The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

ainuttiiiitiliii fOifYltiil ri'iiitilW ir Make the High Cost o f Living LOW by Buying at The Big Grocery FLOUR FLOUR,! 26 pound sack......... , ............ Best Grade Old Hickory. FLOUR, .best grade Old Hickory. . ___ .$1.44 ..75c SALMON BEST GRADE SALMON, per. can, . . . . . . . . . 12 l-2c SALMON, pink, large can........................... . 18c JELLOor J I F F Y - J E L L i , 9 c Canning Specials The Cedanrilk Herald Karlh Bull, EDITOR J lsN jt f at the Fo«$-Stila& C«dar- “ O,. October *1„ 1887, as second da is matter. FRIDAY, AUGUST 22,1219. LAWS ARE INCONSISTENT. BEST GRADE TIN CANS, per dozen. MASON GLASS JARS, per-dozen.. . . . . . . . . . .57c . . .78c Bring Them In------We Pay the Highest Market Price for EGGE and POULTRY.' BROOM-BEST GRADE FOUR STITCH _______________ 1____49c LA J U A * S. Detroit tS., Xenia, Ohio. Copies of the State Examiner’s re­ port o f the examination o f county af- j fairs have been placed on file and while nothing o f a serious nature Is found outside of the condition in the surveyor’s office which resulted in J» M, Fawcett resigning,, yet ome o f the findings are such that the public will not get the right,impression unless the facts are made'known. ‘ J. M< Fletcher and R, C. Hayward former chief .and clerk of the hoard o f elections are charged with $106 for a trip to Ft, Sheridan to. take the bal­ lets of the soldiers under the absent voter's law. That such a trip was made no one denya yet here comes aii inspector who holds that the pay­ ment of such expense was illegal. It was the fault pf the state if no pro­ vision wag made for this expense* The other law required the taking of the votes sp ig justice these men were in their moral right to" collect their expense, the amount of which is not questioned, * Another case is a charge of $51,30 against former sheriff F, A. Jackson, who the. inspector holds was not en­ titled tp this amount for feeding a nuinber o f soldiers from Wilberforce that were placed under arrest. The examiner holds that the government should pay this bilL A soldier under arrest has fo be fed or the sheriff is liable for damages under his bond. There is nothing that would compel the government’to pay the bill for the soldiers were not taken up on govern­ ment orders, What the public needs is a system o f examination, that will determine the fitness*pf our state representa­ tives and senators that are qualified fo r ‘ the position to which they hre el­ ected. Ninty-five per cent o f the men chosen for the Ohio legislature are, in- competant or vyp would not have the kind o f laws on the books with as mapy inconsistent sections. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Mr. and M rs.. J. E- Hastings nad daughter, Lena, are visiting relatives in New Concord. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Hastings o f Xenia are also visiting in that place. Mias Florence Smith is the guest o f Miss Hele/t Townsley at Goshen, Ind. 23 mmmM. There isn’t much money being hidden around in old shoes these days. , / \ , . ■. : ! , . . • * \ ; ','v ..... V ' • Our experience during the war, taught us as a nation the value of saving—but, even more than that, taught us as a nation the value of INVESTING our savings. Money is of no earthly use hidden away in a hole in the ground. Money becomes valuable only when, put to work. If you have any spare money—Whether much or lit t le - let it WORK FOR YOU. Put it in Bonds, which offer the maximum of safety and security. Through the interest coupons they will be work­ ing for you day and night. We will consider it both a pleasure and a privilege to advise with you on the right kind o f Bonds to buy. On receipt of a letter or phone call our representative will come promptly to see you— and no obligations. R .E .D E W E E S E & C Q MUTUAL HOME BUILDING ♦ ♦ D A Y T O N * O H I O * * ♦ S P R I N G F I E L D , O H I O . m * TO Low Prices Square Dealing and Courteous Treatment We Owe Our Success, Nothing Hat Year fttm tm * Satisfaction Termiwittos Any Transaction. - 124-130 t . HIGH ST. Sixty Days Same as Cash] H om e Warming Sale There are no signs whatever in the Furniture market; of any lessening o f cost of materials or labor. On the contrary, cost of production continues to increase. Therefore, we have to look facts squarely in the face, folding out no hope of any general lowering of prices, but doing the best we can for our customers by early buying in as large quantities as can be procured. We have surely saved our customers many thousands of dollars by anticipating changes in prices which, have been moke or less steadily advancing for two or three years and we will save the public thousands more this month in. our House Warming Sale We could have found very good reasons for .eliminating this sale during August for we assure you that we could sell all the fur­ niture wa-own at our regular prices, and Still be giving you considerable more than your money’s worth as based upon the prices we. should have to pay fo duplicate qur stock, But our ,sales at this time of year are fixed events looked forward to by hundreds, o f cus-' tomers and. there shall be no break in the custom so long as we can depend upon our-half hundred good manufacturers to keep up our stock®. ‘ * , We Want To Add k considerable number o f new accounts to our list o f satisfied patrons. To that end we have reduced the prices on our furniture in ’he interest o f continued good-will and we‘hope to maintain your patronage in our new location, headquarters for. the most attractive 'iirniture at the most attractive prices. , Enhance Your Bed Room Hers’s Your Opportunity to With One o f These Suites a Profitable Investment at at House Warming Sale Prices House Warming Sale Prices ' $n«F.e0 IXeoratOd Ivoi-y Bedroom Suite, four pieces. The dresser Is i t Inches long with a plate mirror 32x28 inches. The chiffonier is 30 1 ,-chcLs ion# with a mirror 14x18 inches. The triple mirror toilet table In 38 inches and. the bed la full si 2 e. W1 2 2 4 0 'Mouse ItVauping -Sale•Brice ............../ - - * W , 7 Jges.oo j-03t Colonial Plnlngt Boom Suite, dull mahogany: The bed full vise.' The dresser is 44 Inches long with a plate minor 20x32 inches. The v&tft&Ur is 31 niches with a 26x16. Inch.mirror and the toilet table is 36 Inches With triple m*rror, $ 1 4 2 4 ( 1 Wsrtmit^ Sale Price ................ .................................. ^ *TCtd«rx 3240.00 American Walnut Bedroom Suite, four pieces. Adam design, i Hie drossc'r Is 42 Inches long with a plate mirror 22X28 Inches, The chif- m.tUe is 36 Inches long. The toilet table W 36 inches With 1 stationary i ,d 2 hinged mirrors and-a full sl*ed bed. 5 5 1 7 1 0 3 ouxe Wtiimltig S'ale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . ♦ • S ' * * i ,w w ’ 5315 CO American Walnut Bedroom Suite, four pieces, Queen Anne ,-.od, dust proof drawer construction. The dresser- Is 48 Inches Jong * r> p'nto minor 30x40 tnchos, The chlffoqctte Is 40 inches,. The tol- lol table Is 42 inches and-the bed Is full size!- $ 2 4 . 2 0 0 itorse Wanning Sale Price ............................................................... 5423.00 ton-pieqe Dining Room ^ ite as pictured, Louis XV period. American walnut and,subSimti&Uy <jaohicted- The 66 inches long. - .The .China, Cabinet and Cabinet; Service are Of ample proportions, _Tbe - side and hv-'it chair have Spanish leaitva slip seats and this Table extends 6 feet has a top 54 Inches in diameter. Cgtgl C f iQ llouse'Wiumlng Sale Price ...................................... _ {Z 16 .ro four Wilham and Sfaty Period Dining Room Suite, Ja­ cobean tttishert cult. The.buffet is '60' inches lohg and the dining table r, fo-it; 54 inches. The China cabinet and serving table are large ana roomy an. will make a handsome addition to the dining rpom. v l [ I Q \ ji/O.OJ Brown Mahogany Dining Room Suite, Louis XVI I erlod, 10 hamlsowe and sturdy1 pieces. The buffet is .66 Inches lorig With a wood •id Tl>e china 'cabinet and server are of ample 'proportions. The diplng tabt'e extends*8 feet and is 54 inches in diameter And the.arm chair andf? j tic'chairs leather slip scats. • M I A Q Q House Warming Sale Price ...*•»••• •*>»•,••••<•>* - * S P R IN G F I E L D , O H I O . Bitews tafia tfiJQP »Oil * i £ mu O *JntUIXiJPiw HR w 9 INAND SEE U mhi Mis6 Cieo. Eeiner o f Jathestown spent the week-end with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and'Mrs. C. M. Ridgway. Frank Coopier, colored farmer, liv­ ing near Jamestown, who formerly lived in this township, was sentenced by Judge Kyi# tierthe pen for life hav­ ing plead guilty to ah indictment of the grand jury for misuse of his 16 year old daughter. The father and step-mother hac| become abusive and after taking, a terrible beating the girl left in the night for Washington C. H. where she confided her troubles to her friend Who placed the information' in the hands o f the county officers which resulted in Cooper’s arrest. The crime is one of the worst that could be laid to a father and the sentence by the court Was justifiable. " LOT FOR SALE. Comer lot Nos 7 and 8 Edgemont subdivision for sale. Price $250.00 Address, f„ W. Radabaugh, 716 West Legan street, Celina, Ohio. DR, O. P. ELIAS DENTIST Exchange Bank Bldg, Cedarrille, O. NotWeatherBrings DistressToFeet If you suffer froih swollen, burn­ ing feet that smart or itch, or If your feet perspire and are,, tender, you can get immediate relief. Give your feet a treat. A gentle massage* with soothing, healing Houatonia will do it. A light application, once or twice a day, and you soon forget you have feet, New tight shoes feel like old, easy ones. It relieves all pain im­ mediately, takes away the inflam* matioh, reduces ti e swelling, re­ moves ail Boreness from corns, softens callouses and keeps the feet in excellent condition, A 26e bottle from your druggist lasts for months. Ask for and get Hmise-tone-a-ah {The Original Jones’ Liniment), "The kind your daddy used With my dad’s picture on the yellow wrapper.” The Dr. J: 0. Jones Co., 8. Charleston, Ohio.*“ AdV* F o r S a ls b y C. M . R i 4 g W * y wntl A . E. R k h tu ’d f , D ru g g is ts Everybody is Going to the Biggest, Busiest and Best Fair In the State The Great MontgomeryCo. Fair DAYTON, OHIO Sept.. 1-2-3-4-5 Grand Opening, Sept. 1st. (Labor Day) 20-HARNESS AND RUNNINGRACES-20 .$6500. in Purses 4 RACES EACH DAY Big Exhibit o f liv e Stock, Including Dogs and Rabbits. Large Display of Farming Implements, Tractors and Trucks. THIRD ANNUAL AUTO SHOW 1 ■ T w o B i g F r e e A t t r a c t i o n s E a c h D a y B a n d C o n c e r t G e n e r a l A d m i s s i o n 3 5 c T * A . R o i i t a o n , P r e s . I . L . H o l d e r m a n , $ e c * y «