The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 1-26

m* W . L . C L E M A N S R e a l E s t a t e 0*n N found At ray office each Saturday o r reached by phone a t my residence each evening. r Offlce 36 PHONES Residence 2-122 GEDARVILLE, OHIO. Murdock Theatre Monday and Tuesday M arguerite C la rk . —IN— “Out in the Drifts” Benefit H. S . Juniors ADMISSION ANNOUNCEMENT Millinery Opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 7th, 8th and 9th. Distinctive Spring Millinery : Your Inspection Invited 37 Green St., Xenia, O. d LOCAL AND PERSONAL Ho t water bottles a t Sidgways. Hiss Anna Bradfute is the guest of relatives near Tippecanoe City. Messrs.' O./E. Bradfute and A. G Collins and their wives spent Thurs­ day a t Camp Sherman, where they visited Sergeant John Collins ana Private David Bradfute. Among other good coffees we have a fresh shipment of Red Bird a t Nag ley’s. Private Wm. Kennon of Camp Sherman was in town Sabath for a short visit with relatives, D r .'J . 0 , Stewart was in Cinein- nati the first of the week oh a busi­ ness trip, , . .London Ohio Home flour a t Nag ley's. FOR SALE—Pure Bred Duroc Jersey 'Boar. G. E. Jobe. Dr, Issa Tanannori, representing sheep breeders in Japan, visited the various farms in this county Satur-. day where fine sheep are raised. The •Dr, pronounced the flocks in this county the finest he had yet seen. He is purchasing breeding stock for sheep raisers in his country, FOR RENT or SALE:—T b t Martin Barber Homestsad, 10 rooms and bath on Xenia Ave. G. H . SMITH. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Hill entertain­ ed the Clark’s Run Social Club last Friday evening. Miss Dorothy Collins, who teaches in the Monroe, Ohio, high school, spent the week-end with%er parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Collins, —H o t water bottles, all prices a Rfdgways. _ The local high school basket ball team took honors over the Yellow Springs teams on the local floor, Friday evening. •1. , ft; Miss Ellen Tarbox entertained the college students a t her home Thurs­ day evening. Games •were provided for amusement and an elegant two course supper served. The High School students enjoyed an elaborate spread a t the gymnas­ ium; last Thursday evening. Mr. Collins Williamson' drove hrough to Morrow, Monday, where he purchased ■a quantity of seed com. Mr. Williamson stated that a t one time there were nine automobiles from Green county on one farm, all after seed com. The com is said to lest above ninety per cent. He states *hat the wheat outlook from James­ town, through Wilmington. Clarks­ burg on to Morrow, is much better than in this section. An ex tra line of hot water bottle* Rldgways. FOR SALE: —Carriage, buggy and sleigh. Cbas, Turner Mr. B.H .MoM ilIsn l* in a ceitloal condition. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Biokett repo rt the b irth of a daughter. AU persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call atid make settlement. DR. J . W. DIXON. H in t ’twfts hat and muff to watch but now comes the circle skirt and cute coatee, the, former to match the hat. The circle sport •klrtC«of light blue and .white polka-dots is extremely attractive when worn with the coatee of "black velffif and topped with, col­ la r and cuffs of white angora. The Junior Class of the High school will give a picture show bene­ fit a t the Murdock theater, Monday and Tuesday nights. The proceeds to go to the Y. M. C. A. subscription fund. The Kadantra Club entertained their husbands Friday evening a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. O. L. Smith, the occasion being in honor of-Mrs. J. W. Dixon, who will soon move to Tulsa, Oklahoma. The guests en­ joyed a self-served lunch, partners being selected by matching halves of Washington birthday cards. For . en­ tertainment the men present enter­ tained while old pictures of those >resent were shown by stereoptican. Mrs. Dixon was presented with a beautiful Indian blanket. . Best grade 15e canned corn, 2 cans for 25c, at Nagley’s. ' ; According to the Arcanum Times the large tobacco crop in that section is now Being marketed. Irwin Baker Sold his 12 acre crop to S. E. Min- nich for .H420.20. This outrivals corn, oats or wheat considering acre­ age nearly five to one., • The hottest day this summer is not going to make thfe average citizen in­ different towards having his coal bin filled wheif\£Ver he. bus the oppor­ tunity. ) . Prank Johnson, aged 81 years, five months and 16 days,, colored, son o f Joseph and Julia Johnson, died Sat­ urday nftfcr a short illness of tuber* culosis. The funeral was held from he home of the parents: Tuesday, burial taking place a t Clifton. The wife of the deceased died Dec. 9, of the same disease, Two little chil­ dren are left without parents. No. 9 Brown as well a) A sugar at Nagley’s, Most Cordially We Invite You To Attend The Spring Opening Display on « - Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 7, 8 and 9 Each Display will authoritatively reveal to you the new ideas which have been disigned in this season’s Millinery, Suits, Dresses, Coats, Waists, Skirts, Accessories of Dress, a showing replete with the. most interesting displays of forthcoming styles which every fashionable woman will delight in seeing. ■V . This Is Your Special Invitation To Come and See * ■ . ' ,. ■ The New Styles For Spring Fresh bread at Nagley’s. In this issue can be found the an­ nual statement of the Cedarvilie Building and Loan Association. It shows a splendid growth - over last year. Mrs. John Randall has returned from a Xenia hospital where she un­ dement an operation some time ago. Mr. R, C. Watt left Tuesday eve­ ning on a business trip to Lexington, Ky., expecting to attend several hog sales while gone. Mr. Frank Coffeyvand sister, Bes­ sie,, of Cincinnati, spent Sabbath with their uncle, Mr, John Stewart and family. John Stewart. Jr., ac­ companied them home for a short visit. Mr. Homer Jobe of the Jamestown, and Xenia pikes, is: in a very critical condition suffering with heart trouble. Virgil M, Clemans in his examina­ tion before the district medical ad­ visory board has been disqualified for army service. ■ _ Cecil Strobridge, formerly of this place, now with the Rainbow divi­ sion in France, writes that he is. safe and Well. This is part of the. Old Third Ohio and is one of the promi­ nent-divisions abroad, Mr.^Chalmers Elder of Darlington, Pa., has been visiting his brother, Ralph, and ■ sister. Miss Margaret Elder, students a t the college. GIVE YOUR CAR A NEW FINISH-DO IT YOURSELF WITH ONE ORTWO COATS ■AU TO FINI SHES Fo r Sale By THE TARBOX LUMBER CO. Y O U R P I A N O So much a part of your home. So closely associated with tender memories. A “Chickering” JPiano <r Would occupy a beautiful and lasting place in your life* The wealth of association surrounding the “Chickering” glorifies it and makes it the most precious of family heirlooms. To be had only a t f ‘V MUSIC STORE 166 NORTH HIGH STREET COLUMBUS, OHIO I ‘ f - #■ '9