The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

m iiiiiiiitii imiiH—(i id*** T..A<». D o Y o u r F e e t H u r t? Pwrliap* your shoes mre not correctly fitted . For th e m*n th a t 1* hard to f it we recommend our combination la st made wider across the bail th an ordinary shoes, th is allows a snug f it a t th e h ee l and in step and perfect com fort for th e toes* It com es in Black Calf and Viol Kid, The Pair /n\ \m\' Vj F r a z e r 's S h o e S to re XENIA, OHIO The CedsrriEe /H u rdd KtrUt Bull, aorroR Satined at the Fost-Offiee, Cedar- i V * <VOctober H# WS 7 , gn a*cood da** matter. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER St, 1919. A* we five more we se t more. The coil strikers have struck out. The screen door and lawn awing are no longer needed.’ The parsnip will now come into it* own since the recent freeze*. *5 DISGBACEFUL PBOFITBKHJNG Fresh Pancake and Buck- , .wheat Flour Henkle’s Pancake Flout.................. 10c Ballard’s Pancake Flour........... ....... 15c Virginia SweetPancake Flour.........15c GoldMedalPancake Flour 2 pkgs. 25c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour......__15c Aunt JemimaBuckwheat Flour ... .J5c GoldMedalBuckwheat Flour 2 pkgs. 25c Ballard’s Buck wheat Flour...... . ..15c PureBuck wheat 5 lb. sack..........40c W . W . T R O U T E Grocery Co. Efficiency is a word, that has its meaning in labor sections. Sometimes we think there is mtxchfreedom in his country- lost too A lofcof people know . a lot about price and nothing about value. * You had better look up y o u r Thanksgiving turkey, also the price. We hear it said that everybody is profiteering but we do not hear of anyone getting into trouble. > * South Solon goes Republican' and Editor-Mayor Stroup can devote all his attention to newspaper duties.1' The most disgraceful picture of bad management during the war ipa* de­ veloped in a recant tastimmSy in Co­ lumbus in regard to the construction of damp Sherman. Witnesses under oath declared that so called plumbers and steamfitters were playing cards and idling around their stoves while the hospitals containing sick soldiers ware without heat. No effort was made to perfect the heating appara­ tus and make the hospital wards warm and comfortable. The testi­ mony showed that the Red Cross nurses were compelled to wear furs and wraps in order to keep warm, The doctors had to t wear their over coats while sick soldiers shivered in their, cots, These pictures will not soon be forgotten by the people of Ohio and for that matter, of. the United States. That by reason of such shamming and delaying the pay rolls might be padded and extended with the cost-plus profits while Amer­ icanboys, largely from Ohio, suffered and'many of them died, is not going to . be readily forgiven,—ordinarily graft and stealage is one thing— brutual indifference to the sufferings of soldiers another. Changing the quality and increas­ ing the pried will be all the refer-’ mation necessary to curtail smoking. Everyone has Ms opinion election results but to a man tree it looks like-Republican. about up a Some one has given encouragement over the sugar' shortage situation by saying the .nation would' have better health with less'sugar. ^ I f you have the price you, can get the sugar.' When i t gets to 20 cents a pound there will, be an abundance of it for sale. ' ' Since the President has been sick the cabinet -has been running the country. We have failed to observe, any difference in, the ' change of management, We read that it is cheaper to live in Mexico than the U. S. From ob­ servations we are inclined that there is no price on life in t h a t . Republic either. ‘ HAPPINESS IN THE DISCARD; Wall street suffered a • crash on industrial securities that cost hun­ dreds of investigators millions of dollars. ’ I f tMs money was in' l i b ­ erty bonds there Would be no crash. -A Socialistic paper cries "Debs is rotting in prison” .and hot a single word have we heard about stopping this dreadful decay. The fact is that the Debs is better off in prison than Out in society. The editor of a well known: maga­ zine says that he, is wearing the same pair of shoes he bought' seventeen years ago when he waa a student at Harvard. We suppose . that this proves the advantage of having a college education. , “W h a t m akes th e G a l­ lons so B ig th e se d ays?” I t surely isn’t the four little quarts! Every gallon has always had them. But gallons are measured in miles these days—at least when they’re gallons of gasoline. Ana—you get a flock o f miles p e r gallon when you use Gasol ine It’s really good gasoline because it’s good rea l gasoline "There’s no especial trick in tasking it. Jtist take .the highest-grade crude oil obtain* >able'from the best Wells.and distill it. H ie first thing anybody gets in distilling that tort of petroleum is highest-grade gaso­ line. , And that’s what we get. Ad soon as w# get it we send It away and sell it to you, through any garage. We used to call Cblwribuf, White Rock, because it surely does last, but WeVe changed to Cthmbus to indicate lasting quality, right combustion and value-all three. Cclumbu; is nothing but honest to goodness gasoline and gasoline only. That's Why it makes the gallons so big, and makes your gas tank hold more miles than you ever thought it could hold. COLUMBUS OIL COMPANY Columbus, Ohio You can get Columbus at z%- of these good plscd* Two Old people on a farm In a dis­ tant state, offered $10,000 to a girl to take' care Of them until they died. The.girl left after a year’s trial and went back to the city. She said that she wanted to get married and she- couldn’t stand the lopeliness of the farm life- Poor girl, and poor people! They could not leam the secret of how to be happy together, Of course, girls will want to get married; but they do not need to go to town to ' get a- husband. Of course girls will get lonely some­ times; but .a healthy mind and a wholesome heart are good company enough. , ' Here was. a girl who was to get a fortune-4-to he actually paid for liv­ ing on a farm, ' There are millions' of girls who live on a farm for noth­ ing; There are millions in the city streets whoyearn for a quiet lane and a sight o f the fields. Here was a girl who had both hands full, of potential happiness, and yet spilled the packageand left i t beMnd her while she ran hack to the moving pictures - and crowded' factories of the city. Yet there are singing girls all over this' countrywho lovingly wait on the old folks and whose feet jump joyfully toward, the barn or the chick­ en-coup or bee hive. Life on the farm is the life of nature, and na­ ture’s children are happy there on a thousand things .that, cannot he bought with mere money. HOW MlfCH^DO YOU ENOW? We believe that too many people are content to eat and sleep, with perhaps a little recreation thrown in and turn aside from any attempt to acquire useful information. - We all recognise that education is not a matter of books -and the poorest man, woman or child can get more out of life, than he or. she does. For in­ stance, how many people in this community k$gw how paper is made? It would be safe to assume that not one*out of ten is acquainted with the process. You see dozens of auto mobiles every day butf you have not given more than a passing thought to the brains back of the machine. W* axe Ignorant of the things with which We are most intimately con­ nected; How are pins made? What do you know about sugar? You know i t is scarce, that’s alL What kind of a planh is tea and how does coffee grow? What are prunes? Where do olives come from? Can you tell the* difference between oak, pine, poplar or cypress? What bird sings such pretty songs near your window in the spring? Have you any idea how the cloth in your clothes is produced? ‘ ‘ No, we do not think these and a hundred other things are absolutely necessary, but it is a heap of satis­ faction to know things and we ought to give some thought to the brain that makes possible the many ne­ cessities and conveniences of life. To broaden one’s field of know­ ledge makes Mm more of a satis­ faction to himself and decidedly more interesting to Ms family, friends and neighbor*. I t is said that the Roosevelt- Mem -1 orlal campaign has not been the suc­ cess' hoped for at the start. RelievesAfter Effects of Breaks andSprains , Recovery from fracture* and sprain* la slow enough at heat, but there is no use to be mid up any longer than absolutely neCesaary. Massag* the injured part gently with Houatonla daily. Aching and sore­ ness WJll^quickly go. The case of & E, Downing, who Uvea on Walnut fit., In Wavsrly, O., la one of the- many proofs of what Houatonla will do. Say* Mr, Down­ ing. “Some time ago, I had the mis­ fortune to break my leg. I tried sev­ eral remedies without results, until X began using Houston!* Liniment, and am glad to testify that the re­ sults were beyond my expectations,*' On rheumatic joints and swelling* too, Houatonla has an almost1magi­ cal effect. Better get a bottle from your druggist and keep it handy. *1.06—half Size 80C, trial size, 86c. Ask for House-tone-e-nh (The Orig­ inal Jones' Liniment), and look for Hr. Jones' picture on’ the yellow Wrapper, The Dr. ,T. C. Jonas CO., So. Charleston o . F ta M i by C. M, Ridgway m A A . & RkWds, Druggist* 5 1 / P E R C EN T / 2 IN TER EST That is what you get when you invest your idle money with us. All Loans Secured by First Mortgage on Real Estate. * Interest begins First of each month* i %. T h e S p rin g fie ld B u ild in g & L o an A sso c ia tio n - i 28 EAST MAIN ST„ SPRINGFIELD, OHIO J Otsr aim is to satisfy with the best, therefore we carry the VICTOR EXCLUSIVELY Be wise and order a GENUINE VICTR0LA h i , i. - * now while onr stock ia complete. A t the Wurlitzer Instant Service Record Oonnteryoa can tarty fcslong as. you please-r h M a r o E t b o i o c o x d i r ^ X a js fT e a n m ■a STYLE X A I * The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company l 20 South Fountain Ave., Between Main & H igh S treets, Springfield, Ohio ..Central Garage.. . ' ■ ■ •'. ■" *'■ v 1 ■■ ■'■"r LJ 1 Weme now ready to do repairingon any make of car. If that car is not right mechanically or electrically bring it tons. . « Starters, Generators, IgnitionandLights are our specialty!. We will handle a complete line of Tires, Tubes mid ac­ cessories, gas and oils. • . Batteries Recharged and Repaired FREE AIR PHONE 98 Geo. Hankel, Prop. Agency Overland Gars Belgium hag Issued a call for Amer­ ican cats to 'combat the hordes of mice in that hottntry,. Several car­ goes can go with our permission, even to the leader of our neighbor­ hood orchestra. % We suppose a lot of Ohioans feel better now that the Crabb law was {defeated. Those cellar investiga­ tions were not to the notion of some |dry* who wanted prohibition, but not the kind that would Invade the home, We hope the liquor question will he settled sometime so that those on the pay rolls of the wet and dry or­ ganizations may have gratified their intense yearnings to get back to their former prodnetive pursuit* and thus help in the patriotic Work of reducing the high cost of living. Mankind’* Debt to Reading, 'Have you ever rightly considered what the mere ability to read means?” once asked James Bussell Lowell, and elaborated his own question; "That It is the key which admits ns to the whole world of thought and fancy and imagination? to the company of saint and sage, of the wisest and the witti­ est at their wisest and wittiest mo­ ment? That it enables Us to see with the keenest eyes, hear with the finest earB, and listen to the Sweetest voices of all thhef More than that it annihi­ lates time and space for us.” Only One Clear Read to Suooet*. No unwilling worker ever yet achieved great success, for men only succeed where they think deeply, Work <&aerfuliy and rejoice a t the success of what they are working aft. EYES [ Examined Corrtctly Glmstfis Fittsd* AT MODERATE PRICES TIFFANY'S Optical Dtpartineat Open Evenings by Appointment V. rja. Smatlnflandfwwrt** When toa ft* sweatingwilt get got istinef than aweeri»g---ivjti^jia^* - ...