The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 27-52
LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mis. Ikiir* Gray and daughter, , 1 'X :ik*t returned' Imr. Coviugtvn, K.V., j Muuday cvfzting alter a pleasant visit : with yeletivtrH, The library wilt he open Tuesday «>f next week. J. C, Tftv n»tey han « new’ Overland touring ear. 1 Mr. J. P. Schaffer, wifeand daughter, Jean,and Helen Greer, u£ I)ayum, have been spending several days with friends here this week.' ----- - -— li . J Mr. V, P. Hastings and wife have FOR SALK—Kiiehen range,, hums $mitf iQ l^wnee City, Neb., on a visit coal or wood. J. O. Barber. swith the former’s brother, Rev, A . G, Hastings and family. Miss Belle Winter will return ta Painesville where she taught last year. Ask. fo r Ballord's Pancak# and Buckwheat flou r a t Nagley’s. Mr. Walter Riff, wife and daughter, Helen, who have been in Mich., tor several weeks where Mr, lliff. has a large railroad contract, have returned home, . Miss Zelpha Dobbins has accepted a position as clerk with Hutchison & Gibney in Xenia, . Ray Lawrence, w ife and son, Win ston, o f Springfield, are guests o f Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Grind!p. Mrs, J. A , Harbison and daughter, Reba, left Tuesday for 'a two weeks visit with relatives in Indianapolis, The R. P, pulpit will be filled Sab. bath morning and evening at the usual hours by James Ciicsnut of the Seminary. D r ., W . R, McChesnev, w ife and daughter, Frances, and Mrs- C. C. Morton, and daughter, Jean, who have been visiting in Pennsylvania, return ed home, Monday evening. ... . .. - The barn on the Magruder farm, occupied .by Jame,s Matthews, buhied Wednesday night .being struck by lightning. Some oats and fiO tons of In the list of draftees that left yester- day were, the following local boys, Warren Barber-William Collins, Roscoe McCorkell, W, D, Sterrett, Flpyd Spracjden, The young men left for Camp Taylor, Ky. Prof, Leroy Allen and family will re turn home next week. Mrs. Allen and daughter, Ruth, have been visiting at Wooster where Prof. Allen goes upon completion of his special course at Chicago University this summer. The war hoard on Monday gave no tice th a t,ail trade books, copyright reprints,’ Juvenile, toy and noncopy right books must be cut 25.per cent, o f the average fo r the past, three years. The ruling is fo r the conser vation o / paper. J« , - —i _i------ ----- r ’ pr, Mile*’ Antt-Pala Pllla t«r nn »aut The next call" for meiv from this county exhausts the Class 1 men, the board only being able to send 47 instead of 50*as,called for. T h e men leave Thursday, Sept, 6. The following .local boys are in' the list; Mai tin Weimer, Charles Bratton, Virgie Porter Stan- Carth, Arthur Judy, Norman B. Foster, Charles, Estridge, Noah peVault and Wfiliaht Finney, Jr. I W e have been informed by Mis* Helen Patton, treasurer of the Eight Weeks Club that 4US.40 was the net profit of the operetta for the Irenefit of the Red Cruse.' This was possible due to the fact that the opera house was granted free by the trustee*. The school board has once more settled the question of hauling the pupils. Agreements have been reached whereby Calvin Ewry will take districts No. 5-0 for |10O a month, Charles Turner No. 7 at 480 and Dayid’’ Knott. No. 2 at $80 a month. Mr, K . F, Hutchisoh and wife,u and daughter, Miss Margaret Gilkey, of Dayton, have moved here, having rented the Dean property ton Miller street. Mr. Hutchison is in the piano business in Dayton and will go back and forth. Miss Gilkey1, will attend college. Among other good coffees we hnve- a fresh shipment o f Red Bird a t Nag- ley’s. F o r m e r c e d a r v i l l i a n KILLED IN ACTION IN " BEHALF OF HIS COUNTRY ' A message was received Friday by Newton Sfoiling, o f Xenia, announcing the death o f Clifford, a private in Co, E, 125th infantry, who ha§ been in France fo r several months. Young Stpllings was born here and' was 22 years o f age and has been a farm hand, near Eleazer. He had enlisted in the militia, Co. I but was rejected. Later’ under the selective seivice he was passed and went abroad ready to do his duty fo r his country. ‘ He leaves four brothers, Fred, at Camp Greenleaf; Thomas, Charles and Newton, of Xenia. E. E. McCALL’S SALE •LINIMENT Penetrating, Healing, Antiseptic F o p Rheumatism, Stiffness, Soreness, Swelling, ' Sprains, . Strains, Wounds, Cuts, Etc. Ths real text of a Unimoat b lfs effects Upon tha 'hairy skin of 'animal*. If it does hot soar or fret the elurv; make, it dry and scaly. It Is a safe application for ' all, purposes, Strong liniments keep, the inflammation in and the healing? liniment Out, Jones* Liniment does not' dlister, innart or "burn. Thnt’a one- reason why it Kaos deeper—relieves more quickly "than other*. Goes In Without Rubbing Rubbing is not good ior the skin. It roughens—| irritates. The MSal liniment is applied quickly—reaches the scat' of the trouble—heals,'relieves, soothes,.copb. Jones* Liniment is mild in action"—sfcronu In results. Roes not Irritate the most delicate skin. It is a house hold remedy depended upon for years for quick relief ' from bain in muscles and .joints; backache, earache, headache, toothache, corns, bunions, frostbite, insect ■tine*; as an application for sore throat, swollen (lamb and to break up s cold In throat or chest. Jones* Lini ment works wonders in the heaiint; of Cuts, bums, by:an- ■ ated or punctured wounds, sprains, strains or in lame-' ne-ffl of domestic animals from 'any Causa. .• Keep a bottle conveniently'placed for. emergency and Central uses< Be Sure’ yoh .get the (erinine—the same as year daddy used, With ray dad’s picture on the - carton nnd bottle labels.' Full Measure Bottles ■ 4-Oz, 8«©z. ■■ Size Size 25e 50c . Distributed Only by TEL J. C. JONES CO., Se. Charleston, O. Sold By AI1 Good Prosaists. HOCHANGE1HHAME.PACKAGEJORflUU0?,PRICE ; FORNEARLYHAtr ACENTURY- I will sell at ray farm 8 miles north west of Jamestown and 6 miles from Ccdarville on Tuesday, Sept ember 17, at 1:00 P, M. C5 head of. Big Type Poland China hogs. 8 Sows with pigs by side, 25 gilts, 13 males and 15 feeders, March pigs. M . E. CHURCH Sunday School .at 9:30. Geo. A,. Hartman, Snpt. Dedication pf our new service flag at 10:30. . Special service, A very , inspiring service. An\invitation is extended to all, ' ■ Epworth League at 7:00 p. in. No prayer meeting Wednesday even ing on account of Pastor’s presence at the annual conference to be held il» Cincinnati, 1 ■ WE W AN T A MAN OR WOMAN 1 to sell Toflet Articles. One whto can stand prosperity, W e are an old established Mouse opening a new territory. W rite at once to W , & H . Wnllter, 1201 E , Third St., Dayton, Ohio. ... Spirit of Success. A writer In Physical Culture denomi nates enthusiasm as the most precious possession n man may have. It way be inconsistent from lack of. Intelligent di rection, it may bubble over Instead of boiling just enough, but It is the spirit that moves the world. Enthusiasm is a quality that keeps its possessor bright, alert and alive." DR. A. C, McCORMICK, DENTIST, 10 Alien Bldg., Xenia, Ohio. W You are the folks we want to see and help* Make our cool, pleasant store your headquarters. We are right in the heart of the theatrical and shopping district, every body knows where. Meet your friends here. Drink * * our ice-water, there will be plenty of it, ^Check your baggage free and'ask all the questions you like at our information counter—it’s the best in town. Free tele- phones, city directory, and rest rooms. Incidentally, plenty of music, restful chairs and pleasant surroundings. The Famous Columbia “Grafonola” Has Been Added to Our Already Large Talking Machine . Department. * We intend to make HEATON’S the center of attraction , for lovers of the choicest phonograph music in the world. . Our annual display of pianos is attracting lots of at- tention.. / You are cordially invited to inspect this wonderful assortment of . * “ Chickering” “ Brinkerhoff” “ Milton” and “ Gulbransen” Pianos and Player Pianos / ‘ '' ‘ f * « ’ ’ t A at the Acknowledged Music Center of Ohio C e L U M B U S , © H I ® . 5 % t 5 % * Put Your Money to Work t i Don’tletyourmoneyplaythepartofaslacker. That is whatit isdoingif it is not earning you % interest. If.youhavemoney layingidledeposititinthisbankbeforeSeptember6thandit will drawinterestfromthefirstof themonth. \ Deposits Made On Or Before Sept. 6th Will Draw Interest From Sept* 1st* 1 * T H E S P R I N G F I E L D B U I L D I N G V A N D L O A N A S S O C I A T I O N * 28 East Main Street ' ? » - SPRINQFIELD, - - - ‘ OHIO 1 . J 5 % 1 • * • ■ Ml 1 ■ ■} 5 % HERE'S THE REAL SHADOWONHDNLAND A blggar, blacker and deeper shadow hovers over Germany then, the sharp decisive successes o f the allied forces from Flanders to Rhelms. It is the steel helmeted Yanks on the American front with a foot on German soil and daily being reinforced With what the Hun high command knows now to bo "wild-cat fighting men." Yank fighters in a major smash into Germany could break the morale e f the homefolks as no Other fap> could. That’s why picked troops aro being placed opposite the Yanks. This is a new picture o f our Yank commander, General Pershing* in steel helmet and ready for the word from Foch, Opening Display -OF- Fall and W inter Millinery Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September6, 7and8 We have many smart models in varied styles, each possess ing charming individuality, OSTERLY "/TRY OUR JOB PRINTING/1 XENIA* 36 Greene Street . ta it •. *» OHIO 4
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