The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

WMIEOTOlEAVE Htw Varment Town* Got Rid of “Undesirable*,* •rife ■ W-maKmpmmrn tt> ordtr •Tbsm t» M aw *, and Jmdgmant , Qlfotat# gvid*niiy Warn Hot InfaUtbl*, ©f rtw currant wlsappre. oHMtoi) a* to whp *r* tk* poor and nn» wrtnnate la this world. Nomad of UH> Boston STonln* Transcript hast coma upon a moat curious not* about *£* poor and th* rich. and tb« f**r of tn* paupor and having to support him. in a Vermont paper. Mr. F. P. Walls, the accomplished historian ofLNew- hnry, Barnet and other Vermont towns. in a man who is always studying the early social condition* of the com. munition of which he has become the historian, and with regard to this he contributes an Interesting note to the St, Johnsbury Caledonian. J3e says that about 300 years ago there was in effect-'-or pretended effect—in the Veiv mont communities, the practice o f‘offi- dat “ warning out of town.” This meant that when the selectmen thought that some person or persona in. the towu were likely to become pub­ lic charges, they were empowered to have the constable leave at their places■ o f abode a “precept” op notice warning the parties whose names were on the summons to "depart the town,” Jt appears that In some cases :ft was easier thus to warn these persons than to make them get out of the town; and there Was one case in St, Johnsbury . which affords a curious commentary on the law. In 1$1S “Joseph Fairbanks apd family” were thus warped out of St, Johnsbury,' They did pot go; and Mr, Write is justified in remarking that had the* taken - the hint that they ' were undesirable citizens, and depart­ ed the town, “ It would have made some 'difference to §t. Johnsbury," for the de­ scendants of this same Joseph Fair­ banks built up the scales Industry Upon which all the present prosperity, and certainly much more than half its population, is founded, besides endow­ ing" the town with libraries and other possessions arid making it more or less famous all over the world. Certainly the. Vermont selectmen were poor judges of ‘‘gumption.” They warned off the - Fairbanks, and no doubt cherished certain citizens whose progeny at the present time never would be misseddn the community.,Mr, Wells tells of another case of warning out' o f the town, this time at Barnet, Vfc. .A, man who had recently come into the town died in the year 1818, leaving -h wife and five children, and the selectmen,- seized, with a panic lest the town ifbuld have to support the family, duly warned the widow to "takaher offspring and depart the .town. Mr, Wells adds: '"Whether the widow obeyed the precept or pot I do riot know, ad neither records nor tradition have any furthermention of themhere,, hut from what I know of .the lady she Was abundantly qualified'to take care of herself In Barnet or anywhere else, and the sequel show* that the children were equally able to ‘keep off the town,’ One of these children became a noted physician in NewYork; anoth­ er was a lawyer In Buffalo, and a grandson was a prominent member of the convention which nominated grove? Cleveland for president In 1884 and-seconded his nomination; ope of the. daughters married a lawyer who later, was a member of the supreme court of New Hampshire; ,a second be-, cam e a noted teacher amt principal of a ladles’ school. ,..The third daughter, I think, died young.?’ “The Devil's Organ.” Ih Diamond cave In Newton epunty. Arkansas, one of the. innumerable cav­ erns of' the .Ozarks, • are many stalac­ tite formations. At one point the sta- lictltes, suspended from the roof of the cpve, possess a strange variety and melody of tone. Those who have visited the cave say that these stalac­ tite* can be played upon as one plays upon a xylophone, and that the re­ sultant music Is unqsually sweet'. The place has been called “The Devil’s Organ.” Diamond cave is about three nnd , ©ae-half miles from Jasper, county seat of Newton. The cave has been ex­ plored to a length of mote than three miles. /How much farther It extends .between the Ozark ridges Is not known. At one point In It are many mounds, presumed to be the burying place* of Indians in bygone ages, In Corncob cave, also in Newton county, the earliest settlers found great heaps of corncobs, apparently an accumulation of many years. Yet bo com wa* grown by Indians ih the Vicinity. " Plano Had Been Covered Up. A piano In a rosewood case that dis­ appeared when the hotel was remod­ eled 20 years ago, was found the other day by workmen engaged In tearing down the old West house, at Sandusky, O. It develops that In extending the dining room a new floor •waa laid over a pit in what was known a* the banquet halt, In which the instrument yaposed. The piano i* in a good State of pres­ ervation. ■ - \ He's It, Alt Right ' Mrs. Brown (looking rip.from’ her novel)—Wfiat'* a rubber of whist, Ban* ' i . . . Mr. Brown—Probably a slang term for the ,pe«t behind the chair who points Ottt a player’* mistake*!—But ttloKxpresi. prolific Country. Frequently three crops a year are raised in Abyssinia. Rough oldtime "Sport*." ^ Pugilistic encounters, .dog fights, cock fights and similar performances were the ordinary forms of popular pastimes ta tho early part of the last century. Bull bullingwnsTomnion, and «ten this did not afford sufficient amusement to the. people U» the northern towns, and Bineklmm and Oldham exhibited a strange depw l y by compelling old women to race in *«ck« i—Bailey's Msgaato*. ADDITIONAL LOCAL For Bale.*- One steel tire buggy and one rubber tire buggy buggy both in good condition, Howard Hartaock. t Him hMaisiiiiMiiASi* WANTS!)—To rent, a farm on third* or % small farm on halve*, • Inquire P. O. Box 35, Cedarville, 0, I Mr. Vernon Samuel Moore of To­ ledo and Miss Mary Spracklin were married Wednesday evening at the XJ. P. parsonage by Rev, White. The bride i* a daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Bpracklin, The couple will re­ side hi Toledo where the groom is a railroad man. I The fellow that has been looking for the good old fashioned winter With plenty of jraow and not too .cpld had. hi* wishes gratified Thursday. We had the worst snow storm of the winter with rain and sleet. The dam­ age to the Cedarville Telephone Co, lines will amount to severad hundred dollars and patrons north of Xenia avenue may be out of service for several day*. A polo at the bridge broke and the entire system with the cables were put of of business for that aide of town. The Dayton Pow­ er and Light Co, also suffered some damage but power was off only a few hows until repairs were madfc; WANTED',- POULTRY. Call U h at pur expense. Phone 13-187, South Charleston, 0. , Irwin Bros., Glad­ stone. 6 . # 1 "amgoirfg to quit the dairy busi­ ness the last of January. All accounts not settled by the 30th day of Janu­ ary will bd turned over to Mr. An­ drew Jackson to collect, 1 R. L. Hixcn CHURCH SERVICES Covenanter.'Churcli, Xenia Ave., Rev. R. S. McElhinney, Pastor- Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. * Preaching,Service at 10:30 A. M. , M, E. Church Rev. V, E. Busier, Pastor , Sunday school at 9:30. G. H. Hart­ man, Supt. Preaching at’ 10:30 a.’ m. Epworth League at G:0Q. ' ■"You are invited to all of these ser­ vices. ■ 1 i U. P, Church Services. Rev. John P."White, Pastor SabbatT) School at 9;?0. Preaching at 10;30 Y. & C. U. at 6 P; M. .Wednesday Evening Prayer meet­ ing at 7:00 P, M. < . A cordial invitation l * 4 extended to all to atteriU these services. R. P. Church Rev/W- P. Harriman, Pastor Teachers' Meeting Saturday at 7, Sabbath School at 9:30 * • Preaching at 10:30 a. w. ] Christian Endeavor at 6 P. M. Wednesday evening prayer meet­ ing s& 7-P. BL, ' Clifton U. P. Church Rev. E. G. McGibben, Pastor, Sabbath School at 9:30. W. R. Col­ lins, Supt, Preaching at 10:30 : , Y. P. C. U, at 6:30. A cordial and urgent invitation is hereby extended to all to attend these services. "Come thou with us and we will do thee good; for Jehovah hath spoken good concerning Israel." Num, 10:2!?. Rev, Wm, T. McKinney, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9:30 a. m, Fred Stewart, Supt. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 3 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended,to all. If you have no church home come with us. HOW'S THUS? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any case o f Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall'* Catarrh Medicine. Hall’* Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferer* for the past thirty-five years, and ba* be­ come known as the most ratable rem- - ctly for Catarrh: Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blopd on _the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison, C*rtn the Blood and healing the dis­ eased portions, After you have taken Hall's Ca­ tarrh Medicine for a short time you will see a great improvement in your ? general btaUIi. Start taking Hall’* Catarrh Medicine at once arid get rid o f aatarrh. Send for 1 testimoiriats, T. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggist*, 76d Egyptian Dogs., TO the Egyptians, dogs warp much mote than cither assistants In the chase or household pets. They were objects of veneration and worship. They appear in the friezes of the temples, nnd were regarded as divine emblems, Herodotus tells us that when a dog belonging to an Egyptian family ‘died, the members of the* household shaved themselves as *n expression of their grief nnd adds that this was the custom In Ids own day. The dog is the one nnltual which can follow man .all over the earth and adapt himself to every climate and every use to which his master chooses to put him.—Ernest II. Baynes lu Na­ tional Geographic Magazine, Cutting Glass Circles. It Is possible to break out circles of glass. *uch as lenses for headlight#, 'by making n number of straight cuts from the edge of the glass and break­ ing these sections! out one nt a time,/ Be careful not to cut inside the line of the dfch* to be rfit. January Clearance Odd Buffet*, Odd China Cupboard*' and Dining Tables, Odd Sewing Tables, Dining Chairs and Teac Wagons, . 124-130 E. HIGH ST Sixty Days Same as Cash ] January Clearance *,*«* 0 f ’»*** Odd Dre***rs, Odd Chiffonier** Odd Toilet Tables, Odd Bed*, Chifforolses, Bedroom Chairs and Rockers, JanuaryGlearanGe Sale Has greater significance--means more to you than any previous sale. So many have waited for the reductions that we have always had -at this season that despite business conditions, transportation difficulties, increasing factory costs, etc., we decided, rather than cause a dis­ appointment, to adhere to our usual custom, and though it means a big loss to us,; the sav­ ings ace greater than ever to you. Always Try CappeVs First tj, iff CV'-’W M s t i n g R u g R e d u c t i o n s In the January Clearance -rtigg are strictly no-to-date design, neat figures, really desirable, the kind that loud a modebn and ‘cheery tone to tiny robin. The. most discriminating person- can not help but admire them. ‘ _ • ^19,00 Tapestry Rugs, 9xIT feet. Clearance Price'. . . . . . . .$13,£5 $29Ui3 Tapestry Rugs, 9x12 feet. Clearance' Price ________$22,00 $34.00 Seamless Tapestry Rugs, 9x12 feet. Clearance ;. ............. ... .................................................. *...$23.50 C 'senswaire Reduced Tho Beta offered were bought over v» „ a.- -ago—at the then low- price. They are down to on.; fit. of’ a kind—and tho pr.ft.*- 4 U.., » . e comparison with an,- in SjprinKkeW. , $25.CO Winner Sets, servi:c for twelve people, choice of p a'.: goui hand, rose hud or -floral spray dec.- oration. ’ January {frejj ‘J <?A Clearance’ Sale Price-... A . i f $41.00 Dinner Set in a nca , con­ ventional design, setvice for twelve people. January (t'JOk i Ckaraiuv s-uk> PrjeG,. V “ v»^ 346.00 Dinner Sets, service fot twelve people, plain with r;old band or a neat, conventional desl-pt with gold edge and gold handles. Jan* uary Clearance . . *5ilk Sale Price .......... . $78".CO Havllri'id Dinruv S'.t. >or- vice for twelve people, neat flo-al Spray and goh! tlaced o-’ r X -Ta uary Clearance Sale Price .......... $ 5 - 3.50 Economy and Perfect Gas Heaters Reduced * - ■ .. _ .$16,GO ."Economy- Oas.-Heater, .nickel-trim* mid, mica illumination. (t»-| ■» AP 515.0!) Kcor.omy Gas Heater, niohel tr'm- med, niica limm,'nation. d>l 4 n g Reduced to „ ................ . ip I fx .t /D 522,00 Kconomy Clas Heater, nickel trim­ med, mica illumination. ’ ' d» -a/» «>p* l^educed to .............................. $20.00 Perfect Gas Heater, nickel trlmnied,* mic;;. lllummtmon, ds■* p , *3 C Reduced to . . . . . . , . . . . - «PJLd*Mw. “*$24.00 Perfect Gas Heater, i $31.00 Perfect Gas Healer, nickel trimmed ,0 mica Ilhnni- j nickel trimmed, mica Illumi­ nation. Reduced g Q j nation. Reduced g f j $37.00 l'a«{hmwv Rugs, 9x12 feet Cleavauce Price $12Q.0t) Wiltpii _IixigK, fringe cuds, 9x12 feet, Clearance Prlci4 $120.00 Seamless Wilton Rugs, ,9x12 feet, Clearance ’Pp’fA/v , *■***» *'**•%£*•* f ***** + VV* *-*•■*4»('*<•»,* *’« $102.(»0 Wilton Rugs, 9x3,2 feet. Clearance Price . i,*,. m ,. .$65,95 .,$90,85 .,$97.50 . .$73.95 January Clearance rs ’ ? > ' Affords Unequalled M e d r O & m U p p O T t U n i t l S a v a g e O l d W iD t e V i s T e n ; —Buy.Your Stoves At *. C l e a r a n c e ^ P r i c e s *-. $13175 at Hcatcro with $ 34.25 5i;:-.00 Comfort Oak Heaters. Reduced to J... 543.00 ciM-mont Hot jacket and nickel base, induced to $03.00 Clermont “Hot jacket and nickel base, Reduced to $ 75.00 Clermont Hot nickeled. Reduced to .............. $ 1 . 1 ”. 01 ) Clermont Base Burner, ed. nutas hard coal or coke, Rcdt.eert to ......................... Sf'd.oo Radiant Gem Rase Burners, f.uiy nit-!: led, burnt; hard coal or colte.f /v Ridiieed to . . . . . . . . Blast Heater* with ...... $ 51.08 Blast -Heaters, fully ...... $ 61.50 fully nldk- l- ...$ 98.50 reasoria terns, other styles have wui or another piece sold, so the suite is incomplete, than wait, an indefinite time to fill in tlie short pieces we prefer to sacrifice our profits., $208.00 four-piece Bedroom Shite,,American Walnut or Mahogany, post colonial design, Bed, Dreoser, Chiffonier and Toilet ' Table. January Clearance Price .............................. < $ 149.00 $140,00 fotlr-plece Bedrbom Suite, oak or French gray finish—'Bed, Dresser, Chiffonier ami Tollri Table, January Clearance Sale Price $127.00 four-piece Bedroom- hominy finish—Bed, Dresser, Toilet Table, January Clearance Sale Price . $214.00 Four-piece Bedroom Suite, dull ma« hopac.y, Queen Anne period--Bed, Dresser; Chif­ fonier nnd Toilet Table. (t*‘| f i j AA January Clearance Sale X’rlce ... v * J » $ 101.60 Suite, -ddil ka- ChJffonier.',and .$ 92.00 $313,00 four-piece Bedroom Suite, American Walnut, Louis XVI period—Bed, Dresser, Chif­ fonier, and Toilet Table, * (tjrtOV AA January Clearance Sale Price L v V $209.00 four-piece Bedroom Suite, Antique Mahogany, Adam period-Bed, Dresser, Chif* fouler and Toilet Table. r fjn o n a a ,- January Clearance'.Sale Price . . . $£iIaU*vU $408.00 four-piece Bedroom Suite, brow;.*'' a* iiogany. Queen Anne period—Bed, Dresser, Chiffonier and Toilet Table. . (t>q q n /xr» January Clearance Sale Prico .. ^v J O J i l / u $354.00 four-piece Bedroom Suite, ivory enam­ eled, Chippendale design—Bed, Dresser, Chif­ fonier and Toilet Table. A r tn q January Clearance Sale price . „ $ a i ) a « v U SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Pale Children Need Glide’ s Pepto-Mangan NOTIGE. 1 Unnatural- for Children to be "and Thin—Paleness is Sign of Thin, Watery Blood Having accepted the agency for New York Wall Paper Co. and the American Co, Of Pittsburg, I -will be pleased to take your order. New sam- pale books after January 1, A. B. McFarland * The American Cent, A “constant reader" risks, the ques­ tion: "I* It proper to rail the Ameri­ can cent a penny, and if so, why?” The Century and Standard dictionaries both admit that a cent is sometimes called a penny, but both classify that Usage, even Jf colloquial-- and usage roots In conver­ sation—is a valid authority In forms of language. Nobody can say that to call ft cent n penny is misleading, but since the word cent Is exact, it-Is al­ ways preferable to the word penny, which ISait analogy, and thus inferior to the real name of the thing In mind. —New York Evening Sun. Pepto-Mangan Makes Red Blood Prepared in Liquit and Tablet Form -—Both Possess Identical Med­ icinal Qualities * ■ It is necessary fox* boys and girls' usage as "colloquial.” to laugh, romp, play and enjoy htem- elves, for it is that stage of life that the foundation is laid for future health. Prompt attention should be given the child who seldom laughs, whose pliysicial condition prevents playing like other children, whose appetite is opor and who tires easily. If the lassitude is due t<» poor blood which is often the ease, a simple, safe and pleasant remedy is within easy reach, Gude’s Pepto-Mangan is just the tonic for pale, thin children. Glide's Pepto-Mangan contains the very ingredients, that' increase and enrich the blood, enabling it to sup­ ply the entire body with the sorely needed vigor strength and vitality that make happy, romping children. For the convience of the public Pep­ to-Mangan is prepared in tablet as well as liquid form. .Beth forms pos­ sess xeaetly the same medicinal pro­ perties, When you ask the druggist for Pepto-Maiigan, look for tho flame HfudcV* on the package. If it is riot there it is not Pepto-Mangan,. --“Keep your piario In shape by hav­ ing It thoroughly cleaned, tuned arid jregulated, Call Khox Utttchinsott, Tree That Produces Oil. The Chinese wood oil tree com­ mence;, ,o hear fruit when four or five years old. The fruits am the size of small apples,'and contain from two to eight large oily seeds that arc reported to" be poisonous, and should not be eaten. The value of this tree lies In the fact that the nuts contain one of the best drying,oils, called wood or tung oil. m3m PRESSING SHOP Cleaning, Dying and Repairing. Work Called for and Delivered. H. WATSON, Finney Bldg, Cedarville, O, 7% Non-Taxable Investment The West Jefferson, Creamery Company Of Columbus, Ohio Is. offering its friei. '3 and patrons of Greene County a limited number of shares of its 7 per cent, cumulative preferred stock at par, $100 per share, Dividends payable April 1 and Oct., 1. V Write the Company direct for further information. Half Million. Total Assets over TheWestJefferson Creamery Co. Columbus, Ohio To Cure a Cold inOneDay T U tU n ^ v e B roao S avmi MOW*I k *** srili4s |w*l ^ * L Gam Orl* in c& • y t t y ' b o x . 3 5 c . X X - GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X