The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

'I Q . ' ' L i m jw» PoW»c SUc la T im r k r e l d t o k m w e * ’ l a r g e ittew iR m c * . '* *.* * T im f d v m t im w n t t h a t teH« f o e m w eh , * , •* »• .^wSSBBRI tOETf-rantD YEAR NO. 11. CTOARYILLE, 0H3* FRIDAY, MARCH 12,1930 PRIC®,*1.»A YEAR Hem’s Gam A n t s T a g * 3H» Bsrnld l» prepared to *for« -the msm«l borse-power rating and the **w»*d to* e a to r tb# n*w Res*## few for automobiles end. track*. The R * 5* *«epRa4 from the oflkiai m p*#1% R » MW* aW w w n i most a t #*9 earn used in this Motion: - 4 & » 4 cyl. 91A Ik p -------- $8.00 A»*ric*n Beauty 6 cyl 25.S h p$12.00 Appwsen ,«-*» «8J* p -------- ..fiK iO Ammwt n ? « 5 i — L - ^ n s - w 2 ™ * 4 cyl 1« h p ----- 8,00 * « * * 4 *yi - ™ „ — — *— te.oo - feme $ ml OadUJnc 4 o r 8 cyl ----- $12.00 Chevrolet 4 cyl — ----------.98.00 OmwoWi 8 «yl --------------^$20.00 .dfoafomrs 1914, 6 cyl — „_._92O.0O Chalmers 1015 8 c y l __ *___ $12.00 <*■*«*« ljRfi -------------- $8.00 Chilmaw -.1917-----— . $10:00 Cbalmewi’lS-’lO — j _ , _____ $12.00 All Chandlers,--------- i __ — $12.00 Cleveland $$.00 ■cole 10 m — -------._ _ ...L $ i0 .o 6 ©ftdge Li.$S.oo H m m -« - a . ,— . — --_.-_^.$i2.oo E lg in .----- -----------------------------$8.oo .*&«»*' *.----, ----- , - . ^ i . . r .$8.0O ;E*sex £ * 8 - _ w^ w ^ fc$8,00 Franklin----- ------ -------- -$12.00 G**»t — „.-_..$8.00 Hudson ’16’-1920 $10,00 Interstate „„.$8 .00 SParmoii *— __ $12 j OQ $0,oo. Mtchell— -------*.----- -----------$12.00 ----- $12,00 Oakland 6 cyl — *,.*— $8.00 ♦# » « cyl ---------------------------_$8.00 Olds 8 cyl 45B --------_ ii_— -$12.00 Olds 8 122,0-------__^i_„._t»T,.$20.00 Overland (except '16 $8) „ _ $ 1 3 ,0O Packard 12 cyl _____________ $2000 Packard 8 cyl -—. - — $ 20.00 ‘HCrce’'A rrow .—— Seo A .cy l.-w ---r^^^ --v ,—'•'«-$J2,O0 0,1920 6 cyl — 1 _ -— -$8,00 m i- 4 adebaker « p ‘^Vi^i--L.i$8.00^ 6 cyl — ------ -L$12.00 •SNa»i*kwe 8 * « > L — — — $20.00 j.--— - . ^818^0 A L L P I F F L E A S U S U A L Our attention hasbeen called to an article in the Xeqla Gaxette Tuesday eyenkif that boast* about * ’'scoop” over a Payton pa­ per. The people here-have been fed stale new* so long by the Ga­ zette that public comment on tha boast is nothing more than rid­ icule. - - . ■ • "-* in tha flr*t place the Ga**tte ha* no wire service, if it had i t would carry tike name of the Associated Press o r United Press. The Gazette’* wire service is nothing more than a carbon copy of a service thru the Daytona Herald th a t arrive* in Xenia by .trac­ tion. A* the trolly wire supply*power for the we ' suppose Little dames feels a t liberty to claim w ire service. The only other service it can., boast is the bo* of daily page plate from (Mumbus, the Enquirer, a pair of shears, s pot of paste and a brush. - Locally the people have read Saturdaynight’e news Monday night, Tuesday night Wednesday night, etc. For the benefit of the Friday • advertiser in Xenia, his ad must be read on Saturday night, we suppose fo r Sunday buying. ■ - ..■■.■■■- _ .. . . , s‘ .■- - ••.!. ,.-• . *r*- w ._• ■■■<■.■!■■■. . . • ~i ■ ■ ' ; i*•'.■•', •',■.■.•L .•■,:.■•1 •'•■_, i' •••„■ .■■■.•.■?■■■:■;■ .• *, . The Gazette's wire service is all piffle and most' people know i t -without us having to repeat it. Powder Sickness Jake Pemberton a charging mill and Go the life of *y for when el mill of the powder mill HUw sg-abou t nine o - HIGH SCHOOL NOTES, r: FARMANDHELD NOTES The Cedarvffie High School Girls’ team added one more Scalp to their string when they defeated, th e An­ tioch Academy. Girls Saturday night by a, score of 28-10. This is the la s t game that will be played before 'the tournament. . '' .( . '' Vi'% ♦ , . tlMl ’ , Last,F riday aightia games.endfed wi^h a victory and a defeat fo r Junior High. The Rosa twp. Girls won the primafcy game with a score of 13-8, while the Cedarville Eoysmadb Up fo r the defeat hy a Score o f 14-8, ’ / ^ T \ i# ~ , ,* Miss Bertha TownSley is sick with tonsolijds and is upable to teach. - - >V ' •, r ' •, * . * . ■■• . • * Miss Florence Somers entertained the H igh School teachers a t a seven ‘ o’clock dinner in Dayton Moriday even bag^ a fte r ’which they Attended1th e Victory theatre, and enjoyed Shake­ speare’s play;. “ Twelfth Nightj* ■ - ' 1 . On Friday and’ Saturday of this week, th e Sixth annual Basket ball bait tournement will be held in Kelly Hall a t Antioch GoUege, The follow­ ing teams Khv# .been entered: Yet- tow, F l in g s , Xmda, Osbon^ •TewrtSley and Ritenour shipped four cars of hogs' and ope o f cattle on Wednesday, , -> Estamates fo r the State Department of Agriculture show’ th a t, 4,COO,000 acres of fcilable land in Texas Will'be idle t ¥ s seaaon because of the short­ age of farm labor, coupled with the excessive rains, which have Jcept fan- mers from the fields. ,, The wet fail and cold wp ter brings to attention o f the farmer the lesson of testing'the iefid corn Isa had to be done a few years ago. The ' soil box, the-sawdust b o x ,o r r a g doll are the most suitable methods. A n advice on treating seed oats fo r ^mu t is to use, dry formaldehyde 'most eases will eliminate th>B trouble. One pint o f formaldehyde' is, mixed ip a oUsrt of water , in a sprayer, The grain i! Pleaded and piled oh the fldpr o f the barn,whole one man shovelst from the pile to an- p>ther the jkcon4^ph\.4$mays; -ffbep; all the grahi has. .treated cbTOr .w ithA ^ d k um .m O ^ ^ J ^ .'i^ or' clock, where be copipauiona wore The shock was: and then* was in Goes and Ye cause has not probbaly never will two houses other employees: John Bauser of Yd fifteen yeank as Mehaffey of ■ people here ran ihqnMng what, t h e j bu t it- was not ‘ of smoke in the people were conv powder mill; - * * ** , The explosion isv th e worst a t th years. Antioch sufferer from understand i t .the such loss good, 8) * Jake -Fsmbertmf^ been. employed. a t J not report fpr wo" ing-to-sickness, p a rt of .the plant j| have .lost his life " work that morai: two- of his 'mUeaaromvd -glass Springs The explained and known a s the ishsd. Two vwe uninjured. Springs, for and Tom their lives Into tpe street' report, was the cloud r •of. Goes .that ‘•It- Was a t the to have been L dirireral wa* a heavy b u t a s we. mymakCfl 111 .i 'S; » , . , this place bas mills but'did; Wednesday Ow- ‘worked in th a t u u p he might, ^’reported f o r C O H N a t> A £ i " . ‘EG* ' Council-met cess session and providing for m«r, iStreet oiling p est things fo r thejg ns well as property^ to use. We cannot' out itr - OILING. rening ’in<re- ordinandi Ems '|Wa;»ttm|. me of the great- :tion of health it has come In­ to' be.-w ith l % ' * RACKfiF^ ■i'Ghme1 th e Herli^] 3f%afe-thaC' w a ik m ii l4to # a n a-; JC|L.„. *V.L - ’' » \ •. i t known last to order side* # toam, no „ ... have ,xsk - ^ ’age .togia- & u S m A O H I O N E W S IN B R IE F Mrs. DentonArmstrong, West Mans« field, was fatally burned and her two children perished when a gasoline blew torch exploded la per home. Four New York Central employes and a farmer were arrested a t Youngs- town, ofearged with the theft- of thou­ sands of dollars’ wor ’i of good,a f.'om exi .es* sad freight t^ipwenta. Edward Nistler and, to of hi* chib dfOii, the oldest of wh ip is 1$, were' injured when they jumped from the aecdrd. story of their home a t Hamil­ ton when the building burned. ■Mrs, Nistler, holding .her S-monthe-old baby, refused to jump and was seri­ ously burned before being rescued, Youngstown 'policeu&.t have asked an increase’lh salaries of$50*mbnth. The' present minimum ‘in the police department Is $150 a mouth* William Rimtro, an aged negro, Was burped to death at his hemp in Jackson. -• ? J. P. Breunau, auditor for the state , board of. agriesdi uro, is contemplating Initiating a lav ro compel retailers to mark cost price on air goodi^-hh .said. R would do more than anything rise to .curb profiteering, he said, 1 Spreader plant o f . the Owen Tire and Bobber company a t ’Bedford,'near CieveiSbd,- was 'destroyed'sb r the;»x-;: plosion, of a car of benzine and six tanks .of gasoline.. Damage, is esti- hiaetd a t $180^000, ‘ - ' Lee Wright,, 23, Bast ^Liverpool, fow mpr service man* shot and killed May Powell, 21, who,'jilted him,.and then, kjUed himself, " • Mrs. ,Edward Gorinan, 30, wad crushed to-death under, an Akron streetcar 'after throwing her babyJ from h e r arms to safety. ................... Pietro LVarelh wa*! found guilty <A first degree murder at, Akron for khh lug g poHcein^n. Thp' jury reoom- mended .mercy. "... Fire destroyed the community bouse a t Gamp Gherman, A privatp pariBhed.. Whitney T. Alexander,,prominent to buslncto clrcle* " I p ' Toledo, Vho* killed .Frank Adams In #a cafe, was cleared .Of blame in the .coroner’* re­ port. Alexander Is declared to have' shot lb'self-defense;1 * ’ • ' • W, A. Pittinger, .57; termer depart­ mental commander of the Ohio G. A. R. and fomm* .'newspaper. adltoF »ud| publisher, died a t hia hopie In Dcnni- SO*i. •;/ H t ' •}’< Rfisy HfckesOn, 50, unble of David Rlchwon, -who was cremated; 4when bto homa. a t Coshocton burned Co the 'grot&d, ponf*88«d to Sheriff CulHeon KS.^X.jeuA rU- .... ^ - ■ ' ' - MOST MEN expect to leave their dear one*wcUprovidcd for tome <ky. Stop and think whatmay Imppcn to yours, if you have not started to lay aside something for their future needs. Do it now-~TO-DAY. Let us h«lp you.. For your convenimsce we nuuntain a savingt Depart* ment, you may deposit each week* or month, in any amount, commencing at once. .Interest being compounded every six months. ‘ ^ \ * ^' J 4 ^ .Paid on Savings and Time Deposits - ? |Cedarville, Ohio Resources over Half Million Dollars. U.»S. Liberty fitonds ■ , bought and sold. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT / .1 % 1* • *A-T* •vfl’A*-'*1 $1 The Breath Ift 1 i BY COLLEGE. i -4 * ^SEba, Payton Com«rette9,,a ladias* basket ball team &ota :th e C. E. ,Gom«r ManutocturifiF Co., Dayton played the College 'Girl* last Thurs­ day evening and lost by a score of 24-$ The bpy.8 won their game* from Ftodlay by a score of-44-25, Mr. C^E. Come; accompanied his, team and was so much impraised with the college the athletic teams, th a t he presented Prof. F* A . Jttrkat $20 to gp'toto .the athletic fund. Each y ea r more and more people .within, a comparative Jiho rt distance' of Cedarville are find­ ing out the kind of a college that is within reach of thousands of, people. THE NEW HOTEL LAW. * All hotels and restaurants in every .and village must obtain a license oh or before May first to' do business in Ohio, The Sparks hotel law Will be enforced by .the state fire marshal. The fees are as follows: .Fo r dining room and restaurant combined, or hotel without a res­ taurant, containing less ’ than 18 sleeping rooms, $5: fo r all hotels containing .over 15 * rooms and less th an 50 sleeping rooms, $10; fo r all hotels containing over 50 and lees than. 200 sleeping rooms $15; fo r all hotels containing over 200 rooms and less than-400 sleeping rooms; $20 fo r mote than 400 rooms $25. Where no hotel license is granted and where the restaurant is separate from the management of the hotel and has .a seating capacity of less than 25 per­ sons tbe annual fee is $3, and fo r reastumftts Seating 25 o r mote per. sons, $5. The new law is expected to raise between $20,000 and $50,000 $ year zetentw ***• state. LABORERS NEEDED. The coming of the spring and gum mer season to causing great activity in toe mumps bf to e Miami Conser­ vancy Dtetrtet a t Dayton, 0 . wrehe the greet flood control dams of the Miami Valley are being constructed. There sdready is a demanAfer 500 ad­ ditional k toom s who a re bring paid a wage o f hot lese than $8.00 fo r a-10 bea r day. The men live In model m r n With toe advantages o f mod am ctmrmdmm, such to ewririd light*, bath*, running water, sanitary sewerage, ate., with beard of toe fin- m i quality* Mm should apply toady fo r work o r write The Miami Center. m m D&ritet, J t t t m m and H e w toeftfclh*., E*yto«» ' ARBOR DAY A i m *. by Arbor Day w » be M w * April t to ll year, b to fe t heatt. t o to^ w l ad mtor &m to a m e m pe ria* , He hew arited to to e to toarge iris to m m m totoW: m - tm m f J * ! S L t ? <Mtovfi|e tod-R tos to to e gteto‘to&«: torn. The CedarviHe Boy’s team will not enter jthe toUtoey flue year be* :ause of an insufficient number of players,'The Girls* team however will appear to new .suits and high spirits And will tr y to'make jtbfogs interest­ ing “fo r their opponents, ■ ■ f r a n k l in c o u n ty bu c k s . WAare t o receipt o f a-copy of res- Stations passed by the various hoards of trustees and mayors o f'toe viltegee in Franklin, county asking th a t the Eugbeg county Health repealed xnd the auditmsof that county w a s instructed to send a copy to / every auditor to t o e state. The original a - mount asked f q r t o th a t county was $9,000 hut the sum was regarded as excessive and useless and' was reduced to $2,200. the sum th a t heretofore has been sa t fo r protecting the health of Ftonklin County* - * OT, FATBICK’S d a y p r o g r a m A special program has been ar­ ranged^ fo r 3 t Patrick’s day, March 15, Monday a t {the college. Significance of S t Patricks Day b y Miss Bemaid. Solo Mr* Markle. * Irish Legend, Mr. Clark. Religion of Ireland, Mr. Nelson* Irish Medley,'Miss Cnllough. .Irish Reading, lliia Greer. Orange and Blue Journal, Mias Lyle A Trip to Ireland, Mr, Diiiican. Stringed Orchestra, Irish Sketch directed by Miss Marsh and Mr. Ewbank. MEAT WAS SMOKED ALLEIGHT. The fire department was .called out Tuesday afternoon when fire was dis­ covered to the smpkehouswat the rear of the Wrimer meat store. I t is sup­ posed that a piece of meat fell from the hook above and dropped into the fire Which caused a blase and not only smoked the other meat but came near cooking it. The roo t of .the building took fire and it. was necessary to use some water to save the building. The meat belonged to a number of dif­ ferent people who had butchered and were having the meat smoked; M l Flynn -i*f writing about Miami, Florida, sayk a s high as ntoty. busheto of com has- been raised on the Everglade land to th a t state yet most, all the *com to shipped in s s ifc does not pay to raise it, Celery froni an acre of th a t land brings from $2,500 an $3,000 an ’acre- . * r - „ •* ■ . <;* '| A jitney driver1about Miami owns five acres of land a t the edge of the city* He has six Jersey cows and 200 chickens. One were of the patch to planted in a grass th a t grows from 6 to 7 feet high and Is c a t several times each year and produces -enough feed fo r this herd during the year. He hUyes his grain but that- is all. The cows net him about $125 a month the, year round while the chickens are good f o r $5 o r $6 a day as. eggs sell around ntoty cents per ' dozen. This mail’s wife cares for the cows and the chickens while he drives the jitney tha t uets him another $100 a month* • ■■*■ * . * Monday and Tuesday were red-let­ ter days fo r Yoder Bros, in th a t a car of Moline tractors were unloaded and delivered* This is the largest ship­ ment of tractors" th a t ever came to te the community and speaks well for, the standing of this firm. Seven trac ­ tors were sold all having gang plows and cultivators except one.Those who made purchases were' Albert Andrew, Wm* Anderson,. John 'Shane, Mr*. Ardella Cross, Albert Bwaby, George Hammond, and John Kyle. An ex­ pert from the factory Was here to erect the machines and demonstrate. The lateness o f the spring to going to make the- tractor a very valuable farm machine especially this year. HAS NG INSURANCE. R, A. Murdock to going about by the aid of crutches due to the fac t th a t one H$nry acted up to an unUaual manner and injured his righ t leg While attempting to fcrahk it, Crutch «s are required to assist to locomo motion not to acquire the benefits of accident insurance, having no policy to <over such damage. ABOUT THE CHAUTAUQUA, I t to some time until the Chautauqua will be staged but people will be in­ terested to know th a t the doit-Alber Co. toss engaged the famous Italian band under the direction of Omere Cwrtellucri, a noted band leader. Two talk programs will be given both a f­ ternoon and night to which many novel feature# wilt appear, ,lin f,',„r I :• A NEW BUS L INE Tha new auto but toe hkves Xenia for Cedarville a t 0 a. m, and 8 p. tm Leave* Codarfttle to r X au to a t 10 a* w , **d 4 p .m . Weekday* « d y . BONDS ARE REISSUED* Liberty bond holders tha t have clip pad all the coupons 9off the first, second or third issues can torn in their bonds to tha banks, and have them sent to the government to «* change to r other bonds that will h ive coupons* * PUBLIC SALE! The brick School house located to District No, 2, known as the White- law Reid school house, will be offered for sale on Saturday, March 18th 1020, a t 2 o’clock P, M. ea the schoo premises*: - ‘ . - ■ By order of the Board of Education of Cedarville TbWnahlp School Dis­ trict* - . Andrew laskiieo, d a r k . ----------------- _ J P W „ to# •$ k fl9$§ f a m : oatmot *Hord to have « f harimg M^ widto * ^ vte are*mn» they will be repaired jurir'. as .soon 4* the Weather will permit. -v T,-rtu—‘’rr“-Tj-^-r-r t ;,■■- FAIRBANKS FDR GOV^lNOR. -We are impressed with the jro - g rtea of the campaign of N* W. Fair- tongs- of Springfield as a candidate to r the Republican nominatipn for governor. Having no personal ac­ quaintance with Springfield’s leading. cRtoen ye t we know of him through through ha success a s a business man and the high regard to Which’h e is told by Ms home people. He is just the sort of a man to r governor for i f there ever Was a time.that, a hard- headed business «um was needed to r governor i t is now* We would like to see Greerte county solid for Fairbanks, a t the coming primary. * ' ' - ' ■ Ia'lienil I*r.wini>a»..armS ifHlfnf THEIR WEEKLY LETTER, We are to receipt of a letter from Mrs. D. N. Tarbox of Ziott Gity, HI.,’ who left here two years ago to make her home with her hatband to that city. Mrs. Tarbox says the Herald is a weekly letter and always the first piece of mail opened and read.' Zion Gity Had i t ’s first rain March 3rd Since Thanksgiving, during which time the ground has been covered with snow* The letter continues “Zion City is a city of peace and plenty fo r every ‘one that will do righ t and a terror to them th a t Will do wrong,” GOVERNMENT MUST REFUND Under a U. 0* Supreme Court de cision the government must refund several million dollat* to stockholders to corporattioHs that were forced to pay income tax to 1016 wherein stock dividends were issued. Block distribu­ tions are hot dividends as there is no Sepetation of corporation assets.-- BELMA CHURCH DINNER* The Selma M< E, church will have a dinner Saturday, March 20 a t the Selma jschool building*'The dinner is a t 12 M io be followed by a program Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Wyant, district superintendent are to speak. Mr. I*. G* Titus also will speak and Mr. G* F* Siegicr has promised to slug* A good time is expected, MISSIONARY ADDRESS. In the Union service next Sabbath evening a t the U« F, church, Rev. J. R. White will give an address in mis sionary work to Egypt, This address Will be ilhnrtrsjted bji about fifty Sterotoptfcon vtowi of MimdOnaxy Work to f t* Valley o f too Nile* Au a t Ration -tie ite a tor, deiofitie to the Democratic national convention* Tuscarawas- bounty church repre* sSntativts plan to form an organiza­ tion to carry out plans o f'the inter­ church movement, , Contributions to Ursuttoe convent ab'Ybuugstown now total $iiS,235,; .Sandusky dealers, report tha supply o f ftosen fish, for the Lenten season -nearly exhausted with- no means of replenishing it„* - Fruit buds have-not been damaged by cold weather,^ John A, Sutton, -cus­ todian o f northwestern Ohio experl-, meat station, Findlay, announced. Frank' Brooks,' Middleport railroad matf. Was Shot 4nd kl]led following a quarrel. -Hit wife hae been arrested. • Alliance'Church'people gave Rev. E. c. Miller, eyftngelAt; $3,568 at the close of a fire week#’ revival. Citizen Gas and Electric company a*kt for a 48^«nt ra le from Lorain consumers. Council ha# offered the company 40 cents. James Gocherman, 07* was'.found dead to hia home in Hillsboro. He Is though to have been toad since Thanksgiving last year, Gocheraatt is said to have been Wealthy. -Mrs. Lewis C. Minks, .52* Toledo* was killed when she was crushed to an elevator to Flower hospital,.To­ ledo. Bhe had undergone an opera*, tion two minutes before the accident. Despondent over protracted illness, John B. Osborn, 5i, farmer of Frank* Jin county, shot and killed himself on his farm. • - James Monroe, 3L Akrott rubber worker,- shot and .killed' hi# wife, 25,, and then hhot himself to death, in th* home of her mother a t Cuyahoga Falls. The-houple'had quarreled* A bond Issue of $10,000,000 tor tha purchase of the Cleveland Telephone company:will *he submitted ftr the vote of the .people of Cleveland, ac­ cording to a resolution adopted ’ey the oommon coupcil, Frank Vldmar, an ax-soldier; ended his life In a 20foot leap from th* fourth story of a Cleveland building. His wife was arranging td mie tor fib torce. , >• , * *- Thieves stoteH.OOo worth of liquor from the home Of James Pliliod at Toledo. , ’ * Youngstown banks have .increased interest ta ts on loans to 7 per cent. Cora A. Bwato, suing tor divorce a t Alliance, eiatow het ‘husband, James JB, Swain, threw a large potato at her. Public funerals were'placed under the ban a t Renton to check lnfluensn and smallpox bpidetotes* Toledo will fight Ohio Stats Tele­ phone company to its proposal to to- crease rates. Lancaster has adopted eastern time between first Sunday to April and first Sunday to October* Dr, J, H. Ellis was elected Logan county health commissioner at $4,000 'salary, . , . • Heavy ice Witt prevent coal boats operating on Lake Eria before May l. jury a t Lancaster returned a ver* ' diet of not guilty to the ease of W, R, Roger#, Toledo comtbttman, tried on the (marges of robbing th* Plsasaab vllle bank and having Stole* b * 4 a to Beam. ■ Drown Russia. Calf DlUcher Oxford, long „ ’ nknfow.toe. Imitation ,tiP* Cuban heel* fit* ' ^the Srbh, and does not slip a t the heel, ' An unusually attractive style, Twelve Dollars the pair. Spring: days are just around the corner —when you will want your oxfords. _ You can wear these oxfords now, eith- er with or without spats. They are especially designed for early Spring rwear. The blucher pattern- makes them just a little different, the. g en - . uine Goodyear welt sole and solid leather heel insure dependable service and lasting shapeliness. . . O th e r Low Shoes F rom Sjbt t o F ifte en Dolhtes 9 t* T H E ttm jigti IN THE ARCADE iFmvesflQES , iPRINGFIELD, 6. The Northup Poultry Farm and Hatchery B r f W a a e l l ’ y o u b a b y c h i c k * o f a t f t n d R r d v a r i e t i e s . W e h a t c h y o u r e g g s f o r y o u . W e i e l t y o u t h e f a m o u s B u c k e y e I n c u b a t o r s a n d Brooders - GET YOUR ORDERS IN EARLY C. L. NORTHUP Bril Phone GHfton Exchanftd R , f . 0 . N o . I Yellow SprtoR*, Ohio i TRY OUR JOB PRINTING