The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

rrw Advertise your ftibife: Sad* in 11 m Barsld to insure a Urge attendance. The sdvertiement that t*U* is thead that doom** tiy to tell too much, FORTY-THIRD YEAR HO. 8. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1920, PRICE, $1.50 A YEAR SH**IPF FTtJNBKRBUJfcG LANDS TWO ILLICIT STILLS. Sheriff Lincoln Funderburg i> a real detective when it come* to ma­ nia* down chielyw and hog* thieves and he now has proven his ability fa detect violator* of the Federal pro­ hibition law. 1 5 Tuesday the Sheriff and his depu­ ties George Birch and George Spencer Deputy InternaLRevenue Collector H, A. Hi**in» *nd Policemen Bay, raid­ ed twp places in th*. East End iq Xenia and secured two stilts o f the home made type that were in readi­ ness for operation ’ with the mash cooked. Haze Valentin, and John Rewmah both colored, were placed under ar­ rest and two other men are wanted that are believed to be partners in the business, LBCTURE COURSE POSTPONED. —Tito Lincoln McCoonet lecture scheduled for Monday evening was postponed until Feb A telegram was received from Rochester, N. Y., statin* that his trrift was twelve hours lata and it would be impossible tp get her*. B. B. TOURNEY COMES MARCH 12 AND IS. FARMANDFIELDNOTES OHIONEWS INBRIEF FARM BUREAU MEETING, A meeting of .the Cedarville Twp. Farm Bureau will be held Tuesday evenihg at the Mayor's office. The discussion, will be along the lines of what work -the Cpun.ty Agent km dp lor the farmers of the township, bounty Agent Prince will be present to outline such projects as are far Vored byjthe members. ~ THE.DOMINGMOTOR SHOW. EXTRA ATTACTION PROVIDED. The lecture course committe has arranged with the Redpath Bureau for an attraction to be presented Mar. 17, The committee this year has a neat surplus and is going to give the patrons the advantage of it. ^ It was: not large enough to provide for a strictly high class entertainment but the ticket holders can have tickets for 20 cents which will include war tax. The attraction is the Kyrl orchestra of six pieces in popular music. The attraction is listed at $15Q which is proof that it is aJgopd one. _ . wnr........ .8,U — , OFFICE HOLDING COMES HIGH. * o The Springfield automobile dealers will hold their annual show in Memor­ ial hall next week at ‘ which time a number of the Jateet model pars will be on exhibition, Tractors will also be included as will trucks'. Farmers are as interested nowadays in'trucks And tranters as fhejrwere a few years agp in automobiles. ' State Treasurer E< W, Archer re- por b|the loss of a $10,000 governmenf bond from the files o f his office through carlessness on the'part of some subordinate An effort was made by the, government at Wash, ington tc£ issue A duplicate hut this could not he done /until absolute proof could be established as to what became o f the original. By having the number o f the .bond payment can be stepped but if one has the coupons the interest can be Collected. The sixth annual basket ball towns menfc o f this county will be held at Kelley Hall, Yellow Springs, March 12 and IS under the auspices of the An­ tioch Athletic >Association, The following have been the awards for the six years in succession: Xenia, Osborn two yean, Cedarville and then eXni. -Cedaryille Girls won the .cup last year, the first that the girl's team entered the tournaments* This' year three cups are offered, the Feas cup.and two permanent possession' cups, with cash prises for the teams! winning, second place. garbage smells an y time : Springfield has had some scandal ip connection with the letting of the garbage' collection contract in that city. It figures in the election of the city commissioners and resulted,inthe former - administration being turned down. Bribery bus not, been charged in certain quarters and • investigation js asked for all o f .which proves that garbage is a»yery herd. matter tp handle without some order. ... The Glark-co farte bureau held a membership drive Tuesday when every fanner in the scanty was called on by solicitors* * * * _ R. C- Watt waa cte/pen vice-presi­ dent of theOhio State Duroc Breed­ ers’ Association at a recent meeting ip Lima. ' ■ .-a- * William Bitzer o f Fs^rstts-co has sold a young HampeMr* boar, Fay­ ette Advance, to F. R# Silver o f the Wickerfield farm, Iow% for $2000. CINCINNATI'S POPULATiON jV gas dropped down , The sudden change in the weather Saturday night whenthe mercury fell below zero With a. high wind, made , the fuel problem serious'in manypla­ ces. Monday it wtejeight and ten below but by Tuesday*we were hav­ ing normal winter weather. JLW, JTohnsoh, reports that the gas presure on the main line dropped from 100 “ to 88,pounds in less/than twenty-four hours^ .Many town’ below -*u* were ■OPg$S but Cedarville hadTittle Cincinnati-under the new census bas a population of 401,090 as against 303,591 ten-years ago. .The city Was spmewhat disappointed as 500,000 had been, their claims, „ . AUTO TAGS BEING SOLD. The aptomobile -license can be se­ cured "under the new law at the now rates^ but if the new law is'Reld un­ constitutionalyou may haveno chance of getting your-money'back. Your good in this state but a new one is required if you are going to any other state. We do not look for many new tags here until the conten­ tion over the new law Is settled. ." YELLOW SPRINGS RETURNS. The number of inhabitants in Yel­ low Springs according bo census re­ turns-is 1264. ■' Ten Years ago •the tvillage had 1360 people,.’* lOsspf 96. OVERHEAD COSTS ;SCHOOLS KEEP GOING. „ The board ‘o f education has been forced to send an auto truck to Xnia to get coal to keep the ‘schools going. The local dealers are, having rouble when *' qa»j A new member bas come into the President’s Cabinet and in assuming his poxtfolia, in the Agricultural* De­ partment Mr. Edwin. T.'Mercdith, the Iowa farm paper editor, has expound­ ed some, very good philosophy to the effect tha,t “business men most look to the operation of their establish­ ments, no master in-what' line they may be engaged, and see that no use- leas employee, be retained to add to the cost o f distributing what,,the far- miw now produce*,'' \ • < ; Mr. Mwte&ti* 'stiuptowrit and. The combination Pc sale at London waa The 41 head of sows at * : Greepe-c 6 fa ir; catalogs for the cot iums in all departs -add superintendents ■ meats were asked to j on the revised cs / - \ * An effort is being] a- grange ,at Selma. The drive for mend [land-co■ showed that hd np at the $10 ftoi, log. One thousand ‘ igdal. , ' One.farmer says, the wheat crop for present price yoU , The amount of i_r 13hock yet is about i '■^v * '4 , 4 shipped from. Townaley and! Ritou Stinsoft, -.The for* from O. T Wolford 1243whilethe latti^ feed by J. H ,' eraged 1036 and, Bradfuto that av« erat cars o f fat market;" ‘ ^ .. ... .. T.-*.,V - Arthur doesnotthink the wheat ag bad 'to China bog Bucceii*. Waged $108,45 : ill revise'thd 'ear. From-; were raised the depart- en the 2ist .to organize ihH igh - | farmer*aign- »-firstmeet-' ibers is the. y. about »W*at the lated in the tit... '■* 1 * f‘ r-j jkttie %were s^ay by ud Buyer eebred -:28 averaged; 34 head on that av- io f G- Ei Bnv- ■left this that be \ injured :believed. _ ■ df -aifff - l l g p r , « s p < ^ y to t ^ West, the ‘ th Bureau found it necessary to re-arwmgs its schedule, thus tog this change necessary oo Ross Township program. Mr. Bailey, the lecturer, wilt not appear, however^iib- till late, to ISfarch, the date no,t being definitely s§t as yet. The Winters! Co., will be the attraction on March 10th,instead of March 26th as printed on program. - ‘ i$*to^::b*eaks. tojrwsar." OFFICIALS GET RAISE The Xenia City Commission has' increased the salaries o f all the offi- tials from th. city manager down to .he police and fire departments. The nanagergete $3,600 a year,- solicitor, 51,40 and treasurer, $200. ' Police md fire departments got a fifteen per tehhfdnerease:,- STATE ROAD MONEY. PURSES OFFERED." Much enthusiasm .is’ already being, shown by the local lovers o f sport-for the.Olark-ce fair enx.t fall. The HoUstohia Liniment Cdhipany will give a $1000 stake race for 2:12 pac­ ers; L< C. Titus, $1000 stake race for 2:18 .trotters; and South Charleston stake $1000, this being guaranteed by the business men of South Charleston, PAGE “A. HENRY.” Henry Ford, the multimillionaire auto manufacturer .travels under the name of "A. Henry” and is always registered in the hotels to avoid the attention of the public. Probably th* manufacturer is using the nonde­ plume “A. Henry to do a little adver­ tising, LETS GET READY, The balmy days o f Spring soonwill be with ms, when this green sward and the *Weet scented flowers fill our hearts with the joy of living. We should make the best of each day as it comes to us. We should not leave Until tomorrow one duty which could fee performed today. And this thought brings to our mind a few very important duties which confront us should we consider the welfare o f Cedarville. 'This town could stand a thorough cleaning up. Our good housewives will take care of the homes, but we*of the mas, online gender might well look to the rieatong of the streets, and Ih* alleys and the vacant property. Refuse is to be found in many places, and these tofu** spots ate breeding spot# for germs, anddieease and often death. We erpeet owe women to keep our homes clean, and sanitary, and attrac­ tive-nod they do. No eenaute or neglect is to be placed at their doers, But thy bare Jtn equal right to ex­ pect that we keep our other surround­ ings to a like spotless condition. As wt: receive, so should we give. As we expect « f etitet% so sbeuld we de outerives. ' * Brothers, it is up to us, This coUnty will get -$75,600 of the J,tate funds for road purposes divided, as follows; Jamestown and Cedarville pike, 49,000; .Yellow Bprirtgs and the Springfield pike* $0,000; and $17.1500 tor the Springfield and Dayton pike. WRECKS THE BUILDING. Morris Peteteott has taken the.con­ tract for the ’ wrecking- 6f the old, building onMahvandXeuia-ay for, the aew Exchange Bank building.^ ' Wtok' was' started Tuesday,| The general contract for th* erecting of the new milding has ont been let yet. ENDORSE RALPH COLE The Gteene County Republican a recent meeting en­ dorsed Ralph Cole for the Republican nomination for governor, THE MARKET FUTURES, eteH*MS * - Th* high cost of living may get a jolt in. the near future, according to predictions o f some of the large banks of the country. The English pound Sterling ha* fallen off in value. In this coantry^and exports of food stuffs are liable to be smaller in the future, which the bankers think will begin to regulate the old proportion of supply and de­ mand. • It is predicted that prices will con tiniie to drop until the United State* again buys heavily abroad, when the exchange rates will again regulate and then prices may again go up. Some articles have already come down in price, but not so it is very noticeable to the consumer. The question arises, if profiteer# could rot carloads of vegetables in order to put prices up, ejjtenot they rot some more to keep them up, even iho we do not export foodetuffsln such quantities as the past. There hasn’t been much done to profiteers yet and they doubtless may continue ** before. tins- rimt? -ari|.40^b0'"ix> maajr gov-. ermtfeht clerks to the Capital, is an entirely conservative estimate and it would be very strange if tome of these were not loaftog in his depart­ ment. Thousand* of War workers have become mensparasites upon, ih* Government and attempts to get rid; of them usually result in their trans­ fer from one branch of he public ser­ vice to •the 1other. ' The ’’political Puli” is.worictogovertime. ' . Overhead costs in distributingwhat the farmer now 'produces might like: ly be cut in the matter o f transporta­ tion itself, since General W< W. At- torbUry, who* American railroads in France put his finger* on One o f the-sonrees of trouble-in the Pennsylvania shops, when he fold the. employe* that “prior to our entrance, into the war yoU were on a piece-! work basis as well as-working on a ten hour day, When the govern­ ment took over the railroads, _piece-, work was stopped, The output per man per hour fell 25 per cent. _ The shopsWere put on a eight-hour sched­ ule. This cut the output an addi­ tional 15 per cent., so that the out­ put per man per hour is but 60 per oent, of what Is was before the war." This is a concrete Case, and it seems to verify the statement that therail­ roads with immensely increased num­ ber of employees have been carrying on a larger volume of business than undr the days of privately controlled railroads, Mr. Merei'.th can do no better work in- Washington than ta help defiate things in ,the interests of the farmers. For be knows that the men who till the soil, and have stuck by their jobs while farm help has been flocking to the city, lured, as a farmer has put it to th* government, ’’the promise Of short hours, high wages and hte promise of a good time,” de­ serve every consideration that the United States can extend to the ba­ sic industry which raised the food fo humanity. But Mr. Meredith is apt to be shoCkt at the number of men in Ms own Department who are not un­ like other Government employees# since they are eager champions of the policy that Mr. Compete and other* have attempted, to popularize to toe detriment of industry, since “short hours, high wages and a good time” do not furnish^the remedy for the ill* and evils in social and iddstrial life that are crying for a cure. FARM WANTED. t* tmmm Wanted to hear from owner of farm Or good toad’ Jfe* telle. Bead prie* Write to Leelie Jones, Box 4 , 0 »loy, IE HELP WANTED—Women to work to Y. W, C. A. Cafeteria tad Horn* D* paikmont, Comfortable home and good wages, Call or write Y, W, C, A., Dayton, O. GtiNtoa Seed* 1st paeketi m i ImHc- 1» BIRD M (RETS CO, PUBLIC BALE! . The brick school house located in District No. t , known a* the White* law Reia school house, will be offered for sale on Saturday, Match I8th, 1920, at 2 o'clock P. M. on the school premises. By order of the Board of Education of Cedarville Township School Dis­ trict, .■ Andrew Jackson, Cleric. HetowLaoo of Mr. and Mm. Harry Pet**** is rick with ft* diytotefe. ear situation has caused shipp­ ers to loa* hsavUy oa stock thathad been purchased. The railroad com- panies ha* a car Shortage and the buy era were unable to g* ttim stock into market before price dropped, ~ a * ♦ Charles Raney# of Marion Junction, Aik, formerly of this place, was in South harfeaton th* last of the Week looking for heavy dnaft horses, Mr. Raney has been breeding; Aberdeen cattle since he went sopth and we un­ derstand has met with quite a suc­ cess. '' *’ ■. ,* v * Johnson. Bros., ,whto just a few day* ago purchased the Withall farm East of.JamebtoWn, sold out Tuesday to a Jamestown buyer and it said re­ alised a neat, profit. This . is the second fayra the hoys hay* sold since they sold the home place East of town to Olivier Jobe, They will hold a public sale on Saturday, Feb. 28 at which time a lot of good stock, mach­ inery, feed and seedwill be so!d.They are retiring from firming and Will sell everything, ' ■# . •HP 0 ■ ' t The R, F. Barber public sale ha* been cancelled for March 2 and will eb held jointly ith Johnson Bros, on Saturday, Feb, 28, * * . v . Keep in mind the W. L. and F, L. Clemens aale on Feb. 26. Three thousand bushels of com with 160 imumned hogs as well a* bores* and cattle wiil be sold. ■ a .* ♦ A, L. St, obn having sold his farm Will hold S clearing out sale of alt his live stock, implements and feed on Monday, Feb. 23. ^ rt ♦' ? - . The tractor is the coming farm machine judging from the many sales made over the country, A,t first, it wasregarded as a novelty on th* big farm* owned by the rich but the labor situation as well asexpense of keeping horses has convinced many that from the standpoint of invest­ ment the'tractor is the thing, Yoder Bros.., local agents for the county o f the Moline report sales within‘the past few days of tractor* to Elbert Andrews, Wm ,M. Anderson, A, E, Swaby, John Shane and Mr*, Atdella Cross, who purchased the Bumgarner farm.These purchasers at tractors al­ so get plow* ahd cultivators. Yoder Bros make the claim that a purchaser 9f a Moline ha* the advantage of n power machine to cultivate the corn crop after the ground has been made ready for planting. It also provide* ample power for all other farm wants. pubu E sale dates . Fred Clemens, February 26, . A. L Bt. John, February 23. Johnson Bros, and R. B, Barber oil Satarday, Feb. 28. Marion'County A^leuItuteT scanty tacraased premiums' (9 per cent «e4 decided on 51 stake races for ibis year's l*tr. Plans war* also made tor a boys' cattle feeding contest. pominlo Salvuui, hi riness partner at John Roemo, who .lied only long •Bougb io gat;:), "my .partner,” when be was shot, was ij*id qn a murder Charge at YqiJ.ngatov.'i following the coroner's Jnque;t,“ Throe timu^anu ohm minititors. tep- fes^’.ting 33 Protestant denominaa Dons, are in conference,, at Col«m- bu». called by the into; church world movement. . Whan bad <Lihine oauglit fir* Christian MuBtskle, *6, wis burned to, death: at his home Jn Columbus. Canton pity ciiu'-f*1!, sitting as * *committee of the wbvio. decided that the Northern Ohto Traction comua.fiy. ,1* entitled to an Him.: e of fare. It was twntaU’f ’ v aijreed1that the rata nboul(i be t>< t „1s., Lprafetl hy n w;rete*s telegraph dfspait'h. .rom,ber brother's am­ ateur pljnt, n atf Archer, 19, ha* reached her riKitucr's home at Toledo after being Inst tar 13 years. The girl Was located <»*‘ a Tofra near JtOcktord, Bhe waa my»iei',bi<siy rojmovad from the’ AHeir county, children's home 13 years ago. ' stationary-engineers to the.■hrlqk arid, sewer pine plant* In the Torontq- Kmpjre district struck tor higher’pay, throwing >,501) nnea out of employ merit* - A campaign has'been begun"at Gin- clnnfal to bring WllHam H. Taft, tor* mer president, back home s i presi­ dent of th* University of Cincinnati, •to succeed Charles Dabney, re­ tiring president.'' . Nick- Maniseale. 24, was fatally wounded while<on. hi* way to' wdrk in Akron, Re was BfeotTour times. He did nOTreoognizfc fils assaiiarits.. Pa~ 'lira said the shooting was the work of the Black H&rid, ’ . ' ' Lvdia Sleeks, an ejmploye in' a To­ ledo factory, may die, a* the result of Injuries sustained when her halt be­ came entangled fw a machine belt, Th* woman lost her scalp and one ear. ; ‘ ^ ’ *_ v Two men ware shot and one, of •them1captured at .Claveland in recor-1 ery by police-of $1,000 worth of sil-., yerwate^jewelry and rugs'believed to } be Part,of more than $20,000 in goods{ stolen f-om summer homes, V*1 v4- Fite 'Ualtsed- $26.000 fiamage fo a business biook owned, by L. G, West-' over *t Lowellviite, a Youngstown ■mmp Altar beW under $2,000 bond on it ebarga - that be eritieed Florence Bfeort, 18, out at th* state.' Mrs. Martha J. Russell, 23, New Philadelphia, wife of Howard Russell, committed suicide. No cans* assigned, Reports are in circulation at Nor­ walk that Norwalk’s population has fallen below 7,000. The population in 1910 was 7,074. ■ Fremont board will re­ ceive bids March 15.tor $60,000 5 per., cent bonds 'for the construction of a new ward school building. Spurious 25 and'50 cent pieces, are in circulation at Alliance, police say. Richland1county commissioners ap­ propriated $1,500 for the employment of ait agricultural agent. : > ’War chest trustee* at Warren have asked' common pleas court what dis­ position to matte of $140,000 stjil left ‘ in the chest, SL Dr. C. M. Peters o fCanton was ap­ pointed bpaltb commissioner of Stark county. ■"• . . “ 1 - .v -v- The town of Dsboirn, near Dayton,, is to be moved’ to the new site two miles east and along the pike.' Land upon which .the town now stands.was condemned to make way for the con­ servancy project. Four young girls are under arrest et Youngstown, held ; as.- witnesses against Esse Hanna, out on bail' on $1,000 under charges pf conducting a ■‘White slave!' brokerage on a large scale. •' Building Inspector Welker’s office in the Akron City, hall was robbed while all the clerks were at lunch. The thisr got $300 in cash and $979 in checks, A $10,000 liberty bond disappeared from the vault of th* state treasury. Treasurer Archer atmouhees he *wlll make good the lose, Karl Kahlert died at tiandusky from liolsoning, believed to have been caused by tainted cheese. Rev, W. J. Shuey, oldest minister in Dayton, celebrated his ninety-third birthday^anniversary. tearthew Johnson, $7, Warren, was injured probably fatally when a trac­ tion cur hit him after he bad slipped on the ice. John Stayton, .colored, was burned to death in a fire which destroyed a two-story frame residence at Colum­ bus. . Ohio’s 2-<sent tare law, suspended, tor the duration o f the war while the ' railroads are under federal control, stands repealed With the Signing by Governor Cox of the Pearson bill, , fixing the maximum rate of fare that may b$ charged Oft alt railroad* at t cents a mile. Pupils at St. ciaireviile high school went on strike when eight Senior* were expelled for refusing to remove; class colors from the building, J Dfforte are being made to have 1more than 4,660 auto owner* Join the , Sandusky County Automobile ProteCj tive association, to fee formed at Fre­ mont, Trumbull Steel company will con­ struct two hot tolled etrip mills at Warren and double the capacity of the present cold rolled etrip mtila. Xkmd iteue of $4,006 wan approved fey taxi Wett fietoteti’lae ta ittortei the «RywaterWirite. &dan>ffl* Cwiubip farm Bureau Itleetlwfl Ciifcday evening# m 24 mayor’* Office HU Mrc Tnoifed WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE Men and.women have made Cedarvillewhat is today. *They are making Cedarville o f to­ morrow-, " , ~ .'What is your vision? Your dream? A business,to f your own? A.cottage or a mans- ion o f your own? A , competency for old ” age? ’ A fortune for your family? You cun make your dream come true hy working and v saving Withyour goal always in view. * ^ „The time to start is NOW- - One dollar starts , an account , ' . - 4% Paid on Savings and RESOURCES OVER $500,000.00 j. , 1 *1 r* * ° fe^ SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Men’ s Shoes $5.85 Black and Tan, English and bluches, pointed and broad toe, lace and button styles. Value up to $8XH) this Week only I - -— ------------- $5^5 'you can get good *hoe* at $.85 at Nisley’s this week. Buy now and avoid paying higher prices later. Buy now- tor w * year, yqu’ll never regret it,. ;• { 1 3-,i I'u L t .» I LADIES’ SHOES Black kid and patent leather* lace and button* High and low heels* teeth er and cloth tops. Original vatute up to $10.00 a pair, this week only ***.•.. ■ ■ • ■ ’ ’ $3.85 and $5.85 IN THE ARCADE jm snm SPRINGFIELD, O