The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

Multi ffiilitfi IMS IKKKTOfflAAIDS NATURE'SMJHC AdEY JOINTS JThmfral* M id mU throb aad tact*, The* tire^ thing to do 3 gfvs ykit ' # 4R* *VM 1U M CkQ^IYaiK. U 'l" <.Lfl-B' IB ------ J« 5»Hp« « i y*w*slf rattef with * nrnm ******* of Houston!*. This t*otiinr U»i«wMit psnetr*te* to the *e*y mum # of the treabls *xd quisle- . W jg & m i w*w? pilnu Tgjr hoa* should *er*r be with- w t HoMtoste, th* wonderful remsdy h acre then ns ordiuwy «nl- Hwwitwito. , redeye#,get by •oeatep ipritetiwi but by penetration te the ware# of pew i* a way that rnhMi relief permeaegt. *It «l«o eon- g tetai special antiseptic ingredients unusually healing qu^liti** found kteother liniment, end i# the safest pmedy you can use on cute, hrefis**, burn*,-*e*ld* andaH sore spot*. Aik yonr druggist for -House-tone-e-ah (The Original Jones* liniment) with .Dr. Jones’ picture on the yellow label. *5c, 50c and fl.00. The Dr, J, C Joaoa Go,, So. Charleston; 0. For Snie by C. M. Ridgway and A . E. Richards, Druggists CHURCH SEEVICES Covenanter Church, Xenia Mo., ReV, R, S, McElhinney, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9:80 A. M, Preaching Service at 10:30 A. M. MVE, .Church KeV. V. %, Busier, Pastor Sunday school at 9:30. G. H. Hart­ man, Supt, Preaching at 10:80 a. W. Epwortb League at 6:00. You are invited to ail of these ser­ vices. I mmv** vierstif mnmimm SUfMSdTO L esson tBy**BV . P. B. FmW AXBR , D. D„ Teacher of giistiali Bible In the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) ^OwyJrtlbt-1**1. W»st**io Newspaper Unio»> LESSON FOR MARCH 21 SOW'S THIS? offer One Hundred Dollare lte- for any ease of Catarrh thifc * he cured by HalVs Catarrh Medicine. • Sail’s Catfirrfi Medicine has been talBen by catarrh' sufferers for the pest thirty-five years, and has be* ■coma known as the most reliable rem­ edy for Catarrh, . Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru thisJBtocfd ott the *Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poison, frem the Bipod and healing the dis­ eased portions. , , ■ After you have taken Hall's Ca­ tarrh Medicine, for a short time you ..wilt see a great improvement in year Jgenera! health. Start taking Halps Catarrh Medicine at once and,get rid •cdf catarrh," jSend ' for testbnoinalfi, •'free, J. /.;< > • ,: F. £ CHENEY * Co., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. What theKaiser Told Roosevelt THE, FO IL ACCOUNT oi Roosevelt's reception at the various courts of Europe, de­ scribing intimately his remark­ ableinterviews with theKaiser, ' Sre t^old in Roosevelt’ s own words exclusivelyin . t & o m ® w u w s M A G A Z I N E At >6Ur dealers or send $I.W npw to SCRIBNER'S MAGA­ ZINE, New Tfwjp. City, *lor IttoSAItt’SOwafatten AUCTIONEER T E R M S V E R T : R E A SO N A B LE . Satisfaction Guaranteed or n o Pay ^Parties wanting two auctioneer* I am in position to supply the extra man with unlimited ex­ perience, . ■ " * ' PHONE 2-120 Gedarville, ‘ - O h io , ititiiatwr-tet.i'usSM'i'd1'**** EYES ^Examined Correctly Glasses Fitted. AT MODERATE PRICES TIFFANY’S Optical Departn)“nt ■ Optn Evenings by Appointment um iJJeo VRM wMN i^ h t ^ u i o r n i n t * * " * ...... .... t „ e e p V b u r E y e s ■Cl<ab4!3ilrii ** C5icitu» t* Wril« ft Fn# CyVCar*Booh DR. O. r. RWAS BRHTB8T I n i i a g i RAalt Bfcigi B. ttesestesssafs PRESSING SHOP OhHmtiigt t»yi«f and Repairing. Wdrk Called fat1and Delivered, H. WATSON, m m ^ rn& m m % V, P, Church Sorvices. 5Rev. John P«White, Pastor Sabbath School at 9:30. Preaching at 10:80 Y. P, C. U, at O' P. M, Wednesday Eyenipg Prayer meet­ ing at 7:00 P. M, . A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these services. It, P. Church Rev. W. P. Harriman, Pastor Sabbath- School at 9:30 Preaching at 10:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 6 P. M, Wedhesday evening prayer meet­ ing at 7 P. M. JOHN'S PICTURE P IN HEAVEN. WORSHIP ‘ Clifton V. P, Church Rev.'E. G. McGibben, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9;S0. W. R. Col­ lins, Supt. ( Preaching at 10;30 , Y. p. Cj. tJ, at. 6:30. A cordial and urgent >invitation is hereby extended to all to attend these services. . , ’/Come then with ns iand we will do thee; good; for Jehovah hath spoken good concerning Israel.” Hum. 10:29. Rev1. Wm. T. McKinney, Pastor. Sabbath School at 9;30 a. m. Fred Stewart, Supt. 1' Preaching at 10:30 a. m. , ■Teachers’ Meeting Saturday at 7. Christian Endeavor at 3 p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ■If you have no church home come with us. ' Petroleum "Holy’.Pire.” Fli'St efforts at obtaining petrolemu In the United States were confined to collecting oil fr(fm surface *springs. Thus, in the spring o f 1858 nine bar­ rels were, obtained In western Penn­ sylvania and were sold for $275,19. Co), E, n, Drake sunk the first real oil well at Titusville. Pa, During the • first four months the well produced 2,000 barrels, which sold readily at $20 per barrel. The temples of Jupiter burned petroleum from Sicily before the beginning of the Christian ora, While petroleum from' the, Caspian sea deposit® about J^ktxi-h^3m*h. source of the "finely fife”' burned to? centuries in the temples of India. Missionaries mentioned the' ,famous petroleum spring at Cuba, N. Y* near­ ly 300 years ago, and the oil was sold ap medicine down to the time of the discovery of the process of refining the crude oil so that illuminating oil •could be obtained from It. ’ Treating a Felon, , When Dr. Douglas H. Stewart want=s to abort a felon oi’ whitlow, he pain© it with a solution made by putting one grain .of calomel into- two, dunces each o f Iodine,,, glycerin and alcchol. Then fie bandages It In h salve containing etiunl parts of belladonna and glyctjrh turn acldl tnnnlcl. He ‘splints the fin­ ger as' If itrwere fractured. Tfils treat­ ment he describes In the Western Med icaLTimes. He goes on to tell how he dissects out a felon under local, anes1 thesis, even going right through the bone in order to drain the medullary cahity. His method Is that of nerve blocking. One way is to paint two rings around the finger, one with a so­ lution of novocalne, the other with 'qui­ nine and urCa hydrochloride and to ln- ject the same solutions In two areas around the spot where the cutting Is to he done. Our Human Weaknesses. I wouldn’t give three whoops for a man whose heart did not heat faster, whose eyes did. not take fire, and whose spirit did not swell—who Would not be moved to laughter or to tears by the voices of birds and children, by a song from the heart, by a wom­ an’s heart, by a woman’s pleading, by hoble oratory or noble acting, by any human action through which the spirit In one speaks to the spirit in others. Our human weaknesses are often the secret, of our salvation. So, loving life, I have always been Impressed by the emotions Of youthful, exuberant life which bring cheers, laughter and tears, end without shame in any of them.—Hon. Joseph G. Cannon' in Har­ per’s Magnzifif* Impressive FoterKate*. In no country in the world will on* find a more garish dl&piny In the way o f dress than In India Both men and women of the hfgheet rank pre­ sent the moat gorgeous .appearance when they are “all dolled ufr.” Mag­ nificent Jewels are wofn and no royal ruler In other lands can show more magnificent p(nr|s than are worn by some of the 'potentates of India. Tim high and mighty of flic iand present a fearful atid wonderful appearauch on state occasions, and it is worth going far to be ipresent on an occasion of this kind, Tim# Measursd by candles. The Chinese, besides using Water docks, also Invented Joss-sticks, which burned uniformly. The J0«s-stick Is somewhat similar to What good old King Alfred 6f England is said to have used way back in the eight hun­ dreds. He was a great educator, and discovered that tallow candies could be used for dividing tbs Time which he allowed his nobles in which to make eomplaints against eaefc ethfeh, WESSON TEXT—Rev. 7:»-l7. GOI/DEN TEXT-Bleaslrt*, end story, xuUwisdom, and Umnksglvingr, and honor, and power, and might be unto our Go<l for ever andt ever. Amen.—Rev. 7:J2. PB IltARy TOPIC — The Heavenly Home. JUNIOR TOPIC.—A Glimpse of Heaven, f INTERMEDIATEAND senior topic —A Vision ol the Glorious Future. YOUNG PEOPW3 AND ADULTTOPIC —Permanent Message ol tho Book oC Revelation. , I. The Worshiper* (vv. 9-14). 1. "Who they are (vv. .(*, 11). (1) Redeemedmen (v, 9), They aremnln- ly Gentiles—‘‘of all nations, anti kindreds, and people, and tongues.” They are those to whom the ’’gospel of the kingdom” 1ms been preached by converted Israelites (Matt. 24:14). In the first part of chapter seven we iSaiv God sealing, his chosen ones from •Israel. They were sealed with the seal of God In their foreheads, which 'doubtless means the supernatural en­ dowment of the Holy -Spirit on the last days (Joel 2:28-32). While this was partially fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, Its larger realisation Is still future (Acts 2;15-21), Tills out­ pouring is for the equipment of the Jews for their divinely ordained rpte" sion, namely, to. preach the gospel of the kingdom to the whole world. When God sends forth the 144,000 .Jews with the auction of tho Holy Spirit; the innumerable multitude from all nations n'lll receive Christ, the slrttn Band), for their redemption. (2) All tiie angels (v, 31), These angels Indorse this’ ascription of praise offered by these redeemed men by saying ’’Amen,” Z Whence came these redeemed? (vv, 13, 14). They came out of the great tribulation (v. 14). After tho rapture of the Church (I Thess. 4:13- ‘18), awful days of suffering and trial shall come upon the world. (II Thess. 2:7, 8). It Is the time of sorrpw •when the nntl-CliriSt shall hold sway; such days as were not before norshall be after, inwhich If notshort­ ened no flesh could be saved (Matt. 24:15, 21, 22; cf. Dan. 7:8; 9:26. 27). 3. What they say (Vy, 10, 12). (1) ; Salvation to our Hod and the Dumb (v, 10). They ascrlbfe their salvation to God through the sacrifice of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. (2), ’’Blessing,” They’ acknowledge that all blessings come from him. (3) “Glory.” They acknowledge him as the glorious one and the one to whom all glory should be given, ( 4 > ’’Wisdom” *He 1# in- cause salvation whs provided by him, (6) “Honor.” Their hearts went'out to him in high esteem. (7) ’’Power and might.” They recognised that all power Inhered in him,. . ' If* The blessedness of the Worship- era (vv, 13-17), ,1. They are before Hod’s throne (vv, 9, .15), They are In heaven and near the throne of God: Jesus Christ; Is now preparing mansions for those who shall go to heaven (John 14:1-3), 2. Clothed with white robes (vv. 9, 14). Their .white robes suggest their character. They have been made such In the blood of the Lamb. The only way for a sinner to he made ready for heaven is through the blood o f Christ. 3. They hear pplm branches (v, 9), The significance Of the palm IS found in the. use that the Jews made of it at the Feast of Tabernacles. It Was a time of great joy, because It repre­ sented the gathered harvest. The bearers of the palm branches will ex­ perience the blessedness of not only being In heaven, but of enjoying re­ wards,for their work on earth. 4. They serve God day and night (v. 15). Heaven is not a place of idtettess, or altogether of singing God’s praises, but a plnce where real, vital service is rendered to God; in­ deed, there are nobler fields of en­ deavor awaiting us beyond this life. This life Is hut a training school In which we are made ready for service in heaven, 5. God dwells among them (v, 15). To get to heaven at all would he truly blessed, but to be there and have God to dwell among us will bo wonderful. 6. Hungernomorehor thirst (v. 10). Here life Is' one continuous round of hungering and thirsting. In heaven we shall neither hunger noi thirst, for Jesus Christ, the Lamb, shall feed us. The straits and necessities of lift will then be over. 7. Neither shall the •sunlight or heat come upon them (v, 17). 8. God shall .wipe away all tears from their eyes (v. 17), This Day only. Enjoy the blessings of the day It God sends them; nbd the evils bear patiently and sweetly; for this day only Is ours; we are dead to yester­ day, and not born to tomorrow.-— Jeremy Taylor. Greatest of All Cunning. The greatest of alt cunning is to seem blind to the snares which we know are laid for us; men are never so easily deceived as while they ate endeavoring to deceive others.— Rochefoucauld, Bead Superstition, Alum heads esteemed to be an effi­ cacious charm against the evil eye, were largely worn by children, and to a town of Buffoid. England, there la said to have dwelt a witch who pos­ sessed a pair of ebony beads, stated to have come from tho HOjy Land, and to have been sanctioned «t Rome, Td her there repaired many a mother when tier s-hiid was sick# in tha hope that throfi. h the prayefs of the ebony beads would he conjured away the evil spirit. IZ4-/30 £ . H IGH ST Sixty Days Same as Cash ~~~j 4 ■ t ^A I^Y^ jRYcME sFmT 3-Piece Metal Bed ColonialBuffet. The Test o fa Mattress Is the Rest You Get Youwill wake up in the morningwith a smile iC you purchase one of Cappel’s ownmake felt mattresses. They are built, not stuffed for particular people. Guaranteed to be all newmaterial. They come in a numberof qualities; wei£ ■ pOU0$tiji)wY£a roll edge andhand JoopSj striped or art tickings • $13,001 Home Making Anyone Can Duy Home ■ . . . a 'f Furnishings But‘ \99S Here to * bod. that cannot-wobble, the head, foot ftnd Jink fabric springs are fastened together as solidly as though they were one piece, 5-8 «U»r rods, 1%-inoh continuous' post, white enamel or Vernis Martin . A n n a a finish , . ...... f # v U In choosing your home furnishings, you should, be careful that each piece will fit harmoniously into your plan£ To make a home of them requires a definite ideal, aided by a thorough knowledge of the decorative values of furniture, rugs and draperies. Here at Buffet, golden poN CaPPeI 8 will find home furnishings that possess heirloom quality, J * beauty of desi8P and finish; characteristics you will appreciate as the « you will appreciate as the years roll by. Definite knowledge of what can' be accomplished, in | home furnishings is our business—for the latest and best. Quartered Oak tolled finish, 44-4nch Inch mate mirror, Ironing cupboard, large linen room, 2 small drawers, one lined Cor ellven. # £ ’ f f A A Price „ . . , . . . . . , . „ . . . . „ , 9 0 O « U v Does theLivingRoomProblem Confront You? Decorating experts will tell you the whole- living- room Arrangement centers ■on the daYenport-*--cnd preferably it should be a luxurious overstaffed daven- port with plenty of pillows, Cappel’s manufacture all their overstaffed furnl- ture, with n view to style and lasting, quality. Why buy factory made uphol­ stered furniture when, you can have the custom made kind as you want it ut a •4vWer. jprjco.* Tbree-Bleo* Wring Room Suite, as pictured, mahogany baU feet, loose cushion spnng seat And cushion spring back ttnd arms; uphototored m a grade o f tapestry. , BriC ... ,r■ n , i»v ,.| ,.., ..SA7*J.*00* * Thrtd-Piece XJvhygRoom Suite, mahogany frame, loose cushion spring r u t and.cushion spring back, upholstered in verdue tapestry. * o i « Price ,r.,.nirrit^ r■ ' _ , i S^X 're .slll Three-Piece Living Room Buite,. mahogany framc~foiV spring box seah cushion spring back, upholstered In v e r ta ^ U p c s t^ Consult work guaranteed satisfactory, , <w"wmnu«anm ng Ail '< • , i f ‘ i > \c >*I*V* ,4 i * - ’ , , Furiture ItesCovering . We hfive remarkably good facilities at this time-for doing all kinds of re-upholstery work and are always glad to give estimates. Pullman Coaches for the giddies W ; are showing an extensive assort­ ment of cabs, strollers and sulkies for the. youngsters, and . the prices yamwill rjnd very seasonable as the cabs now on onr floor ware bought months ago—which ^counts (or their low prices. ■ FIBRE OR &EED $22.00 Up SPRINGFIELD, OHIO* „ Dog* r-oft r-9pli» "Than Foxes. { The fact (hat.foxes tnako clevereri spies tlmts doss was discovered cen-j turles ago by tile Japanese, For gen­ erations they trained foxes to h^ip thorn Jn their civil war, ’ Tlieir Clever­ ness Is best shown when the fox Is working with ids master when the lat­ ter Is spying. Tiffs is the kind o f1 thing these trained foXea wlU do. When a spy, for example, comes to a cliff he cannot puls the/end of a rope In the mouth of the fox and the animal finds its way up the cliff where no human betng' could get un­ aided. When it reaches the top It goes to the nearest tree and Walks round find round It, with the rope |h Its mouth, find holds It, to prevent it Slip­ ping, while hk masterclimbs up. These Japanese foxes Imve n much keener sense of smell and hearing than any man, and for this reason Jnpnneso sen­ tries often have one. by their side to give them warning of the stealthy ap­ proach of anyone. Civil War Bred Colonels. The distinguished mark that came out of the civil war was the military title aggrandized. Men who entered tho army ns privates came out as cap­ tains and those who WentIn as officers came out as colonels or generals. A great many of these titles were self conferred, If we are to believe the con­ fidential tales of the comradefc of the recipients of these titles, but also a great many of them were conferred ns brevets in a regular way and remained as the official title of the soldier con­ cerned, even though he may never have exercised the actual authority his rank Implied, vv* THE UNIVERSAL CAR Buy Now While Deliveries Are Possible Buy your Ford car how while deliveries are possbile. There is only a limited speci­ fied number of Ford cars allotted to this territory, ou will he wise to buy one now while we can get cars to deliver. A signed order with us is your protection. Eren our small allottment of Ford cars is not shipped us until we have bonafide or­ ders for them, This is because the demand for Ford cars all over the country is greater than .the supply or production. So don’t depend on spring'delivery. Only so many Ford cars will be shippedin this territory; only so many will be able to get Ford cars. I f you would be forehanded and plan ahead# you will have U b deliv­ er you a Ford car as soon as possible. Thenyou will have it to use whenever you want it. The Ford is. an all year utility—in your home or business, Its serviceability# its ease fo. operation, itjt low cost of maintenance has made i); such. It will serve you the year round. Spring and summer, autupm winter, it is your servant; always ready to do your bidding. M U R D O C K CEDARVILLE# OHIO. MM SET OUR PRICES ON SALE BILLS... C arolosB WUh M on ey Fewmen mo carelesswith actual cash, but many men do not stop to think that the checks and notes they giveout representmoney and that fraudulent alteration of a check may mean a serious loss. Protect yourself By using paper that betrays alteration-1 - mm Papsr. We can tell you more shout it and show you how we can protectyour ewh,yam-checks, o q t i^ d i^ im d t e c e ^ ll. Pays to Give One’s Best. There is a great difference between going just right tifid a little wrong— between superiority and mediocrity— between the fairly good and the best. And there Is something In the deter- motion always to keep up the tatidnrds In thought, or In whatever we do in life, whether Jt is hoeing corn, mending shoes, or making laws for a nation—something that gives ah up­ ward tendency—nn Inspiring quality,, that is iacktng in the character of the groveling man with low Ideals. There is, in the upward struggle involved In giving one’s host to what one. ts doing# something that enlists and develops the highest faculties end calls out’ the tru­ est find noblest qunlltles.—Ortson Swett Warden, 1ft Chicago New*, OlamOhd of tha First Water. , A distinguished educator, polemic and literary man called 'in the Office a day or two ago and uttered a Sen­ timent which will awaken * response In thousands of hearts and heads. The air of the man as iu» uttered the almost Incredible statement, was that of a person who find diveoverad a diamond of the fieri water. These were his words: *1 nave a stenogra­ pher who knows when not to talk,**—' Tha Christian Advocato. Cannot Be Silent. A politician must often talk and act before he has thought and read. He. may he ill-informed regarding a tiWMtioB, but speak fc« must,—Macs aulay- . Tracing History of Masonry. r- Some brethren hold that the art and mystery of the Masonic order Was first Introduced fit the huiidinghfthe tower of Babel, thence handed down by Eu­ clid, who communicated It to Hiram Abiff, under whom, at the building of the tefiiplc of Solomon was an expert architect named Hannon Graecns, who, according to lengendary lor*, in* {reduced It into England, , Utilizing Watts. A new industry just immdered at Milan. Italy, consTsts of tlu- amnufa-.-. tttre from wnste leather cutting* »f box** tor collars, cuffs and carpets, furnltare catering* and wallpaper.