The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

vm m m m m m m e ■ s ^* k *+**’ ■If. JL Swrioea, ■ , VSi# fioMewiag || tfa# jsveffaan of I f r d P f * * * ' » « "* * «< tlrt If, & *S5f#fc TM mmrkt* will b« helpful, W*dprefifcfibie. Ton ax 0 in. t s i * .. Hymn No, 118~,“Ans*Ls from the of Gtoiy*--Confrog*tion. Aatbonv—MJoy to th* Worki”— Choir, Solo nod Ghom—“In -ao Firid* With Tbrir Fkmk» Abidin*^—Burton MeSHwain, Hymn No 125-~-‘'Oh, Como, All Ye Pmithful"—-Coagregjitlon, Solo and ChoijN-»“J>uthiir,s Cradle Uyipij’’-—Prgf, George Sieglar. Hytun No 115—“While Shephacd*' Watched their Flock? By Night”— Congregation, PMyer by Pastor. Solo Winifred Stuckey Hymn No, 110—“ It came Upon A Midighfc Clear"—Congregation. Solo and Quartette—“There Came Three Kings”—Lydl Johnson, Solo—“Threre's A Song In the Air” —Cecil Eubank,. . Sermon—“When God Became Man” Hymn No, 111—"Hark the Herald Angela Sing”—Congregation. R. P. Church Services Rev. E. V. Busier will preach at the - ayehing service at 7.00 p. m . His sublet will be ‘.‘The Name of Jefiu$”. «■Clifton Presbyterian Church The'‘Clifton' Presbyterian Sabbath School has arranged a epecial program of a cantata, recitations and music for Tuesday ^vening=ah 7.<KbP.M, Fol­ lowing the'program will'be a Christ­ mas treat, . - , j A0D 1TIONA I LOCAL i 1 For Sale—House with 4 rooms and ' thro# below. S1-4 *cv» of land in 4 lots with 11-2 acres of pasture. Al­ so Townaley Hotel property on Mam and Railroad Streets. <^ G. H. Smith. . A nine pound daughter wa* bora tif Mr and Mrs. Fred Townsley, Wed­ nesday, Charges have been filed against Chief Buckles of the Xenia fire depart­ ment and he has been suspended, pending a hearing, JEWELRY AND WATCHES FOUNTAIN PENS EVERSHARP PENCILS R. BIRD & SONS CO. General John J, Pershing passed through Xenia on a special train to visiit Camp Sherman. He .made a short address to a crowd of 500 that gathered. FAYBTTB APPRAISEMENT. Work has already been started on the ra-appraisemnt o f Fayette county farm land. It has been unamiously agreed among the various authori­ ties the incrase should he fifty per cent over present valuations. Where them Is an hnequalityin valuation the matter goes before the advisory board for adjustment, CARD OF THANKS OH BOY! We .wish to thank those who con­ tributed in .the many ways to our daughters comfort. For the beau tiful Coral offerings, the physician, the choir, the pall bearers, the Under­ taker and to Rev. H. O. Mason fop his comforting words, we -wish to ex­ press our sincere thanks; Mrs. R. Moore and- -family and Herbert Thornton, The Earlham Basket Ball team proved too fast for the college* boys last night in a game at the Alford Memorial, The score was 69 to 10. An interesting game was Xenia High against College’ Second, the former winning by a.score of 20 to 17. INCREASED THE OFFICES. . The conception o f the legislature of bowing to public demand is shown in the amendment to the health law which increases the number of •high salaried offices from S8, one from'each county, ,to 168, an addition of 80 over the original law. As every thing from garden truck to bank stock is to be taxed, and then taxed again, we'sup pose the gents in Columbus caredlit­ tle or nothing about the taxpayers in­ terest. While the farmers at home are sifting back and allowing farmer atiori.'of land and1higher taxes, .they sifting bqfelc and ollowing farmer ..members of'the’ House, to be the medicul lobbyists like, a lot of schpo^.-boys. ' Farmers have . been ftmdeihttihg * RepresnthtiVe - Bryson fo r endorsing the county hospital yet how many know how he is votii/g on throwing your money;away on use­ less jobs? After four defeats the state legis­ lature Will enhet a state income tax law *-1 Corporation incomes as well as private'will be included in the new law, 'Borne chance o f the high cost of living going higher. It is funny that -the 'grey matter in. the >■legisla­ tive cannot be tried, to curtail expense and not provide more funds for greater expenses. R. BIRD A SONS CO. CELERY-extra fancy for Christ­ mas. „ Disease and*Remedy?- To fhu AntJjHnbjs many years ns* sonic Idiot on vetuvu from his trim’ brought buck a pretty dower—the lar. inna, I believe—and planted It in hi front garden. It soon spread arm menus- worn devised-- for its destruc­ tion, The Scotch thistle was the very thing and it wfts Imported, says a writer to the Rangoon (India) Oa- riftp. It certainly clinked ihe old nuFs anee out but became n worse one. The thistle had to be got rid of somehow, and so a pntr of rabbits were Intro­ duced,' They multiplied exceedingly nmftnte up the thistle arid everything else. Bunny had to be dealt with and the English fox was called in ?is an antidote. JEIe failed to reduce the rab­ bit appreciably-and-now-has a price of ten shillings oh his own lieftd!" No I Glve'me the devil I know In preference to the' devll with whom I only have a riOdding'acqunlntance., . OVERCOAT Bargains —jwe have a number.t>£Boy’s also email sizes in Men’s. Overcoats at Sacrifice 1Prices. It will pay you to see these. R. BIRO & SONS CO. v*. Auctioneering—terms reasonable—. get dates. Call Cedarville Phone 21-2 o» 151. H. C- WILSON.. mmm 'JOTEUUHO S B n n u m n h h i t “ Pofs$n” ' Made, Hit In Harem. . The origin of wine making also is claimed by the Persians, whose king, Jcinsheed, stored 4a quantity of grapes In Ws cellar for future use. The grapes fermented ‘ and, becoming.) very acid, were believed to be poison,^ They were so labeled. A wornan- :of <the king's harem, who desired fo-commit suicide, took freely of the juice and became very drtink.f After a lengthy sleep, however, sbt- awoke perfectly well, and wits so pleased with her experiment thnt she finished the remainder of the poison. -Jemsbecd found out what had happened too lath to ‘come In’ on the first vintage, but he took steps to Insure having a plentiful supply of Juice in future for himself, First Dolls. The first dolls of which there Is any knowledge were found among the treasures unearthed from the ruins pf r Babylon. They were small figures: io, terra cotta' and ivory, beautifully carved and must have been fascinating playthings for little Assyrian children. The little girls of Syria bad mechanic cal dplls. The dolls the classic chil­ dren plpyed with, were made of wax and clay, decorated with bright colors. •As these*cliildrep married, very young, ‘ they played with their dolVs until just Ibefore their wedding day, ^ X m a s G ifts To he selected ftom fi good dean, full assortment. Late shipments delayed by transportation shortages have been tumbling in on us just when we thought we were cleaned put Thus there are still many desirable,-joy-giving Christmas gifts to be had fit this store. So you who need a few more things will find here just what you want and ‘ at our usual fair prices, Come early, have a choice selection of clean, unhandled gifts. ' . , ■ STATIONERY Is Ever a Welcome Gift You can never give wrong* if you give Stationery. It’s always needed, always wanted. We have Wynn’s complete line in ‘all tints and latest styles. Prices 36c to $3.75 FRENCH IVORY Ftftftn the smaller pieces to complete sets. Positively the largest and best assortment of IVORY MIRRORS Ever shown in Springfield and at prices that are JUST RIGHT MANICURE SETS From 4 to 16 Pieces Prices $2.50 to $13.50 LADIES’ HAND BAGj£ PGCKETBOOKS, PURSES ETC. , • JOY GIFTS FOR THE SMOKER OR SHAVER CIGARS In boxes of 25, 50 or 100. Prices $1.25 to $12.00 Cinco t Decision Councilor San Felice Roigs La MaCeda . Garcia Iboid - : r a Owl Red Dot Dutch Master Sonada. find many others. PIPES All sizes, shapes and kinds. You can surely get his kind in,our as-* sortmen. Prices 35c to $7.50 TOBACCOS 1 lb. Iii 1-4, 1-2 and boxes. Cigarettes and Ciga­ rette Holders, ^ Smoking Sets, Ash Trays, etc. / SAFETY RAZORS And shaving utensils of all kinds, P A R K E R FO U N T A IN P E N S $ 2.50 to $ 5.00 And every one positively guaranteed, POCKET KINVES, POCKETBOOKS, BiLL FOLDS ETC. THERMOSBOTTLES and Lunch kits are due for a big advance in price in January. This is a # to # i tip, you better buy how, Speakin of Gran’ an’ Glor’ou* Fee3tn?*, b*v« you ever toddled down on Christmas memin' to find beeide yens*name on the gift tableexactly the tog* yon .need . tlie styles you moat admire? Its a rare faculty — this selection o f gifts that are* pat* for men—readily acquired, however, by-those who bring their Christmas lists to our haberdasher^ counters! BATHROBES All the neweri ideas in Ba-h Robes are to be found in our assortment. Its the gif' that is appreciated, $8.50 to$20.00 SHIRTS , Silks, madras, percale, silk mixtures . 75c to $15.00 * GLOVES Including gauntlet, lined and unlined $1.75 to $15.00 INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS Various grades,^boxed or seperately 25c, 50c 75c HOSIERY Silk Hoses Knit-wiil hose, Lisle Hose-- 25c to $2.00 perpair ; > REEFERS Silk and silk-knit reefers to suit your ideas $1.50’ to $7.50 . . SWEATERS In*rolli 1 collars or slip nvhr. $25 to $15.00 NOBBY CAPS Are practical gifts and we have some exceptional ex­ ceptional values SUIT CASES AND BAGS These are-rare quality ' j $10 to $55.00 t , ' i ' 1 , ' ' * Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats $35.00 to $65.00 1 Clothcraft Suits and Overcoats ' / $30.00; all wool, $37.50 . Fashon Park Suits ■and Over-' '•« ■ coats $40.00 to $75.00 v f i X Main Street C. A Xenia, Ohio. . . CHURCHMAN’S Kut Rate Drug Store 87 SOUTH FOUNTAIN AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. ‘‘ Island” in the Air. Three miles south of the Mesa En- earibadn lu Mexico is a splendid speci­ men of fantastic erosion—an “ Island" In the air; a rock with overhanging sides nearly 400 feet high, 70 acres in area on the fairly level top, indented with countless bays, notched with dizzy chasms. The greater part of the island overhangs Urn sea like a huge mushroom, and on the top stands a town which for artistic charm, eth­ nological interest and romantic history has nof known peer. This little town of Acoma Is one of the prehistoric Pueblo architecture. It was only with Incon­ ceivable labor this Island town in the air was built. It was reached by a mere trail of toe holes up the stem of the “mushroom.” The age o f the Island is not known, except that It was al­ ready old In 1010, m Not What You Wish ButWhatYou Can No one oh earth ever acdbmpUshed fully and completely all ids life Ideals. An old proverb says, “The king him­ self does only what he can, no,t what he wishes.” Even the most successful men generally carry about with them In their Inmost hearts n secret and lurking, sense of failure. But that Is no reason why ono should become pes­ simistic or his manner sarcastic and depressing. Many musicians arid mu­ sic teachers, especially those who have not always received that recognition from the.public which they feel they deserve, are doing untold harm to the cause of their rnusleal art by their caustic and pessimistic speeches, Which tend to dishearten their younger col* leagues and even their pupils. Much Difference. It would be a different world If we were as'dlseofittutril with ourselves ah with other xieople.—Seattle FoetiXntet" Ugoncer. McCULLOCH Headquarters for Everything in Leather Goods* ^ iii Imported and Domestic French Mirrors Ladies’ Hand Hags Necktie Cases Drinking Gups Manicure Sets Library Sets Jewel Dockets Scissor Cades Bill and Coin Pursed Traveling Sets Bridge Sets Letter Cases Three-Fold Cases Picnic Sets Photo Cases Cigar Cases Music Rolls Leather Leggins Military Jl vih Sets- folia- end Cuff Boxed Five Hundred- Sci& Card Cafes SaWine; i.’rws ?;>!},-C: r.ipiic 17. ■ Bill Books Thermos Potties Gieves Mid Ilrnditer- (vie,* Cases Flasks Jewel Boxes Coat Hangers, Office Sets Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases McCulloch’s Leather Store 40 Bast Main Street* wl;1 'll“