The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

>A- , * r •Hflt IS *** P Iw liW I r IMMSH i f i j i f. 'K r 3 i s h l y w r %*> ^sy|i^? Piper, RubSer, Metals, old u mo. to XeniaIron i Metal Co. 17 Cincitmati Ave. XEN IA , - OHIO v Both Phonea 144" : GET OUR PRICES * ‘ V- ' x\ i F ^ * «* J, , ■» '#■ ^ 4 PRESSING SHOP Cleaning, Dying and Kepairing/Work Called'fdr and 'Deliveted, ' , • Hi WATSON, Finney Bldg. Cedarville, 0,. 8*5 HOW'S TEST Pr/ r.t A VS* W* offer One Hundred Dollar* Re-- w «A tor any case a? Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh 'Catarrh Medicine hag been tointtrby ’ catarrh sufferers for, the pa«t thi^ty-fivo yeare, andhas ba­ ton* known aa-the most reliable wan. |wt Catarrh, Hall'* Catarrh »tfa thru the. Blood ba the ■g ■;After t ' hate tskeh Bail's Ca- " a short; time .you 4**at en to .iia ifttttd Send --for testimoiiuris, DriM****,. VOC ; M#tod ha ihaaee **y sate off intew*fc e t *»*•***& Bigfweaierhtrtn*frs4'•* m to*FW»* eewaged m » w «*# I» ewia«i*we ra to% « toe beads. >301S * « ce# -efli thehoed* at three per cent, the farmer under tfcetetm* ®St* the heaefttj he get* it at fwp* m i to addition to that pear* ob« per cent for amortlsariou, which woa&d meke the coat of the Money fir* pgr- peat inducting *U of toe eacpenaee i ■fcbeojwnitloa of the berth and the 0? per cent for amortisation. - **Naar the value of the loan, to the leaner hi very great, Not only hi m aasurad of hi* credit for thlrtyxthraft or thirty*!* y*gii,;l i hiavrant* it, br+ he knows that nobody can few * tf earlier payment of the principal of tt loan ascent won hip own default On ■th%oth#r?himdTi f he happen, to be flhd*|hathejb«i eaxhad mone$Yto pay the loan before maturity, he i* allowed to pay it in full or any pert, at any time after five year*,* 1 BEFORE FARM LOAN ACT BECAME LAW OF LAND. Tha sate of interest uponlaud mortgagd varied in different gee*' Viong o f the cotjntfy ranging. from 5.8 P « cent to 10% per" cent. In the New England group of .;< statee the lowest Tate is 5.8 per cent and the highest hi 6,2 per Cent. That 1* the average in those states, ’ In the Middle Atlantic states. New York: NewJerseyand Penn- sylvanla, 5,0 to 5.8 per cent. In the/, East North Central states, that is the statesnorth of the Ohioriver, wewill say, Ohio, Ihdlana, Illinois, Michigan and, Wisconsin, the rate was 5* per cent, to 6.2pet cent, , ,..! . , ' '' In the West North Central states, from 6.2 pet'cent to 8.7 'percent^ThafcwaS in Missouri, North Dakota,, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota - and Iowa. In South Atlantic states they, -range from 5,6 per cent in the State ‘ of Delaware, where the rate 'dfas lowest, to 9.6 per cent in Florida. •IK the- Bast ■South'.Central states, Kentucky,' 'Tennessee,' Alabama, Mississippi, T.1 per , centto 9.4 per cent . , , In .the West S°nth Central states, ’ A'.katisas, Louisiana, Oklahoma-and Texas, i£ ranged .from8,4 per cent to 9.6 pertcent1 > When we come'to the Mourn tain states like Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mex­ ico, Arizona and Utah the rates go up from .8.9 per cent to 10.5 per cent And in* the Phcific Mates, Washington, Oregon, California, it ranges from 7,6 per cent to 8.7 per cent. These rates do not indicate however/ the.-trne condition o f ■affairs, Bates of interest on farm, mortgages :Wqra< Sbmetlibes; as high as* 16 {per cent, including, the commlsalofls that were paid. «• k * '* Aircraft Controlled From Ground, For some, time experiments have been carded out In various countries with the object ot controlling aircraft from the ground/ and a French ma­ chine succeeded recently—on a pre­ scribed course With certain specified detours—in covering a.distance of 180 kilometers (about 110 miles), and In landing, when requited, In a certain airdrome. A atmtyar. machinehasbeen developedIn the Baited' States which, according to a recent statement, can travel without a pilot some 100 mites and land close to a-derigiiated posh jmmLfugecstltion*; XUolden time the sapphire was worn against the bitea of venomous animals and- tokeep.away apparitions; thfli am- •raid to prevent, giddiness ^and strengthen the memory. The rubywas considered a powerful amulet to ward off plague# .and hgd the “power ot making the wearer cheerful.’’ BS & / Loyally I* First Demand. Business presents- untold opportuni­ ties, magnificent possibilities ; but the only man who ever succeeds for him­ self or deserves promotion from any­ one else is the man who la loyal. i5v, \ i g f e I ..Automobile Owners.. ^ a a L fl---“i + * - - . • -• y>. , K W e can Supply You W ith ,n 1-- *. • -i -■ . *. . > ■ : ' ' ■ , —• • >.. ■: ■#■ - - - Ci • . C m Spring Tires, Tubes and Automobile Robes at fowardHartsock’s Rdju^ Iig yoiir Automobile Gurtalug and Top 1 ^ J £ r *W i ar* prepared to ftfm you satisfaction. •*'* , , " ‘ V , ’ ■ -i...... Ceiarvilift* 0. /— A P f i p t n . M f l U g fl n for Pale School Children •«**-■* » >**' - - /•.»* Present. m ‘ *7 SBOTVISVS WMAX Piseylflit, Xmsf»wTb»le*,> T WAS the mournful* -eat face- ever Was, though rotnad, *popth as a woman’a with.' Madly but swious -eyes, Their owner wa* thoughtfully paring the .sidewalk in frontofthe hotel, Suddenly he .halted sad; shone as 'with' an in­ spiration. i 'The chimes of, Christmas eve,Mhe murmured, and a gmlie, peaceful, reverential, all good will and gentleness, told that hi* soul was drinking in the sweet music of the distant bells, .their note* mellow and soft as silver heads dropped within, a crystal dish, ‘Fire? fire!” someone yelled, “It’s the schooljhpuse. No, it’s Benton’s store.” The man watched the firetrfick pass but did not join the rushing; throngs. He entered the hotel, sank1 into an armchair and sat immersed In meditation..He was not aroused until an hour had passed by. Two men took1 the chairs just beyond him. "“That-settles gant/a Claual” spoke .one of them- ‘ ‘Much of a blaze?” “Enough, to bum to asbes the Santa outfit the store hsd ordered from1 the' dty.” “Wb must rig up a home-made Kriss Krlngle, then. There’s no time to lose, either.. Those little ones will he on hand at* the hall in two hours,” The ead face'oftheir listeningneigh­ bor lit up with responsive sentiment, ‘■Excuse me, gentlemen” heppoke, /Tut do I understand thatyou are look- , ing for a Santa Claha?” ' “Thai’s it ” nodded the man nearest to him. / “I’d llkd the job. I ’d enjoy the jol­ lity. ”1 am the Humpty Dumpty-of a stranded company, homeward bound. Pepto-Mangaa Gives the Help the Body Need* te Make lir it l e i Blooi Name ‘Unde’s” on Every package gold by Druggists la Both Liquid sad Tablet Form—.Medicinal - / Virtues Are the Same. ° 'Pie lemons ere hard and the child­ ren are growing. Watch thpir heath and i f they become pale and listless *ad don’ t want tf! worjc oy play,con­ sult a god physician a t care i f you suspect any serious ailment- The spler^d tonic, Papto-Mangan, if g iven daily for a few worit*; Will- in most, cases restore the strength and atprt' he young folkks on the road to good health ‘ igain. Youth responds quickly. Yo-ucan buy Pepto-Mangan in tablet or h^uid form of your,drug- git and can ( T O ) be sure o f the gen­ uine by looking for tha name “Gud’s” on the package. Without-the name “Gude’s” it is not Pepto-Mangan. It la a Hue tonic and blood-maker hf the whole family., „ Physicians every­ where hae lisfed it for nearly thirty years,- ..•iW.Y'/V',-vi: . ^ 3 Explainlnq Geykers. In a' word the whole secret of the Intermittent geyser lies In a subterran­ ean reservoir, the contents Of which' ate forced out by steam expansion ev. Orjf time it gets filled Up, The Yellow­ stone park is a region which not1 so very long ago was fiercely volcanic. In that role it has cessed to ploy ao alarming ,part, bnt locally the earth’s errist ia ejfremely thin. - A,.very liter- h i hell rages not far beneath the plac­ es frequented- by tourists, and thence is derived theheat that causes theout­ bursts of the geysers. Itt my wardrobe, t am .sure,, I have a very notable Kriss Krlngle, disguise.” Thus it was that BobCrtMerrill, ex- dicus riown apd famous- Humpty Dumpty, set juvenile Belleville w|ld with* delight that memorable Christ­ mas eve. ‘ ' “You have won all hearts,” enthused Mr; 'Arnold Drew-to the gteat'atat of the, occasion.,, ‘You have- gloriously saved the day. Of course,you my guest’’ ,, Bobert Merrill hesitated, Then he glanced at four little happy-faced chil­ dren in the Drew automobile. “Per­ haps .1 can make up-a Chi^stmaa sjpe- clftl for those cherubs,” he said. ' . For two hours at the Drew home Bobert Merrill fascinated the little .Ones, Bfe exercised the,best that whs In, him pf grimace1and contortion to set them'Wlid with delight. They were singing a -carol at; the piano when Mr. Drew beckoned, leddiim into a small room and proceeded to a closet. • r’ *> “We have a jewel of a governess for ' the,children and this Is- her Sewing room,” he said, going to a-cabinet “This may he acceptable after your arduous exercise,” andhe set a decan­ ter and a glass on tha table. » He was almoBt startled at the sud­ den change that came over hi* guest Bobert;Merrill’S features grew stem; “ I want to show yo« something,” he -Sajd, and;bared one arm. Across its surface was revealed a date.' “Ten years baric—you note It?. The circus tattoo man did- that. It cotemembrat- ed the day When X teaUzbd that my reckless Way had brought me to pov­ erty, had cost me a loving, Wife and two little cherubs. Ten years—twenty •M* lifetime, still will I seek them the world over to atone for my cruel’neg* lectl” “You brave, true maul” cried Ar­ nold Drew ehamedly, and swept the table dear and went back to the room where .the children were, leaving his guest to recover his composure, “Show me1” v Bobert Merrill started With a thrill *3 He turned to confront a sweet; patient- faced woman, whose-eyes Were fixed Upon the tattoo chronicle as though fascinated.;' . 'Tt is^tme?” -die whispered, and tottered, and he catfght her in hjs arms, and the joy of his own soul Seemed Imparted to that of the lost one found-—hiS'wife1 “At last I” his'tones vibrated. ‘You believe? You forgivebOne little ones?” “Safe in the care of kind friends, 1 have toiled for them so gladly, think­ ing ypU dead,. My husband, yon have redeemed alLthose bitter,cruel years1” Arnold Drew, returning, stood spell­ bound viewing the reunited twain— and comprehending. \ “You will send for your little ones,” he said, “and tomorrow wiu be for all of ua the brightest, happiest Christ* mbs day tbit loving hearts can'maks im M o r n i n g **mKaK, First Christmas Observance The first ChristmaBaMthrat^l inside,a house on.the American J continent Was on December 25, 1618,! 0Ur Puritan ancestors finished their, first bouse at Plymouth/ Mass., having spent more than amonth in wandering about In search of a place of settlement. The company was 1divided into 19 families, and to each person was assigned a lot fo r’ house and garden. Tt was not.A ' very.,cheerful Christmae for tbe -Puritans, -A ll of' them j* could-not he accommodate^ tm ' * side the house, so tiint some of them were left out in .die cold, ,5' but the religions features of the ;J ' day were not forgotten, nnd it § > 15 may be said'that the Babe of ^ Bethlehem, was prayed to and song to ln a most*frryentman* /nfert l mm rr a . berry C hristmas Cause Other* to Be Happy and Feel the Joy ofSacrifioe—All Inthe ' ‘ { Front Bank*. t ' ! Christmas! *' .* v ‘ J Every year it comes and every-year we love it andwonderwhpvwbhaven’t madp'the spirit o f'it lost all through .the, year, writes'-Margaret Mott Gor­ don. Perhaps we do not have the time? But to whfct^dp ,We,give our time? And why is it that at Christmas we all “ take twa” to do the many lit­ tle thofightfuF'things' that we jhuv* becniPostponing for'months and months? ' ' . . One of the things we seem to forget, Is that’themorn we gtve’to others the- more we havenumlves, and the more We have the capacity for giving;. Jt is , a wonderful thought and one that we shonld .'Carry around with ns nil' the time. For we always feel ,eo tingling and joyous when we have made a sac­ rifice or see that we have really made someone else npUsnaliy happy, ‘ This year for most of us is very dif­ ferent than any we have yet lived, be-1 cause, even though we are: not all. ae« - lastly on the firing tine, we are there In'our.hearts and the thought cannot but give us a strange exultant feeling, —to be in the front ranks, marching , with the music! After all, that is just What $he spirit of Christmas Is. During the Yuletldo we are all in the front ranks, and tri­ umphantlymoving forward, for Weare thinking,! not o f ourselves, hat of others. And that very sense which: loves and therefore serves,-which 'un­ derstands and therefore sacrifices, Is" tha true spirit of Christmas. It Is the real thrill of life. It Is the greatest and most far-reaching emotion in the world, and just to know that we are capable of that feeling, even though It Should come only once a year, would showthat there is the right Spiritwith­ in us,-and with a little cultivation we might make it-last all through the' year. HARD **hs tiW ! HonestJohn Callous Plasters* pteafiasr 1 SSE m k* DR. O. F. KL1AS DENTIST •xckaage Rsak BMg, Cedarrill*, O. The approach of the Holiday -season mean* preparation for the home coming and turkey din­ ners. W e have ’made- more extensive prepar- ationthisyear than ever. ^ Oranges, Bananas, Grape Fruit* 171—>»Dates, Apples and all ^ ” Fruits. Wfe are headquarters for the finest Oysters on the market* Shipments received s‘daily and we can supply your wants in or small quantities. EwpiooE yNftlc* orVfo.tevUrataes\ |/S| |ati^\VTayMEwk\ II ^NoOvmvcairrtservaVVveV If. mmnix nxvOT.mi^sy/r/c«ri Ttit (tun-* i* -,(*•!!!® SfiALSJ MS^"*•' TUR K E Y S , DUCKS, RABB ITS , Aa Kiiiils , Candy inPack^e aMpulk r t,l ‘VEe have always catered,, to ^Christmas candy:, '""ttade. - O ur stock is of the highest quality add sold r >=udt/thelowest priceVv Special d^ders filled ; S day treats. Place your order before ctur stock is : sold out. ’ *: ■ *; '*• •! ‘ *' v r ..fc’ ' , • y , • \ • H. E. Schmidt 6 .C 0 . ' * Wholesale and Retail Grocers ; 30South Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio ". t J - - - V* , " 1 *\yWLlllllllllf it— .......v '..... - i * 9 “What makes the Gal- Ions so Big these days?’* It surely isn’t the four little quartsi. Every.gallon has always had them. But gallons are measured jn miles these days—at least when they’re gallons o f gasoline., i And —you get a flock o f miles per gallon when you use . ■*- Gaso lin e w- - ■‘ . ■ < - - , . K■ • ; ' ; ‘ ■'-• ’ l i t ’s really good gasoline because 'i t * s good real gasoline There’ s no especial trick in making it. Just take the higRcst-gradc crude nil obtain­ able from the best wells and distill it. The first thing anybody,gets in distilling that sort of petroleum is highest-grade gaso­ line. And that’s what we get. As scion as we get It we tend Staway and sell it to you,, through any garage* ■ t 1 ,W 6 used to call Cctumlus, White Rock/ because it surelydoes last, butWeVcchanged to Ctltanbus to indicate lasting quality, right combustion and value—all three. Gttmhli is nothing but honest to goodness ' gasoline and gasoline only, That's why Stmakes the gallons so big, and makes your tank hold more miles than you ever thought it could hold. . COLUMBUS O IL COMPANY v- Columbus* Ohio You can get Columbia at any of these good placet: Cedarville, Ohio South Charleston, Ohio * jfamestovon, Ohio Cedarville time Co. Irwin Bros, J. A. Brakefield K. A, Murdock Mrs, Wm, Hart Jenkins & Turnbull 3BLH. Edvrardt i * • * Robt. Bird Sons & CO. > # Warn pmiktg. Be sate ’ h the I m EXAM. Finis of E, £ was ebs, by fern Thet in whiei in the j if Mr. i bill in It wi Pan-ott aecordir Mr.» Fa, the regi to the The r State A oprat, v hia adn and hov cialB partmen- Qn Se, his depi Columbi ges but * This on] . tunity o fixing hearing . Mr. T dignant Faulkner ■t/emen * of. a. “ jo .yet he v ’ ing. Hr ’ ing the Tmit ext • outside examint. . ' But fc and,-the , case juc , been ju, eXamim , ' Mr, I , Cincinm i ten, an 1days, : matters djays he ■! amount . , local of! t No, 17, . ing his V was left ..gone fr. lunch, sible to , home as .-t'H^eoprtho'uj j provide ; .On- ! Cinrinn. ■ ehce wj’ > to this that t"~ countenr- abtiner •• think th Such a The o -a Credit time oft A sec which c five day in Cinci county. 12 Air. deputy, ■ Mr. Pai - days foj /Evident! officials overlook The n by the duction bill, or . than Mi Mr. D had de months count or is still < ing that days an his orig It is : on the ] goes ab* reforma we wcr« man tha charge < he was evident! branch i t v built in and it ‘ several section. The t and on< - Spring! county 'field a; highwa potatio the Gv 1.3 mil the Sp way, 4- darvilh bound road w " i governo; j < | “Vie” Dettmari i . - : | ■ NE I ■. * y m The * ! ■ ■ «v ' i l l have ju j * With th, i ten mill ; This wi i ■. i V..J. i *' ' t. ... . .... ’« -M H. *. r * rt ‘ ’ - • .... a •»»* Me'MAit