The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 27-52

ww sv Cash andCarry Grocery . Ruben* Seeded, 3 Packefe*............................... .29c San ICnt Seeded, 3 Packages.. . . . . . . . . . ,38c PtonM, 5 l b * . . .............. .. 90c Pori?anSBeans,per cah................................. , ...10c - Yellow Free Peachej, I doz. c a n s . ............ $3.00. Yellow Free Peaches, 1 doz, c a n s . , ,$3.00 Apricots, 1 doz. *a'<***f *b.« ***> *f:*».»•.«' * Pineapple. No, 2 can, 1 doz. can*. -------- ---------$3,25 Pineapple, No. 2 1-2 can, 1 doz. cans.. . . . . . . . .$3.75 Milk,' 1 doz. cans.. . . . . . . . . ........; ........... .60c" PanCake Flour, 5 packages. . . . . . 1 L . . . . . . . ,45c Dunvwan Castle. Dtmregwu cast!", tlae ancient strong- ■}IwM o? the M c I ak M d an /ls oiie of the oldest Inhabited dwellings In the world. For 700 years it ling heen the home o f the chief o f the clan' The present, chief has modernized a part, buMn the main It remains as It has boon B|p«e the beginning of the thirteenth century. Grim and gray. like a wap. rioc <X the old days, it perches high on the ledge of a huge, rough rock, almost an island, The wateA of the loch, without which a Scottish castle Is incomplete, beat upon the rock on three sides, which Is, perhaps, one o f the reasons that the' castle remained in the hands o f the McLeods even dur­ ing the troublesome ages. W . W . TROUTE Grocery Co, Cedarville, «, ' . • I . Ohio LOCAL AMO PERSONAL v v r u v i t a f t A v w u v ^ Mr. Carl Kyle and family o f Spring- ! field were week-end guests o f Mr. and Mrs, Charles Turner. " ‘ Christmas comes on Wednesday, W . W . Troute was a business visitor in Columbus, Tuesday. , t , „ , We-carry a full line o f Kodaks add alt the supplies at all times,- F o r Sale:—-Hand cart add cross cut saw. Mrs. J. D. Silvey. Mrs, Samuel Kildow. who is-spend­ ing the winter in Springfield visited herd this week.- Mr. Aaron Elis, who is living with, his ..daughter, Mrs. Frank Goes, o f Springfield, is spending a few" day' with his son-in-law, C. H. Dean and family. “ " The Boss township schools are clos­ ed on account o f the “ flu". Selma al­ so has another touch o f the epidemic and the schools there .have been closed fo r the past,week.. . E. E. Finney o f this place and ' -Mr. J. H, Lackey o f near Jamestown, have gone to Montgomery, Ala., where they wili-attend sales o f Poland Chnia hogs. For Sale:-Two horse wagon, one 81 inch horse collar; one 18 inch collar. Apply to F , O. Harbison. For Rent:- Elm street. -Four room cottage on . Dr. J. O. Stewart. . Clarence Weakly arrived home Mon­ day from Camp Sherman having been given* his discharge. Mr. A. T. Young, who has "been en­ gaged in closing out the hardware stock belonging to his son-in-law, ;R. M. McKee, has- disposed \of all the f stock and left .Wednesday fo r his- home in* Connersvillei Ind. The South Carleaton Sentinel states that Warren, Arthur o f that place will go'south fo r the winter. ' . The government has revised the ’ , charges-for telephone ehangea where removals are necessary. Service con­ nections are $3.50 now. Changing the. name o f one occupant to that o f an- other carries a chatge-of $1.80, Mr. C. N. Stuckey and son, J. E. Stuckey wei*e in Columbus Tuesday On a business trip. . Word was received yesterday that Roscoe McCorkell, who is at Ft. Ben has been made first sargeant. Carl* Spracklen returned Friday evening from Camp Taylor, Ky., where he went to see his brother, John, who has been in camp and just recovering from a severe attack o f meumonia; Mr. Stewart Jackson, o f , Columbus spent several days last week with his mother, Mrs. H . P. Jackson, „ The many friends here o f Miss Dor- ethaMcClellan o f Joplin Mo., will re­ gret, to hear that she -is down '-with pneumonia. Denatured: alcohol to keep your ra­ diators from freezing, can he had at all times at C. M. Ridgway’a Miss Dorothy Collins has been vis­ iting with her aunt,, Miss Margaret Rife, music supervisor o f the Lebanon schools. The Tegular meeting o f the Parent Teachers’ Association will he held on Friday afternoon, Bec. 13th a t 3 p. m. A ll are cordially invited to attend. Colin Barber suffered a severe at­ tack o f acute indigestion Monday evening and has been housed ever since. Jamestown- is now fighting the in fiuenza there being mote than 180 cases reported. The sphools have been closed and pH public meetings barred, A delegation o f twenty or more o f this place Went t o Dayton last Satur­ day to see the great photo play, “Heart* o f the World", WANTED— First class salesman to take charge o f o u r securities bush ness in this community; bond and ref- sretice* required; experience preferred A. good salary paid. Address bOx550 Newark, Ohio. • . The Ohio Securities Co. Rev. George S. Macaulay, former pastor o f the Xenia Presbyterian com orezation is expected home in a few days from Paris where he hasbeonen- gaged in Y . M. C. A. w o rk . Rev. &>r Ion McLetmon, formerly o f Yellow Springs, who sailed with Rev. Macau­ lay, will return with him. William R , Collins arrived home Saturday from Camp Lee, Vm, after aoendlxrg a week in Washington D. C., i s f ® M , s . v . BM. « f Philadelphia, William took the WfceiiwaitiWtftfefc Roscoe McCorkell o f Ft. Ben near Indianopolis, was home Thanksgiving fo r the day. Roscoe is with an engin­ eering company and thinks he will be mustered out in a short time. _ Hattie Huff, an employee o f the Xenia Shoe factory, has brot suit against Charles. L. Bales foribreach o f promise to marry and asks $ 10,000 damages. Frank L. Johnson attorney. Mr, and Mrs.. Robt, Bird' have re­ ceived word that their son Harry F. Bird has arrived safely overseas. He 's a member o f the Medical Corps be­ longing to Mobile Hospital Unit 100. was transferred from the School o f Medicine, Cincinnati University, to active service in September and was sent to Camp .Crane,' Allentown,Pa. The unit to which he belongs had the unique distinction o f being scheduled to sail on Nov. 11th at. almost* the 3 ame time the new* o f the signing o f the armistice was received. Wm. Marshal,, the fur king, reports oue o f the biggest season* ever exper­ ienced in trapping. Farmers have in­ vested in trap* and are making good along with the proffessionals. The price this season is more o f an in­ ducement to take up this line than in former years. Mr. Marshall states that hi* shipments this week will a- moutn to nearly $ 10 , 000 , the consign­ ments going to New York City. — Buy winter clothing and under­ wear now when you have the chance to get it. C. Kelble, W. Main, Xenia Unskilled Supplication. A Scotch minister was, usket to pray for rain anp hie prayer was fol­ lowed by such a.downpour that the crops were injured. .During the storm one old farmer said to another: “This comes o' trusting- sic a request to a meenjster who isnu ucqualntlt wl* ag­ riculture,"—Boston Evening. Trim- script J Bet Aloohol From fipuds, ‘ Besides being an Invaluable article o# food. It way surprise many people hi learn that tbe potato contains quite s large amount of nleohol fcn<J,"when chemically and properly' treated in bulk, can yield the results. Alcohol is used for many other purpose* beside* producing beverage*. After being ex. . traded from the potato it can be , used as a substl' Te for petrol. It has . for some time past been rumored that the supply o f the year’s potato crop may p e b b ly be unified for. making alcohol, which, In turn, may take the place o f petrol a* a driving power, and also for heating arid cooking purposes. Scientists and chemists agr?e that It may be a common sight in the future tp see caps, buses, motor vans and taxis driven by alcohol from the potato. Homophony. Bomophony Is another name for Unison, where two or more voices or Instrument* have the same part, it la the opposite o f Polyphony where dlf. j ferent tunes are heard at the same time. The term Is not in general use In music. . \ . Give Practical Presents For Xraas This is the Best Place to Buy Them . Here Are * few SUGGESTIONS * Home Made Carpets Cotton Blankets Wool Blankets Rug* Screens Matting Boxes. Cedar Chests Cretone Covered Chest jardinercs New Linoleum for Kitchen X E N IA , Lamps Serving Trays Pillows Bed Spreads Laundry Bags Sewing Baskets Waste Baskets i Clothes Hampers Pictures * Lace Curtains ' * * Carpet Sweepers Vacuum Sweepers* Dustless Duster *■ t % O-Cedar M op Couch Cover Table Cover Steamer Rug Portieres Hoover Electric Cleaners Phonographs OHIO —Bread made from all Wheat fiodr is now bring made at the Home Bak­ ery, the food administration having canceled the drilers fo r the use o f a substitute, . FURS WANTED :—1 am paying the highest prices ever known for all kinds Ofiurs. ’ Phone 1-167. W m . MARSHALL Best grade 15c canned com, 2 can* for 25c, at Nsgley’s. New Words Will Be Retained, When *he United States opened an official postal service through the air words, were-coined to meet this new departure. These met with such fa­ vor with the postal officials that they *re used officially in the postal serv­ ice. These words, which appeared on the day ne new service was inaugu­ rated, are "pefetpiane," “ ptanepost* and "plafieposted.” Don’t Never, tell a city girl that She ha* a complexion like strawberries <ad- vlse* Materfamllas). She know* that strawberries come in a hot, too. DR. O. P. ELIAS DENTIST ^ « * * * » « « B**k »W * * Vi Greater Than Our Sale A Demonstration o f the Power of Gash and Our Buying Ability Sample from the Best Manufacturers, Jobbers and ^ Importers in America Bought at Great Reductions for This Sale And Clearance o f broken Lots and Sale Began Wednesday and Ends Greatest Sale in the History o f this . * . - ,' ‘ 1 A Clipping From A Sale Planned. X , - , , d Months Ago Inside knowledge o f the market-conditions together with our inviting offer o f CASH, brought about a wonderful re­ sponse to the above advertise­ ment. The day following it* ap­ pearance in the New York Times we were besieged by manu­ facturers, jobbers’ and importers’ representatives offering t h e i r sample lines and surplus stocks at prices away below the prevail­ ing market value. The positive indications of PEACE caused a break in- the ' i t * market for made-up Fall and Winter goods, affording us an opportunity of buying seasonable merchandise at prices below any quotations prevailing since the outbreak of the war. Having anticipated '“this condition, we were able to take the advantage when it presented itself. The Values of Gash •uluSi. 3 r<un«rcr j \ - J s ' i -I ms «rhtf» _ m 5 « -Jllrt: ail c l - fr caii. a , Catmu'l. * **■+.;. v * at m . ... __ _ ■ualitttlM, O. U. * ; ptlc* rlrht. fC#»<: Bro^Hlyu, LWtlfnt; 'iarc* Uvaiy. . A**r«M . ,n. fttaou- atures. BItv Jta at belli ,]1 lie; bu/ from 'o., Indians. casta. 21'/5c; pitcy and col- la robt cloiti, | (York TVaHl'f I» 0 n Sq. aaag. jost'otiit v,)lt kt 30th. |i. yw, I*i, 6 . Wi'U. OramtSy ...»r beaver, f fancy Iwllt. cafe, cboita i far navte*. Bochniaith and lSW.-.. 5. Madlton teda m-J*~be mrtrt. of.*> rder. X,m -Saanimctte, lerlett.) Htu* on*« sou, |-ai plush~at f cltwoab! at 1 * To Manufacturers and jobbers We are in the market for sample lines ot Dry Goods and General Merchandise at a discount for Spot Cash. Only Merchandise of the better grades considered. The Edward Wrea Company SPRINGFIELD, OHIO * MtuatlCn. VVant»d. tit".4*.*.**' D'*/'.,J Ue:(1 SIB3 Abc-Jt ttu tub* <-{ fait* for tttv rt-rabinj- fiin-f, AIII no- libo U- iiroitiM f * V h I ju JI HAiivPond V5r. ]»yr i Kocds, tea INIUAN* It. Waj Writ J»DIAL 1 -yonol KAN.H/I -Mine bl JI.Ml’I H cm , I. ino lira Ni-;\v o i l Ulalnlkbl KCMIFOLJ Mat Ujf OKUMt wltx, i O maha , A .'Chlj 1’KTiTHI Wea.-hl 4 t>KI, ; » ] PHIbAl II. .It, ftroada .1Hlj'.At 1,133 I itm.Al K klll.i run.Ail jut a «ln-J_ siraa dnrl na\ 1-IIIJJtMElL M. Coml l’ crvsnimil Utyerti, Av. r Mr 7 sm.ul Mia* It. Si m-rsBunl Moffat, I.'J M. If. & vaU*; 1] rirrsau i-ii. coal VITTSlul i.wr, pi - lTITHnfl stetn. nil liontrry, 11 r-iTrsci; j <’o ; Mr.; tic-imJq IHJRTWl fieri ;• hl 15.(1 PniA j'OnrLANi >:>aud <;/ iir.aa.-a. i Ti I' r «-!y •».-! It does not have to be shown any more that buying and selling on credit is expensive and extravagant-while business tran­ sacted o n * cash basis,is economic cal and thrifty. Cash was the power used in bringing together this Wonderful assortment o f seasonablie merchandise, which we are now offering to you in this GREAT SAMPLE SALE at prices are most extraordinary low, EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS SALE IS ABSOLUTELYGUAR- ANTEED BY US and will be. exchanged or the money will be refunded if the article is not satisfactory, providing the goods are returned within three days accompanied by the receipt. THE EDWARD WREN CO, i-Wt Every Department in This Big Store Contributes to the Offerings in this Sale. \ Our Buyers Have Gone into the Best -Markets o f America for The Extraordinary Values A Wonderful Opportunity For Thrifty and Economical Buying The Edward Wren Co. Springfield, & Ohio i