The Cedarville Herald, Volume 42, Numbers 27-52

M UU Illlllllllllllilll MEARICK’S \ SECOND AND MAIN, St., DAYTON , O. NOW The Largest and Finest Stock o f Women’s and Misses’ Suits, Coats, Capes, Dolmans, Wraps, Silk, Wool and Cotton^ Dresses; Silk, Wool'and Washable Skirts, Waists, Blouses, Sweaters and Millinery we ever owned will be sold at tremendous reductions without reservations. No Approvals No Exchanges r Charge Accounts, 10 per cent added lllllllllllllllHHIHillliilllllil llliilllliliilllllllllilHilllliilil No Approvals ' _ ' A, No Exchanges Charge Accounts, 10 per cent added Select Your Car Dodge Hudson Essex ‘ . Nash M. cfNAGLEY Local Dealer N . J. HUNTER , Distributor Interested in Film Productions to Be -Made/, at Methodist Celebration at Columbus, O. Fresh Strawberry Pie What is better than a well filled strawberry pie with the rich, red juice oozing out, and' A TENDER, FLAKY; CRUST. Its the crust of the pie that ’gives it the final touch of good­ ness—that’s why it should be made with Wil iamTell and GoldenFlfeeceFlour * It always makes a delicious, tasty crust because it contains ALL die rich, nutritive qualities of^the best Ohio Winter wheat—* the kind that is now waving in the breeze on thouiands of Ohio farms. Equally goad for all other baking nseds. * FOR SALE BY ALL GOOD GROCERS DR. JAMES E. CROWTHER AND D. W. GRIFFITH. Thre* EnglfSh Institution*. | Yeth, indeed It Ith. Wherever the sons of Britannia may J Snld the facetious feller: "It’Spretty roam,, three great ntul unmistakably hard to convince a mere wan that hfs English Institutions set them ■apart -wife hasn’t a thing to wear when he from other*races ami creeds: Ten In 'has to wait two hours before theater the afternoon, handkerchiefs pushed time for her to on.” up th« sleeves and "dress" for dinner.. ___________________ ■ ........... . ■ ^ ^ J~ l " .... True Patriotism. Poison Bottla Warning. 1 j j a(] j n ,iown sons—each In mV To distinguish bottles contalnlhg |0VB finke—I had rather had eleven die poisons In the dark a sandpaper band nohiy for their country than- one to encircle them with an opening for their labels has been Invented. Daily Thought, rhere is no better ballast for keep* ; the mlhd steady on its keel and sav* 5 it from all risk o f creaklnesa than voluptuously surfeit out o f action,- fehakespenre, spasmodic Qermon. •Rome women buy silk stockings so they will have something to show for their money." dnd1anapol1 s Star. The support of the motion picture . ■world as represented by D. W, Grif-' fltta, well known film producer, was. assured the Methodist Centenary Col-; ebratioh at a conference in Columbus,: the celebration being represented by Dr, S. Earl Taylor of New York, Dr. J. | E. Crowther of Seattle; Dr, .Fred Fisher of New York and Dr, C• F. Reisner of New York, Mr. Griffith, in addition to promis­ ing to make a film of all important features of the Centenary Celebra­ tion, strongly urgfcd the use of motion pictures in the advancement of re­ ligious work. He spoke strongly of the possibilities of the tnotfon pic­ tures under proper supervision being made to carry a religious message further tfian auy known form of com­ munication Dr. S. Earl Taylor, director general of the Centenary Celebration, made the statement that ''we want pictures that talk the universal language, I .believe the message of peace and good Will should be preached to the world through pictures.” "I am glad to know they hro going j to give motion pictures a practical demonstration at the Centenary Cele­ bration," said Mt. Griffith. "The cel­ ebration will- give the people In towns and villages a wonderful opportunity to visit the entire world by going no further than Columbus, There will be an extraordinary impression pro­ duced by seeing these villages of Chinn, Japan and India, not peopled by amateurish actors, but inhabited by real natives from foreign lands, “ I have been astounded beyond measure at the breai y extent and scope of the entire sc sme as it has been revealed to me by Dr. Taylor, Dr, Crowther, Dr. Reisner and others. I understand the Methodist Church has $140,000,000 and is going to cele­ brate Its success with Something more nearly resembling a world fair than anything else to which it can be com* pared. One would think that a great nation at least is behind the move­ ment. Doubtless, something greater than the greatest nation is behind it —a reawakened Ideal and faith In­ spired .to bind up -the, Wounds of a torn and outraged world.” Columbus Can W ell Accommodate A ll Who Attend Methodist Celebration, Officials Say N O CROWD which has been proposed for the Methodist Centenary Celebration will swamp Columbus, according to Mayor George J. Karli, who has received some inquiries from distant points re­ garding the ability of the Capital City to take care bf the hundreds of thousands of Methodists coming from all over tlio United States for tjie Centenary Celebration, June 20 to July -13. > 'M&fbr Karb says: "Columbus has always been equal to arty situ­ ation. We are not going to fall the exposition crowds, no matter how many thousand there are. Tell them to come to Columbus town. Wo are ready with open hearts and open doors. Columbus can do it," James T. spaniels, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, says: "We can easily and satisfactorily accommodate three hundred thou­ sand visitors,” Organizing Secretary H. fi. Dickson says: "Three hundred thousand my minimum estimate of attendance, Confident Columbus can take care o f twice that number.” 17 South Fountain Ave. M etropolitan R6w Springfield, O ' * ■ - ■ ■ ■ - '• . Spring and Summer Goods Now Coming in Daily | Always the Latest ■ •Always the Best Always the Lowest Prices New Screw Fastener. An Australian inventor 1ms patented n screw fastener for wool hale bands that enables the bnics to be made tight and permits the use of narrow bands, thereby saving Steel. $ Indelible Ink. Aniline black, 5 parts; oellc ncld, 6 parts; castor oil, 04 parts. To this mixture should he added n few parts of Indian Ink, Shake before using. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Mystifying "Ads.” | % city advertisement was headed: "Two sisters wnnt washing.” So do a good many brothers. Another n d -' vortisement was: “Wanted—a boy to _ snndpaper," . No Time to Stop Learning. A man should nhvnys keep learning something—“always,” as Arnold said, “ keep the stream running”—wlicrens most people let *t stagnate about mid die life, ffihe Kind You Have Always Bought* and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature o f and has been made under his per­ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in *hfar All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—-Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium* Morphine nor other narcotic substance. ltd age is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years i t has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and b y regulating the Stomach and^Bowels, aids the assimilation o f Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. . The Chndrea’s Panacea— The Mother’s Friend. * GENUINE CASTORIA a lw a y s Bears the Signature of InUseFor Over30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought VH*'QIKMTAUWCOMIXkNV. NHWVO*K felVV,. GALLOWAY & CHERRY, i XENIA — — *-------- OHIO TRY OUR JOB PRINTING* i •:,*