The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

a '•v* ■ lib* CufcwTilU H*r»U sS'tb* Bost-Oftee, Caday- YSJ* ©». OsMeg Ux ■ «I wMotf (Am n^aiit^r ^SM*ttMM* % e lifto ii Pow« &Ligfat"Co 6 Fer Csot Cumulative PreferredStock TAX -FREE IN OHIO 187.00 Per 8h*re—Par Value $100.00 Each Yield J ,/;■• 6.9 P«r Ctent- '•■’ * DIVIDENDS' PAYABLE. QUARTERLY JANUARY1st,APRIL kit, JULY 1st, OCTOBER 1st. THEDAYTONPOWER&UGUT CO. t heparirpcet " Xenia, Ohio or Dayton, Ohio ,i ' -ST" /V >*.. mm RwESHdNT' u AT 1 % i WYtm LOVEGOODfyUSIC t( r* ’ ,Vi; •* . . - * i Order yotir record* or music roHaby parcel post. Band u* your address andwewill supply you each month with the latest list on up-to-date music. - f ' , If you h*We no player piano or phonograph, let us send yat on Starr-Made players and 1 phono- . gn^bs. Sold, from Factory to Home, ■r ffhw Starr Piano Co. 27S<nith Ludlow St., - ‘Payton, Ohio t v % V*W .e * * „ ^ * •» * * * ] J f ,,**»■ * m • Gentlemen:- ’ jt\ * > * \"s • v. ;' ”* 'Send me your price,Kat on rolls, records, player pianos t yKnd pianos and phonographs. m EDITOR FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ?0, im , WILSON THE GREAT. ' Probably no net of any public offi­ cial from Washington dawn to this data has so completely upset not only the government but the public mind, as the act of President Wilson towards the Secretary of State Lansing, paus­ ing hie withdrawal and resignation. It is hard to make one’s seif belove that a man of the supposed intellect of Hr, Wilson could resort to the little ness o f a ward politician. ■ The break is gelng to light much of the difference that exhisted afto^g high officials at jthe Paris Conference. The world knoWs little or nothing of t^phigh ideals off ip that secret gath­ ering., The public having lost confi­ dence as an official has a right to de­ mand at even thiB .late day the bar-' ing o f all acts in that famous confer­ ence. I f the President does notmak^ every act public, wo are sure ,.the f blie wilt approve of Mr. Lansing "exposing' supposed secrets.’ t • Ih soems thaVwe are jiving udder st strictly MWilsonian” "{government and not of one for -hnd by the people. FATHER; 'OF A 4 4 . 11 . HIS COUNTRY. As the twenty-second o f February approaches pur .columns would be in­ complete without a. reference to Geo, Washingtoif, -father o f ' his/ country;' hero o f the small boyj ideal of fond pfcfeht»,.j j«He h% b ^ A (M :up; a* a jnddel to mold the Uvea of more youngsters than eny bther* man in public Bfe. • ' f \ > 1 *’'" take,mariy of our greatest men, he had no middle name, "which Was ac­ counted lor. by a school boy as follows 'thete were no greater,mendn Amer- c* to be named after, and he Ush for foreigner* ' like Napoledn, -- ‘ * The cherry epi#de is an old, old sitory %iutJ>ye‘think it would he inadr disable for the boy of today to r y a simiiiar stunt, with theJideA that he nan put it.across as sucessfully 'as did' yoiing Washington. ’ * , : Now the - average ' youth euyies Washington his time and place o f birth.'- Down, in Virgin# deep in'the virgiin woodlands with Indians galore —*fi£phase foie the exercise * f h%dul­ ses vocitipna. and 0mW Of rtgutag Indians to' fight. ; / ' r** . „ H« pOSMsOd -«,:t*a5jt: whirii O h *-1***, «*& —12Tr35c tb i-2c '-iR/Trifc.. __ - i s c ; Abaws t* is our belief dent new not the real meaning of “ shirk.*, To know-* duty Was to be performed, heatoppednot until itwaa .done. Obstacles and adversity serv­ ed only as stimulants to achieve- h|iendt. 'And sometimes a™ inclined jto /believe that bis -devotion to duty and his ihyeterate love of useful work, gave hirth to the American idiom, “Let George, do it/?- \ , S p e c i a l P r i c e o n E v a p o r a t e d H i t t ; . I N F L U E N Z A 14c Smalt Sise Can ; __ ________ -5_>2’i n7c 24c ’ Eagle Brsnd Milk SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT per box_____ 12 J-2c LIMA BEANS SPECIAL, doitfcmiss these ____—.^ .^ llc RED KIDNEY BEANS PER P pU N D '-l^ l-:-.__________^ l „ 8 c MICHIGAN NAV BEANS PER POUND ________ PANCAKH FLOUR, ANY'BRAND, ’ 5 - 12 l*2c PRUNES BR P O U N D - 4 - —^, ________ ___ __ 22c PEACHES PER POUND*—*™____ - ___ _ * -......-1 ..2 3 c APRICOTS PER POUND _________________________ ________ 22c WHITE FISH PER POUND 12c per kit___ CREAMERY BUTTKH, BEST, FRESH CREAMERY-MADE PER OUND a___ __________________ ____ - __ -^.62c ’ -»iiii,'fcni.ii...iiiwtiiil.iiiiii.i ....... 'I'll .............. nil....'I (i I mj ....■111., WEWANT 50tt HEAD OF CHICKENS-^WILL GIVE 28c A POUND THEBLOOD Breaks Your Vitality—Leaves You' Helpless When Exposed to Other Geras ' ■ «■ x^-,- ’ ' . *•*i• these a ’ b dangerous DA ys If In Doubt About Yotir Blood^Take Pepto-Mangan, Fatness Red • - Blood Builder. FOR THEM. BRING THEM IN. KRAUT, SILVER THREAD, PER POUND Ac H.E. Schmidt &Co. & Detroit ISC, Ktrik, Ohio. % {} ■i ■ THEBkSt NOVEL mm u m A ttn - kb*P®* J$sJTUG# JEpM^KbJKs “ ERSKME DALE, piomR” « v JOHN FOX, JR. SCR IBNER ’ S M A G A Z I N E natesvmri - lE fiSTurnm . m Teuthach# Remedle*. / A good remedy for toothache InDev­ onshire, England, Is to .bite a tooth from a akointi the churchyard and keep it In the pocket always. In ! America, if you trim your anger nails i regularly on a Fridtty morning you i will never have the toothache. In Ire. i land, Christian pilgrims who visit the . holy well of Tubber Obnh on the last* *three Sundays in June, to worship St. G ush , are repaired to give an ottering |of Hair as a charm against ■Upossible dangers o f toothache Hi the future. ** get the best results it is necessary to go three times around a neighboring , tea* o» the hart kuees and then cut tiff , a lock of haD and tie If t** a branch at ftw trat. This tree, Hinged With kntflad hair, is * sight, hut, nevcrtlte- , ’ass, la mi ohjaet of tlen> '.cnersdna h => * •' • If you are just recovering from A fight with the ‘flat it will be wilt weeks before you’re really out of daiF' ger. ■■ Your Wood has exhausted its strength—rit is no condition to fight ott ether disease*germ* it mayy be exposed to. That is why doctors ad­ vise staying itawy from crowds is long impossible. You can help your blood get back its strength—its stability to fight off disease—by taking that splendid tonic Pepto-Mangan, * The famous blood builder'will yop. ply the iron and other properties yotir blood lacks and help*you. regain your old time vigoFand enthusiasm. Get Pepto-Mangan today. It may be had at any drug sfofe m either liquid or tablef form. Make your own bhoice as to liquid or tablet,They ate exactly thetsame iri medicinal value, Take which ever you prefer. But be sure you get the get the gen­ uine FeptoMangan, Ask for “GUdeV’ and be sure that the name is on the package.—(Advertisement) .. , ffltHESE BECOME SOCIAL PIONEERS - * - 'll ‘ " • ^ Mw trd W*mn FwmEM M- ~ l«w«ilp CU> Tf^tthw Und« Y.W.C.*.L m S w »W p , The Good Fellowship Club has made Ra appearance in society ig Hangchow, Shins., •r . ' It began with the desire-of a pro grossly* young ChJsese doctor lo five his corqpatrkks, especially the Chris­ tiana, some healthful form o f social In­ tercourse^ " | ’ ’ • • . Channels fop a good, dean, .aocigl life among Chinese people are very- limited, Until recently becoming a Christian oftso unesjatStnttlng oneself off from one's friends and relatives, algo from. feast days and feattrials.• ;As for Jointmeetlais of men and worn- cn-r-wMi, such a thfipgw*»Uever heard 'of,Jin decent'aoriaty. A . ,* - The young doctor*# plan o f'having i club where men and thalr wl^es might coma together to enjoy a good ’ time with each other Wap discouraged dud sniffed a t However, a few people agreed to be pioneers in the cause p f social Intercourse, and I , W, C. A, sec- retarles agreed to help mage the-cidb a success. ' At first the meetlpgi ^jf the. club were laugbod at by outSlders and the' Whole affair considered a Jokb,' How­ ever, the members kept on meeting; first at one houarand then at another. Soon,th* men got over the feeling of strangeness at starting ouf wltb their wives on Tuesday , evening sfor a ffiend'a home. Tlie Women began, to enjoy the outing and to take part In the dtecussionsT-an intelligent part. . too—much to the surprise o f tbclr hus- 'hands. * ‘ .* ’',\ r : r The membership grew. The club’s fame began to spread, At fl« l the,ills- cusstonaof the dub were conducted in English,' : 'Soott; it became necessary for them to be carried t0u In Ghlndse so’ that more of ths women could urn derstatid and take part, ,Many o f the .vscoffers began to apply for admission, The members began infiulging/n much friendly chafilng gnd occasionally for­ got their dignity to play Jpkes^on 'one ' unotheK’ 'Finally lit hecanie so large; that It had to be divided; into two see- - ttons, which met separately three Tuesdayavonlpg* ip the month and oh the fourth Tuesday met together forp Joint session, with a.spaclal program. Students Just returned from Ameri­ cah and German. coUegein ah old Bud­ dhist scholar who is particularly inter­ ested in the diJCutwlon on Buddhism and Christianity, merchants, railroad nhd gov#m»ent officials compose the m«n’s sid# of th* tooth, Ttw women arg still « bit m t about'talking th fropt o f so many people, but, many of theta show rigna of', grout ftxecntive ability and powa^of leadership. They or* aD’WvMpt^a^riegr thinking fntfi- V* j 'groat infi% -v1■ « # " *. 4 ' .■ -i. ■ V . . ' Why Freeze at the Curb and Tongue Lash the Motor?. Winter iafaujoue for dealing cold d<&ks* Don't ctjrse the -weather for car starting grief. And chattering teeth won't get you away. I d gasoline picking,- you're playing a loser. Changing your luck means changing the brand. The best buy right now is S Gaso line .__ . , 9 . , , < w. This extraordinary grade o f motor fuel is making cold engines every- rvha»:;i where turn over like a circus horse. Columbus s got 'em tamed It’s really good gasoline because it’ s good real gasoHne^the kina that makes all cars behave like fond parents say their children do/ Load up with Columbus today ifyouwant July car action in February. Columbus has high purpose habits, that are contagious to frapped „ automobiles. ^ " And.big winter mileages per gallon! You won't believe four quarts . ~ *of gasoline held so manymiles when, you first ps z [Columbus. But you’ ll soDD get traveling further on less. And you'll buy. nothingbut Columbus , like thousands of otljjer Buckeye'motorists. . . - COLUMBUS OIL COMPANY ’ ' , G o iu m b n s , O h i d ' p _ r *±’f3 1 ' ,* ,, . You can get Qolurpbus at, any of-lbes#good plates:; • ' Cedarpille, Ohio ' South Charlestoh, Ohio , f Jamestown* Ohio Cedarvilie Lime Co, Irwin Bros. * 3 . A. Brakefield K. A. Murdock Mrs. Wm. Hart v, Jenkins & Turnbull ' R. H. Edwards ' ”- •- ' -s.' " V ' . - 'X . / Robt. Bird Sons & Co. - * " :V 'm wepph rn MI1 m#vic*"i*6ri£, *utHKripti«>» B«to for to* onAkimi*, -cakb. tnakiiir, DP** fif otovM, baby di*t^ to* m*ut *od otoir toplex »ucb «« op* woald hear diactaaed by a group o f iVomwr gathOrad‘together any plac* in Amerl^. « • . . - • Thc aoclal part of th* ovenlng ia glvr en over to garnet, which at flrat aatound the aober Chfneao gentlemen, but which they take up with great seat after' toe' firat evening/ And their wivee enjoy it Jrntt «» greatly. ^ Rekl American picnic* *r* th® latest thing which the riub haa tried, and they are a great auccess. A Chrlstmai play i» being planned uow / l , ENGLISH1SC0HM0NT0NGUL Chlneee Olria Ceam It ta Talk to Ona 1 Ohinea«;*r«a»e* atudeut* In to* Tung rejCollege, Feklmr, China, pre obliged r'toleero EngUrihto-order ,to talk with .one aneth4r'becefip« of the different v'dialects used by th* student body, •* ’'Giria from the ’ extreme, western provinces of China,*-who attend toe, must remain in Peking during all of the «tght year# required for their high school and college train* Thg, because to retain each iuminer )would ragHire she weeks for the trip one wayvind wotttd oeet-more than a -trip tWfwertNi and return. "'Hlrls from e * ^ „of .-the western province# speak a different language end- they eenapt understand one am other aiyrmorg than they can toe girls from" nprttwni,* eoutkern, ggatem or central prsvtac*#. Hsnce, they have Adapted. English as * eemmou tongue Furniture Poflch, Furniture that is slightly scratched —aimoet any ft.rnHure, in net—looks 80 per Cent belter If tr«iu<d to a rub* king with llqu’d wax om>,. tn so often. One need pot use much or the wax or even exert a great deal or otrenglh in the rubbing and toe wax alimnd he the ordinary prepared liquid wax that comes In gallon cans for use on Juirri- wood floors. Once In two weeks or So go over toe mahogany tc.hlo.i and chair bncke, tlm piano, the big desk, the phonograph eafce and each article- irito-a flannel cloth on wldrii a utile o f to* Ikgald Wax has hoot poured. •- N e w toH oo t. for c h in a V. W. 0. A ieotlfee Naw*Ita for Glrtf Fhysloal Training goheel, A new home has been found for the Physical Trahttag School which toe Young Womeo's Christian Association has opened for native gifts In Shang­ hai, China. The school, white in the country, is not far distant from to t National Headquarters of the Y, W, 0. A. In Shanghai nor far from the local Y, W, 0. A, The ground* cover eighteen •‘mow/ which menmi approximately rix acres, and are divided by a private road, A foreign' residence already on the grounds will he used by the Ameri­ can teachers, white native buildings on. fimother side wtli furnish living quart *ers and classrooms for the 88 stu­ dents.1 The grounds boast n garden, tenuis courts and aa atotet’c field ’ Flytofl Fish. The flying flsh of the tropics, which Is between ter. and twelve Inches tong, is very tike th* herring, silvery nnd gray, files' or leaps through the nir rising and falling out of the oAi !>;# 1 200 Years o f Musical Instrument Making 1 , * ; - •*■' ''• ' We dare to’ use the superlative! > The Wurlitzer King ton Plav- ‘ er-Pian6 is the best on the mar- : 1ket forth ft sold*by' a modern merchandise , policy based on 'sound busi­ ness reasoning.* 1. It is sold at one price to everybody. 2. No one ever buys it for one penny less than you -can purchase it.. ' ' *■ v* r . 3. No commissions are qffered “ friends,” “ customers” or. social agents. It is sold for its qualities as a Piano and not as a “side line” for its purchaser.’ . 4. built by us—and as one of the largest manufacture ers of musical instruments in the world, we have based its price on quantity production instead of what we mightb'eable to get , „ - 5. We have no hesitancy in stating and easily *proving. that $ 100.00 more should be added to the price of the' Kingston to put it in its real class, if comparisons were actually made on a price basis. • <. _ g » « y T ertnaef Paymant Arn»n§#4 . * The RudolphWurlitzer Co. T h e W o r l d ’ * L * r g e » t M u » i c H o u * o SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. ' ‘ - 2 0 S o u t h F o u n t a in A v e n u e . » * « « , m . i . . . i mi , . » „ & . ■krjrta Fos coven WA Em Daylo seyerj Mrs Falrfii her sc- Jjavq ' Mrs Wednc Mrs day ft spent Jaw ai Sherm Mes. their v last T of the who < days ii LOST baker. ville. For conditi phone; A cfc list of opt fo; Sale. 1 ing 45 elves. t/ Harv er fan -days at been cc ’ BUC - «s) iri r - ~ wore : Prof. J '/HI.; is. is thou driys:-^. Miss her.sell been ca- - of her ? WAN out exp ChatleS Atone. C ■ ■ •iy.y-ij The j toust nl to/ toe i lecture L,Mars- ported i bureau, v; , WAN thirds < ■Inquire At a Tuesdaj scribed 'the $10< the neu the tow now as mentor C, H. Wednes his unc' years o' Jesse, is The fui the bod ceased 1 of Ross years ai f Mr. a a four . evening L. St. Dayton decorat ora an< persent and fai daligth chisom Roy S’ and W HOI! i First Overhead Trolley. Tim first practical overhead trolley line Was Wdtt In Kansas City iu 1884, In whieh double overhead conductor* were used with a trolley wheel Tiding on top of the wire. In 1885 a third- Means of wlngllke fins atlaelied to it* ,ln0 'w** instructed in Baltimore breast. Another familiar fish' thnt *n« t?l° Van de Poele aystem was In- glides or leap* lathe fiylhgguriuq, (i,:n ttot* takas short trips out of the water td glide through the air for 25 f<>*i stalled in Toronto, Canada, and the next year InHerimtott, Pa, Prior to this time experimental systems had no, then rests in the wider, and jump- been in use in Chicago, New York And •ftward again and again, with remark . Boston, qaiettrito#, and without tiring. Old Reliable Meat Market Where you can gat tha choicest cu ts o f Ssaf, Vsml, Fresh Pork or Smoked Meat*. S.E.WEIMER CitlRttiliHf - - ~ Oki* ..v-milirimimpis-yirrr- -n’ruffi _____ Wh pain unabh trim, naturi a gen seoto- vary ■ ly cm Yor- eut H that went, esuni to thr ■ make' tains - ef un •* tone ■ temm burns your 28c, deaet Fc ir id j