The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 1-26

m mm I I GIRLS ARI-i (SUMMONS; FORD THE XJN1VEK.SAL CAR. 4 It‘s no longer necessary to go into tlie details describing the practical merits of the Ford car—everybody knows all about “The Universal Car.” How it goes and comes day after day and year after year at an operating expense so small that it’s wonderful. This adver­ tisement's to urge prospective buyers to place orders without delay. Buy a Ford car when you can get one. We’ll take ^ood care of your order—get your Ford to you as soon as possible—and give the best required. in “after-service” when R. A. Murdock Cedarville, - - Ohio Bill,., ■iiiiuinitiiiH iH iiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiiitimum fiiiiiiiuiiiiiiim iiiiim iiiiiiiiim iiiiim iiu^ Starts and Stops Itself I The Owen*FarmUgh ling| Plant 1 Starts automatically upon discharge of battery ; upon over load of battery; starts automatically when cranking engine, upon failure to start, if out of fuel; cuts off if. overloaded. Will run motors up to 1 1-4 h. p^ heating de­ vices and one to 100 lamps. *Power for water systems, milking machines, cream separators, etc. TheOjven is simpler to run than your' auto, engine - has the silent valve, * Let Us Estimate and Demonstrate . / The Owen Lighting System Baldner-Fletcher Co. ' j 42 E* Main St., - - Xenia, Ohi0 ] uiiiiiiiiiiim iiHiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimmiiiunimiiiiiimiimmiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiminm ma Schmidt’s Big G rocery ONION S E T S ONION SEX'S, Bast sets grown, * .....10c ------- — — POTATOES1-. Best No. 1 U. S, Grade Potatoes, per bushel.......................... . $1.15 BEANS, Best Michigan navy beans, per pound ....... ........ .............. 8c PRUNES; Santa | *%1‘ BREAD—^ull Clara per lb. . . *1 LlS* pound l o a f O v CHEESE—Bast Full.Cream, par pound ................................... . . - ... 32c k CANNED GOODS CORN—Best grade Ohio or Maryland, | 'J TOMATOES^-Besfc *SPINACH—Best' quality, per can....... lOe quality, per can........ 14c STRING BEANS-r-Best quality, per can......... *,14c SUGAR 10 pounds in bulk for ,................... 25 pounds, Domino Brand Cane Sugar in muslin sa ck , . . . . ........................... ..97c $2.45 CLEAN EASY SOAP per bar. 5c SCHMIDT’SOLD 70 ^ HICKORY per sk.J^U FLOURGold Medal* 70 ^ Per Sack............. • Schmidt’s Ocean Light/per sack.. 69c JELLO or.;JIFFY-JELL—Box packed, per pound................... •• .................. Three Boxes for 25c 81c PANCAKE Oil BUCKWHEAT F L O U K — 1 ’ e r p f t c k n g e ................. l i e $1*00 BROOM , 4 S E WE/D, fo r .............. 66c H .E . S c h m u j t & C o . S. Detroit t&," Xenia, Ohio. iocal and P ersonal • A V . V W A 'A V i V A V V '. V M V A For Sale:* Good bay horse and wagon. Ranse McClellan, Dr. Leo Anderson spent Monday itl i Cohunbus. * 1 j Lost:* Gold cull' button at the Dean j sale Friday, Reward to the finder., i Harry Kennon. i Harry Estel has been* drawn to j serve on the XI. S, grand jury, j Harry Townsley has been suffering >from .an attack o f appendicitis but is , reported better. j Cliff Bull has been threatened with pneumonia but is greatly improved at this time. . e> New.ton .Dailey o f Clifton was not operated upon at a Columbus hospi- i tal last week owing to his condition, suffering with cancer. ' —The Western Ohio Cream Co., has opened a receiving station at the M, C, Nagley grocery. The Selma basket ball team defeat­ ed the' Cedarville Eagles last Friday night by a score o f 26-21. ’ Fred Irvine has taken his old posi­ tion as operator at Selma, since his discharge from the army. Mrs, Clayton-McMillan has gone-to Colorado on a two weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rankin. .■ * •Misses Helen Oglesbee ’-and Irene Wright, who are teaching at Ansonia, spent the week-end .with their parents The Kadantra Culb was entertained Tuesday by Mrs. O. L. Smith. A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall, Wednesday. Miss Hester Dean visited in Dayton the last of the week with her sister, Mrs. Milton Antrim. f Earnest Rail; wife and daughter of Dayton, were guests-of*Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Ross and family over Sabbath. For Sale;- 8 head o f nice Duroc pigs that weigh 60 to 70 pounds. , * G. H. Smith. W, J. Dailey and wife are the par­ ents of smother daughter bom last Friday. • -. ' Miss Jennie Er-vin has -returned af­ ter a week’s visit with Floyd Faris and family at Florence. Miss Ina Faris, who has been vis­ iting relatives in. Cleveland fo r some time, has returned home For Sale—25 head o f Delaine Mer­ ino ewes. Also a hard coal base bur­ ner. Fred Dobbins. Bring your cream to Jthe -Western Ohio Cream Co., and will pajr you the the very Best market price. M- C. .Nagley Tlie Xenia Masons will celebrate their one hundredth anniversary ■on A •ril 10, Lodges in the vicinity will be invited, z Mr. and Mrs. C. M, Crouse enter*, tained Mr. and. Mrs’ ^Walter Cook o f Altoona, Pa., over Sabtfath. Mr. Cook is a nephew o f’ Mr. Crouse. SEED POTATOES:— Triumphs, Early Ohio, and Kings all fine stock. $3.40 per 2 i-2 bushel bag; <cash only. , B. Bird & Song Co. - The band concert next Friday evert­ ing should interest you. Support this organization which is worthy in every t respect. { Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Glemans have I had as their guest Miss Ella Bickett j o f Xenia fo r several days. Mr. Charles Turner and wife and G.‘ A. Shrode3 were called to Louis­ ville, Ky,, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Minnie Wooten of, the i services being held Monday, Tlie de­ ceased Was a sister o f Mrs. Turner* 5and Mr. Shrodes. i Some one got away with 22 of the feathered tribe from the David John- ■Son henery Saturday night. I Mrs. W . A . Turnbull has been on the sick list this week, j The Cedar Inn hotel has been sold j by Mrs. Charles Paine to a Yellow ) Springs man by the .name o f Groves I j The S. of V, Band will give a con- ; cert in the opera bouse on Friday j March 28, the admission to be .SOccnts : which includes the war tax. The boys ! promise on excellent program and as i many o f them have been connected ; with the various regimental bands in I good positions the public is certain to ■be pleased. Show your interest in a |local organization by -attending the [ concert, Rember the S. o f V. Band concert at the opera house next Friday night. Prof, L. D. Parker reports that the attendance o f the public at 315. There has been almost a monthly increase throughout the year. , 1 i A marriage license has been grnat- ed John Buckner and Edith Wyatt. Rev, Mason is named as the officiating minister. BOYS ARE SECOND j PUPILS HONOR VICTORS. The county basket ball tournament proved the Cedarville Girls' Basket Ball team to be the county champions, the local team bringing home the cup. The local high school boys' team won second honors at the meet in the Kelly Gym at Antioch and were given ten dollars. Beavercreek received five dollars, The results o f the preliminary games were as follows: Cedarville 22, Bow- ersvillc, 12; Cedarville girls 12, Ross girls 0; Jamestown girls 11, Yellow Springs girls 9; Ross township 25, Bellbrook'14; Xenia 28, Jamestown, 12; Osborn 18, Yellow Springs 9; Beavercreek 36, Caesarcreek 10. Cedarville in the semi-finals defeat­ ed Ross ,13-12. Osborn fell before Xenia 16-14;* Beavercreek realized it could not defeat Cedarville or Xenia and withdrew,. The features of" the evening were two championship games and the An­ tioch College-All star game, the lat­ ter team being made up o f officials of the day, some o f whom were noted basket ball stars. However Antioch b.i.K>. ituql . Wednesday the pupils o f the pub^ lie schools undgr the direction o f the ieachers gave an informal banquet honoring the victorious teams. Re­ freshments were served and the even­ ing spent in a very pleasant manner. AUTO BANDITS ROB HUTCHINSON & GIBNEY STORE. Auto bandits robbed the store of Hutchinson & Gibney in Xenia some time' Wednesday night taking fine silks, dress goods, jeXyelry and other goods to the value o f ' $2,500. The eash register was carried- to the up­ per floor and broken open and ten dollars in change taken- No clue has been found. WHITE RAT KILLED. Charles Graham has been exhibit­ ing a full g-jown -white rat that he killed Thursday morning. The rodent )us pink eyes and had. it been captur­ ed alive would have sold for consider­ able money, \ c a l v e r t e l e v a t o r s o l d . Reece Calyert lias sold his elevator in Selma to .L. C- Titus, who operates the-Capital Milling C„ in Columbus and the elevator at South Solon. Mr. Titus will also buy live stock in con­ nection with the elevator. THE AUCTIONEER. .Probably Adam, Makes, Washington and Lincoln were great men but they were? no greaier than the average auctioneer in his little sphere. As a boy we often Wondered where the fel­ low that took up auctioneering could have possibly Have learned all the funny jokes used to enliven and enrich the countryside. The auctioneer 'of today must he just as popular as in the days o f old when people looked up to him. It was The that swayed the multitude, put the bloom of youth on aged steeds and painted with kindly tints the scatter* cd battered offerings -of the farmstead A man who was always the center o f things; who knew everything about everything rural; and who, yet, had a metropolitan air; a manner, a pre­ sence. Few men, inthese later sophisticat­ ed days, continue the high esteem the auctioneer docs. When he comes he brings money, cash., He will take all your ruined possessions and laugh the neighbors into paying more fo r them than you would have had the nerve to charge your worst enemy; and every fellow there will go home thinking well o f the auctioneer, because he let him bid in such a wonderful bargain. There are 29,313 silos on the farms in Ohio, HOW’S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward fo r any case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Medicine, Hall's ’Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty-five years, and has be­ come known as the most reliable rem­ edy for Catarrh. Hall'S Catarrh Medicine actif thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison from the Blood and healing the dis­ eased portions. A fter you have taken Hall's Ca­ tarrh Medicine fo r a short time you will see a great improvement ih your general health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh Medicine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send for teBtitnoinals, free. F. J. CHENEY & Oty, Toledo, Ohio. .Sold by all Druggists, 76c. PUBLIC SALE S a I^IRDAY. I will hold a public sale Saturday j at my residence when a number o f - household articles will be sold. See j bills fo r particulcrs which will be dis- ; tributed today. j Lee Shroades. HarryKennon AUCTIONEER* TERMS VERY REASONABLE Satisfaction Guaranteed o or no Pay Fatties wanting two auctioneers 1am in position to supply the extfn man with unlimited ex­ perience. PHONE 2-120 Cedarville, - - Ohio CAR OF SEEDPOTATOES Red River Ohio, Kings, Roes, Cobblers, Triumph, Rural* Chicago Market Buy Early Priced RigHt W. W. TROUTE GROCERY CO. Willard Service Station Recharging," Repairing and, a complete line .of Rentals. New Batteries iti Stock . ■ v i . • r- ■\ • > * L. C. R. Storage Battery Co. 118 E. Main Street, Geo. Xenia, Ohio. W. Lane, Manager For the Farmers JUST THINK WHAT IT WOULD MEAN If You Gould have“Satisfaction Guaranteed”before you started your crops; if you cpuld know that every acre of land planted would produce “bumper crops.” You'd not have to worry; you’d always be certain, of full returns for labor and money invested. That’s just what you can be sure of when you buy your Clothes at this store. These good Clothes are made by Hart Schaffner & Marx They’re all wool, the right style for different men; careful tailoring; they’ll fit, too—not like the ordinary-kind of clothes. Now, do you want to buy Our Clothes—*or aren’t you particular what kind you buy? E.. C. H i lb “The Surprise Store” 28*30 East Third St,, Dayton, O. 9 You are invited to a Birthday Party March 17th to 22nd It will be enjoyable; also very “profitable” to yon Dayton, Ohio