The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

ffillflOVE * ACfeSS OHIO FOR & A. LASS Is Walking From Cleveland to Cincinnati In “Service of God.” A$000 DEED IN EVERY TOWN H-E8 PROGRAM Unique THp Which Storied Monday It Exptetod to CopyuwMr About Seventeen D*y«, ~~ Route tq Bfl Taken. A "Hike of Lorn" 1* the newest think in ‘ walking, Tbi# unique trip hat been undertaken by Cap­ tain Mary Heddle, a Salvation Army lassie, -who is walking acycSB the •tate of Ohio, starting from the Pub- lie Square in Cleveland, Monday morning, May' 3* and performing acts of charity aud kindness in, every, city, •town and village along her-route•from the Jake city to Cincinnati, where she is expected tp-arrive on May 20, the closing day of the Army's Second Home Service Fund Appeal. The lassie’s/route will carry her through Driver, Jfilyria, Olicrlrn, Nor walk, BueyrUs, Marion, Delaware, Co lumbuB, ]Loridon, Springfield. Dayton. Middletown.JUarailton and Oincinnaii The entire Journey, aggregating 270 miles, is expected to consume about 17 days, whfh tneans an average ot approximately Id mile# a day. tii the course of her hike. Captain Heddie will carry messages of cheer .to the siok and sphering! she will bring relief to the poor, ,»rgy with the unfortunates ip the prisons;' and per form, acts at charity and kindness all along the path. Expects to Enjoy It, "It is a real hike of love," she told the reporters, "and l am^walking in the service of (5od and tjTo Salvation Artrty. ami that kj why l know.l shall have plenty of opportunity for h«1;n»l work and why 1 am confident tlui,l l will have strength. And l.axped to enjoy It immensely,’ Captain1dleddle is a young woman, recently,married, a forceful speaker and a girl or great personal charm Although she had faked long walks , before. She says that this Jaunt across the state of Ohio Is the must amid*' tiods thing she has yd attempted She wilt be aillred in her regulation Salvation Army lassie blue; llgbl ■Weight uniform, with bonnet, hud lie sides * Txiucoal will carry with her ,only a1, small array musette bap thrown across her shoulders. Captain Meddle will visit all the Salvation Army Corps headquarters that lie within, her route and will use them as bases of supplies EYES Examined Correctly G lasses .F itted . AT MODERATE PRICES .TIFFANY’S Optical Department Open Evenings by Appointment Don’t PickOut a Printer Blindfolded OHIO BLEANtNGSl y Get the On* Who Can. ! W E have the T v v ability to help yousellyour goods and we can do this' at h reasonable.cost to you. ■ Economyand stand­ ardization are the watchwords here. We . useHammermill Bond, the standard, economi­ cal, business paper and,. ! mt tom out a grade of . printing that brings re* * su its f t r o u r eu e tom e ts . g ^ w s w a o w Y o u A second donation, amounting to; $150,000, has been made by Colonel M,, A, Deeds of Dayton to Deniaon uni-! vorsity in connection with the newf world movement conducted by the Baptist church. j As an inducement to 50 teachers t o ; finish out the year, the board of cd-1 ucation at Dover will pay each a bonus i f $r,o.. * Census bureau announced that New*ri has a population of £6,178. increasf. 1,314. or 5.2 per cent; Con- neaut*. 3,343, increase 1,02*, or 12.3 percent, Henry T. Hunt, member of the rail­ way labor board and former mayor of Cincinnati, has been sued for divorce by Mrs, Hunt. Mrs, F. Mahl, 46, mother of three children, was killed by a bullet from the starter’s pistol during field, meet of a School near Bowling Grean. - Stepping on a broken lid, which tilted under her weight, Ruth plater, 2, plunged Into seven feet of water in a cistern at Columbine and was drowned • Ohio’s 623 state Wanks during lflltt showed earnings '$10,000,000 in excess of those for 1318, State Bank Super­ intendent Hontius announced. Cincinnati police are seeking a man whp represented himself as a British army officer and presented a worth­ less check to ah automobile agency .in payment on an $8,505 car. , Gallon council ordered an expend­ iture of $75,000 for enlargement of the municipal electric light .plant. ' Wage-increases of from 30 to 35 per cent Will be given Martins Ferry teachers next year, Grover Funic, 25, was' crushed to death under a' farm, tractor near Tiffin. ' Xenia Theological seminary gradu­ ated six ministers at this year’s com­ mencement. Streetcar officials at Cincinnati an­ nounced that fares may’ go to '7% cents. June 1. W. A. PJllans has been appointed city school manager at Lorain. ‘ Charles F. Howard, 61, former Green county state. representative, died'at-Xenia. Rev. C. F, Irwin of Belle Center ac­ cepted a call from the Presbyterian church at Eaton. Youngstown carpenters have been granted $1,25 per hour. War, chest subscribers at Bellefpn- faine received a 56.per cent dividend. Myrtle Williams, 18 was murdered hr the basement of a Youngstown hotel, where she was employed. Farm labpr shortage in Union coun­ ty is becoming acute, ^ ■Black river, near Dorain, is coated with oil, which catches the and burns many boats. ' ' ' Charles Cross, 27,’’Cleveland, crazed by domestic troubles, went on a ram­ page, shooting six persons, including his wife, before being shot bud wounded by a policeman. Marion streetcar strike1was settled within 24 hours after being launched, J, M, Bell of Newells Run Identified as that pf his. wife the body of a woman fpuhd in .the mud along the .bulk of the Ohio river at Marietta. Five hundred' laborers on building improvements at Springfield struck- for 65 cents an. hour. Business men’s clotheB In the Ma­ rion Y> M, C. A‘. were "touched" for l jewelry’ and about $700 in cash while • the-owners attended gym classes. j Miss Enimii Halo was given "$5,700 t mmstJCa by a jury as the result of in- J juries received when her auto, dashed into an open bridge span and fell into , the Muskingum river near Marietta. Edward Smith, 57, farmer near Ox­ ford; was killed when kicked over the ueart by a. horse. , Building in Cleveland will cost from 15 to 25 per cent more during the neU J2 months due to the spring wage scales agreed upon. Burned body of Ray Miller, 28, Mas­ sillon, wan found on a cinder* bank along the railroad tracks near Akron. During a family quarrel Ralph Chase, 30, shot and seriously wounded his grandson-in-law, Rudolph Keener, 30, a fanner of Leroy, near Paines- ville. and then shot aud killed him­ self. Third attempt of Edith Metzger, 17, to end her life was successful when, in view of her sister and neigh­ bors, she blew oil the top of her head with 1 a shotgun at the home of her sister, Mrs. 13. H> Vafidine, C, M. Filson, tobacco dealer of Al­ liance, and H. L. S<ark, Alliance chief of police, were severely injured near Ravenna in an automobile collision, Because -of farm labor shortage and the backward season, Judge Middle- ton of Champaign county common pleas court excused all farmers on the grand and petit juries, Eli Johnson, 65', who was’ visiting his sott at Bellefoutaine, was killed by a train. Tt is believed he wandered to the Hack during the night, • Leroy Willie Of Columbus whs chosen president of the Ohio Council of Postal Employes at their meeting held in Dayton. Thlrtv-two Cleveland banks have installed- private alarm rystoras a,s rafetukudg anainfit holdups and bur­ glaries. Four hundred faculty members and students at Kent state normal school were vaccinated when four mild cases Of smallpox developed. Miss Mary Kelly, 53, a patient in a private sanitarium at oxford, commit­ ted suicide by drowning herself in a cintem. liockirtr* Valley ’Mining company bouiilit coal property of the Lorain Coal and Dock compauy north of Athe«B for $225,000, mmm SALE OF Ladies’ Coats and Suits Spring Spring Coats $22.90 Suits $34.90 Specially Priced to You Because They Were Specially Priced to Us! We are quick to fake advantage of any chance that comes our way to pro­ vide you with better things to wear, at less cost. The manufacturers; of womeu* Suits and Coats often .have certain styles that cannot be duplicated because of lack of materials—or garments that have been used as selling samples—or overstocks of some models—and these they are willing to dispose of at lowered prices. N' y " It was through just such circumstances as these that we were able to procure the splendid Suits and Coats offered in this sale—and every cent of the manu­ facturers’ us U given to you in these remarkable prices. 0 0 T h e C o a t s a t $ 2 2 . 9 0 ;are; t h e .Sm artest ;6f' the very swagger short sports models and three quarter length—made of fine Wool Velours and Polo Cloths—in many shades of blue and the tans that are so popular for spring, ✓ ' We qo.ute no comparative prices or “ values” on these—but it will take only a glance to tell you that the sale prices are many dollars less than1 the prevailing' ‘ - prices for such styles and qualities, The same will show you, too, that every garment in the lot is very new in style, * .. . Beautiful and Well Made House Dresses show every correct and new fashion feature of the season—semi fitting lapse box, Eton, and rippied styles— made of high quality Men’s Wear Serge and Tricptine—bostlys in navy blue, Stripes and Plaids, Pleats and Buttles, trimmed in Pearl Buttons, with contrasting colors.. Keep yourself dressed—so that you may answer the poor, no matter who calls, so grocery or to the neighbors. „ : t Evtery may will appreciate the appearance of one of these dresses. Values that speak for themselves that you will look well enough to step to the corner No Mora $ 2.95 Gome in and see No Less 8 Gibney XENIA, OHIO * Lead-and Steel. Lead is said to act like steel nt op * dlnnry temperatures In liquid air. It Will serve ns a helical spring, for ex­ ample. Tl*ls behavior of soft non-elas­ tic metals is interesting. It shows bow very important temperature Is. Just ns Iron is soft and inelastic at a high red color, so lend 1st dull and soft at ordinary temperatures, for it Is well on Its way tb be.melted. , Tr«n Furnished Timber for Church. A unique church has recently been completed In Santa Rosa, Cal. Every piece of timber In 1t, except the floor, was cut from one tree—a giant red- wood, 18 feet In dlntneter. The tree, which produced 78,000 feet of Umber, grew on a high mountain range nenf Greenville; 15 miles from the Pnclflq ocean; and' when cut was found to b« about eight hundred* years old; Clouds That Foretell Storms. From the hue and texture of the dis­ tant clouds? something can be learned. s of the character of the storm that pro- ! duces them, The hydrographic bureau at Washington informs ship captains that when the cirrus cloud plumes ' seen- radiating from the storm are , faint, and opalescbut in tint, the np- ‘ preaching storm lit an old ode of large urea', but If the clouds am "of snowy whiteness, projected against a blue sky, it is a young cyclone of small area but great intensity.”-—Youth's i Companion. *- .{ To End Wtr* "SltiO-’n;}" To prevent the ‘vin;;k<;/’ of tele­ phone or telegraph wire.: ‘ ;u hi;r >y, ev houses, these tire muted by p.utl’.c eu them small olivt-shnpt d pint I a of lead, Or fitting corks on to them. 17 South Fountain Ave., Springfield, Ohio (it Praise of illonoe. Carlyle nays. ,fO«t of silence cornea thy strength.* We know It does. The j finest, best thinking come from quiet; and silence, The greatest deeds are the result Of thought. The best writ­ ings am done In -the Silence of the study. We look «P into the sky on a starry ttlglrt. There I*? a ponce and silence 'from It that "passeth under* standing.” Silence is not loneliness-* It la ftfOpled with the best of all that them is In life to those who will an- demtand. TH'trnlt Buy Paintby the “Daylight“Method In buying paint get one that comes out “ in broad daylight” and tells you ivhat it contains. The formula printed on every package o f Hannas Green Seal Paint leaves no doubt or mystery about this paint, It’s good—by analysis as well as by reputation. HANNA’S GREEN SEAL PAINT » will give you maximum SERVICE, It protects/ beautifies, and saves repair bills. Thon don’t just “ paint” your property—have it Green- Seal-ed.” SOLD BY TheFanners Grain Co. CEDARVIU-E, OHIO. Spring and Summer Stock Now Arriving Daily For twenty years our goods and our prices have done our advertising for us. ALWAYS THE LATEST ALWAYS THE BEST ALWAYS THE LATEST GET OUR PRICES ON ALL KINDS OF PRINTING K o d o i l m w u *r J cmum C If It f»i!»I.-* motiffm. ni - i Wfl*.Vl*N*l --...... ____ . ‘ niMlwtmVlIWSWN . ............ n m » ,« i * © •m m ?