The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

New Fall Footwear T h e new Fall Styles are arriv­ ing every day, .Long Slender shapes are the vogue with high French heels, Patent, Black K id , Brown K id and Beaver Brown K id . T h e Military heel in Tan Calf, Gun M etal and B lack K id w ide or narrow toes. We Specalize in F itting Children's Shoes Frazers* Shoe Store XENIA, OHIO 17 South Fountain Aye., Springfield, Ohio Fall and Winter Goods Now in Daily Always the Latest ‘ 1 ' ' ’ir V>- ■, . • .•■ Always tta Best Always the Lowest Prices Keenly Determined To Reduce the High Cost o f Tires, “Mann” Submits the Following Prices for Special Sale which ends Saturday, August 23. AU well known standard bu ilt tires, strictly factory guaranteed firsts, MOULD BLEMISHES and Seconds, such as Portage, Knight, Clingstone, Goodyear, Fisk, Federal, Firestone, Republic, Goodrich, Miller, Black- stone, D iamond, Ajax, Wire Grip and many others. All makes and sizes. Milage Basis 30x3 .PORTAGE— St. N, L. .... $14.95 7,600 St. P L ------- $13.95 5,000 CLINGSTONE— St. N. S. — $11.60 4,000 P L ------,— ,.$10.25 4,000 32x3 1-2 PORTAGE- St. N. S--------$24.10 6,000 KNIGHT— St. N. S............$22.85 6,000 FISK— St. N. S......... $21.85 4,000 •PORTAGE— 34x4 St. N. S , ___$32.90 0,000 m il l e r — N. S. — $23.90 6,000 VICTOR— N. S. — „_..$26.25 8,600 33x4 FISK— ’ T -* J** N. S. ___-$21.85 6,000 f ir e s t o n e — N. S. — ___$20.95 0,000 Mileage Basis 30x3 1-2 BLACKSTONE— St. N. C. —------ $10.85 6,000 PORTAGE— St. N. S..............$18.85 7,500 CL ING STONE -................. St. N. S. .$14,36 4,000 M ILLER - PI.........- — $12.50 3,600 CLINGSTONE- PI - .................... $12.50 4,000 31x4 PORTAGE— N. S.................$28.50 7,600 CLINGSTONE— N. S____ — $21.90 4,000 34x4 1-2 PORTAGE— St. N. S. — .$40.86 6,000 FIRESTONE— St, N. S..............$38.00 6,000 OHIO— PI.............. $26.00 4,000 CLINGSTONE— N. S................... $26.00 4,000 Special Prices on Mason and Silvertown * Cord Tires. the Springfield tire & Supply Co. 31N* Fountain Ave* First Door North o f Hadley's Albert Burrel was given a surprise by his children Monday in honor of his 73rd birthday. Mr, and Mrs. R. J, Shultz of Day- ton have b^en' guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spencer. The Andyqw family picnic waa held Tuesday evening at Snider Park, Springfield. ■ * Mrs. Julia Condon of Urichsville, is sepending several days with rela-, tivcs here , AU school teachers in Ohio must take the oath of allegiance under a . new law before they can enter Upon their work. R. O. George and wifo of Bell Cen­ ter, O., and Major Cecil George with his mother, were week end visitors of J. A. B uiub and family. Mrs. Albert Gans of Louisvile, Ky., is here on a two weeks visit with Dr, and Mrs. J, O. StevPart and other Tel-: atives. 1 Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Marsh deft Wed­ nesday afternoon by auto for Owens- ville: and Milford' to^visit until Mon* day with relatives. Rev. Wendpll Foster, wife and twq children, of Middletown, have been visiting the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Tonkinson of the Xenia and Springfield pike. ’ New Carlisle school district hag voted for a $115,000 bond issue for a new school building, The old build* ing has been condemned by the state authorities. , •Miss Marjorie McClellan of Joplin Mo., arrived Friday evening and will enter' college next month. She will make her home with her grandmotner Mrs. Lucy McClellan. Invitations are out for the marriage of John W .. Collins to Miss Janet Eliza McClellen, . Thursday evening evening, August 28th, at six , thirty at the home of the bride-to-be's fath­ er, Mr,, Edward McClellan, near Xenia SALESMEN WANTED to solicit orders fo r lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or Commission, THE LENNOX OIL & . PAINT CO.,' Cleveland, O. Greene County’s Soldier Home Coming Celebration to be held in Xenia Monday,September 1, (Labor Day) Six hundred baskets o f chicken are needed for the big free dinner which will be served to soldiers SOLDIELRS will be guests o f honor and will be given a har dsome bronze badge in recognition o f the country’s appreciation. Speeches by Col. Ralph D. Cole, Dr. W . R. McChesney, Captain C. L. Darlington and others. Soldier Parade Free Dinner to Soldiers Music--VocalandInstrumental Carnival Parade Speeches Boxing Dancing An occasion o f joy fu l ripunion and celebration. Soldiers are welcome •whether in uniform or not bu t if you have a uniform wear it, and get in the big soldier parade. This is the soldier’s day-—an all-county affair. , Soldier’ s Home Com ing Celebration. / Xenia, Monday, September 1st, (Labor Day) / i; AUGUST AUGUST SALE OF BLANKETS Ends September 1st WINTER . IS COMING! Now is the tim e to buy your blankets. Prudent shoppers w ill look to their blanket require jments now, fdr prices aren’ t going to be near as reasonable during the com ing colder months'' 54x74 Cotton Blankets, p a i r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 . 2 9 September 1st, Price $2,75 Pair 50x76 Cotton Blankets, p a ir ..— . . . . . . . . .$2.59 ' September 1st, Price $3.00 pair 64x76 H eavy Cotton Blankets, p a i r . . . . . . . .$2.79 September 1st, Price $3,50 Pair 64x80 Fancy P laid Blankets, pair , ..................$3.95 September 1st, Price 45.00 pair 66x80 Fancy P laid W oo l N ap Blanket, p a ir .......... $4.95 September 1st, Price $6.50 Pair Silkaline Comforts i f : r These Com forts are stuffed p len tifu lly with first grade cotton and are sure to meet your* requirements for “ winter covers.” 72x72 Silkaline C om fort..................................... $3.39 72x78 Silkaline C om fort......................................$4.79 September 1st p rice ........... .......... .............$4.00 September 1st price, $6.00 Our Very First Real FUR SALE Ends September 1st 25 Per Cent Discount on ALL Furs During Sale SCARFS and MUFFS N atural Coney, Taupe C o iey , R ed F ox , Taupe Moufflon, Raccoon , Taupe W olf, Grey Squirrel, j Jap Mink, Hudson Seal, Taupe F ox , B lack Lynx, Taupe Lynx, B lack W o lf, Russian W o lf, W e will h o ld ’any piece un til wanted if purchaser makes a small deposit HUTCHISON <SGIBNEY XENIA, OHIO seas GiveUs AChanceTo FigureOnYourPrinting, Johnny •I right leg b| up in the Weljs, and will he The aecii Homer D v not clear J< only a few miles befor result of tl It is repo| worth of J l owned by T circuit pros] Wednesdi track for Jc audience. J had been gi known coloi Another e year old sta Xenia. The Frank Hedr 1 k>ii FEELING WAI AUTO SPEI Xenia is gett, advertising now enforcement of laws. Like all: are two sides arj is having their The automobl in this section o ed their membi ;nl Xenia rather tl being arrested, quirer lias carri articles on the the Springfield cers for their days the Xenia i tcoi Riddle, replied ret manner. Last Saturda; devoted some sj Xenians had traffic cops whil ly. The same 1 , - Springfield. Th plained that thi print a stateme the case and w j ner. The Sunday . has two lettersI that* must- have! Smith's ears bul an opportunity ' Clarence Rosl duly brought, be| ptable and insul| er been my lot here will say th prised that a tl 3 ienia can tolor al to preside o “ l called in n the incident and further protest, both of us by tl us awya and ren and get out of h fore I add anotl Sentiment in vided on the pol claim that such! the business il people out of till and say the citjj same provisions r law and have till State Automobil Judge Marcus| to the Enquirer Cincinnati Autoi fight against th l Judge says that! less than fifteen! idence and that i justified. He cil ment of a formel cop as the fellofl for anything he f quired to give bl The Judge says] and this means n birc kha $2.71 13.91 fol treasury. From surface Save for tourists! Xenia if taken il police or for Ci| their correct adj speed cop get3 k.79 fe.oti FARMERS ARI High prices be attributed to mers, according tor of the Woos! and Dean Alfre of Agriculture, If the farmer! tion costs in th city ttianufactu does, it would It bushel to produ cording to Vivia less Vivian says labor and that 0' ed in at a comp Cost of bread terially higher fact that scient in increased aeij cording to Thor] government's scientific fatmii )lf. OailJ Houses arc bl ' look on. thereto! before tmifotinjj mav lie Uad.-*J!| y*.