The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 1-26
p H r s •f v i mi V i «r *' « J * g * ,?*» ? * * " • * « * « * « g g *»* W ™ . « « W American « « « « . The »«ya in the treadm «WMwly fee wuppirted fey tfe* TiWty W W V S M V W W ^ ^ 'Ceda yterald. FORTY-FIRST YEAR NO. 16. V W V W V M W M j W W ^ Sstortky, April £ Th* Or#nuft«* .i* asking yqu to lend wjhuet nuwey yee «** spare, but not to tke d*trimmt ot worthy enures. W W W V t f W tHE NEW TIME SUITS SOME; OTHERS IT POES NOT, There ha$ besn considerable dis cussion oyer the new time, some en- idorse the new law* others disapprove of it. The greatest objection comes from toceoantry, while those who approve of it are probably the great- est in number and Jive in the towns and cities; ^ Eor the past five years there has been a demand for this change among toe city stores, banks,.manufacturers and office buildings. Some of the citaes adopted it a year or so ago. So strong is the endorsement of the ONE MORE IN LINE. T CEDARVXLLE, OH T0„FB §t*Y , APRIL 5,1918 Mr. Howard Tui ibull has a new Ford sedan. One pair of files beginning to lay „ ______ „____ ^ ^ eggs in the spring, assuming- that law from the urban centers that it is f.11 toe eBgs hatch and all the flies mm H ____. i .mm. ...........IIW A X . 4 BOT.. r t/ lA _ _ .r __A * 1 1 5 ____ ./ • Tuesday the legislature of Massa chusetts adopted the constitutional prohibition provision, this being the eleventh i$tate. Twenty-fire more are needed. The same day Indiana be- came dry by state law and saloons, distilleries and breweries were closed, A test of the law is being made but the supreme court has not heard the case. WHO CAN PROVE IT? Mr, Oscar Evans ban anew Podge touring tar. WANTED—Clerks, F. W worth Co., Xenia, Ohio. Wool- •ajfixture for years to come regardless of, the closing o f the war. For this reason people might as well* adopt the new time as they did the change following the introduction o f standard time, The trains, courts, public meetings, and whistles of the manufacturing plants are all on the new time. MILITARY FUNERAL IN BURIAL OF ORA FREE. Ora Free, of Xenia, who .diedat Van couver, Wash., of pneumonia, where he was working for the government ift the spruce forest, was buried with military honors Monday at his, home in Xenia. A, squad from the O. S. & S„ O. Home firert the salute over the grave of the young soldier. The Ce darVille S, o f V. band furnished the music.' SHOOTING' AFFAIR IN GRAPE GROVE CAUSES ARREST. A’bert Finlaw, white, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Funderburg on Monday as the result of shooting at W. H. Cox of Grape Grove five times With a 32-calibre revolver. None of the shots took effect. Finlaw resisted the officer but was soon under control and handcuffed and landed in Xenia. LIKE THE ARRANGEMENT. live, would have 200 quintillions of descendants by-fall. Some one fig ured it up that the above number of flies if piled bn the earth would cover it to a depth of 47 feet. A very good reasop why you should kill the first files and clean up breeding places. odd tw in s in M issour i : Hawaiian Pineapple, sliced or grat ed, 20 and 25c per can at Nagley’s. \ Mr. Deleter Jobe of the O, S. U. lias been spending a tew days at home. Mrs, Jeatjelte Eskridge has gone to Indianapolis, Ind., where she will visit relatives. Mr. James Duliield will move into the property just vacated by I. F. Puffer. Among other good coffees we have a fresh shipment of Red Bird at Nag- ley’s. Missouri is the show-me” state in’ The Houston Farm Oomnanv will many things, but the rarest oddity is neeti .am, hnshniQ ^7* at Eola, according to Dumb Animals. , corh thiB A farmer is.the owner of twin colts, jyear t0 P*anfc the laud laid out for one a mule and the other a horse. cor[K , Those versed in raising stock can - easily understand the combination, ’ Miss Holla i- * . which is a freak of nature to most I, . Winter, who la teach- people,' v |(oglu, the high school at Paines- yille, Oi, is nome Tor tlie spring .vacation, MUST SELL WHEAT. Mr. Bussell, Wells will move next A notice has ‘"gone out- from Food 1nreeh into the Realty Coi, property Administrator Hoover that fanners holding jwheat must sell it or have it commandeered by the authorities, who will sell it to the nearest eleva tor at market price and- remit to the owner, less hauling charges. Only enough for seeding can be held ac cording to the order. ■ near the depot. Mr. L. p . Tindall will take Mr. Well’s home. . Every Oorirfl States Is Reqi Banner In WOMENMlKt USBIFft Honor Rolls Willi at State Ca; Roll at Wi hi th 6 United isfed to Fly ltd Drive ONES THECITIES lington i WINTER KILLED MANY BEES. The sooner the irresistible might of this Republic is organized and In action the sooner the-war will end Your dollars ip Liberty bonds ' wilt hasten that end.. According to information gathered from reliable sources, it is claimed that1probably fifty per cent of the bees were winter -killed. This will mean quite a . shortage in '‘home” honey. The management of the Ohio State Fate is offering f 10 for a short, catchy, original slogan to be used in connected with the advertising [of the Ohio State Fair. W. C. T. U, NOTES. People generally are well pleased over the Opening of the stores three flights eafch\“wefek> especially {the farmers, who are finite busy through out the day ana do hot want to take the time to come to town, ^ — : will only be, open Tn and 'Saturday nights. - _____ _ , _ . .................................... ._ number of other towns in this section Isimple process to turn up the clock afthe- state have adopEed the same Ione hour i f yen tme standard time Mr. I. F. Puffer sold a part of his household goods last Saturday at public sale and moved to Spring- field, Tuesday. His sou Maynard, has accepted a position In the office > . The stores , The daylight-sawig hifi was passed U ttle Imernational HarvesttBR Co tt uesday, Thursday bY Houses of Congress, and . h a rvesting vo. I . We notice a signed by the President, It ts a very ~ ; ’ Mr. j , v. Tarr moved Monday to what was once known as the andhaif anhpur if sun, and at the Undrew Carson place on the Yellow r o a p is improved . . The tovmship trustees .have been improving;, the Yellow Springs road, the The .'been____ „ . — . ............ months ago the road Was regraded ahd graveled but the gravel, did not mote modem method. of making a good road. .■< e xeiip »pat , . „ 0.00 wiirbe Saved. When all to m- purchased the: Tarr property [ply with the law there need be no {moved into same the first of the confusion, [Week. It is expected that airplane mail The liberty Loan? be one of the pig fa Liberty Loan drive, i of James H. Burtohi and has the hear Secretary .of the who has ,exprjessc every ,town.Jn thi be flying one. o f campaignforthe fftr along. The flag which the Treasury depar munity .as ita qiioi flag 86x54 inches, rpUndqd ,hy a red ■ three blue stripes ' dicularly through thf In ffisny of the en are going a s< . Treasury Departnir log on the mahufd Honor Flag to when they have display it, in ffiei the Junior League ‘ huge flag, fdlfoV"* dimensions of the Treasury Depii they mton to dt committee before readied its quota. Women's Cl In some of towns Of the. district church, clubs are pli larger than cafe l». being teerflag make the proportloUktl the official fiag^/jj Th# tahknc^ mnnlt3f:;ah«rii preparatlot^i ipkl serr j OHIO GLEftNINSS j Captain James Bitty, 81, Dayton, "Civil war veteran and known as toe inventor of the cash register. 1# dead. | Fire losses In Ohio last year amounted to $8,480,031, an ihcrewa Ot $1,500,000 over 1916, according to State Fire Marshal Fleming. Harrison Coates ot Bradford was Allied and four others ,were Injured When gn automobile in which they were riding ;an into a tree eight miles Plat of Greonvfile The injured were Ran-ison HiJe, Earl Coppock, Harry 7-mmorman and Omor Miller. j Five business men of Delphos, Ah , ton county, accused of pro-German-1 » O^playad wer« hunted out by a volunteer Anri Grand S * ,tance «»m lttee of 400 men and anu urana 50 women and forced to publlcly sa- tote and kiss the American ffog, Roy ICauffman, Mennonlte teacher . In the Urbaua schools, was dismissed 1 because he refused to give pledge of allegiance.' > John H. Patterson, a manufacturer, presented tho city of Dayton with 201 acres in the choicest portion of his 1,000-acre park, known* as Hills and Dales, The property has been ap praised at $882,000, More than 100 prisoner^ are in the penitentiary hospital With? , trouble,., attributed to jelly served at a meal. ■ - Sixty prisoners from the peniten- tiary have been seat to Guernsey county to work on tlie National high way. The Mansfield -reformatory Will send 50 men to aid tho prisoners from Columbus. An earnest appeal was. issued by the lake diyi&lon of the Red Cross for registered nurses of Ohio; to volun teer for service in American military hospitals in tlic I'niLed States , Major Horace ,C. Keifer, son of Geh eral J, Warren Keifer, died at; Spfing- neia, aged 50 years. He served a year on his father’s staff in the Span- ish-Ameriean war. Upon the uiscovory of ground glass and susiiected po I boh in a can of to- matoes at Lorain, officials confiscated the rest of the stock and sent It to , federal authorities at Cleveland. Onto* and Andrew Pelsler, an engineer Is un* RefOrve der arrest at Paincsville/ charged wommi’e with making unpatriotic remarks. * a flag At Columbus, Policeman Howard Butgfoat Bennett shot and killed Lincoln Price, “ * vdua- nogro. 45, The suspect was armed r.ftoto and, Bennett believes, was preparing it* of to open fire -when he was s h o t . , l H- C. Willing 82, motorman, was ■fnot la toe abdomen by, a negro pas* d aehger; -who made his escape by dfiv “ toff l««d first through a window iff a streetcar at •Oaktfcbu*. Willing proh or Flag is to of toe Third is toe creation New York City indorsement oi •easury McAdoo the hope that States will lags before the drive 1 b very ?be awarded by t to each com- attained is a lie field sur* irder and with' ining perpen- idtlle, ipatriotic worn- her then.the ?d are work- of a Silk ay for flying the right to t toe girls ol sewing on a comparative flag which ; awards, and thd Central ad will have' Senior class for Mttnday and Tues ..... „ ................. „ South Dakota is-the tenth state to j day nights at the Murdock Theatre. pack well; and the trustees used the|ratify the Federal Prohibition amend- The proceeds go to the olass Ad- — — lu ~ a ~e " ment. Chicago has been denied the mission 20c privilege Of Voting on the liquor „ques- j . v ’ / don on April 2 hy the election com-1 ' ' ' missioners. It is easy to guess hoW too commissioners stood on the ques tion. NO MEATLESS DAYS NOW. By governmental order we are to have ’ days KUVvr uem i u iuu i c m w i T , no mOJremeatless days for thirty ators and 5eprcsentaJ>ves know at least and probably longer.[anxious we are to, have them We are still ^urged to let our Sen- how pass The increaring number of hogs going { prohibition .as a TOrmemsure. n v>i. Uff cgn. S become S ’ neoted w ith the photographic work. Mr Fred Marshall did not leave Saturday for Camp Slierman as an pounced owing to having received enlistment papers foY the aviation' work. He waB ordered to report at Madison Barri jks in New York City. He expected to bn eqn. w■ j : - j P P P P P k i j i i ! . 0 ncgra later was arrested. Flames damaged the Kiebel-Wilson over the Trewrary bufidtag to Wato- dry goods store at Fimilny to toe ex ta*ton reoeatly ; wa* a pto(»re«qn« tent of $ 100 ,bud, •Utot For toe .flret time Ifl toe his- Judge H. C. Smith of Zanesville tot7 .« .toe Treasury Department has announced his candidacy for the every one. of It*, employee *topfeed Republican nomination for secretary work tor fltteea mlhutee to attend a of state. . - > ■ , * ! A powerful wireless outfit, capablo Fhre. thouwad peribflk „ brok* Iffto of sending 750 mileo, was found by Wfid .cheering In toe toron^W Streets secret service agents on an apart- In front of toe building ak Lewi* B. ment building In Lima. It was screen- filled up it became lift they, will think we have beco e indif- the meatless day ban. Hotels and Iferent on the question, restaurants have been ordered to [ make greater reductions in the use of | wheat flour until harvest. MASONICINSPECTION JOINT COMMUNION SERVICES. in- An unusual event church circles in Cl: happened in ifton last Sabbath. Last Thursday evening was Ispeutien night for the local Masonic 1 !lodge the third degree being con-J War in a good cause is not the greatest evil that a nation can' suffer, War to protect people against Injustice must be supported The man that has nothing to fight for has no right to citizenship of this country. Liberty bonds are issued in thq Cause of humanity. Frahklln{ director ot thfe W ir LOan organization, pulled toe flijf to toe top of toe poie frem which it tuto. 1 . MfKLMcAtfoii:Mhdi'jfrteL ‘ ; The making^of the flrit flag in Washington.. whir superintonded by Mr*. William 0. McAdoo. wife ot toe Shoretaty of toe Tfegmry. I When the campaign gets under way! there wifi be an honor flke m each itate, at to* oapltal, and. a national honor flkg in Washington. /With the atote flag1 therewillfeedisplayeda state1 ed from the street Mr* Joseph Swisher, 81, mother Of Dr. Argus Swisher of Marysville, is dead. George Osier, 40, was probably fa tally wounded at Geneva -when he Was accidentally shot by. William Thomas, 17. Mra. Mary E. Ashburn, 87, widow of T 1 } Ashburn, former Ohio su preme court judge, and cousin ot Gen eral Grant, died at Cincinnati , Charles H.. Klahro, machinist's For several months the JPresbyterian, M. E. and U. P. church have been holding union meetings. Last Sab bath all three congregations joined in communion services' at the invita tion of the V . P. pastor, Rev. Mc- Kibben. Probably such a thing never 1 happened before Jn the church his tory of Clifton, and it only speaks of the good feeling among the congre gations. The Presbyterian congrega tes 1 ferred upon two candidates beforfe VAIi otlM ,__ . • diitrlotInspector Mr. HnMon of T ° “ , *» Olrolovtllo, O. A number ol v -1 * » « « ' « . . » ind luasons were present to witness this work there being delegates from Springfield, Jamestown and Xenia. honor roli on Which vrUl bo inscribed mate, Akron, and William Harrison the-name of evsiy Ooouaaaity in toe Miller, boilermaker, Portsmouth, state as tut i f toe Communities sub- were among the 17 persons who por- scribe toelr quota andWin too right to ’ ished when a British warship collidoc. fly toelr flig. Jwith tho American destroyer Manley. In WMhington the names of toe Two other Ohioans, Ward Ellas States will go on too National Honor Brewer, gimner’s mote, Lynchburg, Mr. Mereld Jobe, who has been in Denver, Colo., for severatemonths arrived home Saturday,. Mr. Jobe had not been in good health for some time and went west to ini' prove his health and he wasnotdls- Spend Monday or Tuesday night Iat the Murdock theatre with the H. IS, Senior class, A splendid film tmiThas been without a .pastoiTsince Iproduction has been secured the |appointed. Being^ in tho^drafVhe it. ,. A# Dots XT SI. T«Vlof*»r? 4 a $A itre ale.e 1‘ , , , 6 , U UIOIt was examined out there and passed and was ordered to go to a camp m Fresh bread aLNagley’s. Kansas, Seeing that Service was neccsbary he asked to be transferred LIBERTY DAY. Jamestown will observe Liberty * " ^ burners and oven. Modern Day in the afternoon and evening of |*nd in perfect condition. Will be April 6th with a patriotic program {said cheap if taken at once, commencing wth a parade at one Mag. o . C. WElMER. o’clock, followed by band and vocal mueffd patriotic addresses^ ■and a White Elephant Auction Sale, to —FOR SALE :—Large gas range, |to Camp Sherman, which would be nearer home. The order was given and Mereld left Tuesday under orders of the local board. This'sectloti received a much de sired warm rain Monday aftornoon w.c — ____ —__. -- Senior class of the High s” hnSate ^^encrnTrage" support for {School In order that they may meet |that was welcomed by most every* the Tilted Liberty Loan. . { part of the Commencement expense [one. Farmers were anxious on The White Elephant Auction Sale h»™frtangod for a picture ehdw wconnf; of the wheat especially is being given under the direction of betted on Monday and Tuesday that in black land. The grasi was the Jamestown Chapter of the Red {night* at the Murdock theatre, needing it and those plowing found Cross, and tlie proceeds will go to j Admission 5Wo< ' • { the ground very tough before the Red Cross work. j ------------------ shower. The gardens with a Donations of articles of eveiy de* I , * |reasonable warm aunahine will, be a acription have been pouring in at the I Mrs. Frank Corry, wife of one of month ahead of last year, Here’i SoUcitarion of the various committees, the county’s leading farmers, died hoping that April will be as favor, and present indications pointi to the Iat her home at the Yellow Springs able as was March biggest sale of^the tergest variety of [ ro|4d and Xonia and oiiftoh pike} 1 ______ Roll as fast a* toe states attain their quotas. The Ides of the Honor Flag and Honor Roll system is to inspire that friendly rivalry between communities and unite of population which will re* suit‘’in a maidmum number of sub scriptions to the loan and add the keen edge of competition to the sell ing bee. Window Cards Are Important Window cards bearing a replica of the honor flag and a blank for the name of the purebaaer will be given to each subscriber for display in the window of his horns. The window cards measure 7x8 inches. They serve not only as a testimonial to toe loyalty .of the householder who has one in his window but they are of great value from an advertising stand* point. If John Jones has one in his window to geet the gaze of Bill Smith, who .hasn't bought a bond, every time Bill Smith goes by Jones’ home, It Will not be long before it penetrates to Smith’s slower compre hension that he has a duty to perform.' And eventually Bill Smith’s window is going to have to have a flag, too. “THEALLIESMUSTWIN” articles ever offered a^PaWic auction I Mrs. Belle coe, daughter of Mr. I*ad ^frs. Austin Hook of this place, 'died in Springfield! at the city ing the patriotic demonstrations giv-|chlWto» beside* several sisters tt»d j cea8ed was 3? years of age and *is various cities and towns.| A brother, J. Fred Anderson Al*oL-,rV)t,-,(j } v , *„ . . ,s Z 5; S S b S J S S n M yotf/Lurvives. The surviving children IS J S « n i Z „ « “ d three Sd*°j0ih with your ttcighborsLfn« are Mr*. Fred Williamson, Misses TU*sdav'irmr!n. *“ noraJ, W? B held friends* in commemoreting tlio Firet ^ gtho)fj Luclie ftlld Willis Corry and ^ r Auffcln winfr t >6 1011,8 of A m m m r Wilbur o f camp Sherman, ’i'be I S " u 8ervr ?e“ be* !tJca*»#d*y<wr&«lF* |two* from the late home. Ifiurial at Bookwaiter. P gl0W America’s great part of the war mnstbe production of food, Tractors Will help but the good old reliable FetoherOn horse is Still the main stay of America, and the world, in Its great need. Longjumaau, five years old, im ported rrom France, a big flat boned, food footed, fine dispositioned tercheton, will make the season at he farm near Cedarville, in charge of John Stewart. Call 8 on 108, Citizens Dhotis to arrange booking of mares. Fee $18 for A satisfactory dolt. ANDREW WINTER, Owner, and Martin RoseariBld, seaman, To? ledo, are among 17 men fisted as missing. Corporal Charles F. Ford, 24, De troit, was Instantly killed near Camp Sherman when the automobile in which he had driven General Perkins to Cdlnmlus, overturned. Private Arthur Halo, who accompanied Fort, escaped without a scratch. , An mjancton was obtained at To ledo by Socialist Poles restraining their officers from affiliating with the rro-Germati Socialists of Chicago. A pet bull dog, owned by George Snow, attacked two small children of F. H. Marshman and the daughter of George Bender, at Marion. The dog is suspected of suffering from rabies. Wheat crop prospedta for next sum* mer ‘‘simply arc wonderful,” it WAS said by Secretary of Agriculture Shaw, after a trip into various parts of the state. Body of Oliver. Gatten, farmer, wai found m shallow water in Nest creok, near Woodsfleld, It Is thought bn fainted and foil Into the creek, New home of Alliance lodge of Elks at Alliance will be dedicated by John G, Price of Columbus, the spe cial representative of Grand Exalte'. Ruler Harper. Judge Charles Krigh- baum of Kenton will make the ad- Four robbers, sthree women and 0 man, made a daylight raid on the office of a Cleveland theater, struck down Palmer Slocum, the manager, and escaped with $1,006. Court refused to grant a new trial to Mrs, Belle Wprdlow, convicted at Hamilton df first degree murder la poisoning 'her husband, Lorell L, Wardlow, a year ago. Btato Senator Adam Obstln, for whom a nation-wide search had been conducted since Ills mysterious dig appearance front Canton seven months ago. has hCen found in Nor folk, Vi. He wjll return to Ohio, Ike best price tor your eggs will be feaWl at Nagtey’si. PRICE, *1.00 A|YEAB No Needles to Change Plays Any Record . Be sure to eee Rod heat the, machine be*. fore making a purchase. Machine glad- , ly senlon approval. Galloway & Cherry HI! E. Main St., Xenia, 0.{ ■BBS m g —Or Dress —Or Hat —are to be conscientiously considered, here’s where style and money saving .meet. “Elder” values always speak eloquently of fair priceunder all conditions. Verify this statement by a visit any day DAYTON'S SHOPPINC . 9 Aristocrat TaHdng Machines o; A P I C A L instnunent o f rare tone repro- . “ being miality. A beautiful artistic piece M fnrniture built in pore Period dengna ahd ever . 1 . t nsnnoninng with richest interior ftrnishinrs— c l t O M o g t a p b The great treble-duI t talking machine—musical,highlyartistic andUSEFULas well. The “Vindeor” playsallmakes Duo Records—u made in many pleasing designs and styles—da the cabinet work o f master craftsmen thrdugh and through. Bcforo buying ANY talking machine—see a “Windsor.” .. J. A. BEATTY & SON, Green Street, - Xenia, Ohio V) FT? INCITE YOU n rtmt to fur ttort and Vuttn toa Wtndttr t>taj jnttrfainritt tilettiMt, tf§ $blig«titnt—+ J * * r t nutUtmt alwnyt. New Grade Flour . (Government1Formplk) Hoover Bread (Under Government License 17966} 8c-or 2 for 15c Dutch Mills Pancake Flour 10c POSTGROCERY&BAKERY *_ t " *’ ■ _ l 1 I V \ J - r- „ W' ■ ***■ *;#* B a
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