor at,Wright aviation field', 1s in in critical Condition^ from 'Injuries'Tc-. ceived when run down by an auto.. Toledo detectives.recovered $1,000 Worth of merchandise alleged to have been stolen from railroad oars in a raid on the home Of William Sllko, whi> wa* arrdsted. Genaral Pershing reporta lwo QWp, an* were, wounded at the French front: Private Part Crabtree ot Portsmouth . and ‘ Private Lester Ritchey of Salem. Twenty -person* wCre lnjured when' * take Shore electric limited crashed Into another car near Lorain. Both’ oars, were destroyed by a'.fire. which, followed the ooUiston. , -By a vote of 2 to 1, Cleveland street Taiiway motormen «ttd oonduetors re jected the offer of a 5-cert *n hour; wage increase with, a, contract biiui. lag until May 1 ,1919. When Lieutenant Edward M. Ctysrk ' ~ Tile nsiii nkf 'wiiinni' iltirtiiMmr' a '' fiom the war, he will get, a $50,000 fortune left by an Uncle.. A numbero f■Ceal Griwks- tille will he forced out,of busings on acooattt hf order* that* raliriftd* are to furnish only boxcars or stocir cars for small wagon m ines,.■ School, boards of Union county op pose the production to bold high school six diys in the week instead Of five, in order to let tohoiara out earlier in the spring for farm work. ‘Saying that living costs have jump ed 300 per oent-infour yearsand. pay only 4. per cent, 15 principals 'and school supervisors, at Toledo gave' asked for a minimum monthly wag* of $180. E. B. Ryon, candidate for tnar- shat of Berea on the independent ticket at-the November eleOtich.’ con tests the re-election',of Marshal T. W, Powles, Republican, and asks recount of votes, ' Pleading guilty ■ to eeoond degree murder, William R. Williams, to, wax sentenced to life imprisonment ^Wil liams shot and. killed John Sweeney S id James Lynn on a lonely roan in ahtming county, At Toledo four men, found gsllty o f breaking Into cars carrying Inter state shipments, were sentenced to tit for one hour in th* office of the United State* marshal on the Satur day after Christmas. Kanawha and Michigan and the To ledo and Ohio Central railroads, in dicted nearly two years ago on a charge of granting ooncewkma to shippers, pleaded guilty In United State* district court at Toledo. Ohio com boy* and girls, winners of a trip to Pittsburgh, Washington and New York for industry oa Buck eye farms, have returned to their home* thrilled With memorise of a journey filled With War-timer soenss. After exhausting four vertree, the jury ha* been completed for th* trial of Frederick Lehman, young Fulton county farmer, on trial at Watweoo, charged With the murder o f his wife,; Grace, for love of Mrs. Alcy Fenton of near Swanton, Edward G. Enoch, who shot:and : killed Sari Mitchell, whom he found in company with his wife, wa* con victsd of manslaughter ait Youngs town. Four yearn alto Enoch IdllSd another man whom he found in com pany with his wife. Cleveland city council is conajdsr- ing submission of city charter amend ments to ohange Cleveland’* voting system by eliminating prefertmtiat i system and to advaaee toe date of hi- • ennial municipal election* from No- vembsr to October, - Springfield police say they need ImHattott ‘Money to trap Mrs. Mary McCartney, iindsr arreet for btaok- mrtl. It is tOleged she threatened death to Ui% Ivy Celtiee and’ nm chiWrea it |l,to« was not W i at a oertftit plaee. • Auto Bowse# la#* tor ill* win be prisMHndid The raised letter tag, edevted by l eeretavy of itate Frttmi or 191% wm be mad*. WnriNth Thomas says'he emt *Mb» the tags tor II «Mt* eaafc, n fim now they TH« National W. C. T» U. Gonvantion Th* fact that the National Conven tion mot m Washington was doubt less one mason why it wa* the larg est in its history. The onroUmmtfc wag 996, It wa» not only -th* laraert but the most enthusiastic eoavemSou on xeeord. Patriotism nodi National ITohlbition ware the key-words from beginning to end* The opening of th# second session of the 66th. Congress at the same time added much to the occasion. Borne of the leading lights of Con gress appeared to the Conventionwith, wards jo £ greeting, among whom wa*! 3Jis*; Rankin, Those who have thot Bryan had ocome a back number would have ad cause to change their minds if - ,ey could have *eeh the crowds that , veiflowed Poll’s Theater Sabbath a£- irnoon, ,r There were so many surprise* that v was impossible to follow tba pro-* ,ram closely, Mrs,. Thomas Edison .rot ttys greetings of her illustrious .usbnnd. to the convention, Mrs,- Jose- ;)hme Daniels invited the delegates ;o an informal reception at her home, vineof the most encouraging items in jliss Gordon’s addresswas that 'Seven :tatos -and ' territories had ..declared lor Prohibition during toe past year. She gave, a very interesting resume of whhfe- had- been -ac’compTisht be half o f Prohibition by -Congress as well as by other' agencies, "The Path of Patriotism the Path of Pro- lubition'f was sounded thryout her address, add the ‘sooner this truth IS learned the better for .the country. Only those in, attendance, can form few Will Ewttpe Hie JnceneTax start to finish. NO INCREASE WITHOUT PERMIT, The Columbusmilk distributorshad announced an increase in price of milk when State-Food Administrator Fred C; Croxten canceled same until the cost of production anddistribution is;investigated.. - - • - Cincinnati, Ohio. Die, 27thv—It ; will neqair# a small asmay ef Men to take toe income tm return* of per son# *uhject to toe new law," Collector of Internal Revenue A* C, GUliean today announced that 20 man wnl start from hi* headquart er* on January 1st, and on January 2nd., every one of town will be on the job in the county arndgned him, to meet the people and help them make out their income tag returns. The officer.assigned to toft county will arrive at Xenia op January 2nd and remain until January 3.5th both date* inclusive, ’ He will have hi* 5ffjc#.irt toe Courthouse, Xenia, where :e may be found every d*ty o f ’ toe dates stated, - , - / ‘It will be well for every unwar ned person whose .net income for 1917 is $10004or over, and every mar ried person living with wife or hiis-. band,-whose net nirome for 1017 i* $2900 or over, to call, on the income tax; man and learn whether ir not* they have any tax to pay,” Collector Gdligan said today, “The person subject to tax who doesn’t mate' re turn in the Time prescribed is going to regret jt* The -Government;,pro poses to go after all the income tax ■ slacker*. * "There is*hardly a business man, merchant or professional' man who won’t have te .make return of income;, ° 4, A 1 ‘‘Farmers a*_a class, will have to - pay toe tax-, - , „ , “The safe thing to do is for every person who had a total income o f . $1,000 or $2,000, as the case' may he*- - and who is not aure about w#at de- ' ductions the laW allows him; to play it safe by calling on to#’ income tax man, i- ■ - “The -man in the field w it have form* for everybody and persons who expect to -call oii him need not trouble themselves to write to my office for forms, ■; W . L . C L EM A N # R e a l E s t a t #?. Gambe found at m y olffc* each Saturday or reached; by phep* at , / Q flicrai. ' '■* ‘ PHONES • , . Residence 2-122 ' ; CEDARVILLE, OHIO, - Let Your “ Little” Pennies Grow Into Big Round'Dollars Become a Depositor lit Our Christmas Savings dab / - And Own Your Own Bank Book Gat the Saving habit—Let every one in the ^family save a little every week See How the Pennies, Nickels mi 4 Dimes Growinto “BigMoney” token Deposited in the Following Classes: Class t saves..........$ 12,75 Class tO U V »* .ww $5.60 *« 1-A w 12.75 « 25 ■Sf 1 - i . - . m i < 12.50 « 2 25.50 “ 50 it a « * 25-00 " 2-A “ . 25,50 * too tr- * « «■* 50XK) ** 5 6575 «• 200 ti MM 100/00 “ 5-A *• 63.75 M 500 41 ‘ ffe* s 250,00 HMtv Whitt If *£ IIMMi f Join as many classes asyou with* Bverybody iswelcome—Men»Wosnen>Children Infants are invited to enjoy the pietisms and adftinthftg**of this easy SavinaFlan* The irst depositmtikes you a member—Ytiw ^ethack every centyou pay in—Yon get Interest if you keep up your deposits regularly* Mike npymrmini**Add meg'-JitstNm The ExcbatuceBank CStktiiMw stywtog mrtk m m it MS ‘ "h, •m
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