The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 27-52
o A\K 41■iXLU’IL11 = 9 E . s£mmj EnMlt In theTlmft Stamp Campaign!! Use hm W Ual Until Hknrert SfjSBKI P O R T V -P I i a x Y E A H N O . 27 ." C E D A R Y I L m O H IO , IS ftD A Y , JUN E 31 , 1918 P R IC E , « . 0 0 A ,Y E A R SUBSCRIBERS TO THE RED CROSS, > - ' U*fc of Nam** and Amount Sub- ■orfbod By Kadtv a Than* ha* boon a number of call* for tbs published list of subscribers to th* Red-Cro** fond and the Herald to able to present this list after con siderable effort and the kind assist ance of the treasurer, Dr, M. I. Marsh, The success of the Campaign is best • obeerved in scanning over the list. Much credit is due the chairman of th%, organization, Robert Bird, for Cedardlle township’s share in sup port of this .most wOrtby organiza tion. The Herald in publishing the list is but following the example o f most every town, in this aeqtion. It is not given publicity so much for the bene fit of those who have, subscribed as to those whose names are not in the list. The national organization urges publication for the moral effect of - every community. The total subscriptions to date amount to $2916,60, and the paid, tip subscriptions amount to $2272.60, leaving a balance o f $644 yet to be Collected.' Subscribers ate familiar with the terns of paying these sub- scriptions and it is urged that they be met bn time. Many towns have vigilence com mittees in connection with such war campaign^, which include not only.the Red Cross, the Y, M, C. A,, but the liberty loans, It hhs been suggested that' stich a committee be organized in this place. In the past there has been a tendency on the part of some ' to escape these obligations. The work of such a committee'might stimulate action alohg this line that would give ’ • the township a 100 per cent record as to loyalty. ■It is no’ small task to compile such a list. There, may-by chance be a .name overlooked or a wrong, credit .given but such being the case we , will gladly rectify same in tht next issue. ' The names hdve been grouped as to the amounts subscribed. 2 . •’ ' . -- * ' „Br. M. L Marsh and wife., ' . ^ $75 , > Andrew Bros. - * Wht. M. Smith*'S. K. Williamson & Son; George Hammand, Arthur Wildman. $40 ' * • C. E* and Nettie CoOlby, ■G. H. Creswell. $$6 * Robt* Bird & Sons Co.,JF, C. Stor mont ' * ' $25 R. C, Watt, C, Townsley, Trank' Townsley, C. G. Turnbull and family, R. S. Townsley and'wife; J. EJTurn- bull, C, N* Stuckey & Son, E. L. Stor mont, W. T, Maddox, S. M. Murdock ft Son, Kerr & Hastings Bros., Ed* win Dean, Chas. E. Marshall, N. L. Ramsey, Dr, Leo Anderson ft wife, Stewart Arthur, 0. E.* Btadfute, Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Creswell* W. J* Cher ry, Exchange Bank. W .'S. Hopping, G. E. Jobe, J. M, Kyle, 7 $?0- - ' W. H. Arthur, E. A, Alien, Mr,, and Mrs. W. L. Clemans, R, Bird, Mr; and Mrs, S» ,rT Baker,. J, H, CreR- Well, Clara Kyle, Wm. Conley, A. G. Collins, D. M. Kennon* Clayton Mc Millan^ John M. Stormont, Tarbox Lumber Co., Nancy and Andrew Win ter, Mrs; Ida Stormont. W, A. Smith. $16 $15 R. S. Bull, Walter Iliff, Harry Townsley, F. W. Wfiimer. W. A. Collin*. $12 t 0 A. R. Bull, Earl Cfow, J, S. E. McMichael, Curry McEltpy, Paul Ramsey, Michael Seifert, Florence E. Sommers, Chas, Spencer, Robert. E. Stewart, R. P. Williamson, W.^ L. Wilson, Arnold Bros., P. Arnold, J. M, Auld, R. B, Barber, Mrs. Martin Bather, Mrs.* J. C, Barber, Bozarth Bros., Lawrence Bather, M. W. Col- Iins, H, C., Creswell, Mary Creswell, Elmar Spbaoet, Cbaa, Stormont, w* A-Tumbnll, P. B, Turnbull, W. R< Watt, H. C. Wilson, D. 8. Williamson, Prank Creswell, William E, Clemans, D, & Ervin, Mrs, Thos, Fields* C. L, pibmey, Leroy Henderson, Enos w . Bill, G. H. Hartman, Howard and Ida HOlfoway, Prof. F. A, Jurkat, John and George Johnson, J, E. Kyle, R* Jft. McKee. Elmer Owens, Dr. E. CLOglesb^rBattijel RakeatraW, A, E. Rfdrards, H. D» Straley, W. B, Stev enson, George F» Siegler. ford, W. W. Creswell, Mr, and Mm. Bhed. L. Cletaans, C. M. Crouse, Da- to J Cooney, Mr*. I, C. Davis, O. A. Evans, Cal Ewry, L. H. Ewb-anka, T. B, Piame, Mr*. John Frame, Harva Fields, Mrg. John M, Finney, Harry Graham, Casper Hoitzman, Mrs, Mar-, farofc L, Iliff, Oliver Jobe, Andrew Jackson, Harry Kennon, A. C. Kyle, Sarah. J. Kyle, D. M, Kyle, W. I L La^ey, J, N. Laughead, Mrs, Lucy McClellan,•Jamea A. McMillan. Miss faille McMillan, James H. McMillan, Mrs, D, B. McElwain, W, E. McCbes- ney. J. A, McCampbell, .W, N. Mc- Campbell, J. G. McCorkell, Mrs, Mar tha Milburn, Mrs. C. C. Morton, J, E* Mott, Henry Miller. Bert Niles, James R.- Orr, Reed'Owens, Chas. Owens, C, p. Qwene, Henen Oglesbee,; Mrs, ,L- D, Parker, Anthony Pitstick, A. M, Peterson, J. L. pyles, J, ■ E, Post, Gbo. Powers, C. M. Ridg- way, Earl, C. Randall, R, C. Rifce- nour, J. W, Ross,, Mrs. John andLLIl- lias Ross, John Shepherd, C. C. Sauro, F* L. St. John, A,. L. St, John, S. E. Saunderg, C, C. Shane,. Clarence Stuckey, -Ada Stormont, Mewl C. Stormont, H. H, '.Stormont, W; R. Sterrett, Wm.i,Spracklin, Mrs. Sallie Sfivey, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, A. % Smith,. Jacob Siegler,-Dr. J. OV Stewart, W, J, Tarbox, Mrs. W. J.; Tarbox, John G. Turner, Mrs. John Townsley, W. W. Ttoute, , Ralph Townsley, Howard Turnbull, O. T. Wolford, P.c K. Waddle, John H. Webb, Ralph Wolford, S. C. Wright - and wife, David Strobridge, •A • Mrs, George Bar- low,. Flor E,, Dobbins, C. H. Long,;; Prank Owens, ‘ John .Proctor, Wm, Blair and James Caldwell.. >' - ’ , - " .. , u ' ' i ' Fred Baldwin, J. D, Evans, Hugh Grindle. -Frank L. Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buck, Mrs. Ethel Buck, Effie Conley, Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Duf- deld, W. S. Fulton, Mrs. Elizabeth Galbreath; Andrew. Hinton,. Carl Spracklin, J, A. Stormont, John A. Stowart, Mrs. T. N. Tarbox, - . , $2.50 T. W. St. John, Geo, Sanders. $2.35 Dewey Ferryman. , , v T- *. . •«*.' •/ '• ' ■ Mr. C. E, Turner and Wife; Mr, •andJtfrs. L. F» Tindall, Frank An drew, Mrs. Anna Boyd, Fred Kennon and wife, Geo., Marshall* Pressley Shears, Frank Shears, Leander Shee- ly, Geo. Sturgen, Margaret Alexan der,- Prof. Leroy Allen, Mrs, Mary. Bridgman,, Geo. W. Baker, CleyeBran- ion, Mrs. C. H. Crouse, M.‘ B, Camp bell,'Martin Cooney, Chas. Clemans, Mrs. Jan&Chestout, Mrs. C, H.- Dean,. ■ Mitchelbl. Mary Murdock, j g ' j a . m . wwafer, sRosa Gtormon^, ~ Smith, John Taylor & Son, J, v . Tarr, Mary Esther Townsley, Wade Sisters; Mrs. J. H. Wolford, Herbert L. Whit tington. $1,50 . _ Mrs. Mary Huffman, Came Weak ley, W, R. Cultice, Geo. Jones. $1 Gilbert Bier, Albert Bales, Mrs- C H. CroUsd, Forrest Ferryman, Dora Gaylor, Peter Hamilton, .Washington Jones, Scott Jeffries, 'Mrs. Carl Klontz, Mrs. Ruth Klontz, Elwood Kennon, Sarah Lott, ' Mike Mc- Glaucklm, Mrs. Rosa Moore, George Morris, Wm. Profit, Earl Robmson, Mrs. Annie Reed, John Stanforth, lames Stokeshury, Mrs. Jennie Shroades, Albert Thacher, Mrs, Thos. Tracby, Ernest Truesdale, Hemry Young, Ilo Andrew, Samuel Albright, Mrs. T. B. Andrew, Earl Andrew, Mrs. W, H. Blair, Jennie Bratton, "Maude- Com, -Jack Critz, Howard Clemans, Wm» M* Clemans, Fmnk Cox, Walter Cultice, D. S. Dixon, Bertha Dean, Mrs. Jeanette Eskridge, John Estep, J. E. Farris, John H, Frame, Ina Farris, Mrs. Alva Ford, Mrs, Belle Gray, Mrs. John Glass- inger, Archie Ha«,.Mary Haley, Ora Hanna; Chas. Harris, Sr., Mrs. Mag gie E. Jones and Jacob Jones. $.50 Mrs..A. V. Badger, Mrs, Anna Rob inson, Mr*. Catherine Webster, Mrs. Ben Allen, Jeff Buckner, Mrs. J. H, Bailey, John Blades, Mary L. Cooper; Tohrt Grindle, Chas. Honaker, Henry Hood, Albert Iman, Krandy Jones, Thompson Jones, Frank Jeffries, lawt?tice Jeffries, Ellis McMillan, Mrs. Alice McLean, Mrs. R. P. Mc Lean, Albert McGiven, Lois Paxson, Mrs. Porter, L. S. Sheetey, Henry Shingledecker, Louis Smith, M ti Cora Trumbo, Wilbur Weakley and Jim Wallace, $.40 Mrs, Sarah McMillan, ■ $.25 • Maggie A. Jones, J, H. Bailey, Min nie Hamilton, Mrs. H. C. Robinson. Ralph Gilbert. $7. $6 G. W. Luttrtll, Wm. Coates and family, John McCampbell. ' .$8. 'f Thomas Andrew, V .C , Bategtehar, Tfn*ley Com, J- L. Duncan, James F, Duncan, G. A. Irvine, Joe And Horner Johnson, Ebmnof Insle^ Mrs. ' 'SfegSE all, ” Tb»obold, Mmrton nan, Mrs. Elizabeth Blair, Miss eth Blair, Mr*. Lucy %rb«r, H. Barter. Karlh Bun, W* C. :a Y. M-C. A. WAR FUHD REPORT Th* Y , M. C. A. Drive l*«t Novem ber In Oedatvllle Corporation And Township secured subscription* from 841 psfoons, amounting, to $2690,10. Sixteen subscribers still Otre $56.85. *Xb« rest, $2689.W5, has been remitted to the County Y. 11. « , A- Tr«MU«er< . " F. A. JtlBKAT, Trees. SAFETY ZOEE NOTICE, You ate hereby notified that the saety zone laid out oh the public square is for your Own protection a* well a* for the driver* or automobiles and other vehicle*. You are expected to crow the street following the white lines, and not cut across as ha* been the custom. Per son*who might be injuredwhile cross ing (he street out of the zones have no teoomnte from auto drivers, D. S . Meltadand, Mayor. II!llli|III|MtIIIIIlIIIIIIllllllltllllllllII|lllll|lMtIUIlllIlflIlllllllHllHlMDl1Hlll!lIlll|IIilllliiiyiftiiiiii|iiii|i|iiii||||iti|iiii|iiiiiit||||i. g . <. ■ '■ | MM ay there be none unen lia ted on th a t day” Woodrow W ilto n . J , ../ I M /i as«*a DAY That’s the day our government has officially set for us to agree to purchasiwar Savings Stamps. From June 26th to 28th erery man, woman and child in the United StatesM il be called upon*by solicitors to pledge his df her quota of War Savings Saving^ Stamps for the remainder of 1 9 1 8 . a .. ‘ / T * . ■* . * *' ' * ' + * « t** You will be expected to pledge the full amount that you can afford— 1# more— but by the same token, no less. >one can buy more than-$i,ooo worth of these stamps. The interest is 4.27%, which ismore than that paid on Liberty Bonds. ! The quota for Cedarvilld township is $6o,ooo, $20 per capita for each man, woman and child, You need give no money^0 the solicitor simply sign a pledge card for the Mnount you will agree t o t a k e d u r o & G i e T h e GA<^ W< h * S | O h Uncle Sam is askingml toTSmmbtt^raatthese m^n ffiight fed and given good army equipment. The Red Cross and Y . M, C, A. have their mission, but to equip these men the government is only borrowing your money. Solicitors will call on you onThursday, June 27th EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETS; CHAUTAUQUA COMING BOON S ’* William Coffman of Davtevill*, i select, is Infall In Jackson in connec tion with the killing of John Turvey, 26, a policeman of Co<on, Declaring that the price set on fleece wool by the war industries board is toe low for Ohio producers, action was taken by wool growers as sembled at Columbus to ask the board for a hearing on simplifying selling condition*. An argument which followed, the refusal of Mary Leaaere Fox- to re turn and live with, her husband; Lousy Y,- Fox, resulted In bar mur der and the suicide of her. husband at Mrs. Fox's home,"in Chillicothe, Elsa Wamaloy, 20, was drowned at Marietta when a wave strangled him as he was returning to shore after 9 . long swim. Daniel Ktauae, railroad signalman, Upper Sandusky, completed bis twen- - -+ ■o a ‘m He bring a lot of curios with Rilling a bluebird costa ft. A* Eb him and exhibit them along with Jus mendork S25 before Justice T. N.' interesting talk, Young Ross jtrav- Crale, Washington C, H, , “r . els from -town to town by automobile, ^.Conference of Congregational and looks after the first advertising churches.of western Pennsylvania for fhe chantauqua- Hi* story will The executive committee for the management o f'rte coming chautau- qoa met Monday evening and se lected Officers for the coming event. President, Rev. J. S. .EL MoMichael; secretary, G. H. Hartman; treasurer, M- L Marsh; the other two member* , are; S. C, Wright ami Wm. Conley. On Saturday evening, Jurie 29, there will be a free meeting in the opera house to be addressed by pri vate R. H. ‘ Gordon-Ross, a veteran of the Battles of St, Ejoi, Ypres, Yimy Ridge, Cambral and The Som me. Private Gordon-Ross f* an Amer ican, a resident of Cleveland, who has seen three<years of service .abroad, having enlisted in the 118th Canadian Battalion at Windsor, and by- reason o f his wounds was discharged. April 1st, 1918; ,of men to give their SSL and eastern Ohio' selected New Castle for the 1$19 meeting place. Rev.- Rees D, Evans of Justus was elbeted moderator.1 H. Evan' Williams famous tenor, died at the Akron,after •an illness of one week. Death, was due to blood poisoning. Two sons ate in the army, Mr. Williams was born at Mineral' Ridge and, worked in Ohio mines as a breaker boy- , Miss Belle Downing pf Chardon was, killed and Mise Isabel Ballan- tyne pf Latonfa fatally Injured when the auto in which they were riding was struck by an interurban nur near Simpsonville, Ky. They-were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Isham of St. Petersburg, Fla., both of whom were killed. - Everett Koon, 16, pleaded guilty at Athens to slaying John Robinett, 65, Nel&onville, and was sentenced to the Mansfield reformatory.; . -Christ Klarhopalo*. .19, Canton,was almost decapitated when a motorcy cle be was riding collided,with an in* terurban traction car, .George Topis, 24, who was riding in ^the motorcycle sidecar,-was so badly Injured he may die. ' ' . M " *>';* v *: Rev. Edwin C. Nejhft ban resigned the pastorate of Firdt* Presbyterian church at Marthm'Ferry to become pastor of Third' Presbyterian Ohundh at Springfield, / ‘ -• ; “ „ Rev. Minot JVBavage, D. D., a lead- bp worth hearing, so keep June 29 open -for his coming,. ANDREW JACKSON, Township Chairman, M . J . HARTLEY , County War Savings Committee, BLUE DEVILS STOP HERE. Four <Blue Devils of France, in company with Judge Garrett C. Clay- pool, of Chillicothe, attracted Some attention here Saturday morning, while oji the street here. The four French"officers and the Judge were motoring to Cincinnati, when their car suffered a breakdown east of towh. They were driven to Xenia; to catch a train; The army- officers' in blue uniform, scarlet tipped caps, high black boot*, soon attracted the attention of local people, who Were anxious to know just who they were. CHARLES BUCKNER BADLY AIRCRAFT WAS DAMAGED. BURNED; DEATH TOOK PLACErttDN)DAY POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. I desire to announce my candidacy for the office of State Senator in thi*, the 5th-6th Ohio State Senatorial Dis trict, subject to the decsion of the Re publican elector* of the district, at the regular primary election on Tuesday, August 18th, 1918, FRANK C. PARRETT. Washington C, H,, 0hio. We are aulhrfrized to announce the name of Robert B. Curry a* a candi date for County Commissioner, second term, before the Republican primary, August IS. We ate authorized to announce the name of E* E. lightthiser a* a candi date for Sheriff, before the Republi can primary, August 13. We are authorized to announce the name of Deputy Sheriff Lincoln Fnn- derburg as a candidate for Sheriff of Greene county at the coming Re publican primary, August 1$, We are authorized to announce the name of George N. Perfili as a can didate for. connty commissioner be fore the Republican primary, Aug ust 13. We are authorized to -ahnouuoe the name of Ralph Wade a* a candidate for County Auditor be fore th* Republican Primary, August 18, FOR SALE—About 560 bushels of assorted Little ClearSge Corn, Fred L. ClenuM*. Haw*fi*ft Pineapple, siloed or irrate ed, 8$ and J5e pea oaa at Nagley**, '<M4# Hoafto'flear- at NFag- 1r .-ausSilaSk WyV Charles Buckner, aged 29, colored, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson 1 Buck ner, was almost' burned to death last Friday aftemOon while at work at a garage in Dayton, where he had been employed for some .time. From reports, Buckner,was working with a leaky gasoline tank While the motor was running. There was no one with him in the room at the time the explosion took place. A fellow employee heard the explosion and also his cries for help, but the room being so full o f gas, could not locate him. It was discovered that be^was On the floor under the ma chine. He was dragged out by .his feet but riot until his clothing was burned from his body. He soon rallied and -was taken to a hospital where he wag thought to be improving until shortly before his death. It is said that he suffered terribly from his burns, but his death was no doubt due to inhaling the fumes. The deceased leaves both parents, a brother John, who is in the army, and is probably on his way to France, and a sister, Mrs, Spencer: The funeral was held today. An airplane driven'by two young aviators from, the Wright camp set tled on the Sander’s farm, south of town, just before noon Tuesday. . In an attempt to take flight again the machine caught on a fence >and did considerable damage, though, M one was hurt. The men' communicated with headquarter* and durifig the afternoon an auto of expert* were sent to look after the machine. A hugh truck wa, also sent to haul the disabled machine hack to the camp, The buzz o f the airplane motor is as common nowdays as that of the auto, Sabbath Secretary of War .-Newton D. Baker and a party of Washington officials visited Dayton to inspect the various plant* turning out airplanes, For their inspection it is said that fifty airplanes were in the air at on* time over-Dayton Sabbath, . Monday people in that city were also treated to a fine exhibit when professional pilot* drove the various models for demonstration before the 2000 delegates to, the convention of Society o f Auto Engineers, that met in Dayton Monday and Tumiday. INSTALLATION services op rev . wm , t . M c K inney The installation services for-Rev, Wm. T. McKinney, A.- M., a* pastor of the Clifton Presbyterian Church #ill he held tonight. Rev. D< L, My ers of Dayton premdes and prater will be offered by-Rev. E. G. McKib- bin of the U. P. church. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. Mvera and the charge to the pastor by Rev, Rob ert H Dunaway of Troy. The charge to the congregation will be delivered by Rev. Daniel Brownlee, D, D., Day- ton, a former pastor of the Clifton Congregation. 1 ■:>mil ! 1 « For Sale,—Ten acres Of good Red Clover, Frank O/Hartlson, Save your com crop by easy eulti vation. Easy to operati and handle any place in the field* The National h ^ ^ K U petie* «E th* % ASH TIMBER WANTED. We are always (n the market for ash timber to be used in construction of airplanes. We will pay $50 per thousand on hoard car loading point, Or we will pay the-highest cash price pn the stump. Farmer* will find it to their Interest to call Bell phone Main 2589 or Citizen’s 13040, Dayton or write the undersigned, The Dayton “D” Handle Co.„ „ Home Avenue and B. 4 D. Ry., Daytohi Ohio, A car of American wire fence is now on hand. Get your supply at once before it is all sold. Kerr A Hastings Bros. WANTED — Competent cook In fomiiy ° f two; no washing or Ironing. Call 809 E, Main street, Xenia, 0. SALESMAN WANTED—To tolidt orders for lubricating oils, greases, and paints. Salary or commissfom Add**** th* Victor Oil Co, Cleveland, ing minister of jthe Unftar_ at Cleveland, died, sv&denij 1 In.Boston. ,4to'w*». 77 chUroH ,t 0 ,'hd* * OWL YOUNG ■PEOPLE'S CONVENTION OF XENIA PRESBYTERY,. - The Xenia Presbytery’s Young Poo- - pie’s Convention will be held Tuesday and Wednesday, June 25 and 26, at the Clifton U. P. church. , The followingis the-program: - A' Opening Session, Tuesday Evening, June 21, 7:30 P. M., Invocation . . .Rev. E. G. McKibben Address of Welcome,'., .Roger Collins • R e s p o n s e - , J, Paul Graham Song Service.' Address,.J. Knox Montgomery, D. D. ' v Social Hour. , . Wednesday Morning. 9:00 Devotionals,Stella Wiley, Leader 9:30 Bible Memorizing Contest r Conducted by'ReV. C. P: Pfoudfit, D,D,, General Secretary of Y.-P, C, II 10:30 Address.Mrs. BlancheBallentyne ‘11:00 Appointment 'of .Committees. . Initial Business. - > Wednesday Afternoon. ' 1:15 Song Service. 1:30‘Business-and Reports. . - 2:15 Misionary- Dialogue. ’• “Cindy’s,' Chances >.• 2:45 Conference— . / 7 . Conducted by- Rev. W, E. Mc Clure, Margaret Lackey,1 Lulu Henderson, Rev* E. J. MUlbrie, 3:30 .Address-Rev. C. P. ProudfiiD*D. - -4:00 Adjournment. * * veto upon fee Ordinance Soauig Co lumbus isafoans from lO p. nuhmtil’ 6, a. m., the cabaret ordinance: forbid ding the .employment of women' in places where.Intoxicants are sold and the'ordinanrie putting* fhe'*ban- on‘ wlnerooma. Bay Ripple, carpenter/ New Phila delphia, wa* killed by,lightning, Mrs, W. A. Aahbrook of Johnstown, wife of Representative W.' A. Ash- brook, underwent an operation at Washington and is in a serious con dition. Daniel Krause of Upper Sandusky .4s. the champion knitter of Wyandot county. He ha* completed his twen-1 , tietb sweater, which he presented to >t Y, M. G. A. man just leaving for ; France. Krause Is a railroader*-. Two masked men forced G. Mendel sohn,. owner o f ‘ a cigar factory atj Cleveland; to hand over $2,865 from' hts .*afo. Folios wounded and cap- ' tured a suspect, Lieutenant J, w. Headington, lory mer Knox county state, represents- Stive, has been commissioned captain, 'o f Company O, 112th ammunition train, Camp Sheridan. Charles*A Otis, president of the Cleveland chamber of commerce, has been appointed by the war industries board to make a survey Of Industrial glilce 1?01 Noah Beilharz has given resource*! of the country. his entire time fte.the platform and, Heart trouble «iu*ed the sudden ^ seventeen years of; expert- death of Charles J. McKee, an attor-, race jq entertaining audiences In BuUdta* awoeiation official .yery .tate in the Union, he Is toted« at Dayton. /belonging by right in the first half j An unidentified wMte man of about doeen o{ T&alts great Lyceum and W t J o m v tt* Mn-’*.Chautauqua entertainers. the program which he will give frQm,tertainer run* a serious purpose. He Ch« 1“ school ot Theology. Juaea.w]ga tod grease paint* to hit Ohio Is going to wage an anti- ». ^ „r^ ,.rnnt. r Slacker drive the week of June 3. At 'the state draft headquarters it was ™ said there are at least 20,000 men in !,Ohio whd registered last June hut did * * * * * hf not file their questionnaire* to De- 1 cember. 1 Admission that he stole live chick* !0ns Jan, 11 Cost Charles Thomas of |Lancaster a penitentiary term of from j one to 15 years. The fowls were the ^.property of Otto Tisdale and were ! valued at $50. I Frank L. Rist, labor organiser and -editor, comment a* he effect* change* of oos- tume. A* a’ oharaCter artist he .ha* few superiors to America. Be Imper sonates real people and h« make* them real.' MISS 8 UMAYEH ATTIYEH. Mlsi Bumayeh Attiyeh, . beautiful ____ , died at Cifidnuatl following young. Syrian girl Who oomfs to the an operation performed a week ago Chautauqua on the fourth jday, will Ifor appendicitis. He had beau ill give ope ot the most uniquejand aito- | three years* Igether Interesting lecture^ntertato- -George B. Myers, $8, Hocking Val- »eat* Which ha* ever been 1 heard to 'ley bsggagemastev at Nelsonrille,, this community. Miss AtUyeb has bad icommitted suicide. a wonderful life etmteien. i State Food Administrator Croxtonl ' has Sent to county fobd committees ! list* of farmer* to their counties who - ‘ lire known to be hoarilng wheat, with! hnlH<^ « “ w®u tame* worn tor Mitel Aft! tote* to tote* thtot oa* o)4 sad I* eadremoly valaal fall* to te wltt to* no*" too* of year* "instructions to made another appeal. to get the wheat to toe market. The. . •auspeote average more toan a .tqaoounty* } Ida Prince, 20, is held at Canton : charged with the mardte ot Charles jThompson, horse dialer of Massillon. ^ At Lima Mrs. Blanoh* toeVeagsr, ^ A ^ X S i i e S ‘ 32. shot and kitted her daughter* *♦* ,lyn* 9, and wounded barsalt seriously.! 7 m teiMKA- Mr* toeriaipur to- dlfoyted frite j ^ -^"****#**®***** hatoand. $libc 'WKmi ' 1 toIhww**tollMndtiiw<4MtoWito’to* mWtKk *PM*toPRtoPMP*I
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