The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 1-26

- Vi IHM urn** twyfcr-«1*«te«Mn -|MI.J !)■«»,. l jfc ft PEACE IN SIGHT! 'PRH'KSGOING UP at every place but Schmid's. -So buy Now. —We have the good# uud tire giving our customers the advantage of our big buying SUGAR NO SCARCITY OF SUGAR HERE, Buy all you want at these prices tO pounds in bulk cane sugar for---------------- ----------— 25 pounds Domino Brand cane sugar in muslin sack for ____97c — $2.45 X Dried Fruits COFFjEE Like real liquid sunlight is Hanna’s Green Seal , ' • ■ » ■ ■a Paint In the way it banishes darkness, dirt and din- giness, and brightens every surface^ it comes in contact .with. It makes homes look cleaner and more attractive, it preserves them from decay, and ;wKen one home in the neighborhood is “Green Seal-ed” all those surrounding it are certain to catch the same spirit of “Clean Up and Paint Up,” Formula on Every .Package Yoder B rothers The Cedarville Herald [ _ ■ _ ! Ksrlh Bull, - - EDITOR Ralph Gilbert hag a now Overland touring car. I>, WuStorrctt has entered Chicago ____ «University for the summer tern to Entered at the Post-Office, Cedar­ ville, 0 ,,'October 31„ 1887, as second class matter. FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1019, J l ^ H E T b n i l > A P E R r I ...... . .......... - -- ; take up work in chemistry towards a Master' Mr, Sterrett will* join him later in the season. ; Tho daylight saving law goes out [for good in October as congress has j repealed the law which was passed as'1 a war measure. CLEAN EASY SOAP per bar ---------------------- — ----------------------- 5c Prunsa, Santa Clara, per p o u n d , — - — ----- .----------------- 12 l*2c Peaches, per pound, —----------------------— --------------------- ------------- 17c Apricots ,per pound —------— ------ --------- -----------------------------— _19c Rasins, bulk, seeded, Snltann, l b , ------------ —------- ---------- -— ---------18c Seeded Rasins in packages, per package --------------------- , ------— 12 l-2c STEEL CUT RIO, per pound------------------ --------------------— - ----- 26c SANTOS, Best Grade, Steel Cut, per poimd ---------- -— —28c AFRICAN JAVA BLEND, per pound —l — - .....................—-------- 31c BUY AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE. PLENTY HERE., Canned Goods BEST GRADE SALMON, Large 2.1b. can for — 1— .......... ......... 18c ONION SETS, best Sets grown, per quart------- —-------------------- — 8c CQRN~Best grade Ohio Or Maryland,’ per can ----------------------12 l-2c TOMATOES—rBest quality, per can ,----- — ------- ---------------- — 10c SPINACH—Best quality, per can.-—— ------------------------------------14c STRING BEANS—Best quality, per can — ---------- --------------------14c CHICKEN SCRATCH FEED, per pound 5c, per 100 pounds,------$4.25 $1.00 BROOM, 4 SEWED, F O R ------------------------ ----------------------- 68c '■ '■ • ~ '•• • ■• j - , - ,• • ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ -• _ Bring Them In——We Bay the Highest Market Price for EGGE and . POULTRY. HE. Schmidt &Co S. Detroit tS., Xenia, Ohio. $ M odem Farmer, Attention i R.*M. Owen, the builder of the famous Owen’ s Magnetic Auto—has a lighting plant FOR YOU, SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Au tom atic System You don’ t HAVE to watch it, it completely handles itself, and NOTIFIES YOU IMMEDI­ ATELY if anything goes wrong. Much greater light * and power capacity. Same range o f price as otliers, and much more simple. A t very small cost, .you can connect your water, system. DROP IN ANDSEE IT WORK. I Baldner-Fletcher Co, 42 East Main St., Xenia, Ohio. The lrcal weekly paner deserves het'.r support than it receives in many communities, Some have ' n o t' succeeded because of* the policy or* lad; of policy of their management, but our experience convinces us that the >-;reat majority of the papers de­ voted to the Interests of the home community deserve hearty support. The metropolitan daily will bring to one's doorstep the *e\vs of the world seen thru the spectacles of the city editor, but it is the editor who lives in the heart of the community who is able to reflect the sentiment of the lo­ cal. group. He alone is the true in­ terpreter of events as they affect the small home town and the country im­ mediately surrounding it. He alone is able to put real sparkle into the ac­ count of the wedding ,of boys and girls whom he has seen grow up, He alone is able to put the throb of real feeling into the obituaries o f the men .and women among *\?hom-he has spent hiq life and with whom he has worked for the improvement and advancement of the old town. These local papers deserve better than they generally get. During the war they tyave hard sledding—many of them— fand now they have a perfect right to come to the citizens o f their locality asking real business support. Give it to them It the local paper has the proper kind of encouragement it can do more for the welfare of the town and the coun­ tryside than any other factor. Sup­ port means mote than merely sub­ scribing. Send in the news. Patron­ ize the advertising columns. Pretty soon you will find yourself becoming more interested in the community than you ever were before and you will find that it is a good place to stay rather than (something to try to get away from. Help the local paper and i* will hepl you. — Ohio Farmer. IT WORKS IN SPRINGFIELD. V.• ; ■ ' City Manager Carr of . Springfield in comparing reports of the city pris­ on stated that on May 24 and 25 there were 88 meals served prisoners. In compar-on on June 14 and-15 there were only three meals served. "Pro­ hibition is not so had” says the City Manager. And yet the Anti Saloon League politicians are fighting with desperation to get a law through the legislature that will cost the taxpay­ ers of the state $100,000 a year to enforce. Tho object o f the league is more, to provide easy chairs for the crowd of so-calJed-reform-politicians. Reports from tho largest cities from .every source prove that sue 1m law is not necessary unless it is to milk .the tax payors, Telephone Patrons will take notice 1 that the new schedule of increased long distant tolls is now in effffect, The Cedarville Telephone Co, O. L. Smith and Harry Iliff of the Cedarville Lime Co. are in Pittsburg this week attending' the Limestone Dealer’s convention at the Wm. Penn hotel. . / Miss Ella Dunlap, office manager of the Herald and Presbyter of Cin­ cinnati, has been a guest the paBt week at the home of Andrew Jackson. Mrs, Harold Curtis and family o f Springfield and Mrs, ’Rahn, o f Yellow Springs >vere guests of Mrs, C. L, Finney, Wednesday for dinner. —Largest assortment of men’s com­ fortable wearing apparel ever shown in Xenia at Kelble’a .Xenia avenue has befen taking on city -appearances the past few weeks. J. E, Turnbull is having an eldgant new porch erected and will'.make some modern improvements on the interior. Dr, E. C. Oglesbee has changed-4he rear* of his residence and has had a sleeping porch added with some other changes that will make the home more comodious. The contractor has work well under way on the new home for F. B. Turnbull which is to be up- to the minute in design and conven­ ience. W. A: Spencer is adding a new porch to his residence. Painters have brightened the homes of A. Z. Smith and W,II. Owens, 'County ,Surveyor J, M. Fawcett-has resigned at the request of the county commissioners as a result of the find­ ings of mismanagement of his office by State Inspector Parrett. Fawcett- has served nearly three terms and would enter his fourth this fall. W.J. Davis, representative.. of the State Highway department has been ap­ pointed until- Mr. Fawcett’s successor is elected. . The world will never be as bad as some people think it is or' as good as they expect It to bo, Now that the streotshnvebeen oil­ ed the men folks cun go home Icnow- ng that they will not be questioned each meal as they have been the past few weeks. Whether Henry Ford wins, the mil-. 'ion dollar suit against the Chicago Tribune or not, Ford cars will still be nanufactured This is about the only nterest the public has in Henry, Half o.-.d Half. For we kiiovv hi part and we proph­ esy In part,—First Corinthians. GALLOWAY & CHERRY, ♦XENIA — OHIO Central Garage We have installed an acetylene plant for burning carbon out o f motors, service and satisfaction guaran­ teed as the -best. Carbon Removed While You W ait * 75c a Cylinder Oils and Gasoline Repairing of A ll K inds Auto Wash Satisfaction Guaranteed J. G. DUGAN « Located Boyd’s Livery Stand Cedarville* - - ' ~ - Ohio Calves—Poultry Wanted Calf Market today (17th) 18 1-2. The very high price* of calf hides weighing under 16 lbs is booming the price of Calves. Spring Chickens 50c per lb,, Herts 29, Roosters 15. You will get mqre money out of a 2 lb. chichcn now than yort will one twice that hcavyiater. Will fuinish you coops weighing only 15 lbs. each, saving a lot on your express^charges and will furnish you metal tags for your calf ship­ ments, Write us rnd ship quick while prices are high, FRANK G. DAY & CO. Phone M {$0 - 14 Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio Reference Fourth National Bank. A War Lesson for V Peace Times 117 AR has taught people to save;; to'get the W most out of things; to get things that have the “most” in them* That’s a great- lesson for » In clothes it means all-wool fabrics and best tailoring—Hart Schaffner & Marx plothes. W e have them because there’s the “most” in them for you; and by giv­ ing you the “most” we get the “most. It always works that way. 99 E,. C. H i lb <( 99 Th e Surprise Store 23-30 East Third S t ., Dayton , Q. Why W e Handle United States Tires Because they ’ re good tires. Because w e K N O W they ’ re good tireis. Because our experience has taught us that- they w ill satisfy and gratify our customers. There are United States T ires for every need o f price or use. W e can provide exactly the ones for your car. United Statesliras are Good Tires / R. A. MURDOCK, Cedarville, O. I. O. PETERSON, Spring Valley, O, LEGAL NOTICE. Conhnon Pleas Court Greene County, Ohio. Charles Ella Cowan, Plaintiff VS. Albert Cowan, Defendant. Albert Cowan, place of residence unknown will take notice that Charles Ella CoWftn has filed suit for divorce him in said court, her petition charging wilful absence for more than three years and that tho* sjime will be ’ for hearing at tho court house in * Xenia, Ohio, on July 7,1919 qt 10 A. M. or as soon thereafter as tho same DR. O. P, ELIAS DENTIST can be reached by which time defend- •^ ant must answer or demurr to said l,iXC,m**£c B»nk Bldg, Cediurvllle, O. petition or judgment may be taken against lum,' '' Signed Charles Ella Cowan. ■ Steusiexi** - _ -NOTICE--1 aminthe poultry bus- mow. Call by phone. W». Marshall. MlawHk— , 3 Thi: large s 8 in. i thick! plate 1 Bevel j Sam veneer plate 1 Bevel Exti is ?j o times' climin veneei tically glue. ! putty prevet the g door.. Vel H Kee C H o Jones’ pound Aft cessfu men, train* upon septic '• -I No cu I not ir, tissuet ing t- Broth i • i I drugg tried t. House For Cc Ec Ef 1 1 1