The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 1-26

VICTORY UBRttTY *o .4\ April 21 U» Ms> l?tfc 1NVRST ssrf- FORTV -SECONU Y E A H NO. & A . «**>*«, .C JEUARV ILLE * F R ID A Y , M l Y •>. W f 1 w Vn T.U. Institute I Ul K IMil* lHt.STsi BY (.RANU JURY. The May GtunH jury was iu sestacn Mviulsy and ferae arikiments ■sere return*!, H?. P, Crlss end wife ere •"harmed Utah the theft of f~taO fj'C7.i MayorAppoints NewMarshall OHlOfil The Finish in Sight The W. t', T- V, lasiuui* was l»k m the M E church y**t Fci.tov, de l ■ ’Demy Devtlbhss, egat#* taring present front over tfief Huberts* former assistant county, ilh . Mary Harris ArmosM“„l<'t'at* .^aase jtai.tor, fop- tile tricfc cf oat *f the pronurient woman speakers|tafitewati valued a t $lf>0i4T from tno of tiur ceuuiry, was present siot spokf • * r“SSi ^alfiU3t£cr.j. ( Voacil nitt in reguWse-^Mni Men’ | «lav cvenirg, all irxxrxr-i being pre* r, sent. BMh to the amount «f f 2fil41 j were nvermi p*M. Ti;p retr-ns of the ,- various tommiUeeg were approved,, ftounHi approved of Judge Shpup’s 5 hid of $!>!J fob kga't services ta con- K. O T. chunoa ta lute »% up rear U»eia, The siudeat* It senior filvtsli over the act a ho have Suet ; eligible. m behalf of the campaign for one mu . _ _ ’Waliev IS duk ^ itt'kicle i fov steal- _ lion dollsis which, the orKUiux#* imi ^ chickens? fioni A* Me jm;ruou with ihe fJ0,tl09 ihrangu suit* pj making for world pruhlbition: ;>valued at j of bruuk Jeffries ay,u;ir$t live village, t y^raon ooouty The delegated were served (liunpi! Is. WiSiiiCi.s for Obtaining, TJie fipruur?tbat was tut'tainrti by the Arthur M l$50ffrom John Hasbine uniter in the church parlors. Mrskrame L.P’iatter, county pres- 1 utvuwwwm..,,.. * 'A»m nvwiiuW ti,„ The cases against George Grano and 1 fey?nt cases of a similar nature were fa!«o jCoart was one of the most complete ever iilad ta the county. Fourteen dif ident, presided, the forenoon ■’session being devoted to business, reading of a letter from “Mother Che*’*, why is working about the army camps in be­ half of the cause. The letter was read by Mrs. Chat- f>e*rt. Thanks was extended for a jieautiful blanket sent for the use of convalescent sol­ diers. at Ft Sheridan., 111. " Mrs. Armoui 1 in her talk at the af-. ternoon session dwelt largely on the . million dollar fund. Ohio has a quota of $126,000 and Greene county 12200, Pledges already in amount to $1088,- 75 and the quota will be exceeded. The fund will be divided as follows; Child Welfare $188,000; Health and Morality, $1100,000; Americanisation.. $200,000; Women and Industry, $30,- 000 ; Education arid Information $ 20 ,- 000; World Prohibition, $300,000; Headquarters, $50,000; aEquipment and repairs, $ 20 , 000 , ■Mrs. W, O. Cuiitis. talked on the an" ti narcotic campaign and' staled that the Sunday schools will observe this day May 11 , Mrs. M» R, Snodgrass talked on the class work in home nursing and hy­ giene, and said the Red Cross had planned to keep up this work, and al­ so have it studied in the schools. The county union will hold a demon stratum at the fair grounds July 4, -Spring Valley sent fifty per cent of its membership to the meeting Friday and secured the banr&. In the evening a patriotic. demon* stnaiion was given in the opera hoilse under the direction of Miss Mary B« Ervin, National I*. T. h . Secroatry. Mrs. Armour also spoke at this ses­ sion as did President McCKesney of Cedarvilje College. COUNTRY IS PROSPEROUS. t,iiSSBHFBa'1ti£*a?Wl|r sued by the federal government con­ cerning the standing of the national banks. In the last four months only one small national bank has failed; in the last’ sixteen months only two national banks have failed. In the last, four months 61 charters were granted for new national banks; The Ohio banking department has issued a statement that is more defi* nite and concerns Ohioonly. Thegross earnings of the state banks for last year were $50,000/8)0, an increase of ten millions over 1916. . Four hundred and ninety-two banks outside of the large cities had an average net earning of 19.2 The dividends paid by these same banks amounted to $5,660,193, FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. The village hat a number of old oil street lamps that are in good condi­ tion but worth nothing to the village. It was decided Mondayevening to give these lamps to farmers that can use them for lighting about their Jfane or lots. The lamps are complete and in good condition so far as known and caa be had for the asking by calling on Mayor McFarland, Marshal Myers or 8 . E. McFarland of the light corn* mlttee. The lamps are given away without cost as the village does not want to store them longer, FARMERS Elmer Fruit wevp ignored. W H A T T H E F IL E S S A Y . reviewed and in each instance the de­ fendant won, ' Marshal James Bailey offered hi* resignation and It w»s accepted, May Issue August 6 , If 92, ^ or McFarland appointed Harvey Rom to Mr. and Mrs, N. F. Easnsey Myers ris marshal, this being the last Babbath, a girl. third marshal the village has had in The 94th O. V. I reunionwas one c£ «;o past two years, the greatest »vent3 in the history of j the county, f MORSE RUtfS AWAY Issue August 13, 1892, 1 — The house of H. R, Oorry near Hi?- A buggy belonging to GarietonGome %)nwaa burglarized Friday night and was struck Babbath night by an auto fifty dollars worth of .clothing "itod driven by b-Springlield party, George jewelry taken, Constable Tarhox took Wriincj 1 was also in the buggy at the up a young man answering the des- trine but neither were hurt, although eriptioq of one seem In tire neighbor, hood ’and when searched some of the goods were found. He was' hound over to the grand jury, Albert Gowdy and Orville Ford, who are working in a hotel in Ander­ son, Inti,, are home on a vacation. Louisville has purchased BUmbus Jones from Joliet and he will play the balance of the Season with the new owners. Issue August 20,1892, Mrs. Thomson Crawford had a close call Monday evening when her horse became unumnagable at the railroad and ran up street. In the dash the horse ran into another buggy at Homs harnes shop and Mrs.'Crawford was thrown out hut fortunately was not injured to any extent. The Editor made a trip this week with J , XI, Wolford and vjfcitedthe In­ sane Asylum of which he is a member of the hoard-of trustees. We found A, Shepherd as supervisor, I; T. Cummins as storekeeper; Charles Gillaogh, an attendant. The Cedar- ville delegation hold good positions. Ism* August 27,1822. The greatest event CedarvBle has hadht Old friend* for mites aretind gathered en the Andrew Jackson lawn, it being estimated that more than 1000 per­ son* were present,. Mrs. Reid accom­ panied, her husband. The reception was non-partisan in every particular. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Notice is hereby given that all prop erty owners must have their premise? cleaned of all rubbish, ashes, etc., by May 17. This order Is given in com­ pliance with a state law and will be enforced. Owner? of property in the care of tenant? will be held respon­ sible for this order and .i,ot the tenant, If the village is compelled to dean up prpoerty the cost with the penalty will bo taxed against the prpoerty. ’ Gedarville Board of Health, A. D. Townsley, Clerk. oncLwhefcl was mashed down and the. horse bndly frdghtencd, : Monday- the young man came it»o town to get his buggy when part of the harness broke and let the buggy run up on the horse. The animal was nervous from the experience the night before and started to ran away. Corn was thrown out on Main street but was not badly hurt while the horse proceeded home in a t dead run. The buggy was badly damaged. WANTS TO CLOSE BOOKS. , The War Work Committee that made the drive last November wants to close up its accounts and settle with the National Committee. , The last payment was due March 1 st, but some still owe. All those knowing themgelvcs to be obligated will great, ly accomodate the local treasurer, F. A. Jurkat, if they will call aiuhM$I* during the next week. TRUCKS FOR THE ROARS. Twenty thousand army truck* hav« bee* teamed over hr tt » war depart roShway departmowte through,the ba- reau of pnblk road*,. The. trucks must be used in road construction. of burnt*ry, Mr* M«i five Hour, a bile eolHstaa ter, Mr*. Tai cut, amt Ted Herbert f u r less seriously Governor C vid I*. Roehv Kent Kormal Me E. F. Me Miller H» of first decree with the death 22, at Marian, ed mercy, death Maroh giving in osiet anniversary. Me PatteroMu gim on hi* slight wotmd. Ifged motive . Governor day proeji day. May 14, hwi propriat* •*« eteawSiii rtu have a i weshs’ tetOtpf no cost, to I Jaa* It. AU ‘ MriMra o f ; and those! high schools, traiaiag,are| h s a the Jef -1 •tsabenvills. 1 on a charge I leavs “ "| wtts of Oetec.f la as autouo. ’ Hsr daugh- was badly f Mr. and Mrs, | •oMieri/ werei judge Be -1 * t a trustee of to seeeetd the! Pgrrea. '; ifoundguilty j i connectloa Desha White, } recommend- was shot to party she was of her birthday then wounded ad °turned the ; -Mtfiicted only a 5 'waa the *I« a Mother** that Run* "with ap- all public Ut TY>kX MhUh l l tJO>* \ tvfn zi u> it*,* izta o INYKST P E IC E , U M A | Y X A K Local Deal Falls Threugh *»*«•.. . 7 / ^ 4 :m ~r £ J* Jury places, ter «*•§•E fiispiay of the %*d by wwring of United mate* fti the mother's M i p i Rfitler,” Platt* were m ■ a n d at Atheu* by-ceummi m m Hand Ohio ualver- atty teachers tm ■a# .efittcsUon for the 2 , 00 # illitertl ■yaupta of Afheaa county during Qf eomtag summer month*, TaaekMi ■ will go directly into tb* mtatag 1 .. Ertiert IM m HR BaHafontalao, filed "ta * D*te*| pwwpttel following an antomebB# tn ptua ta which ho wa* injurefi. '* Bunfiay Dreelr'i ftaR oempaay will spenfi $M.«M tofi Mtttag tbMr mines #t Hefelort, P m « BHNPHlsFv • Angua P«i$i** from all parts ;«f ChM Mj M WftshiagtoH € ti. safe org*af*a ■ if-Rhea*.Breed-. ere* ftaaeetattMNi M m * O. % Bred- T EX T O f NEW PEACE T R EA T Y * • : -SW.I-V—, ■ ’ V- ' Germany's army and navy forces will be reduced to 115,000 men by the treaty of peace; the fleet is to be reducril to six battleship*, six cruisers, 12 destroyers *nd l2 torpedo boats, manned by 15,000 men. - All fortification* for a distance of 00 mile* east of the Rhine hre to be dismantled. The naval and army works upon Heligoland are to be destroyed. The Kell canal will be “free”. Germany shall net have any air forces after September, The AUisd and Associated governments wilt publicaly try the ex- , kaiser and all others guilty of war responsibility. Germany must pay $3,006,000,000 indemnity pending a full deter­ mination of the clainms against her. Alsace-Lorraine and the Saar valley go to France, hut the League of Nation* will govern the Saar valley for a period of 15 years, after which a plebesdte would he held. Danzig (which the Poles are demanding) will be made a free port, A A plebescite will be held in Schleswig to determine whether the , people wish the province returned to Denmark, • ( , , . Germanymust surrender all of her colonies and territorial possegB- ions in Monroco, a swell as her cables. France will receive 12 1*2 billion dollars as war indemnity; Great Britain, 7 l-2 billions; United State* for food 2 billioon; Belgium, $1,800,000,000; Italy »nd Serbia wilt divide $3,600,000,000, , mm CASE SET FOR HEARING. WMWMtoateN' Walter Kook?, who was shot in the arm by Sheriff Funderburg, while haxna w il l probated The will of Gilbert C, Hanna has: been probated and under its term? the widow get* all the property dur­ ing her life t|me and at her death to be equally divided; among the cl ’ l- ren or their heirs. Mrs, Hanna and her sons, -Milton and Wilson „‘arc Homed executors, baccalaureate sai W ath The baccalaureate sermon for the High School graduating class will be delivered Sabbath evening in- the Mr K, Clmrcli by Rev. J. W. Patton, Com­ mencement will bo held on Friday' ievening, May 10 in the ecliool audi­ torium. ■Admission is free. . HARPER PROPERTY SOLD. The Harpep property consisting of How< Harry -'awtow# la -1 luted wkm *t»« 0 k m 11 * toad byms ; oigbt-poaad batMiag Wort.teat tell m tm .° | Dayton city omumiMiaa rae*irtd a teghditlv* tin grtArol appromtattea WH, carry! tag<apprositaiataly $49,M0,0to t«e tb#| a*rt two your*, tb* biggost In tb» htaj J Th« * h* * ,>0« d atita *rt.laa Fri- tory of theoiUU; another attempt to ^ e,« Ud *««her* for the coming ______ _ .-d__»________ lifdiF fltinf T, TV PdatrEFwin dWai) . pas* some sort of mnergency legisla*! Supt. L. D. Parker wa* elected report that tba city w»u face short- ^iQtt ta help enforc* prohibition after} for two year* at a salary of $1,706. May 27, and a final effort at financial'Miss Florence Bomer#, principal,, at a«sandschools. ... i-iaalatyAflSS.'.,Misses'’Haket'.Lhwry' Fire^at Dayton destroyed the of- and Wilmah apenceVhigh school m- fice* and lumber yards of the G. H. Ecbartzer company, contractors and wrecker*, and caused a property loss age of $ 1 * 0,000 at the end Of the year. Huron county tamer* say reports I of damage fu m > recent frosts way*.! -mtaggenttnC - -J Failing ta three attempts to end Ms life, Bert o. MU mt . :rri»oner toi n4WMl, 1 . uu ^ UB the county Jail at ChUltcothe, Is at -1 ot jWBfc $60,000. tempting to Starve himself, He re* George Biddulph, < 8 , retired farm* fuses to eat. 1 er, and his wife Josephine, t i, were Henry Wrinrent*. to, and Michael | found dead on their farm ta North Rariden, 28, Youngstown, wdre^serf* Qimstod vinage, near Greveland. The ouriy Injured when their auto atrackJ farmer killed his wife with a shotgun a curb and fumed over. and then shot himself, according to Harry L, dgner and William C. '*Deputy Sheriff Jo*eph Ball member* of s CHLRC II RERVK.ES, Your attention is called to I<ong- Jumean. the dark gray, ton weight, paster of that congregation. Parthem? Stallion, a proven byc-edet* _____ . / of h!gH class InirKes, Will make the*, , •eason at the Farm * k . Wilminatoni _ _____ Ro^l at edge of ^ r a t i o n , ' » , R Mala Street m! care to .prevent accidents but will Tenches* h'mnUv not be r#*pon*ihlf' ?h«uM any oc<*m,{ j a{ •- Fee fifteen <WI*ra for gglieftetoryj: ' p ^ t h At 10 oVlocV. wU* ,f Trenching Sabbath al 11 oY ^ kb y ! lie was mdmftHt more than a year ago tho % ^ ha, j *rmy traded toG.lLfc'mithWu,cash con- and then desertM. ^ j sideration and two residences on MIL mni? » » m .„ n * jler street. One property is occupied THE K» P, SYNOB^, . o|by R» A, Townsley and tbo other byI flhe asnual sessions of the R. FJ t?ha^ e* ^ . I Synod will be held, in Philadelphia! wu\T t i t o n i this year, opening on Wednesday,| "HAT THL DOCfORS DIP. J May 21st at the Seventh R, P. chtitcli m that cky, Rev, R, W. ( hemnt is Moore wore appointed the Union county Jury commission, “ Mrs, Barbara Hock, IS, Ironton , 1 was burned, probably fatally; when'; Tier clothing ignited while she was burning paper ta tba yard at her j home. ° v, f Journeymen builders at Youngs­ town went on strike after thp build*; era’ exchange failed tp grant a tenta­ tive wage taereta* to craftsmen In 16 unions, ' d Applicafton* fov retands of $75.35 each for the period from Oct, 32 to Nov. 14, when their edomis were closed on *ccm*«t of lattuett**. have Structor* at $90, ■' The.grade teacherj 5 _wcreJncrea 8 ^ to .$ 75 andlho followiugwcre elected, or re-electod; Bertha Grcswell, Ethel- Edwards, :vKathleen.' ...Blair,......Esther: Townsley, Macy ; UheenutI Mildred Trumbo, Rosa Stormont, *Elisabeth Blafr, V:. ■;.*■-v :' '' Mrs, Blanch 'Myers,'; Miss LlUias Ross add Miss Martha Cooley were ^ « n « o Tierney, ^16,^ not applicants for re-election. ~~ It is reported that there will prob­ ably be one or more changes in tjh* teaching force as some that have been electedmay not accept a t the present salary. There was no applicant for the school in District No, One, v John Ross wag*elected janitor 1 at a salary of jfl>0° ‘a Year. J . A. Stor­ mont wag not aft**applicant for re Hr. K, O. fc’Biitli o f CSneinnsti, pres* J Jident of the Ohio State Medical A ssm I Jiatlon in k h opening address review*! fed the past the physicians did ta the] war. Forty Ohio phyeiciaus lest theft’I tlives ta the war;lf76d were engaged] 1 |in active nfilitary Hcf-cire; 9Sd gave a j cvetv Ijgrge shore of their time to the se*! Andrew Winter P Jnbn Rlcwart in charge. Phone J lOd « HURLING WATTKltlRg, / / - ■ * i have j t i . f a n etc' trieal (V v i ftit rh»rging automobile batter- i«*,ip vary much thing among thp many auOirtiohite owner* (»f (hie aariion. ftattfriae rart ^barged ft, giva good mn, "TltoTtrrt *‘otom»n, > Jr ._ . I "There will la a Missionary and Kd ; n> e!ion*? ronferen.;; «* at the ehuTrh Weitopvday evaning, Rey, Itarriman, Rev. Bvn«on, Revc White and Rev. KMer will make ad.lreteesl fjfeciive draff, Ohio sesdo the bestf ganta. A larg* amount of Bolshitlk •rerord ef mv state (hiring thn «,sr. SHtaiature wa« obtaio*d in raids ta ........ _ "* I the torrlgn ,U»trirt of tb* city, Pteadoakr eomaltflosiM will fill * popular ateottoa to deferndne wkeihff the cHf ahaif adopt daylight aavink time. , I rtmgragathm of at. PanPs OtiRMt * Y^rttreratv rhomb, Sandusky, |«ked \ Rev. C. F, butter, Norwalk, tobe'cnnw s iff {fester. I Mrs., Holder Fry, to. died et burns and Mark J. Ifcnnegan, Is, of Gtaeta- natf,.war* -drowned ta th* Miami river at Dayton when their caoo* overturned, Rati A, w, Rtaveudon of Renton ha* been elected pastonabburge toe the Marion presbytery* . A* a result of May day demonstra­ tions, h . J. Taber, master of the Ohio State Grange, announced that he __ would ehortly Issue a ruling, to all;i-wt}ni-i" granges ta the etate of Ohio that| ' their charter* would bo revoked III they partfrlpated in any parade erf Dayton, ta Greene county. Ten build- demonstrationdisplayingthe red flag, >mg« were destroyeA been filed by tto Youngstown liquor . Canton council plane to require) Four trainmen were injured, twoof dealers, payment of license fee of $50 a year1^them probably fatally, ta a collision Fkkard's drug Mere at Clrelefllle by soft drink sellers to replace toes - between a work car and freight train burned with a lose estimated at from saloon licenses, * on th* Columbus, Delaware ahd Ma- $$,‘>09, A charge of apeeding was chanted ; rton imerurben line, south of Hela* Bltnm township, Seneca county, to bootlegging when a tank under the- ware, plans to Imoro*# miles of the front seat of Charles Todd's automo- f Fred Harr)eon, colored, wa* splr- Mation road iht* •■tamer. State aid bite was found at Toledo to' contain <{fed out, ot Lima after be had shot t whisky instead of#a»oltea, I Dewey Baker, a returned soldier. In a 5 Rev. E. F. Chauncey, iTrtaUyjl local hotel,, VlMeacfe was feared, church. Columbus, and Her, F. L ,, Baker may die, ntnchbaugb, Cincinnati., were .re-. oht-:> war savingscoirrmittw,which elected ttiemhera fif Cathedral chap- r*rentty asked the aid of Ohlowomeft far at the convention of th® Fret§*»| in savings stamps during tm t Epfacopal churchof thesonthem; *U1 igm goW *n.s bnwre fins Ohio d l o e e a * , . I to women for ‘ 3 «xceMlo»a! settle#*,H Joseph Lenhoff, 4S, of I-rineetar, _ Hherlta ootmeB will ask a vote on found in a creek suffering from *»if will be given, F.mpldJSs of the Toledo, Bowling rtscen sisd RfUben* TrarMon com* i.auy have railed * afrike tw May 7 hi aft effort to oMata high*? wages. Canton police opened a crusade Start Bf-tahestk ead I. PT. W, pfopR J ..JAMESTOWN ELEVATOR f)OL»„ R-l’»5 4 fipni was IjimlSy consiimale'l Rat irrUny th>.* tesu'tod A, Alteit. taking over the fiemge ^ Ervin Bros, yus4e;atu» in Jam< *tow\ the first of the j joiont!?, The ronsMeratlon p,as f for the real estate and invoice tor the f on topics of the abpve nature. J Itoe |imre#i estate aml tavo!™ tor'thcf . To v, of ' W. E , Service*, |sf(; rg m f:nti,jf n atkb the received *t bet ko*n« m HolmesOiie., | Sunday whoot St 9.76, *?, JT, IlaVt. ' (tor.L “ » ^ ft A MucdockJ' man. Rupt, NOTIOR -f. edarrllle Raaa l ine Writ er|i)te ten -tripg in •RpnriH'delili every Runday oft *n*t after May 4*h fteyid KftnffJ TVcp, (’hone *2 Preaching *f Ift-Sf) . Epwoth Leaguo'fet €.76 Prayer meeting Wedneaday even, mg ««, 7rl0, Y in f 1 Age to iegJri Study ^ Music, I a vlilM feo f-arly| 3®fc'f?gh wf ta ffih I have Ixtn ftnitef t t <• ci. rnfm,< Vu t - In Wot SJytitd, ]. s jt> f« hw ® that: ta revewt partedof M'fhtaa ft 1®atlll r<m*lderp*l.*n «cS of -rtrtue fnr ® tft »lUftmlt *!!?clrle After the- rieeth *4. h»r bit*- CUy and Cei.ntry i f.end, Acri.nllnr in the tare, lb.- The rite re*.-nte I'“* ’ • ' ! ; 'a ri ce-.t nrJl« a.t.ially ip*»l tn *<*me | bema. an't «•». n . - •' i .., a ,rt *. h h la Ih" «'«.e nf i.-UUIr H/e Tfce C'l«nt'> eneth- V 'i»,,.* opinion that ta- d "■rl te wh. r,- !* t* •rltH r»i.r»«(i- eiiaae® «dBri»llf p*i>t!Wt*<) th® ^ in terfere fj u ’ mlhnrltM. I'CpU' >''lit I-, f, >r» flufy fu ”1 *M»-red - |, ■ i «, tit S if a rh] I i *h-,r * fsp eft? t'V t >F. ft, ?! »..t (If, yA? th i ‘1 t.-K*,, 0 r r» *»• rt, tit.., ih* fine 4 » tft » iihk rh' P'V\H *h,-nld h# jn ?»y*<-.II h I. i ,;* » - 1 n f.i that no t„,,| li« <11 f.unu <1 K ft;TWtrot event- ■jr'i/lv f rM^ ’HI " »'|<1 ftu 1 f' “imrifin e*- 1 1 ,* h<i ->r tiertns i 't nfef ri, ranlt# ‘f' % j unvf* l»y*«f> fti * /$)» it* ■dl through tS#} * f.hfAp #r|$f-iHenff'ar; of study Aebta1"' ■* home rnarde will b® se"ta*ntsed with Tnan» reOumed Sol* ,1lere add'd to memberablp, freytr'idn r-rnetno. 1 " Tpjritft.'WaS T.(n down hilled by a^ Aiitomu* Kite ®hil« *»tetnptina l*oa»d fttra<> f r«Fk I’ uft* Rhellenher*er. married, p\ t 4 n'»»t<if( trarilon Haeman was ercrirn- otod by a blah tenelon wire at t eniPinn, aoeth of ClrrierJ'Je ft*\ olfrer C, Thonpeon. rente' of a ireii'Ut church In Harton. com — pTaln«-t tn tba police that be hadbeen i *kot and killed held ,'C In the afreet and robl^d of three men wim I t rente by tWO W Aeetleaeertnf fd fe tak Cell yeeeenabfe GWtoreHle rheee V 1 % a inflicted wduuds in arms and from 1 polwminr, di#d in a ho*mute He had bean d«»wmdaeL Mik# h t e f i t * ! w* * kiflad by «i! fall cf slat# ta the Feraytk# «*1 mine at Ben® Vpitey, Nnhle «w»ty, ! • Her. M, F, Mob!#* fialftied m PM -1 to* 0 ? fit, John** laith.ara.w church, Delaware, To *o to irookfillt. I Maakad bfthfiR *1 Diftoffi «**w, palled Henry idhto«d«ra aataoaiat, tos hand «?e* $5$ from the oath rest*, ter while he haM arteral patron* »f the eaWfft i t h*_VWith ft p)*tel, Meutepant Fred Imff, t*tev#lm»d*a a-.e who haa been credited with downing II Herman jiyere, and hl« Rrolhe* 'Willard were aeriou«iy in lured At liftrein when the alrpteiie Jh WhteH they ware gt«ta* ft etclorv loan aahll.Jilon cauabt on a ham end overturned-, Clenrge f , glaran t i , of Wp'd»t*a tot* r H , e, r»tlro*d dataettra • *a at Midland City hr were bent tag their w*f tm a tre& Thra* a«ap*«te were aalaed a*er Wltmtagtan... A property fowl eatlmated et h* tweaw* pad gieoeoe* ««« me- PUM r WPP*? WfW' HWPPf. Timm Pw i ' aft. »H m - tertftrtto * i i a propreai to lassie 150,'toO la bonds to provide the city with a plant for the mamiffcctivre and d!«tribnikm o? electric current, which now comes from- Loratp, Thirteen mites o? toad between Bataeitille * j ?S Geneva will bn ftAved thta a«mm*r at a cost of Ktotoo, A big calebraliun arjit kome-cointag was held tn tigiHpeHa ta bo®or of Gall?® countyA yefureed, soldiers. Fruit in Aahtabala f'V,inty pocaned «ar{mi* damage from, framtag w«ath* *e, accofdlna t* the local fruit grew- era' aasoriaflmt, Claud to tsawaon, if, wa* stabbed to death, at Mlddlatnwn and Wredel fitamper It la being heldona'-hare® n* murder Tha affair. It, la aafd. tot lowed a quarrel o*sr * *lrL Peart Cupar. St, Commilted aalcbt* at, till home near Tartli, Darts none, ty. by banting htsaaalf from a rafter In a. tobacco barn. tit health la give* *a the cau«« Charles q, Fuba S4, foraapf enunty MSim loim idT, shot and kilted him •elf » lth a ahntgnn at ftprlncftaM Metoachotv over til health la - * -the maaae What looked like one of the biggeet ; busmen* deni* of recent °y**un%ftuled .’ t materialise Wednaadsy when the : interaated punim* mvt to make final ifu-rangemant* for the aignihg 1 of the 1° Last Satutday armounceaMWifc waa {made ihat The Cadarville Lime Co,, ,had marged jt» plant with the elevate* 1butine** of Yodtjc Brea, and that the ‘(Change would take place ta June, The joint pvopertie* were to be operated 'under the anme of The Cedarville ILime Co., with Yoder Bros, managing the elevator, farm amchiery, coal ami general store at the old stand- It i* stated that there wa* a wide difference of opinion whop it came to worictag out th* deatail* and a* the parties could not reach aniAgreement the.proposition wa* dropped, Mr. Milton Yoder listed Wednesday that the business will be conducted as usual, that the firmha* enjoyed a fine business the short rime It has owned the plant, and that there wa* no in- ' tention of selling unless at a profit to the firm, , 0 Yoder Brothers came here from West,Liberty, purcliaslng the business from E. A. Allen, who had purchased it from Kerr A Hasting* Bros. The Lime Company wee desirous ta branching out ta connection with the * manufacturing of lime and crushed stone and enter the grata, implement andTeedhusincss. Harry Biff of London is president ' of the company and O. L. Smith of this place secretory and treasurer. The company has plana unde* way ftnr theerection of a hydratedplant. Had i the two firm* been merged in one the town would have hud one of the lar­ gest business firms in the county. MAY DAY NIGHT WAS CELEBRATED THURSDAY; STIRRING ADDRESSES. One of the most Important meet-' tag* ever held in, town took place last Thursday evening when the town and community joined ta a mas* meeting at th# opera house ta cetohrarim ef Sfad. Day night ta the ta$m*t ef the College. The weather wsfe,m>t f « “ »- able pel the house wase^weR with the friowds of the the speakers sad < ulty. The boose bad bee* with college colors. ThoVe wore sev­ er*! vocal selections and music by tbs S, of V. band. Welcome waa extended by Dean Ls Roy Alien followed by S. C. Wright on “Obligations of CedarvUle College to Cadarville and Community” Mr, Braofute next spoke on “Obli­ gation* of Odarville and Community to* Cedaryille College”. The che}f addres of the eveningw#s that of President McChesney on “Tfie Outlook”. Dr, McChesnek reviewed the history of the college from the op­ ening twenty-five year* ago until the present time. He has been a member of the faculty for twenty-one year* and president the past four year*. The college started with four teachers and now has thirteen, The endowment has grown from $ 20,000 until today it total* $168J)00 for the college and seminary. An appealwas made to in­ crease the endowment to $ 200,000 «o that the college could become a mem­ ber of the Ohio College Association, The college is campaigning for fifty freshmen at the opening next Septem­ ber Attention was called to the James F, Morton Bible chair, named in honor of the first vice president of the cot- lege and first instructor in Bible his­ tory. Dr, McChoancy dearly stated the.aim* and the need* of the inttitu< tion and the community wa* highly enlightened by his address and cer« ‘tainly will manifest more intereat in the institution then in the past, as support ha* laway* been given when asked, There were several short alike one hy_,Bref«s^^^4fteiio^-tjieKiBreSy^*h? read- a slatament of the col'ege finan­ ces, A* everyone knoes adds!ionsl fund* »re «em»s,ry in this dav'lc fce«l abreast of th© times, ■Frof, t , ft, ranker of the f’ublfi; fichwola *p(j ?taunt,y Ruparintan/Unt; R Mty void* trade abort t*lk«, J . W. IVtigl of Tenj#‘rn*de the rioeing eddfeaii »wl he paid * well martled tribute, tc Yte MrCheanay «a »n educator are map of ability fat- the reepofteihiliij, Aa praakient of the taatitution, MATH w h ir LARRRD, An unusual method wa* paed to ri, I he under ground oat, work, o f i holes under th# corn rrlK oft tba C‘-ol!nm farm, owned by Thomas i drew, o f which Ralph Harney 5* i tenant, gabbath A rarden hose « attached to th# maWUr o f am unto * the other end inserted in a rat h, Ift this way the gas from th# me while ninntog "gaoeed.*’ , the r, Rome, o f the holes were, opened; and deed rata were found This met! weema to be ft'hre affertive then ( we know a f towards clearing rets $ Anderson Ftamry h mg a#r,°Ute Mute, w i 'lb# . a new tour l) 0