The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26
-Aj V. SJWMffiS 1' * . H ;| i‘i ■•{ . ,! Jt - mum. aow i shield* €«*£*. sa, * bride *f turn M b , piaoed «®4*NMfcJte* •t*#4 «i % **<t #ri*k i t*&m fcar i « m * kapi, MtSe* Oaett, ta a eoff** ins*** s t Tfwkvitts, J*#eno« aotteecy,. be shot «•* kUied her sad Uu«t eeawaltted ssicidf. aooorditt* ft* tk* verdigt of Ce«*d*? Kfcfc. Jumping lato the swoJtea asters of ZMlsarsti pan, Frank Mobil. 23, saved tb* Iff* ot JPifiul Mayer, be s i Dela- wars. BUI* J4ta* is in s preesrltm* con dition St bar borne is Cleveland as tbs result of an attack by a bandit who assaulted her. The bandit used . a <$u>, ■with which he Inflicted a prob- able fracture of the skull, and. stole her puree, containing $6. Three men were harped to death ana two others seriously burned when fire broke out la the Matthews Boat oouipany'a. plant at Port Clinton. The dead men were B, Gove, M. J, Boy and I* Pearce, alt of New York city, ‘visiting yachtsmen. While two children of William S- Hansel of Bayton," Virginia, f>, and. Lawrence, 7. wore playing with a loaded revolver, the girl was shot and , killed, The hoy said 'be, didn't know. ' how It happened," Henry T. Puller, 13, died of suffoca tion after falling into a coal bln at a Canton plant. Charges of graft in connection with erection, of the miners’ temple at Bellalre were considered at a secret .session by the "eastern Qhio miners’ convention, ■ Miami river claimed two lives when a boat containing Harrison Miller. 22, and Paui stadden,‘22, brother$:in-law, Capsized, ‘.The pldn were employed by the conservancy engineers’"'widening the river at Dayton, • ,, . Because of the switchmen’s strike at Ivorydale, the Procter fc Gamble Company closed .its plant, putting" 2,600 men but of Work c Two meji with drawn revolvers in- Vaded'a card game at Mingp Junction and appropriated the "kitty,” contain ing ' $100," Players were relieved of 3300 in cash and their watches. Leo> If’arks, convicted at Cincinnati ' of. the murder,'of Mrs, Florence -M. SOhridt, was, sentenced t<j life impris onment. " f , ' Tiffin lodge of Moose will purchase a new home, v.' ■ LeRoy Alexander, Marysville, who ’ purchased the North LewisburgWeek ly Reporter, has decide^ to publish ih i newspaper twice waaklr,. aanajy MMumMitair* de cided to macadam!** a road from Newark to tk* Knox eowsty line. Flail*? eiMuentary seiu>q teachers demand an advance of $2? 4 month, R. 8. Howard, president of the Ohio atat* yenng people** branch of the W C, T, it ., announced that the state tteureation will be held at Marietta June SB to July t. Mr*. Rebecca Bigler, «5. wa* struck and instantly killed by a-passenger train at Cambridge while on bar way home from -church.’' At Toledo, lire of unknown origin destroyed th* tbree-atory building oc cupied by the Emerson -Cap company and the Dolphin Hosiery company, causing a loss of 396,000, Springfield school teachers present ed school board members with a peti tion asking an Increase of 3300 per year. . ■•■■■■. 1 . Richard Derick walked into the county Jail at Athena and will stand trial on the charge of having mur dered Hugh Druggan 14 years ago. The case hah almost, been forgotten. Dorothy - Lewis, Youngstown, and Lottie Williams, Barberton/ who es caped, from the Ohio reformatory for ■women at Marysville, were Captured near Hilliard* while hiding in a straw stack, « • George L Boerzbach, Sandusky, Is indicted recently on. a charge of wife .murder;' hanged himself In the jail at Guerdon, Van Wert has been asked; to raise ] $2,500 of the 310,000 to be used in tor nado relief in Van Wert county, ac cording to plans of the finance relief committee. Two new- theaters are to be erected, in Ashland, this year, ... t .Produce dealers have- established a truck line from Youngstown to Pitts burgh. Fire broke out three times in one day in the -McMillvaine building at, New Philadelphia./ John Bible, 64, committed suicide at his home In Hamilton. Qhio Typographical association, in session at ■Toledo, favored recogni tion. of the Irish republic and forma tion of an Qhio Allied Trades council. Effecting a temporary organization, with Colonel C- C.’Chambers, Cleve land, as president, the Thirty-seventh Division association adjourned to hold Its first annual convention Sept. 26 "at ■Cleveland, ................ Elmer Depus sued" the city of Ma rlon, for 325,000 for alleged injuries - received, when bleachers- collapsed at a ball game.' Ravenna town hall, .75 years old, , was sold to Councilman Amody Coates <ar_$10.575. George J. Dperzhneh. Sandusky, L the new treasurer of the Qhle Blkf’ Association* Thieves broke open a safe in Mu office 'of Morris * Company, moat packers, at Cleveland, apd escaped with $7600 In cash and chock*. Ilder Peed, 3*. was killed when a passenger train hit a motor truck he was driving at Washington Q. H. Medina council passed an ordinance fjvfng the natural gk* rate at 4? cents a thousand feet for the first 6,000feet. 50 cents for the next 5,0W feet and 66 cents for the third. .5,000, » Her First Railroad Trip. To your stories of country folk leav ing their native hnv-its to see tho world for the first .time, may I add, writes a country correspondent of the London Morning post, a famous story of our part of the .country, about an old lady going for her first journey by- train? She went In a terrible state of apprehension,, and on arriving safe ly rpmarkdd that the train had been h murderous one, since it hud run over and killed no fewer than fourteen per sons. Then it came out that somehow she had picked up the Idea, ;.nd It had taken firm root, that whenever the en gine’s whistle sounded It meant some one had been run over on the line; each whistle was the engine driver’s apology and requiem. Dire Threat. '•Listen to me no\V, brederen an* sis- terep, an’"particular yo1 young lambs Ob de. flock,’’ the old nezro preacher remarked.during the t rorse of the service; "dar’a got to Tae mo’ solem- hess In fils hynh .church. Ah ain’t gwine to stand no more dt& nudgin’ and whisperin’ and gigglin’, Pe fast time Ah. hears a nigger snigger "Ah’s gwine do sumpen to -yo’ all.” He paused and let his eyes wander*over the congregation. "Ah fell yo' what All’s gwine do‘. Ah’s gwine hub de collection plate passed a second time, nn’ Ah’s gwine git Brur’ Swifty Hicks, what am1de middle weight chnmpeen prizefighter ob de whole state, to pass hit.’’—Argonaut. Anything' (a Possible. While one .man says of a thing; “It Is impossible!” and contents himself with saying so, another one passes him and does i t ..This has been the'hlstory o f the world’s progress ever since time began. W*e cannot Say of any thing that It 1* impossible in this mar velous world of Invention and endeav or. -We can only say: “It has never yet been, done." so is otiR C omplete l ine of / SPRING GOODS REMEMBER—WE OUTFIT THE FAMILY '< * Latest models in SPRING SUITS will be on 1 display this week. Conservative styles for the older men. Nobby styles for the young- *ttien* You are invited to call and see our fine tailored Suits, at $25.50, $27.50, $28.50, $29.50, $32.00, $33,50. Fine Trousers at . $6.98, $6.49, $5.98, $5.49, $4.98, $4.49, $3.98, $3.49, $2i98. Boys Knee Patits Suits $9,98, $8.98, $8.49, $7.98, $7.49, $6.98, $5.98. * I Latest Furnishings and Hats Don’t miss this store if you are looking for latest styles and lowest prices. C. A . KELBLE’S Big Clothing and Shoe Store 17-19 West Main S t., Xenia, O, MODEL 4-00 $875 No touring car at any price is more dependable or more economical to operate than the Chevrolet. Yet with all its economy and low price it is a handsome, roomy, comfortable car—one yon can feel proud to own. For a limited time we can make immediate delivery, Owens C Son Ohio n r W U! Take the first train or trolley to Wren’s in Springfield—now Their this very day. TRADE SALES JUBILEE is on ■ * ■*. >■ _. . •s » ■ ■■■■■* ' and folks say there’s been noth- for downing like it in to ngnt money saving on wear and for the home. Now, don?t put it off or you’ll be too late-it ends Saturday night Your friend, MRS. E. CONQMY lf?. •**«■ P.'S,—Crank up the “Henry” now and “step on her” for Springfield. It wiU pay you big. ■ < . • m HI bmmi * fr^-y * **#*•+/- ' -*-1 ||>I ildmt ^irli,i 1 . > ** m-l—**».t..»m ■* If Arizona’* Burled Treasure. What la believed to be the first clua tp the reputed burled treasure of the padres of the Tutnacacorl mission, built by the Spanish Jesuits high up In the Tum&cacori mountains, less than three hours' journey from Tucson, has been discovered,by Frank PInckley, custodian Of the ruins. It 1s the gate way to the mission cemetery. From this gateway, it Is said, the plans and maps lett by the padres start to outline the way to the buried gold and silver. The -Tnmacacorl mission was built near what are believed to, be the ruins of one of the Seven Cities of Cibola. The renter Region Is Said to show evi dences of rlcb.mlnferal deposits, which, declare -those who have Inspected the mountains, doubtless led the padre* to build their mission there. New Method of Color Study. Art English scientist has, according to the Popular Mechanics Magnztne, worked out a method of taking ex act measurement* of color. Black, white and gray are photometrically compared with standard white and their composition expressed In per centage of black or white. A color, such as red, la compared with A white surface In a pure red light. If the red appears darker, It is matched with a gray surface under red light, the percentage of black then being the same In both, Assigning the number 25 to red, such a composition as cm- fiabar would ha signified by the figures { 25 .04 id, meaning red with 4 per cent of white and 18 per cent" of bla<3t. B* One o f the Crowd, Letter writing and conversation ate popularly supposed to .he lost arts. Why'not revive them? Do not aim to be a monologist when you are in company, hat reaolva that at. nil costa you, will not be a wallflower or as one 1stricken dumb. We ihay not always ( be lh consonance with the opinions we { meet. We may sometimes find our- selves In the position of the man who, 1 arising from tiha ground with Ida face bruised and battered and his system} generally, ilka Hamlet's time, out, of joint, remarked: *T never thought he] wan strong on the five points of Cal*, virtism, bm: he certainly has the i punch.** fiski TIRES 1| 4HE only tires built to an ad- * vertised Ideal—an Ideal that definitely indicates the policy and aim of the makers of Fisk Tires* The Fisk Ideal: “To be the best concern in the world to work for, and the squarest concern in existence to do business with .0 i ' N e x t time—B U Y F ISK R . A . M URDOCK “tV X X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X -Si , - ..... (*, 4N*' The Hei grow ive tion of l have the F O I OHIO Cl ' The pri: a quiet af 1 cincte, Onl the corpor the townal was no wc pf the can The rest quite a su Senator H each by a • Senator fm lar wheat 1 this being farmers. In the c< -that the av in making between Ha ’ selection of both -Hardit Hiram Join as did Her! written. For dele; 1Willis recei’ he was plet Boyd, the i 77 and E. ( Harding d< Herrick wer In the lis convention, without op; township, , Wright. votes and tl well as alte , The preft as follows: Harding Wood____ Govemow Beipocratic ‘ The vote Was as folk Yes ___ ‘Ho --------------------------- The count ticket was: Warren"G. Leonard W< Hiram Johr Herbert He Democrat) Was Govern votes with i, Other eandii ■was: , Frank B. W Myron T. H H, M. Dauj John Galvin W. H. Boyc E. C. Turnt The anal while Woe the voters gates, Wil Wood delej Tho disjtri county was: L. .E -Evans G. W. Wilb Thomas B, Ohmer Tate The Berne were M. R. I The state going to pre. H a rd ing__ Wood Harding w...... egates in thu get 8. It lool gherty, the I, been nosed c t Delegate-at-la.,,-. convention. I the present : < ELECTION \ NEW ) ' Tliose wht see the pros] leader in the Darlihgton, ] marshaled t , county primi ed. Should President at convention ai there will be political circl I t has been that Captain aspirations, ik the Seat in € 8. D. Fess. enter for Cor ly thl^. year, president am back of him, in congressio- Congresstm friend of Ser cent primary delegation b< for the Sena dential honor Congressmi Honed nuhier successor of he Was nomi convention. Harding in t ■ Congresman senator, Cap. to keep his Myers, weal? owner of tlu ha* a large district for now held by EASE B-? The firs season will b MM* May 1 boy* will cm J amegtown j The admfernm' ym t*k,
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