The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 27-52

k t M i* -**ri •him U i * MRANTNO COMMUNIONS. k , 0 . CoWm' batorwi* us that ha fiw * Ma *oa, 8 f b Jbtai who **y» that tba *%ni»ic axwWJe* pa N«r» 11th m *d«it H e tit# <fHM»ji<|.|>o f eoaiiaia- Us soft, John, m d *hp to Sgt* Cwry, both o f whom wort la Osadteato sohool at Lan- Tfa# boys completed; H htH bm tnm os Nov, 14th }u*t three da^ato lato to. got s lieutenant?# com However they were given, •bowing their eligibility the boys are now bade with thehfioM division, the 83rd, which is supposed to be on Its way home. m o a b d in a i 7 h a y s T in NEWEST P 0 6B .„ II ( ■ T WATHER HAN MADE GOOD. A4£er repeated ■ooia have promises that we W uld a white Christmas the w e^arm an made good, his promise, Tutigay evening the rain turned to a ligHBanow and by Christmas night the grohbd was fairly well eoYtrod with a blanket o f the beautiful, ^-Afaer all thelSvarm weatherwe haVe bad it was a'rUd treat to have snow fo r Santa’s coning. People entered into the spirit o f ||e day as we hay&been hsed to in thiifsection in former years. The fa ll In temperature from-80ion Sabbath to 2%m Thursday was rather' sudden but the^we will get achmated as the days come. SEffiRRATED YOUTHFULCOUPLE - f ' A ' \ z - n i J Bishop Patrick Hays in a new and exclusive pose, following his naming to succeed the late Card.* nal Farley, PROPOSES CHANGE IN ELECTION -■ LAWS FOR ECONOMY, Jfedge Kyle Annulled"the marriage o f t®rrol Rayburn and Mildred Hover Raeburn which'took place some time agSlagainst the knowledge and wish oftfiie parents. The Judge advised thetbfide to wait until she was.18 aw theh i f they fe lt toward each other as*they do now a marriage would be all-right.*■ PROTECTIVE LEAGUE PLANS BIG BANQUET 'The Greene County Fish' and'Game Protective Association is planning for ' a Special meeting and banquet which wiS be held some'time during January . A^iommittee selected to have charge ofTthe affair consists o f Mr. Taylor; M ?' E, Smith, Harry Sohn , James Wade and Path B . Yockey. . CAR OF CORN ARIVES . .> . '* i ■?A number o f farmers in this see twn received.a car o f western com ' this weak fo r feeding purposes as hub been next to impossible to pur' chase the home grown "corn. Early smth*ggtt$K>n it looked as i f .We ‘ were to have a bumper crop hut the dry weather hit this section just as the coin reached the stagd’oYformatioh GREENE COUNTY MEMORIAL. . » f , , ’ i* 1 t- The erection o f a memorial in this county fo r the soldiers o f the work, war has been presented to the Xenia Business Men’s Association by W . L. Miller. A committee will be appoint^ ed to take up this matter. DIED FROM INFLUENZA. 1Charley Grube, aged about 30, who lives just this side o f the. stone bridge at Clifton, died Monday o f plural pneumonia, following influenza. He leaves a w ife and two smalt children. FEED! FEEDI! M«*t scraps, for Poultry, Union Grain Dairy Feed, "Winter Wheat Middlings, Oil Mesl and Tankage at E. A. Allen’s Elevator. HOW’S THIS? . We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any case o f Catarrh that be cured by Hairs Catarrh . cannot HaSTiM i’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has be- oome known as the most reliable rem­ edy for Catarrh. Hall’s 'Catarrh Medicine acta thru the Blood m the Mucosa surfaces, expelling the Pbisoa from the Blood and healing tbrdis* based portions. After yon have taken Hall’s Ca­ tarrh Medicine for a short time you 'will sea a great improvement in your general health Start taking Hail's Catarrh Medicine at ones ana get rid * f eetarrh Send for teatimoinala, frifr, ■ „ F. J. CHENEY k Co., Toledo, ShU hr «U Druggists, 76c. LE&AL NOTICE. . w-O Ohio. William Jackson, whose place of residence is unknown, is hereby noti­ fied that Lucretia Jackson has filed her petition for divorce against him being case somber 14,904 inthe Com­ mon Pleaa Court of Greene County, Ohio, and that said cause will, be for heating on and after January 13th 1119, Frank It. Johnson, ' Attorney for IaPintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. Court o f Common Pleas, Greens Greene County, Ohio. Themis Johnson* Plaintiff m ■ Okra Johnson, Defendant * Ckre Johnson, whoaa place t£ resi­ dence k unknown k hereby notified that Thekas Johnson ha* filed hla pe- titien *§*te«t bar fo r divorce and' the anstodjr a t ch id , hr ease Number a d jp f ls the CNmwsm £1##* Court o f adsoem tiy d f Gtfoene mid State o f C tk a ik t e waM cause will be fo r la n t iif mmi a fie f Jaatsary 17, 1M». Atto^wy J it ftaMMt* A s.a means o f economy and re­ trenchment ..Representative Latham o f Huron county advocates the _elim­ ination of two o f the four judges on election day, one member o f the board o f county commissioners.—giving the auditor the .deciding vote and to elim­ inate many o f the district school su­ perintendents. WHICH ARE YOU RAISING • CORN OR COB? Select what you think is a good ear o f corn, Wrap it with paper. Pull out the ear; Shell it; See if you haVe enough8shelled cOm to fill the space in the paper where the ear was. I f you fill t you are - raising corn, not cob. Big'corn' is often late ’ in' maturing, Few farmers know how much water there is in an ear o f corn. It would scare him to know how much water be sells when he hauls a load o f corn to market. FINALLY ADVERTISED. There was a man in our town, And he was wonderous wise, He swore by, all the dogs- that be, 1 He would not advertise. At last one day he adyertised, -And thereby hangs a tale; The ad was set in nonpareil AUd headed “ Sheriff’s Sale” . ur ORDER FERTILIZER NOW. . Get your order in .at once fo r y spring fertilizer. We handle the. cele brated “ F. S. & R.” There .is none any better on the market. E. A. ALLEN- NOTICE TO HUNTERS. No hunting with dog or gun will be permitted on my farm. Hunters are also forbidden to keep o ff at night and no trapping is permitted George. Powers, —Hog oil, $6.00 per barrel, o f 60 gallon, plus freight. A club order will cut the freight one-half. See Howard C. Creswell, .—Prepare your piano fo r the winter. Have it tuned and regulated.' Call phone 2-160. Knox Hutchison. —We can now give you the genuine Vienna bread made from all ^ aeat flour, — The Home' Bakery. WANTED--- First class salesman to take charge o f out securities busi­ ness in this community; bond and ref­ erences required; experience preferred A good salary paid. Address box6S0 Newark, Ohio, f - The Ohio Securities Co. - —Buy winter clothing and under­ wear now when yon have the chanc* to get it. C .8Kelble, W. Main, Xenia, Best developing and printing done by Clarke Nagiev,’ Leave filmsat Nagiey’* grocery. -—Gold Medal Flour by -the .barrel alNdgley’s, . j HARNESS REPAIR SHOP on South Main Street in the H . A . Barr building. E eaaon ab le^ rices Give tTs A T rial Coaoell Bras. WHKHE THE STYLES ARE SHOWN FIRST No Refunds. No Ap- prevtls. No C. 0 . D’s. Small Charge Will Be Made for Alterations 24 Es. Main St. - SPRINGFIELD , OHIO Our FifthSemiannual ClearanceSale IS N OW GO ING ON f This event is eagerly watched for by the women of Spring- field as it is a known fact that we never carry over a single garment from one season to another, although merchandise is higher and still advancing we will 7" O ffer Greater Values T h a n . Ever in Th is Sale Our entire Fall and 'Winter Stock of Goats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Furs* Blouses, Sweaters, Bath Robes and Millinery has been placed on sale at astounding values. Reductions ranging from ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF former, prices and many instances to less than .one-half price. DRESSES COATS SUITS More than ' 800 Dresses in every new color, style and material, including a. number o f new spring models. U p t o $19 .75 D re s se s f o r $9 .7 5 . Satins and taffeta, colors navy; brown, plum and black, values up to $19 .75 ., " (j| A 7 C Clearance Sale Price............................ .. • * O . U p t o $25 .00 D re s se s f o r $12.75 Materials are serge, satins,: and. taffeta. Sizes 16 to 44. Values up to $25.00. d* 1 ' l *7 jj* Clearance Sale Price......... $ 1 Hai O U p t o $35 .00 D re s se s f o r $15 .75 Materials are serge, wool jersey, satins iind georgette m ail the wanted colors. Values up to $35.00. ’.Clearance Sale P r ice ..............*|J JLU * U p t o $45 .00 D re s se s f o r $23 .75 Serges, wool jerseys, velours, satins, georgette and combinations in all the new shades including navy and Black. Values' up to $45. ^ ' l l *7 C* Clearance Sale Price......... ............j l k O i l U U p t o $55 .00 D re s se s f o r $28 .75 . Silk velvets, serges; georgettes, wool velour, triedtines, satins, crepe meteors. Values up to $55.00. 7 C Clearance Sale Pr i ce . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ k O s i O U p t o $65 .00 D re s se s f o r $38.75 Silk tricolette, panne velvet, finest satiqs, trico­ tine, serges, handsomely tailored and trimmed. Values up to $65* ( 1 * 1 0 'JBL Clearance Sale P r ice .. . . . . . . . . I U More than 600 for you to select from, every one of this season's make, many o f them not in our store more than two weeks. Up to $29.75 Coats for $15.75 One lot of coats in wool velour and cheviots, including Stylish'stouts, values up to $29.75. rft-g pr /m mm Clearance Sale Price...................... ... J ) 1 { J . | { ) • Up to $39.75 Coats for $21.75 One lot o f coats of silk plush, wool velour and kersey, regular sixes 16 to 44. stout sizes 42 1-2 to 52 1-2, values up to $39,75. Hi a m g Clearance? Sa'e Price. . . ; .................1 • I d Up to $45.00 Coats for $26.75 One lot of coats of finest wool velour, pom pom, broad- cibth and silk plush, all colors and sizes, many fur trimmed Values to $45.00/ / k /% S m m Clearance Sale Price....................... .. / O Up to $55.00 Coats for $31.75 Bolivia, pom poms, velour and silk plush, all fur trimmed and silk lined. Regular and stylish stout sizes. Values up to $55.00. ’ / j | mt m Clearance Sale Price....................... .. iD tF 1 • / O Up to $65.00 Coats for $38.75 H Very fine velour, silk velour, seals, pom pom, trimmed with btaver, racoon and Hudson seal, loose fitting and1 belted models. Valuss up to $65.00. r p Q /m ■* Clearance Sale Price.............. .........„ .iP 0\Jpi 0 Up to $79.50 Coats for $48.75 Silk Velour, Baffin seal, Bolivia, silvertone, cut Bolivia, and suede- velours, all trimmed .with luxurious furs. Values up to $79,50. A i n Clearance Sale Price........................ . / U 25% Reduction on All Furs Just 163 Suits of wool velour, tricotins, serge, gaber­ dine, velvet and tweed mixtures. Quite a f;w tailored models, simliar to the new spring stples and of a weight that can be Worn nicely through the spring, Up to $35.00 Suits for $16.75 Wool velours, Oxford, cheviots, wool poplins and serges. Valves up to $35.00. ( J l Z Clearance Sate Price............ Jl U * § U Up td $45.00 Suits for $21.75 Serges, poplins, tweeds and cheviots. A large' variety at this price. Values up to$45. (fh "M F 9 JJ Clearance Sate Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 * 1 U Up to $55.00 Suits for $28.75 Suits of tricotine,-broadcloth, wool velour and-serges; all colors arid sizes. including stylish' stout suits. - Values" up to $ 5 5 . t ' y j i 7 5 Clearance Sale Price ........................ .. £ O Suits up to $65.00 for $38.75 " Suits of silvertone, finest braadcleth, tricotine, men's - wear serges and velvets. Values up to $65.00. Clearance Sale Price............ .. Suits Up to $95.00 for $48.75 This price takes the choice of our finest suits, hand­ somely trimmed and elegantly tailored. . Values up to $95.00. ^ i Q W J * Clearance Sale Price. . . . . . . . . . . . ^ T c O * I O All Our Finest Coats 40 % Reduction W. L. CLEMANS iRea l Es tate Gan be found at my office each Saturday or reached by phone at ,, my residence each evening. Office 36 PHONES Residence 2-122 GEBARV ILLE , OH IO . CASH FOR CREAM Sell Your Cream to The West Jefferson Creamery Co. Cash Station at C . E. Masters' Store, {Successor to J. E. Post. Your cream will be accurately weighed and tested and check issued at once at Full market price. Your can emptied and waseed ready to take home. A trial will convince you that tilt* plan if the m&st satisfactory way to sell and also that ^ WcSfc Jefferson is offering at all times, an honest market for yod f dream. . S f t 6 a riia itiE s TRY OUR JOB PRINTING. HERE YOUR SAVINGS t & Per Cent, Payame •SeKii-amiually We Wish to Announce That Beginning January 1st 1919 The Springfield Building -& Loan Association Will Pay on All Accounts of Running and Paid-up Stock Payable July 1 and January 1 * % All DepositsBear Interest / rtI1 ^ p w m i i e a i 2 ^ From the First of Each Month SA FE INVESTM EN TS Money dpotdtod in this institution is invested in first mortgages on.real istate only, providing for your funds aisoliite safety. f Start An Account Now We now have $5,000,000 o f assets and a surplus of $200,000. The Springfield Building & Loan Assn. 18 East Main.Start. - ^ Springfield, Ohio. . * w*