The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 1-26
, 's r <&>- lOOto* re ,* * .' aWitiKIW W l f l l R T f t A V i L IN ALASKA J UNUMtlitiH gfcMk T#H* #f »*to* #C*M *e#*rt**« to ft* Keeeuetort* fit th* Fr***e Ntftku AroM**e«a Stack, already fernowl to r Into ****** of Meant McKinley, swJ# « totoerfcsble Jounwy Into Alaska feat «|»tor. TO* ro*t* extended around the atool# arctic coast of Alaaka, bcyln- ntof * t th* w«at tide, and thence In* la id to Feet Yakon. Ho was received everywhere with cordial hoapitallty by th* Kcklcao*. Two weeks were W-s*t a t Potnt Barrow, where the trav eler had an opportunity of studying th* largest Eskimo village In Alaska wpdor winter conditions. During the subsequent journey of 225 mile* to Flaxroan island the party saw only one human being and were housed only twice, Th* archdeacon describe# It a* "the barrouest,' most desolate, most for saken coast I have ever seen In my "life; flat as this, paper on which I wrfte, the frozen laud merging indie* tlngulshably Into the frozen sea; nothing but * stick of driftwood her* and there, half burled In the in dented snow, give* evidence of the •her*.” F<p* two weeks the travelers had to face a bitterly cold northeast wind, and the faces of all were continuously frozen. The heaviest task .of a]l was the journey over the winter's un broken snow to Fort Yukon. Oa this Inland trip Stefansson and his party, were encountered and escorted to Fort Yukon, where Stefansson, whp was seriously ill, received medical at tention, , A IR P LAN ES IN G R EA T WAR F*kkera Must Be Credited With Re markable Work That Contributed to Victory of Civilization. 1_The Fokker series ts interesting, firs t, there was the monoplane Fok ker, so long a menace a t the front Then'they tried the tittle triplane Fokker, a weird-looking machine, " whose specialty .was climbing high and diving down on' the foe. Unfor tunately in the dive the top plane had • way of coming off. It was In a Fok ker triplane that the "Red Devil" . Baron von Richthofen came to grief, and you can see the engine of his ma- ' chine, a 110 La Rhone, copied from a French rotary engine, The last type of Fokker—and a very good one—Is the D7 biplane, all inetai except for the wings, with a Wgh-poWer engine and a tremendous climber. The specimen on show be longed to Richthofen’s circus. You can. . follow-the atteippts- of ..tha Germans to win security by armoring their ma chines, hut armoring did not pay, ow-, fog to the weight and clumsiness, Lato In 1918 an extraordinary ma* ; chine was brought down, foade entire ly of metal, with wings of some kind • f aluminum alloy, and a brass seat for the pilot—the whole thing a marvel , fit bold Inventiveness. ; How Fast Shot Travels. 5 When standing within a tew yards of a gun’s muzzle a t the time of die- ffterge, a person would be amazingly astonished were he only able to *ee' the ahot go whizzing by. Experiment* In instantaneous photography prove that the ahot not only spread out, cometlike, as they fly, but they string out, one behind another a t a much greater distance than they spread. Thus, with a cylinder gun, when the shot of a charge Teaches a target that ts 40 yards, away, the last shot Is lag ging full ten yards behind. Even a cbokebore. gun shot will lag behind eight yards in 40. This accounts for the wide awath that IF mowed In a flock, of duck* on which a charge of shot falls just right. About 5 per cent Only of the shot, according to the most ~ Tellable deductions from-experiments-, arrive simultaneously a t the target aimed at, the others lagging In the ratio named' above. h Whetf Romanes Faded. He got her name and address In a Red Crocs package and that was all Re knew about her. So be did the thing, that a lovesick soldier usually d o «—Wrote her a sweet little letter telling how he longed to correspond with some one. How did he know' bat that a real romance might start? This was' her answer; "1 think this war is horrid. I am doing my share. I boy War Savings stamps and eat corn bread, which I don’t like. Also I am learning to knit.” ; Rut the cruel part Is that she added: "I am ten years old." . A Famous "Oasis." 1 "Did you see Congressman Twobbla white you were in Washington?" "No. He Instructed hi* office force to say to any one who called that he had gone over to .Baltimore to spend the day." "He actually left a message to that effect?" . "Yes." "Well, a t any rate, he has the cour age of bis convictions."—Birmingham Age-Herald. i Large** Motor Veaeel. The British twin-screw Diesel en gined r i ses! Gishapp, Which bad just N m totilt by a Glasgow shipyard, is ~according to the local press the larg est and most powerful motor vessel m til* world. I t 1* of 10,000 tons dead weight, and has two sets of engines, constructed by Messrs. Harland & Wolff a t their Glasgow works. These give a tot*! horse power fit 8.000, which figures represent a very marked progress to this type of vessel. ‘ Little John1* Wish. John’s mother objects to quarreling and fighting am«og her children, one day some One described a friend’s house a* having such heavy partition Wall* that noise in one room could hot he heard In an adjoining room. John •aid, *Twish our house was like that; then when mamma is in the sitting room and a* kid* in the dining room get * scrap started, we could fight to m i # * c n i s a o i PROBESMl UBER 1 Y MOSUDI*USES TREASURY AND CAPITAL 188UE8 COMMITTEE flUBMIT DATA— FAKERS EMPLOYWOMEN. UMEROU8 eas** ef fraudulent opera tion* by stock pro motto* who to* *1- leged to bo swind ling Liberty Bond owners are before the Federal Trade Commission at Washington for Investi gation. The commission is haring daily hearings a t which testimony la being offered by those who. have been victimised or their representatives and the commission has invited anyone who has such information to. send it to. The nest testimony considered was a list of complaints compiled by th* Treasury Department and the Capital Issues Committee. Other data which is to be given the Investigators has been gathered by commercial Inter ests. Be a Sleuth! When someone tries to sell you speculative or doubtful stocks and securities—^. Get his name! ' Particularly if he tries to ex change his securities for yotfr Lib erty Bonds— , GET HIS NAME! Get not only his name, and ad dress If possible, but get all the “literature" he has. Then send it all to . ■The Federal Trade Commlseion, Washington, D. C ., The Federal Trade Commission act provides a penalty or a fine or impris onment for those who fall to report or who falsely report to the commission. The Investigation Is being speeded up to protect the coming Issue, the Vic tory Liberty Loan. Efforts of the. government to cheek the swindles being perpetrated by the suave, well-dressed' stock promoter have had such a. dampertag effect on his activities that he la taking refuge •behind skirts. Women are now being employed, elderly-looking women^wlth. maternal ways which are. calculated to disarm suspicion, - The latest-warning from the Treas ury Department Is: “Do not let the appearance or the dress or the seX of the Liberty Bond scalper disarm jrour suspicion. No reputable stock sides person will try to trade for your Liberty Bonds. Held your bonds!" f Greatest o f A ll War Pictures Soon to Be Releasedby Treasury The Treasury Department is soon to send out over the country the great est war picture ever drawn. It will he called “The. Price of Peace" and la an assembling of the most thrilling of the thousands of feet of film taken by official photographers of the war college who followed the Yank from his; home to the front'and hack again, The film will be released only through Liberty Loan committees and will be shown free. Insurance Men List . Liberty Bonds a t Par The national convention of insurance commissioners recently decided that In the*auditing of all Insurance Com panies for the year ending December 31jJl918, par would be allowed for all ’Liberty Bonds. Financiers see to this action of the always careful and always conserva tive Insurance commissioners a cer tain indication that the' present low prices of Liberty Bonds of the first four issues are only temporary and that the bonds are soon to go above par. The action should be an incentive to the private owner of liberty Bonds to hang on. | Liberty Loan Levity A canny young lad named Calhoun, About to wdd Masie Muldoon, Decided a necklace' As groom’s gift too reckless. He’ll give Mass a Note come next June. HANG ONI Don’t forget) Liberty Bonds are go ing above par. That is why brokers are advertising tor them. Brokers know. Be wise. Hang onto your bonds, The support of the Fifth Liberty Loan by the American people will be the measure of our welcome to our' returning soldiers. Beginning Tower fit London. A royal palace, consisting of what is known as the "white tower,” ap pears to have been the beginning of the Tower of London, It was com menced by William’s son, William Ru fus, who, to 1008, surrounded it with walls ahd a broad ditch. Several suc ceeding kings made additions-to it, and King Edward IT? erected the church. In 1028 the old white tpwer was rebuilt, and in the reign of Charles 11 a groat number of additions were made to I t The new buildings to the tow#*Wto* completed to I860. MM mb M llllllllllllltfllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllHIII The Edward Wren Co. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Ask Any One Connected With This Store To Explain The Flan to Yon ANNOUNCES Ask Any One Connected With The Industrial Moris Plan Bank To Explain the Plan to You A Unique and Advanced Plan of Service • ■ ■ . * » t THROUGH a combination o f Good Commercial Business and Good Banking Business a plan bas been made effective whereby those who desire it m ay purchase on Easy Payment Terms from a Strictly Cash House the following merchandise; Furniture Phonographs Cedar Chests Floor Lamps Refrigerators Carpets Linoleums Sewing Machines Washing Machines Stoves Rugs Draperies Electroliers Vacuum Cleaner Baby Carriages Ask The demand for a-service o f this kind has always given The Edward Wren Co. serious thought, however, the established policy ofr the company is based on the principle o f “Buying and Selling for Cash Only,** and under no circucstances w ill this excellent business principle be deviated from now or at any other time. Through an arrangement w ith THE INDUSTRIAL MORRIS PLAN BANK ofSpringfield, THE EDWARD WREN CO. is enabled to sell to persons desiring Easy Payment Terms any merchandise listed above. The Bank pays THE EDWARD WREN CO. at once, the amount o f the purchase. The purchaser pays the Bank. Here is h ow the plan works— You selcet your Furniture or any o f the articles listed above. W e make com plete arrangements for you with THE INDUSTRIAL MORRIS PLAN BANK , A BRANCH OF WHICH WILL BE ESTABLISHED ON ONR FOURTH FLOOR; you make a First Payment to the hank o f 10 per c e n t . o f your purchase and the balance in regular w eek ly payments. Oh our recommendation the customary fee for investigation w ill not he charged by the bank. Do not confuse this plan with the ordinary co-called installment ystems, wheye the cost o f carrying the ac counts is included in the price o f the goods, unperceived by the customer, and which are attractively featured to promote extravagance. W e intend our plan to render a distinct service to our patrons, and upon this under standing the accomodation is offered. ____ i THE INDUSTRIAL MORRIS PLAN Insurance automatically covers all purchases o f $50 .00 and upwards, The purchaser, o t head o f the family, has issued to him, Free o f Charge, an Insurance Policy covering the a- mount o f the purchase. In case o f death, before paym ents are completed, the goods, become the absolute prop erty o f the beneficiary w ithout any further charges and without any “Red Tape*’, This should appeal to per sons furnishing new homes. * '+■ • . . The Morris Plan o f Industrial Banking is in successful operation in more than one hundred cities in the Un i ted States. It is a tried and successfu l system o f loans to Wage earners, salaried employes, business men and the general public. The men who are connected with the local Morris Plan Bank are men o f the highest stand ing—-th e recognized successfu l men pf Springfield. They have bu ilt up a great constructive banking instituion . which, coupled w ith the ability and resources o f our store, has brought about this unique and advanced modern business service. Connected With This Store or the Bank to Explain the Plan to You The Edward Wren Co. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Your money back if yo u’re not satisfied You couldn’t make it stronger; you can come to us and get the livest styles to be had; Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; if for any reason you ’re not satisfied in style fit, wear— or anything else— you get your m oney back. Varsity overcoats; you see them every where. Waist-seam suits and overcoats Dress clothes, “Prep” suits, *Business suits, Special models for men who are hard to-fit. PRICES $22.50 to $75.00 1 G. A. WEAVER E. MAIN STREET, XENIA, OHIO. SUNDAY INK T h e \ cam; terdcatiw. work of t tog will! t: "Its supper-.- est road u ideals ia * stands f<;; MARION LAWRA Sec’y Internal S. 8 *Associa help alJ < their diaii; give the am nitiou Its pf My. third 4, Sunday K i - j wakes rue | that my oat ways belou- the top ip t saving of. lie ■The Sundi a new thir •newer every chrysalis of comes forth come to its ognized as t most effect gfous eduef School is th and without no the chin church woult In less than Sunday Sch factor for pi- ciple of g< Christian de and deserve: •of all loyal j ■MARIO.' BISHOPH COMMEI Columbus, C ing the Ohio Jdon that he ’ ■ participate in struction camt zell of the Met and vice-preaii day School As . sage of endor, "The joint A Sunday Sclioo for money to their worn- in _eign lands ha mendation. "The Sunda arm of the :el factor in the i the war smittc “Those orgn nomination^ a mission and Si the improvem teacher trainiiif organizations, lands.” SUNDAY HEAD , WOfc VV. O. THOMP1 Pres. Internatli S, 8. Associat wealth In tin usually been support of tin present eanij cellent oppo with mont'j assist In sup the children, doe's. Is at these womw their monej i from year to sponded roost of the child; t en area. 1 «« Mu Interest <> . ration of the "Yank The tune, or , the author or nu ‘ long ago. Tin- names can he r ant dances ami • England long in in those days i Spnin a sword song of labor ■ i Germany a f<>■ Foland a toll; s No Ci' I'nrlheriooi'o. car-r.pHtiiin; w l1 ImdersimulinK < file don't try to Galveston Now*- >
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