The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 27-52
W W W M W W IM M A ta M A iV U X A L J A W tH i sO N A l VVVWW iftft/VWVtfWW /VVWWUV M f, D . W . Storrett l* down with typhoid fever. Mr** Flora Dobbins returntfi home WoAwaday having beep called to Washington C . H . o*Jng to sickness in the family o f her daughter,,M r*. Harry King. Mnt. Jeanette Eskridge has been granteda pensionof |*t5a month, Clarence Stuckey, who had his ma chine damaged beyond repair by a Columbus truck, has been ass$ed of a new touring par by the owners o f the truck. Miss Lewis, of Columbus, represent ing the Ohio Branch o f Council of National Defense, wi)| be at the town ship clerk’s office today to enlist girls over IS to work in munition plant at King's m ills. ' * ’The Xenia workhouse has been closed owing to the lack of material. The prisoners will likely b e given work on the public roads. Christmas packages to the boys in France must be mailed by N ov. 15 and only one package from home. -.,It must be properly packed. Rev. W . P. Harriman, wife and son, who have been at Huston, K y„ for about a month/ stopped here Tuesday for a visit with frieuds enroute 'to their home in Smith’s Ferry, Pa, Messrs; Stewart' Frarier, of Xenia, and John Cartwright, of Waynesville, were in town Tuesday to visit their old comrades, A lex. Kyle and J. M .Tarbox, the:only surviving members of the 84th Ohio that, are living in this vicinity. Mr. Tarbox is almost helpless due to a paralytic stroke*white Mr. Kyle is quite feeble yet he is able to be about, Roy K ing, employed by Samuel Diffendall, was badly scratched while his wife received a cut on the head as the result o f a’ runaway A a it .Friday afternoon below Xenia. *T h e bridle had removed for the horse to feed when the animal became {Erighteaed and starlet} to run. M r. King’s cost csught on .the shaft and he was dragged some distance., M rs. King jumped from the buggy They were on their way to Oregonia to visit relatives. GASOLINE ENG INE for sale cheap, six horse power in excellent condition. ' RALPH WOLFORD . — Leave laundry 1 at Richards’ Drug Store qd " Wednesdays. ' It will be de livered but not called for during school months. H AROLD M YER S , Agent for both laundries. ’ Word has been ibceived of the safe arrival of Roy Sbroadea "over there". W ord has been received here of the death of Mrs. Susan Burns at her home in Aanta Ana, C al., last Monday Burial will take place in Springfield where the husband and a daughter are buried. The deceased was a daughter of the late Squire Osborn. irtir i • ry mipj, ^ A ttend Ifiirtus siieup aita W McColBstei*, Of x#ni*, have g hunting in the woods in Maine. Miss Mary Bratton/ of Chicago, » here on a two weeks' visit. In the list o f sick a t Camp t?her- wnn is Charles Bratton, o f this place, who is down with the influenza. Mrs, A , E, Rickards has f o r her guest her mother Mrs. Wilcox o f New Paris Ohio. John McDaniels returned to his homo m Illinois, Sabbath evening, a fter spending a week with his aged father, John McDaniels, who has been very 111 . Word has ben received that W il- lard K yle, a student at Muskingum College, NewvConcord, Ohio, has had a siege o f the influenza that has been infesting the colleges and army camps. H e has recovered and is now able to be about. Tom Seward and Frank - Jeffries, colored, were assessed five and costs in mayor's court fo r intoxication. Marshal McLean took them in Sat urday night. Mr. Harry Bird of Cincinnati is here, n a Vacation. Harry is a medical tudent at the’ University of Cincinnati nd expects to be. called any time foi ovelrmnent servlet having enlisted in le medical reserve corps. The “ Red Devil” has arrived, that is he motor firefighting pumper purchased f the Howe-Ford Company, Andenon, nd. Council will arrange for a demon- tration and test before taking over the tew purchase. Beat grade 15c canned com , 2 cans or 25c, a t Nagley’a. rhe Fsrent Teachers’ Association letlngbas been postponed from F rl- y, Oct. 11 to the 18th. M m . Thomas Fields was given a rprise last Friday evening when a mber of neighboM and friend* called *ptnd the evening. M m . Field* ex* Cts to move to Jamestown following t sale next Friday. A sk fo r Ballard's Pancak# Buckwheat flo w at Nagtoy’a. pattern to Cepy. ice’s Aunt Marjorie was to be and Beatrice was to be the :lrl. They were to have their taken before the ct mony bride was looking sad, or so ■’ lattice. Looking, around the eatrice spied the Kegi&te doll, n« a bride, which had done a previous shower. Beatrice on’t look so sad, Aunt Marjorie Smile like the Kewple drib " m ***> DR. 0. P. ELIAS . r Exduutg* Beak U4g* Crihwfftttei O* flt I* JQEtNSON, am! Couaaeier-ktetaw 3BNU * OHIO* r Galleway * Ck*rry. Robert Weddle, Xenia boy at Camp Sherman, died Sabbath o f influenza. Glenn VanHorn, o f X en ia, a neph- ew o f M r. and M rs. J. E . Stuckey, pied Monday o f typhoid fever, bur ial taking place Wednesday. The mother, M rs, Carl Van Horn is also down w ith the disease. M r. D . S . W illiam son, who was in jured- in a" fa ll on the cement porcli at his home, was able to walk down town Monday by the aid o f a cane. - JProf. J. Raymond Fitzpatrick has returned to Philadelphia where he takes up his. duties as professor in the University o f Pennsylvania. M r. F . B . Turnbull was taken to Xenia Monday in the Nagjey ambu lance where dn X -ra y w as taken o f his feet which were badly injured in his fa ll last week when he dropped down a hay shoot at the barn on his farm . It waa discovered that the ankles were not as badly injured as thought and that no bones in bis: body were broken. - He has been im proving as rapidly as could be ex pected. ■ ' „ A ll o f the- draftees who were re quired to register on September 12 will be Interested in the outcome o f he drawing a t Washington Tuesday when each registrant will be given a serial, number. These numbers will determine the order in which the 19- 36' men w ill be called fo r service as well as those up to 45. An autombile accident paused by carelessness happened on Saturday evening a t the intersection o f Man; and. Chillicothe streets. A man nam ed Stewart, from Columbus failed to ium as directed -by the seml-pbore and ran into a machine driven by a. m a n ' named Sm ith. Both front wheels o f the Smith machine were broken down but no. one hurt. Stew art- paid a fine o f 85 and costs fo r violation o f traffic rules, repairs o f the broken machine and took Smith and w ife, on to their destination in Yellow Springs. Word was received here Tuesday o f the depth o f Roy Frame a t the officers training camp at Norfolk, Va., on Sabbath. H is mother, Mrs. John Frame, and daughter, Mrs. James Hoskins, o f Springfield, le ft fo r Norfolk not knowng o f the boy’s death. A telegram reached them at Lynchburg, and they returned from there. The body wll be shipped here fo r burial. There are seven children in the fam ily and this is the first bieak, Roy having died from , an a t tack o f influenza followed b y pneu monia. Besides* the parents the de ceased is survived by James, near Selma; W ill, o f C lifton; Am os, o f Gladstone. Tom a t home and M il lard in service in France; sister Ger aldine at home and Mrs. Hoskins, o f Springfield. German Soldiers' Hard Lot A German soldier’s pa* is roughly equivalent to 4V$d a day. But out of this he must contribute * '»out l% d . a day toward the cost o f his dinner. Apart from the dinner, generally some kind o f Irish stew, he gets nothing but black bread and alleged coffee, so most o f the remaining threepence must be expended on additional food, Bvep the meager balance Is not at his disposal. It is carefully kept in t small bag opened periodically for the Inspection o f the soldiers’ officers, and If he can be convicted o f the least extravagance he will be severely punished.—London Chronicle. (%wdit>tBttt8det&MrI t h q S u p p o r t Y o u r G o v e r n m e n t by purchasing carefully. Buy an Over coat which will serve you until you no longer desire it. Wear an economical .-■ <* . . . and worthy garment which is thoroughly dependable, avoid waste, secure indi viduality. / ■ • * ■ Custom Finish Without the Annoyance o f a Try-on, $22.00 Upwards R e a d y -to -P u t -O n C lo th e s BONDS W IN BATTLES C. A. Weaver Main Street Opp. Court House Jlllllllll Xenia, Ohio g IlllllllllllllilllllllllllllliiHlllllllllllllir Establish Sons Libraries. Certain o f the medical schools o f the American universities have "lending libraries.” In which’ bones take the place o f books oh the Shelves, and ire le i out on exactly thtf same system as In. a circulating library. The stu dent, on paying tK* required fee, may borrow any bone in the collection, and, by renewing the loan every week, keep It fot* a month. Some o f the libraries are valued aS highly as 825,000. A complete skeleton is worth from 850 to $100, according to its condition. A Skull brings from 82.50 to $ 8 , and a perfect specimen as much as 860. Leg, arm odd collar bones command a ready market* Cook Feed Thoroughly* Botulism Is not a new disease* The bacillus was discovered and (lamed by Van Rrmengen years ago, when a Ger man orgy o f half-raw foods had caused an outbreak o f sausage poisoning, fe rnengen found whole* colonies o f the bacilli In a ham which as yet had not decomposed. T V bacillus, he proved, la dangerous, whether admitted byway Of the alimentary canal or subcutane ously. Kampteer prepared ate effective Antitoxin, but the grand preventive if thorough cooking o f food. Germany stayed her horrible plague o f trichino sis when she began to cook smoked ham before eating It* Personal holdings left by the late lames Howard jFrlend, pioneer paper manufacturer of Dayton, are valued st 8700,000. Edwin A . Redfern, 83, mall carrier on rural route No, 1, was arrested' at Xenia, charged with rifling the mails. He was taken, to Dayton. Second Lieutenant H . Jg*. Hollis, Jr., |l, of Princeton, N . J., stationed at Wilbur W right aviation field at Day- ion, shot himself to death In a Dayton hotel. No cause assigned for the act. Two girls w fre killed* one seriously hurt and several other girls and boys were brutsed when they were struck by freight cars being switched onto a siding a t Ashtabula Harbor. The children were picking, up eoai along the tracks. Edward Nedu, aged 86 , former ed, Itor o f the Dayton Volkszeltung, died st Dayton following an illness o f three months. Ohio wets advance as their princi pal argument against prohibition this . year the fact that 150,009 Ohio voters ’. are fighting’ in France and "unable to ■ express their protest” against a .■! change in the constitution under which they will have to live when they return. The wets lied with Secretary o f State Fulton their argu ments against the prohibition amend-. ment and in favor of the referendum intendment o f the Home Rule asso ciation. Contending that telephone Installa tion charges ordered by Postmaster Senend Burleson are excessive as far is ‘ Ohio is concerned, the state public stilitles commission refused t o . ap prove them, Burleson ordered com panies to charge readiness to se rv e « tnd installation fees on all new t e le ', phones, namely, 85 on a telephone! costing 82 a month, 810 on 82 to 84 ; phones and 815 for phones over 84 a ! month. 1 Eugene V . Debs, four times candi-i late for president of the United States on the Socialist ticket, was placed on trial in federal court at Cleveland, charged with violation of 4 ;be espionage a c t ’ * 1 Mrs, Arthur Morehouse, 30, shot per husband at Toledo and then I iumed the revolver upon herself. She ; lied instantly. Morehouse is fatally I wounded. The shooting followed a luarrel. . . A . A . Wright, Pitcbln, (Clark coun ty) farmer, may lose sight of one eye from explosion of a revolver cartridge 'n the howl o f his pipe. Optimistic Thought There la satisfaction in the thought o f having done what we know to be right O iiry ou p roud o f y o u r Am erican Citizenship? , 0 £ sojirae y o u a ie and s o am I . I k n ow it 1 w ou ldn 't trad e m y Am erican Citizenship fo r the w ho le F ou rth L ib e r ty L oan and fteithar w ou ld y ou , therefore help the govern m en t w ith as much m on ey as y o u can and a little mere t o invest in L ib e rty Bonds* Th e m ore B onds y o u bu y the sooner this war will end in o u r f a v o r and bur C itizensh ip which we prize so h igh ly shall b e sa fe for ■.ever*' Y O U R S FO R T H E FO U R T H L I B E R T Y LOAN V KANY,Thetailor XENIA, - - ' - OHIO BUT 43M LIBERTY BONDS Men’s $6.00 SHOES We are very proud of thcie $6.00 shoes, they are wonderful va l ue s a t the price. Made of black gun metal calf, with rock oak sole*, wide toe like illustra tion, medium wide toe and narrow toe. All sizes. Frazer’s Shoe Store “ SHOES OF THE BETTER SORT' X e n i a , O h i o W . L . C L E M A N S R e a l Es tate Cart b# found at my offle* each Saturday or reached by phone at my rasldencu each evening. Office 36 PHONES Residence 2*122 CKBARVILLE, OHIO. Hutchison & Gibney -. • - 1 ■ - . . . 1 ,' V'.vi Have a splendid assortment of the newest styles in ^ .4 Suits, Skirts, Waists, \ *. . . / ■ ■ ■ •■ * Jackets, Corsets Yet Shown by Them ' • 1 • - * S e e th e B a s e m e n t DouhleHotBlast m tlieRoundOak- DoubleBurner A S S U R E S D o u b l e Efficiency andEconomy CheapFuel New Heating Stoves, Ranges for *>* ■* . Coal or Gas. Get your stoves v suitable for every home. Hutchison & Gibney XENIA, OHIO
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