The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

• P 's TH ttf V * *#«r Q*e SNadrad D*H*r# **- JUT mmf tBMNI *d iiMMvil tin* ' ha * m M top IWfi* OMMrk 1 S & mmjElSm I t e jM *» to* iSiSiSiE tn# a #* •■*f-• * lywjM fcgJUjyg lfc»tt4m ^jCSiiTSll^ tilIMM r MANILA CARNIVAL BIG ATTRACTION OF FAR EAST B mm * 0*^ T*l**e, Okie Prwtgiata, 7i«. w%>Wwyyvvywyv vN<v>^ ^ airyKennon AUCTIONEER TERMS T O T ; REASONABLE Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Pay ^Parties wanting two auctioneers r pm In "position to (Supply th* extra wen with unlimited, ex­ perience, PHONE 2-120 Cedarville, * * Ohio P V 1 ? 6 :- • / £ 4 1 JCU k # [Examined Correctly Glasses Fitted* AT MODERATE PRICE® T IF FA N Y ’S .Optical Department . , OpenEvenings by Appointment . PRESSING §HOP ' ) 1 ^ - v.v' ,t W > V ^ Cleaning, Dying and Repairing. Work , , ti n , »v , J4 ' ' j A ^ ; Called for and Delivered- V H. WATSON, J Finney Bldg. -• Cedarville, O. S -ItSPSf ' f 'JWm • &**■- ~-e*r MWb R-’* .i l l sai !W EwrylMtSfcMM Im i IfMIEI F#r «MT howwwife dsMMma the maw WMfita it hriaga. And there1* an mere'' fitting to** to get It Uwu* right wtw. hot |t.W down tad the Jeweler ypweeieotvriJUi bade- M#*red to yen immedtately. Teu eo>y Its heneCtte while paying the balaao* at the flsta of. -lid#-per w * j j » at* tfteat* er duee. Sixty Day# Sdme asCafh 1 I f February Furniture Sale ■•* - jp- i *■ . > Furniture Said is a remarkably strong hale in the medium-priced, practical, good- jUulllft d lQ Illu ibb l CiSti flf ItlfnitllfA TAFwhi^k iiAtirthwnhlfatp# nna »lumwft lnnwinff. ■ Thin 1* the season of the year when the Philippine* become the playground for the entire orient. It la carnival season in Manila. In 1906 the first Philippine carnival was held on historic Wallace Field Jin Manila in February, when the climate of the island* is. at it* best* and each succeeding year there has been a larg­ er gnd more elaborate celebration. The 1930, or Victory Carnival, will be the greatest event of its sort ever held anywhere in the Far East There are commercial and govern­ ment exhibits in connection with the Carnival, and on no other occasion is It possible to gain, at once such a com­ prehensive idea of the production and development of resource* of the, archi pelage as that which 1* ottered tht visitor at the carnival city, ■ *ln the evpninga the carnival become* the center of Philippine and oriental social activity, a huge open air audt toriummerve* for the elaborat* nightly bails, and on its mammoth door thorn sahds of couples swing together to the strains of music furnished by the fa> moos Constabulary slut other military hands Probably at no other place In tine world will one see an equally Im­ pressive cosmopolitan spectacle, ,• *■ The Manila visitor who can plan hi* trip to arrive at too Pogri o f tha Orient for carnival rime may well deem him* self fortunate* I How Would You Like to Harvest Two Crops of Com a Year as They Do in the Philippines? 1 Esricms results, through blood poi­ soning, often occur from.scratches, cut* or wound* from rusty nail* or other,metal. Don’t,nut this danger, protect yourself by having a bottle of Hcmstonis always at hand. Dean McKlllip, well-known farmer ofCIark Co., Ohio, says; 1‘l stepped on a maty nail which extended half­ way through my foot. *I applied Houston!* to the Wound and ban- ■daged the toot.' In ,a short time the pain got easier, , After five day* 1 did not limp and the wound heated nicely. People who use Houstonla fer suoh injuries do not bead to fear' blood ’.poisoning.* Hguntortia (The Original. Jones* Liniment)‘may he freely applied to open cuts, tores or burn* without fear, It soothes while it heals. 'At yonr druggist. 35c, 56c and $1.00 sizts. Be sure you get the genuine House-tone-eah with Dr, Jones’ pic­ ture on the yellow wrapper. The Dr. J, O. Jones Co., A Charleston, O. ~**,Adv.■ > -. • - a**- ■' «* - * ■ ForSal* byO M*Rid*way sod A* E* Rk&arcts, Druggists DR. O. P, ALIAS denttet Beak Mdg, CiImiMD, & HI) ilii, «... : " *'Mi 1 .;' v" * 5K K m 'L ^ * *■' PiMtof Safepards YearMoney mot. only W*eonshewyouaj - ^ m ^ ' 1 W r ■ ■tto, reader lids .«om waa'not crown Was grown in rim* fisreifPhilippine H- tends-byFilipino schoolboys. Two fine crop* of cota> a year ire produced in tbe lstand*. ■ *%* * ^«1' , The Philippines are doing some won­ derful things in tbs agricultural fine. ■ThePhilippine governmtuit has fide sg- ricUltuia! Bchdols throughout, the is­ lands; and the Philippine legislature^ computed entirely of Filipinos, is each’ year making larger and larger appro* "Mlarions for this Important work* The staplefood of the islands is rice, but corn is coming right along in jwpu- > lar favor. It* use was given great im­ petus in the lastyear because of a rice nidi «n qnfckN>Micaadvantageof, ALWAYSTRYCARREL’S, FIRST B e l Sp r in p R e iu ie i - fltAb high riser Bed Springs, fylf or thm-uuarier' else, link febrio construnUon. .February Buie 'Pries / ; - . $8aS5 Famous Favorite Gas Ranges Reduced fgfiAia Favorite Qsa Range, table style, fpur burners. 15- inch right band oven, with porcelain floor panel and por- . ceiaitt dust nan, S i P A fi ; February Furniture Bale Price 5 4 5 ,v W land door panels; February. $ 54.00 139,00 Royal Gas Range, square style, 3Qx26-inch1tqp, with four star^burners,.18-Inch oven; body o f Arpico S o 1 <yC rustless steel. Specia l-.,...'....... ............... ,...$ £ £ • • v Febrnary’s Offerings in Bed RoomFurniture ritortaips. Other Irapoetapt PbiHpptaS her is also ahKnporinnt There are-bundsods •£ thbusands of-, scios o f land lying Idle in the- Philip­ pineA which have * greater area of fertile land, then Japan—this in spite o f the fact that the population of the Philippines 1* 11,000,000 whim that1of Japan is arodnd 56,000,000. There is every reason-to believe thhfc tome dsj .the Philippines will have * population Fas lafgo as tlmf o f Japan today,' The Filipinos ore the only Christian people in-the orient, anAthelr.yoUng men are working night Mft; day. to prepare themselves for the responsibility of citizenship in'the Philippine Republic, Whichthey believe to be near at hand. Rice Terraces Are World's Masterpieces This is a photograph of the tfdgao igorret rice terraces, which are among the most remarkable of their kind in the world. They are one of the many marvelous sights for the tourist to see in the Philippine Islands and are to b« found in the Ifugao district of theMountain province, Northern Luzon, The height of these terraces, which are held, up by stone wails. Is from 4 to 18 feet, averaging 8 feet high. It IS estimated there are 12,131* miles of eight-foot stone walls In the Ifugao terrace*, which is approximately half the distance srqund the world, ' ” ' These terraces are skillfully irrigated by water ,brought in troughs along th* oredbtton* mountain tides over' long distances. . . . 8 am* Old Otreus, Tfember th* old farmer woman with the umbrella and the funny clothes who wander* round the ring just after [ the ihow begins, looking desperately i Into rim audience calling “Al bert, AM feert, where are you, Alberti” And the policeman tell* her to move on and she beats up the policeman and Tmr wig. and petticoat* com* off (down to the‘red fiaimti sme) and *be isn't old «*■a lady ettheri after atit Watt, she is am ym e^WHm teiW * Magasth* UM apd Down*. • Tourist—“Anything remarkable about this hill, driver?” Driver—* “There’s nothing peculiarabout thehill Itself, but there's a qtieev story, con* nestedwith if, Ayoung ladyand gen* tlenmnwent for n walk up hero? they ascended higher and higher and never canio back.” Tourist—“Dear, dearme! what, then became of the unhappy pair?” Driver—“It is supposed that theywentdownoh other side, sir!* omk «»*.*■*.* w# Hterfi j» only g bint of the many attraetive suites now on sale at Fehraary reductions in the bedrOom«ectionf - Every suite is sold at a^duoed price. -Call and look through this Wonderful asaort;- ; r k , ' ^ ' i v- \ fl»X,Ve *«!6ur'l?l*ce Anierican Walnut Bedroom Suite (pictured). ;Louis XVI periirit-«xacUly as pictured. Th*’ dreswor is *z inches tong with a plate •xnireoc.iib^lP'iacihe*. The,, ohlffrit^te is 'M''.iacibwi-' tong.' trip)# .mirror : .................................................................. -vrith w» .(rritifliiriw*' 0 With # J ^ t OV*#xjt* teOliSlw,. 3$ie toilet tld>te Is'ig Inches - .mirrors, «*d the bed is foil site, - * f l o g ||fw; fanre-Bksl* F r i o * - . , ^ M».V.*»-’i t . ,v**•- r-Fieoe Bedroom Suite, browirmahogany, Queen Anne j*er- ip«e- The dresser is 4* fnotfe* with * shaped plate mfrrof: .'■The ohlffonetts I* *5 inches tong.' The bed is full ahto'and the'. ■^Tahtoto U- hwtkrih»W*' ’ '< tore .SatoTrisa Tables Reduced •-r‘ ^ ' W* M i-i. >5*” .t 1 You can pick“and. chboee from this. ttUeqaaitoSI sss-r- ,Vi1- ‘ aortment ot Library Tables of oak wd rnihagas^ , ’ ’ February Sale Price. v«' . *,'w< **'*> j *22.00 Library' Tables, fumed oak, SfetS panel ends;, large drawer and magaxlne. "*" shelf, -'Sale' price , ,192.00 Library ,Tables,"quartered ,«*£• . fUrhsd .of ' golden finish, 28x28 ipdh plank tbp, slat ends, rooms' ‘ arewsv"pind shetfi ' . '* •‘ ~s, „ - *des Bale price 150.00 Habeggny Library Table, dull fi« lnoh oval juuv OoSonlsl shaped base, prist m m ' spr in g f ! e ld ,6^ ■&> , Quality and Rodudmd-to February Sftle Price*. - ■, ^ ^ - *t- • : • « & l * wortf ^1 " eitff Ta , }&*[ l£iV 9mm .x->»- . . Thundiiwtsrtn. - Heaven opened. fitoa, -Indeed- ■ ,Tli« fisRh-WA* (ilnktt tfto fxntol for its In* expressibljr dkagcrooe nature to he at once realized, and Gabriel -could only comprehend ^he msgalficsnce of us beauty. It sprang from east.' west, north, south. It was s perfect dunce Of death. The form* o f skeletons up* peared In the Mr, shaped with hiudfira fOr bone*—dandag, leeplng, striding, reolpg around, andmtogUngaltogether In unparalleled confusion. With those were intertwined sarihdating snake* of green. Behind,.these- was a brosd mass Of lesser light fitmaltsneously cam* from every part ofThe tumbling sky what may be called a shout; since, though no shout ever came near it, it was more of the nature of a shout than o f anythingetoe earthly.—Arnold, y . h i ' ' . : . . ; y x .... Pertaining to Cork. Cork is the outer hark of «n even green oak. It Is not the'true bark or skin of the tree through which the sap .circulates, but a spongy layer of cellular tissue formed outside It. After it few years the outer covering fatle off, In Spain and Portugal, the great1 cork-prodtfclng countries, the process! Is anticipated, for the hark is run out every six or eight 5- nr*; the trees con- tinning to yield go-d crops for 100 10 J30 ; ears, Dork tor stoppers was used in Cato’Stime, 216B, C. “LlghtcHhnn cork” is a comparison used by Horace, The peculiar cork stoppers for claim*, pagns bottles were Invented by a Bene­ dictine monk named Feruguo* nt the, abbe of BantvilUer% about A. D, 1670. The name cork i* derived froth cortex, the bark of « tree. When.Elephant* Trumpet. An elephant rushing upon on assail­ ant trumpets loudly with filfy, Fear is-; similarly -expressed In * almll brdssy trumpet or by d roar from the lung*, pleasure by A continued low educating through th* trunk or by an almost „Inaudible purring sound from the,throat, A peculiar sound Is made use of by elephants to ekprcSs dislike or apprehension, and at the same tithe to Intimidate; as whert the cause of some alarm jms wot been clearly as­ certained. Jt is produced by rapping the end of 'the trunk smartly on the ground, a current of air hllhortn re­ tained being sharply emitted through tlio trunk, ns from a valve, at the mo­ ment of impact. The sound made re- semblea that of a large sheet of Uni being doubled. ., Mil Faw idtok. „ _ Bricklayer (who W« fallen stories without Injury*—Just my lucki t paid my acrident tpsaratice «niy jftm tewlay, and now I ain’t hurt n bib —RostOA • ' 1 7%-Nofi-Tasmble-Iiivestniant The West Jeflerson Creanxery " -Of Columbus, Ohio. * #- i* offering it* friends and patrona of Greene County a limited number -• .- of share** 7 per cent, cumulative preferred stock-at par, $100 per share. ■ ‘ Dividend* payable April 1 and Oct. 1 . ?\ . „ r- If * - » 4 ^ ^Write the Company direct for further information. Total Asset* over Half Million. TheWestMerton Creamery Co. • . Columbus, Ohio ’ Clear* on True Law. True law Is right reason coiifonn* able to nature, universal, unchange­ able, etern whose commands urge us to duty, and whose prohibition* restrain us from evil. * * * Neither the senate nor the people caw give us any dispensation for not obeying this universal law.of justice. * * * It I#wot one thing at Rome and another at Athens; on* thing today and ah- Other tomorrow; but id'ail time* and nations this universal law must for ever reign, eternal, and imt»eristiable. Tt Is the sovereign master and em­ peror of all things. God Himself Is, its author. Its promulgator, fits en­ forcer. And he who does Wot obey It files from himself, and does violence to the very nature of man.Mhcero, Gariy!*** Frephtoy. America,-too, will hav* to strain It* energies crack its sinews and all but break no heart,, as fill the rest of w* had to do. In thousand-fold wrestle with th* python* and mud demons, be­ fore It can becom* a habitation for th* (|j^-«4Mriytow ■ ”Am«n Corner." - ‘ T i« phrase “ameh comer,” Is said to hav* originated in London, where, at the end of Paternoster row, the monks at one time finished their recitation of the “Pater Noster” as they went In profession ort Corpus Christ! day to St, Paul’s cathedrnh They began in Paternoster room with the Lord’s preyor in Latin, continuing it to th* and of the street, and then said “amen” at the corner of the row. As used in this country the phras* de­ scribes the comer of a church where the elderly members tit and pronounce the word “amen” at Interval*. Atoldentsl Fertun*. ^ Blotting paper was discovered by *<s‘ ddent, Silver wind wft* orig'tifttty used, but In a paper factory a woman once accidentally forgot to put on th* siring.- The proprietor'picked np a piece of the paper, but was annoyed to find -that it was soaking up the ink, H* at once entertained the tdto that the*pap*r would be uaetal for "dry- Always Ptao* In LDwary. Walter Ravage Landor,. pngfiackma with friends ana anemito.altlto. was at pence In bis library; “We enter ©hr studies and enjoy » society which we alone can bring together. We *M«o no jeftiouric* by conversing with one In preference to ahdther, we give no offense to themost tllaatrions by tgues- tloning him as long as we wtu and leaving him as abruptly. .Diversity of opinion raises no tumult in our pres­ ence; each Interlocutor stands Wore ua speaks or I* silent, and we ad* jcum or decide the hnsitiers at onr ■Icianre,'’ . .' I Johnny* Mtataha. Johnny went to anatrer to* dear hril and replied toffVtstoaafti toWrios tost his mttm was mto Htoasdr you, t wilt leave m c*r4# toi sud* toklng ont her pare*. Aeagte#M»P Hw n m n flaws* paper Pm wwtWSto to* card- fiattarei m t writ M M twa to* step*. “Hey, aW C ’ A aM l mm* after tow ttopartw^eaiw. -efc,-ikA . -. ■ ^ , wm.