The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 1-26

good. [ y ! i , wayof thepeddler I § * dturty_and to are bis i " goods. Heretoday, gone tomorrow, Whytakehis word? Tradewithyour grocer and be aura of whatyou buy. Onlygro­ cer* sell Golden Sun C ^ e e Try a pound today, Bevel in its fresh, fra, grantaromaanddelight­ ful flavor, No. chaffjn it. Makes more cupsto the pound. Tryit for this reason alone. SONSPICECO, Ohio II m a m I a a m a s a Bart grad* ISe waned com* 2 cswi for 25c, at Nagtey’b. 6 s x ladN i Okie Heats floor at Nag- ley**. Sergeant Cameron Rost if the Qfll rera1Training School at ^amp Sher­ man, v v home over Sahbath, The school close* to-day, the 19th. Ser­ geant Paul Turnbull of this place, is also in flies school. ' Sousa’s Band come* to Xenia on Tuesday, April SO, in the interest of the Third liberty Loan. Everyone should hear this great band, leaped- ally when on such a mission as help­ ing the Third liberty Loan. [ # _ 5 A delegation of Masons from here went to Springfield Wednesday eyen- mg upon invitation of St. Anthopy lodge, The occasion being the annual inspection and work in the third de­ gree. " ■ * Postmaster J. F, Sullivan of South Charleston, has resigned and will go to France in Red Cross work. His re­ signation was handed in last week while he Was in Washington, D. C. His successor will be selected from the civil service list. aa*Basaa«aa«H*NaaHaBiaarail£ -ca<c»r>.o.H-»«wa | LOCAL,AND PERSONAL £ Cedar Day at the college, Friday, May 17, 1 Ji -s *t • ... i"1 "• The Greene county fair will be held August 7-10, The Qhio State Fair August 26-30. Mr. R. A. Murdock has started the improvement on the Barber property, 1which is to be occupied by Andrew Hinton as a restaurant and ice cream parlor. Some changes will be made up stairs . for residence quarters, which Mr. Hinton will occupy. South Charleston has kicked Ger­ man out of the course of study,: while], Springfield will drop that lan­ guage at the end of this year. Schools and colleges over the land in dropping, the German language are not only following pubic sentiment, but. it is not popular with the scholars. . The -Ohio Fuel. & Supply Co.- has Subscribed for - 15,000 worth of the Thud Liberty Loan of the county. The company for its various branches .will take $500,000. Excavation was. started this week on the new eight Troom bungalow which Mr. Frank Townsley is building m what was formerly the Rakestraw property. The building will be of brown brick nnd modern in eveiry-re­ aped1, the plans calling for one of the handsomest structures in this section. The building will be set up and the yard graded accordingly, while a jarage will be built harmonize 'with the house. , Mr. G. Y, Winter and mother; Mrs. £a^ 1?£,,Wwter' Xenia, and Mr. J. •£• McMillan, of Columbus; Were here Tuesday toattendThe funeral of Miss Ethel McMillan j ' was called to Philadelphia, Pa.,"Monday, owing to the illness^ of her daughter, Mrs, Aiken, who Is in-a 'hospital'in that Master Ira Townsley, son of - Mr. and, Mrs. A. D. Townsley, fell from a box car last Friday evening and broke an arm. The lad was.playing onW3ie cars with some of his com­ panions. . . . —State suits cu t to fit abort bu ild people. . C. A. Weaver, Xen ia , O. A new Cadillac car belonging to Peter Kuntz, jr., of Dayton, was found■"alongside the Jamestown and' Xenia pike Sabbath morning turned over on its side. The chaffeur had stolen the, machine from the garage and was out joy,riding. The machine was badly damaged, but what became Of the occupants no one knows, “or whether they were injured.' . , C. C. Beam, of Yellow Springs, who ias. the contract for improving the tenia and Wilmington pike, took his 18-ton steam shovel through here Tuesday. It is said that Beam ex­ pects to erect a modern stone mush­ ing plant in that section to provide stone,for the new toad. The contract A said to be for $80,900, SUNDAYSCHOL * Uuoi) 3 .—SecondQuarter,April 2 1 , 191& THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES j» Text of th* Lessen, Mark y:2; 1 0 - iffii li S;1S—Qele L ong stout suits fo r tall stou t m en . Prices $18.00 to $55,00. C, ,A. Weaver, Xen ia , O. You older men— who don’t have to go to the front—still have a very definite part to take in winning the war. It is your plain duty—and also your privilege— to buy Liberty Bonds—not only $50.00 or $100.00 but as much as you can afford to pay for. Buy them because you believe in Democracy—buy them because they offer the best security in'the world—buy them because they pay but buy them—now. • Our conveniently located, office will be glad to handle your subscription. Gem City Building and Loan Aaa’n RESOURCES S MILLIONS • 6 N. Main—Dayton 3 * TTiatil you've tried finishing your floorswith Manna’s Lustro-Finish do not! knowwhat aft easymatter it is, and no# ndve. No matter howworn and scarredyour „ „ may be, Luatro-Finish covers tip all the defect l-^vtiafioorthebright, lustrousfinishofhard#ood. Jbo file perfect finish for woodwork, furniture, and interfcr wood surface. pom* in nearlya dozen popular wood colors. B M W ' j j^ j r & H astings Bros. Memory Verce, Rom, SilS—Coldon Text, Mark 9:7—Commentary Pro- pared by Rev. D, M, Steam*. Whether it bq in reference to oar Lord himoolf or t»W* follower*, suf­ fering alway* lead* to Glory, end the Glory 1* set before ns a* an incentive to patient suffering. The prophets tes­ tified of the suffering*, of Christ and the Glory that should follow (1 Pet. 1:19,11). He said to th* two on the way to Hmmaas, “Ought not ChriBt to hare suffered these things and to en­ ter into bis glory?’ (Luke 24;26). The joy set before him helped him to pndure his own cross (Heb. 11:10, 26; Rom. 8:18). Now as he spoke of his own and his disciples’ sufferings, lie also spoke of his coming in Glory, and said that some of those listqping to him shpuld not taste of death till they had seen the Kingdom of God come«arith power (Mark 8:38; 9:1; compare Matt 26:27, 28 and Luke 27), The account of hiB trans­ figuration following immediately after that statement in each of the Gos­ pels, and Peter’s, testimony in 2 Pet 1:16-18, moke It unmistakably dear to me that the events of the transfig­ uration were what he referred to-In Mark 9:1; and the thre* disciples;' Peter, James and John, actually saw that " Kingdom in miniature. They went up into a high mountain, and,as be prayed .Ms appearance changed as described: His face did shine as the sun, and hla raiment became white as snow. Compare the account in each Gospel and also Rev. 1:13-16. Then Moses and Elijah appeared,"and talked with him of Ms Approaching death in Jerusalem. The three disciples were heavy with sleep, but when they were awake they saw ills Glory and the two men who stood with Mm. Peter not knowing what be said, talked of mak­ ing three tabernacles, one for the Lord Jesus, one for Moses and one for Eli­ jah,' for he felt that it was so good to be there. While Peter spake, a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice out of the cJoud said: “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Mm,’’ When the clond was passed they saw no man spy more save Jesus only with them­ selves. Now consider this, and see. the glory which was over In that pre­ pared body, shining forth ns-it will when he shall' come again. See Moses representing the risen saints, for ho doubt he had Ms resurrection body (Jude 9), and Elijah representing the translated saints, and the three disci­ ples representing'Israel in the flesh,' and all 'together-they represent the center of Hie Kingdom of God or of heaven yet to be set upon tMs earth, when Christ shall reign with Ms salnfs, and a redeemed Israel shall be the earthly center a blessing to all ot- tion*. TMs la the resurrection con­ summation for wMch we wait and to which we are ever moving onward, and aa wo consider tMs We shall bo changed or transfigured (for the word. IS the same in 2 Cor. 8:18; Bop. 12:2) by the renewing of onr minds as we by faith behold Ms Glory. Being a resurrection event, may be the reason why he told them not to speak of it until ho should be risen .(John 20:9). How Ms patience ahould teach us to be patient with those who are alow to believe the truths set before them. The appearing of Elijah led them to inquire about Ms coming agalh accord­ ing to Mai. 4:5, 0, and he gave a two-fold reply, to the effqct that he had already come In the person of John the Baptist, who came In the Spirit and power of Elijah, bat being rejected, the real Elijah would truly come in doe tlmp (vss, 11-13; Matt. 17:10-18). What John the Baptist was to the first coming of Christ, the real Elijah will be to hla second coming, after the church has been caught up, and will no donbt be one of the wit­ nesses of Revelation, 11. As they came down from the moun­ tain the next day they found the rest of the dlsdples unable ,to deal with a young man who was possessed by a demon, and had been soYropa child­ hood. The father of the boy said to Jesus, “If thou canst do anytMng, have compassion on us, and help us.” The Lord Jesus replied; “If thou canst believe; all tMngs are possible to Mm that bellevetb.” In answer to the father’s confession of faith the Lord rebuked th* evil spirit and healed the boy. There is here a fore­ shadowing of the Lord delivering Is­ rael from thetr demon possession at his coming in Glory when he shall cast ont Satan from the air and the earth, and bind him In the bottomless pit for a thousand years. There is also an Illustration of what we so often meet in dally life, when we would fain stay On Some mount of privilege and blessing, bat we must re­ turn to the ordinary routine of daily life, and often there 1* On £ril spirit in some form awaiting us. The prayer and fasting of which he spoke means At least a greater desire for victory than any mere earthly en­ joyment; a seeking Mm with the whole heart (Jer. 29:18). Let me. earnestly commend for victory over ir­ ritability or fretfulness, or temper, a believing ns* of the words, “Thine Is the power,” which implies a whole­ hearted leaning upon him to do it for a*. ■ ■ * ...... . Hawaiian Pineapple, Sliced or grat­ ed, 29 arid 25e per Can at Nagley’s. . Ask. for Ballard'* Pancalm and Buckwheat flour at Nagley’s. 9 . -# FRANK L, JOHNSON, Attorney and Couruelor-at-Law *ENJA, OHIO. one* eves* Galloway A Cherry. E are now building more naval and merchant ships than w e have constructed in the last generation. • W e are building a vast fleet of air- plaines, and enormous supplies of ar­ tillery, motor trucks,, machine guns, rifles and ammunition. W eare feeding, clothing and training an army of a million men, and preparing for a mil* lion more. W e have loaned billions of dollars to our allies to be spent >n the United States. - From the shipyards of the Pacific to those of the Atlantic; on our farms and in our mines, mills and factories in every State in the Union; back of the firing lines in France, where men are training, camps are being erected and railroads built, billions' Upon billions are being expended for labor, for trans­ portation, for Materials and supplier of every description. 1 i $jl+kJv*', -• V’? .Av* ,'(f T h e m ind can hardly conceive the sums o f m oney required for our war preparations. Yet these ex­ penditures are absolutely essential. . y W e must win the war quickly if possible; we must carry it on for years if necessary. W e must do the jo b w ith American thoroughness, let the cost be what it may. : ' * V k Remember, when you invest in your Liberty Bonds, that there is immediate, urgent, imperative need for every dollaryou can spare. This Space Paid fo r and Contributed bp Greene County County Liberty Loan Committee Judge H . L. Smith, Chairman* > : i W. U CL,EMANS R e a l E s t a t e Gan be found at my office each Saturday or reached by phone At smy residence*each evening. Office 84 PHONES Residence 2-122 GEDARVILLE, OHIO. * Carpentering and Painting Your W ork b Solicited Arthur McFarland Phono No,3« Spring and Summer See u? for your Spring Suit. We have the line of woolens that make Suita look right. We make them, and they will fit you. Give Us A Call K A N Y . TheT ,I£ rd in |! XENIA, onto CEDARVILLE, O. ✓ ✓ TRYOUR JOS PRJNTWG