The Cedarville Herald, Volume 41, Numbers 27-52

Public Sale! a*M« » 0 J**»<■*» Restaurant andHotel Equipment Saturday, Oct,26,1918 Commencing at 1 O’clock I\ M., the following - property; Restaurant fixtures, chairs,tables, linoleum,, lunch stools,6ironbeds, springs, mattress­ es, singlebed,springsandmattress, pillows, oomferts, washstands, carpets, rugs, mirrors, pictures, cookingutensils, awnings, china closet, gas stovesand many other articles notmentioned. Terms Made Known on Day of Sale fte Cedarvilli Herald K A f t U H B U L L * * E U K o r tSSSSSKSsipipiispiP*^^ , Entered at the Fost-lMHo#, Cadar- villa. GetotW 81. 1887, as wound elM« matter. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 96, 1H8 G. H. & Rosa M. Main Street, , CEDARVILLB, OHIO . SCHM IDTS To buy Potatoes. Look at the quality and the prico Will move them fas t. . ( f t * Per peck -«• 45c ^ Per * • Tha demand for apples Is great but a hew ship* msntjust arrived will;keep everybody supplied. Solid; line apples. PRICED RIGHT. j ' * * ' i B ' 1 Choice hahd picked Navy Beans, lb. 7 2 Schmidt’s Blend. It’s fine. Steel Cut. Per p o u n d . . . . . 17c Plenty o f ,Cabbage for Sauer Kraut 3RL fO QO \ !4s » ,&£g&\ l/«3 „ »tWh6\aiVresmillv*\ „ v«wA. ■ *■ \/tJMfi i -----1UY eBMWWMPj Cool Days Suggest Oysters, Have you Tried Them. Plump,juicy Fresh Oysters from America’ s best beds, that greatest of all, most nutritious sea food. . H. E. Schmidt & Co. , XENIA, OHIO • tJV !.- Void Administration Llceusa, GL 48,478. Monthly Stock Sale SaleCompany’s Barn Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1918 Horses, Cattle, Shep, Hogs ' Sale Rain or Shine South Charleston Sales Co. 4 TRY DOR JOB PRINTING^ If you are in * hurry nobody else ever seems to be. Some think, they have temperament v'ben it is only bad temper. 1It. is no disgrace to be poor but it’s nothing to brag about unless you are running for office. A Southerner in discussing the fix­ ing o f s price on cotton states that the Northern people do not understand cotton. That may be so but how much do the Southern congressmen know about fixing the price of wheat, which was done, and not on cotton? , The government will not bring any more suits against big business dur­ ing the war. This . is fine but we would feel safer if the government would tie the hands of tne sheriff against selling pur property, not only for theduration of tne war, but two years thereafter, ‘ The time to talk Peace is after we have entered Berlin. •The response to Dr. McChesney's appeal for support Of the college, which appeared in .these columns some time ago, proves, that Cedaryille people are always loyal to worthy persons and. Christian institutions. 3Iowly but surely the steel ring around the central powers is being drawn tighter and tighter. Henry Ford subscribed for seven million o f the Fourth Liberty Loan. Not so bad for one who squandered $350,000 on a peace ship a few years ago. We opened a letter a few days ago and at the head appeared the follow­ ing that would, appeal to, any. man, regardless of his station in life: "We hold these truths to he * self-evident, that' all men are created equal, that’ they are endowed by their Creator with, certain unalienable rights— that among these are liberty and the per- suit o f happiness.” ' That’s really all there was to a two page letter and we could endorse such fine sentiment but the appeal of the Liberal organ­ ization didn’t seem to impress us in that manner. .Many who have pride in nothin) else ate proud o f their diseases am others of their unhappiness and others just proud of their pride. .. As this war closes the nations will be . starving for gold. - •Tho United States, should bfesaved for its own people. England is a country o f finan­ ciers andtnany now-predict that she will emerge from this conflict with her banks filled with-gold. This coun­ try is nearly, if not altogether under English influence at this time-as to financing this war. A change in the political complexion of the House at the coming election will be a safe tee that America will be saved guaran for Amortcans. FARMERS’ INSTITUTES ANNOUNCED, - The following are the dates of the five farmers’ institutes to be held this winter in this county: > Spring Valley, Jan. 3-4. Yellow Springs/Jan. 6-7, Bellbrook, Feb. 3-4. Jamestown, Feb. 21-22, The Extention School will be held at the Beavercreek High School Dec. 16 to 20. Ross Township, Feb. 21-22. Mrs. Foy Troute, "wife o f Dr. Foy Troute, who is stationed at Camp Meade, Md., has been seriously ill with plural pneumonia at the home of her parent’s, Mr. mid Mrs. John Diffendall. Mrs. Troute and little son were with their husband and father at the camp when she was taken sick. Dr. Troute returned, yes terday a , his wife is some better. Lieut. Forest Dunkle, o f Xenia, formerly of this place, has returned from France and is the first com­ missioned officer from this county to be discharged for physical disability. Lieut. Dunkle was gassed three times and was in a New York hospital sev­ eral weeks after landing jn this coun­ try. He is much better, but not en­ tirely recovered. Mr, Clarence Stuckey has a new Overland touring car. Mr* Willard Kyle, o f Muskingum CoHege, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Kyle. Messrs. A. G. Collins and J. B, Rife left Monday for Kansas City to buy cattle and for a short trip d>wn to Harper county, Kansas, to visit Messrs. S. K. and F. F. Rife. Ask for Ballard’s Pancake and Buckwheat flour at Nagley’s. NOTICE I have a complete cream station built on truck and will be at the B. H Little grocery on Tuesday of each week, where 1 will take cate of your cream, test it and pay for it in money (not checks). Highest market price paid for same. Honesty and courtesy our Motto, J. A. LONG CO. For H .P. Botha* Unto* City* ^ 5 i M u .'Fiii^uwimdaai inSdjfc.*£ --twsWv.H* .V " . «miifMu"' **+*#**+ >urnilignin F A N C Y A P P L E T S ? IN . B A K R E X S a * A T THE, CAR Saturday or Monday \ O C T O B E R 2 6 o r 2 8 W. W. Troute Co A n appeal to give to Our Soldier Boys, by the Seven Organizations working directly with the United States A rm y under direct tion of "the Government These are the Very Words He is sending back home to You about the Work of these Great Organisations Read each word carefuliy “ T o the folks back home; .from the camp, cantonment and from the bqtde-tcarred fields o f France, we want to tell you o f the magnificent work of- the United Organizations. W e know that there isn’ t father, mother* sister, sweetheart or friend in America that wouldn’t like, each day, to stand bolide their soldier boy, take his hand in theirs and tell him o f their interest, pride and lore for him for the part he plays in the battle that is to bring safety, security and happiness to the home you love so well. It would he wonderful for you to do this.’ * “ But these great organizations are biking your place. The thousand things you send, they give; always with us everywhere, they provide and cheer. They soem to think o f everything—we could not get along without them. Give all you tan, help all you can . Magazines, papers,, books, music, movie shows, entertainments and talks, atheletic goods, smokes, canned fruits, chocolate bars, Testaments— and what is not least, a smile end a word of cheer . It helps and helps a lot— it will quicken the day that victory will be ours—*# helps to tell us how much you care, and that is A ‘ ■•fi .o v t M ■* J m seven mumumm ' MAKINGTHISAPMAL Y.M, C .A . * Y. W. C. A. K a lf b t * e f GoluoNbut Amcricaa Camp CcHKiinunlty S«rvlc« AmariottMUtonry * Aitocktiem J ew is h W « l f a r e Awouktion Salvation Army The United War Work Campaign . November 11 to 18 Tkhiti? t* kap IJ# th* % i*$rk drtsdp ttarud m wiH mod OSL, ----- A Ttn MHtk* &*Mmdr*dmd Pip, TUstmi, Tbit dm m at mmt tftrfrirrr md UUtd mm fa* tht$r th**ld*r t» tkt ttfn i mdd h **d r*m km is Urnmd mmmimZstrt Z L a C THIS SPACE IS CONTRIBUTED TO AID IN WINNING THE WAR BY C. N. STUCKEY 6 SON GE Can I Harr.v T. »C at Miss Mingo J in the h: closed u Word lain W. tioned a expects Mrs. Gr turn hei !y senee al Allen' Muskin for the Miss > very s? ■ pital in she wa: here in day. Ray broken crank the inj G I R onas I1 Dr. 1 ian, is influen: laugh disease For nearly ful cas The emitter' turers high great % the the wn Mm wakw u d w Jwd 8a vevot - hath. u