The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

* »■ Mr, Auto Owner;— Here it a. piece o f good newt! w e have received notice that the Goodrich Tire* have a new adjustment basis. You can now buy Goodrich Tires from us and they are ad­ justed on a basis of 6,000 miles on Fabrics and 8,000 on Cord, t And Goodrich Tires cost less than any of the “ high mileage” tires that are sold from pumped-up price lists, Notice these prices: ' SIZE PRICE ADJUSTMENT BASIS 30x3 1-2 $18.70 \ 6.000 ‘ 32x3 1-2 ■ . . 21,85 6,000 33x4 31.20 6,000 34x4 31,85 6,000 34x4 1-2 42.75 6,000 ; 35x*./ • 52.50 6,000 You can’t go wrong,on a Goodrich. And remember, if you want a Silvertown Cord, the adjustment basis is 8,000 miles. Yours very truly, Rofct. Bird & Sons Co. Spring and Summer We have n fine line o>fwoolen* for SUITS, .OVERCOATS and TROUSERS. We are * < ready to serve you. Our prices are reason­ able and our work always guaranteed to be first class. The Leading Merchant Tailor XENIA, OHIO. Stirring Military Spectacle Battle o f Chateau Thierry / at the COLUMBUS Reprodncttoas of this famous strugglewill bs offered os Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday sights oaly Great Agricultural Exposition Livestock, Fruit, Crops ‘ S 8 5 .0 0 0 .0 0 IN PREMIUMS Night Horse Show and Stock Parade Auto Polo, Hippodrome, Concerts, Pageant, 1C Races "IT ’S TOUR F A IR " A u g . 2 5 -2 6 -2 7 -2 8 -2 9 /1 9 Select Your Car Now Reo Dodge Overland Hudson Essex Nash M. C. NAGLEY Local Dealer JN. jr. HUNTER, Difttrjfcifeor rn w m m m m m m m i& M _ :'-T— i r ^ • ■n.-r-irm--n ,-mi- ■. ~ L0CAI4AND£PERSONAL v w v v w u v v w v w w ^ Earl Stein has received his discharge from the army and has returned home. Baker Junes of Vincennes, Ind, has been the guest of his sister, Mrs. Sam* uel Kildow, There will be no preaching Sabbath in the U, P, church. Sabbath school at the usual hour. T. B. Mechling has sold his xrSsi* dance on the Columbus pike to Mil* ton Yoder. Wanted;* Small chickens. Will buy them any size or weight. . W a. Marshall H, w . Murdpck o f Waynesboro, Miss, has been north on a business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Cora Trumbo and daughter, Mildred, are visiting with relatives in Osborn this week. O, L. Smith and family are at Cedar Point on a ten day stay at that well* known resort. . FOB SALE;- one auto truck for hauling school /children. D. Knott, Phone iui BvfiiMJi ycium 82, Ce^sfrville, O. PauTRamsey, wife an ra^itwiwcriaiiipaM^ mm mm tff' d daughter, are spending several days with rela­ tives in Idaville, Ind, . Mr. and Mrs, Charles Barr of Day* ton were guests over Sabbath with Mrs, Sarah Mitfchell. Prof. L*. D. Parker,,who has been at tending the O. >S. U. •has joined his family at Harpster, O. Miss Emma Blair o f Delaware has been the guest of Mrs. Edith Blair and Mrs. Albert Swaby. Prof. R. Cecil Bums has entered Miami Valley Hospital for- treatment under the war risk, Bruce Anderson, who is connected with the J. K. McIntyre Co., Dayton, is spending his vacation, at home. For Sale;* A No; 60 Boss ensilage cutter in good condition and can be seen on the farm, G. E. Jobe Bev. Robert Galbreath and family of Union, N. Y., are here on a, week's visit with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Galbreath. Wanted;-Partner for automobile business in Dayton. Address P. O. Box 322, Dayton, O. > Lost:*Tire 32x4 1*2 on wire wheel for Page'car. Finder return to Cen­ tral Garage, Xenia, and receive a lib­ eral reward. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMillan enter­ tained a number of relatives last Fri­ day at dinner honoring their son, Mel­ vin, and bride of Massilon, O. Miss Donna Bums is attending the C. Y. P. U. convention of the Beform- ed Presbyterian church in Cincinnati this week. * • ■ A. Z. Smith has sold his residence property next to the paper mill to Herbert- Whittington, the station agent. The consideration was $2,000. —Chickens, Ducks, Geese—I will pay the highest price for them. .Cali phone 3-164 ‘ Wm. Marshall. —Having taken the agency for the New*bone corset, . I will solicit the patronage of the ladies of Cedarville apd vicinity. Mrs. M. C. Nagley. Misses Nancy Finney, Anna Collins and Bertha Creswell, returned from Columbus Friday evening where they attended summer school at- the O.. S. U, Twenty-five thousand gallons o f tomatoes will be canned by prisoners at the pen farm near London. Pat of this supply will go to other state in­ stitutions. __* Frank Hamm reports that the storni Saturday ruined hundreds of acres of com about Enon. The stalks are standing with the blades in rib­ bons. Bring your cream to -the .Western Ohio Cream Co., and will pay you the the very best market price. M. C. Nagley A delegation of Xenians will form a booster trip to cover the county Sat­ urday afternoon and evening in the in terest o f the Soldier’s Home Coming Labor Day. John Steel and John Townsley left Monday morriing for Weatherford, Okla., where the former expects to enterthe plumbing business. They drove through in Mr. Steel’s auto. It is expected that shock threshing will he completed this week. It has beet) many years Since farmers have had shock threshing this late inthe season. .We now have, the .agency .o f the Western Creamery Con and .will pay you the best .market -price .for your cream* M.C.Nagley Frank Johnson, prominent Miami township farmer, was fined $60 on a plea o f guilty when chagred with hav­ ing a 20 foot seine in his posession. He claimed that someone left it at his barn without his knowledge, , For Sale:- Indians fir silo in good condition. Also one Corn binder, John A, Bums Miss Bertha Creswell received l telegram Tuesday from her brother, A. B. Creswell, who expected to lant that day In New York City from ovef seat. “King” Wat in the first contln* gent that left this county for Camp Sherman. „ HOG FEED We laid in a stock of Middlings, Oil Meal, Tankage, Barley Meal and Balanced Ration Hog Feed before the recent raise in price. You get the advantage if you come soon. Favorite Pipeless Furnace As good as the best and our price will save you money. New Idea Manure Spreaders Three sold in one week. They sell themselves. Massey Harres Corn Binders It is time to order now. • AGENTS WANTED for Prize Wash ing tablets, samples free, write today. W. J. CANNON, Moravia, N. Y. Bev. B. F. Adams, pastdr o f the St. Paul A. M. E. church, has returned fromf a six weeks vacation . spent in North and .South Carolina, where he was a guest o f his family reunion which numbered 109 people and then some. Bev. Adams is the only preach­ er in his family. Miss Georgia Thompson, a teacher in the Cincinnati public schools, re­ turned to Loveland, Wednesday even­ ing'after spending several days with Mrs. Edith Blair. Miss Kathleen Blair accompanied Miss Thompson to Lc. .-eland where she will spend a week. . —Best developing and printing done. Clarke Nagley. Leave films at Nag- ley’s grocery* Charles Galbreath of the N. C. B. has been spending several days at home. Mr. Galbreath informs us that his company is at present doing the largest business in it’s history. For­ eign orders are beyond expectation and it is now necessary for night work in the factory. The company is plan­ ning to erect an addition to the fac­ tory to cost a million of dollars. Mrs. Joanna Shinn, mother of Mrs. | T. C. Wolford, died at the home o f her daughter last Thursday at the age of 84. She is survived by five children: Mrs. Wolford, J. Paul Shinn, Chicago; C. A. Shinn of Chattanooga, Terni., Mrs. C. N. Perry of Chicago and Mrs. E. T. Hitchcock of Davenport, Florida Burial took place in South Charles- t<n. We notice in “ The ’Zion Banner", the official publication of the Chris­ tian Catholic Church, a fine likeness Of Mrs. Mary H. Tarbox, Deaconess. Mrs. Tarbox is robed in cap and gown, the official gard of the church. More than a page is devoted to Mrs. Tarbox and her work in the church since she joined under Dr. Dowie, twenty-one years ago. —Keep your piano in shape by hav­ ing It thoroughly cleaned, tuned And regulated. Call Knox Hutchinson, Phone 2on l60. The Creswell-McCheaney picnic was held yesterday at Snyder Park, Springfield. The venerable W. P. Anderson has been in a very critical condition for several days. Rev.' A. B. Henry and wife of Phila­ delphia are guests o f Miss Matilda McCollum, near Xenia. Louis Dunn was injured slightly Wednesday when a log turned throw­ ing him while at work at The Tarbox Lumber Co. ' *Misses Anna Collins and Ellen Tar- box gave a picnic Monday for the i members 6 f thrir Subbftth xcnool !m I fr— 1 ' ■ 1 Adair’s August Furniture Sale Ends Satur­ day Why You Should Buy Furniture NOW Here are facts from the furni­ ture journal—about seventy-five furniture factories have Been closed or are still closed because of a series of far-reaching strikes. No new factories have been bu ilt, in 4 years. Demand is far ahead of supply, and all factories are sold for a year ahead. Prices on good furniture will not recede, but will keep going up for a long time to come. If You Want Furniture, During the Year to Come Buy NOWl Adair’s XEN IA , OH IO t" Rev. Milton Henn. and fem«y »ith have been visiting relatives here re- tional Bank, Sprmgfiel , turned to their home in Seaton, Wednesday morning. At a meeting of the Official Board of the M. E. church Wednesday even­ ing Rev. J. W. Pattofi notified his hoard that he had asked to be releiv- ed of this charge at the coming con­ ference. ReV. Patton has been here six years coming from New Carlisle. The congregation is in splendid condi­ tion and it is likely that Ms wishes will be granted. The hoard had asked that Bev, Patton he returned for an­ other year. The salary for next year was fixed at $1360. 111., Ihis wife is visiting in Selma, dropped into town yesterday afternoon, spend­ ing some time with his brother, L. F. Tindall. Mies Grace Hanna, daughter of Mrs. G. C. Hanha, was married last Wednesday to Mr. Wm. Snyder of Darke county. The ceremony took place at the Presbyterian parsonage in Xenia by Bev . Linn. The couple Were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs* Hangem, neighbors o f Mr, Snyder, and the four .drove home following the ceremony. EYES ^Examined Correctly Glasses Fitted. AT MODERATE PRICES TIFFANY’S Optical Department Open Evenings by Appointment -GoldMedalfloat If -.the .barrel w m i , *% ••-**** ff!llll!Htliniilllll!lllll!tlHfttHIII(1KilflfltlllfHfll(Hf(llfllHillillltllHIHilll!llll