The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 1-26

♦ * ♦ # * * { wmm tmmi * * * * * * * * * * f - m M rm s * maw l i iK yMflbAMr. WilW;* 0** Inabti* tic a tok lim m i *mmZ* I it? **k#i P whmi 7a-lM. J* A. Sami, **t th# highaat market prie* Had wiU ; Com nod faddar to t aalaPhon* 3,3- J. A . Bttroa c*ll for aay amount may Mm». Wm* MerabaU K. L. Rummy fca* 1 mm * o o c lW to Wc bad swffwfeg vtfh liver troyWo. Dejrfiwi earpaetow wilt « « g 'g i am Imyr for labor after the first of May. Mr*. B«rt Carry of near Cliftonw<u •poratad upon at * Xenia Capital laat week for appaadkiti*, B. I** Stewart o f Cincinnati spent. Wednesday with bis brother, Dr. J. O. Stawart. J. C. Barber baapurchased a new Oakland coape. Mr*. W. H. Barber baa been^ftek suffering with erysipelas. fo r Sale- Dare brown leghorn eggs Hr** J. R, G*no, R. F . D. 9, Cedar* villa, 0* Mias Jesse Small o f Xenia, who jus* recently left a hospital in her city spdat several days with Mr* and Mrs. J. G. McCorkell. Miss Small goes from here to Martinsville, .Ind. - Mr. jsfad MrS, Ralph Townsley, wife and little daughter o f Xenia, were guests o f relatives here over Sabbath. WANTED!- POULTRY, £*n us at our expense,. Phone 12-187, South Charleston, O* "Irwin Bros., Glad­ stone. 0 , * Jamas Little, who travel* for a Columbus house, is spending the week at home*' . Prank Creswall has .sedan. a new Parti Dr. J. J, Wilson, o f Urbans, 111., wbo^waa called here by -the illneis and' death o f his mother, returned heme, Wednesday. Robert Stewart, who has been mak­ ing bis home with Mr. and Mrs. S* T. Baker, has rented a small place near Xeuia, and is moving there, The J. C, Barber dry goods store is now under a new firm name, W* J. Barber & Co*/Warren Barber assams the management of the store. Word lias been received here o f the, death of Mrs. Minnie Herron, widow.' of the late Dr. Andrew Herron, at j Wiikenaburg, Pa, We have been un- J able to laam when the funeral will be held. For Sale:- Paper bailerjmd quanti ,„ ty o f wire. Bailer like new and will “ bo sold at a bargain. Save your old paper and bail it, it will make you money. Inquire ajfcfhi# office. ssK55 ~ •SMS l ' Seed Oats Now In « Car of middlings on the way to be priced $55,00 ton cash at car; . . , The Monmouth College Girls* Gles___ Club at the opera hpuse tonight, Go EE and have an evening o f entertainment i that you will appreciate. r „Gasoline went up another cent last ’ Saturday, Predictions o f oil men are s=~ that it will go to 40 cents by August ■■Say first. The increase in production, has HE been 800 per cent the past year but s a the per cent o f consumption has gone ■=» to 000 , S Big stock mixed feed priced just a little above cost. <<1 >* . Rev;. and Mrs, J. P.^Wluto enter­ tained a, numbep o f friends at six o’clock dinner last Friday evening. Dr. W, R, McCheeney was called to Darlington, Pa,, JaBt Friday where be took part in, th$ fueraL services o f the father o f Paul and. Gari Dunncan, college students! " ; ' it" ' . Forest Kennedy"plead" guilty before Mayor McFarland Monday night to a -r charge oferuely to animals "and*Was fined 45 and costs. The charge was; ’filed 1 by Marshal Myerd ,1 ' * ," i' * '* * Go to the Monmouth College Glee Cluh concej^ at the opera house this Friday evening, You ’ wilt miss a musical treat if you don’t. > > - f **||o|i| 1 *i*i"S11111i|i.^[|ii/nif 11ny»iiiL 4 iiiM . According to a news item from Rich" mend, Ind., the girls in the gradua­ tion class this year have agreed not to expend over $12 for 'their gradua­ tion, gowns. ‘ , ■ ’ * The legislature having , fixed ‘ the Wary o f teachers without exper­ ience at $802 a year, means 'that the bosteds o f education will have to find >md revenue, to ' conduct the _ W m i- td Colevfile, Wash., 3$s i weak coring to the illness o f a bri$bej?, Robert, Another brother, Odin McMillfin resides at Orin nearby Mr. McMillan and sister were.held up in Dakota when their train ran in­ to a great tnow storm*' For Sale:- Good timothy hay ifi the mow in town* 1 or 2 tons, f G. H. Smith* :;- * MUk Consumers, Notices •.As,' $!' hate sold put my whole jnilk business to the Tronte Grocery Co., I will make my last delivery Sunday mom- M^s. J, H. Wolford has been spend- mg, Patrons will please have their ing the week with her sister, Mrs*,' bottles eurt and be ready to settle Florence Remsberg, in Springfield. Mrs, J. A. Stormont has been on the sick list this, week-, For Bale:- Five, shares*of preferred stock in ,The^Cedarville Lime Co. Call phone 8 -l£ 0 . 1 ?s** * * t , O. L. Smith was a business visitor in Cincinnati, Tuesday, their accounts. John McFarland/ li Last Call For Clover Seed All admissions at 8:30 performance of ;the ’ ‘Wayfarer*’ wdll be 30 cents. John B ,rWright o f Idaville, Ind,, has been .the guest o f his son,-Deputy Probate Judge, S, C* Wright and family. ■ . . , ’ . , .Dayton has a.population o f 1B3,8’30 tssf according to census returns, a gain of s a j31~per eent. , _• v, _ ■ ; - ‘ |S - ‘ Any-one wanting their eggs hatch- s = / ed. Call Mrs; Wm*,McCoy. Phone 97 ,'S : ,, Milk Notice;- We have purchased a s ;; the milk business o f John McFar-' S land and starting"Monday wifi have rss| bottled m ilk'for sale at the usual a s ;? prides. Our milk will he bottled by S ! Mr, McFarland fo r pur retail trade, scar " W. W.: Impute Grocery Co. ~ | Keep iij mind the change o f time for the stockholder’s meeting o f The Farmers’ Grain Co., called for Satur­ day afternoon at 1 ‘o’clock instead' o f the everlihg at the mayor’s office, *L/ ■' y-*'?■ ' J '■»; The will o f 'Mrs* Nancy Whiter Was offered for .probate Wednesday* The executors.- named are Andriw^Wififer and ^Charles Nisbet. The ‘appraisers named are A. H. Creswell, O. T* Wol­ ford and W* A . Turnbull: Prof. W* A , Joiner, head o f .the C. N* I. department at .Wilberforce has been' rmnovad by the trustees, ‘ The state department and university have been under Strained relationship for more than a year. The choir o f the Methodist Episco­ pal church under the direction o f George F, Biegler* will give the cap­ itate "Our Living Lord”, Easter Sunday at 7:80' p. M* Doors of the thurchWill be open at 7:00 P. M, Yen Will wan.t tp hear this program. The Ohio Automobile Association will appeal the new license law to.the * . S. Supreme Court on the grounds that it violates the fourteenth, amend­ ment .......... ■’* ..f: other-page. Suit has been filed in the Court o f Appeals by former clerk o f court, George Sheets, to be reinstated in Sheet* in the suit. The members o f the Kadantra Club and the Wednesday Afternoon Club were entertained ■ jointly Wednesday aferthoon .by .Mrs. W, R , McChesney and Mrs. Thompson Crawford at the home o f the former. Refreshments were 1 served during the afternoon,^ at our usual low prices. Get this -stock while , * - getting is .The Fourth division o f the If* P, HE church gave their social and enter- sss ' tainment at, the church Jast evening* sas For,-entertainment literary .exercises; ~ for the closing day o f the Possum =&- Hollow school" was put on.- Prof. Al- sss ten acted as teacher with about 20 Hg in'the class. A two coume supper. S Was' served the two hundred guests ass, during the evening. - . ' 5 ,; •V Walter Graham and sister' had a narrow escape one evening, last week _____ while returning home.' The shaft HE came loose from thebuggy and the ~ horse started to run. Mr. Graham a s The announcement o f the. coming o f ________ _ ___ ______ the ’’Wayfarer”,Wilt be found on an- .pulled the animal into the ditch which e n v - " 1 __ ___ u. i u - - happened to be along the embank­ ment o f the John Taylor farm on Die jjj Columbus pike: When the animal waa ™ released from- the buggy in- Gut-hs p-jlfc w«nt over mmmm- For a good evmiings entertainment go ,to the Opera house Friday night end hear the Monmouth Girls’ Glue Club. If you wdnt your auto tag without waiting, you can get it in Springfield whore they are being issued by the Springfield automobile club on the 8 th flOor o f the Fairbanks building* WANTED—To rent, a farm on thirds or a small farm on halves. Inquire P. O* Box 86, CedarviUe, O. The storm last Friday while threat­ ening at first did not amount to much other than there was a heavy clayish sediment Wherever the rain fell* This waa notkable on roofs and window glass. It is supposed that the Cloud] carried a heavy deposit o f the dust essary data can be gained to issue the from the Kansas sand storm* new license. If you want your auto tag quick you can get it at the Clark County Automobile headquarters On the 8 th floor o f the .Fairbanks building in Springfield. The tags are being issued to all regardless of the county you reside in* About all you have to do is to*produce your old registration Card o f identification. From this, the nec- £he occupant# bruises. The annual statement o f the Cedar- ville Building A Loan Association *P- Dayton office^ pears in this issue. ’ * post office. H a r r y .............. after much o f this Work in past but be has been tranafsirrad to the A l + The Northup Poultry Farm ‘ and Hatchery We sell you baby chicks of" standard varieties. We hatefi your eggs for you* We sell you the famous Buckeye Incubators and Brooders ' GET YOUR ORDERS IN EARLY' C. L. NORTHUP x Bell Phone Clifton Exchangd R. F . D. No. 1 Yellow Springe, Ohio The World A t Columbus Including “The Wayfarer” In Sit Reels at the MURDOCK THEATRE ' Auipices M. E. Mens* Bible Glass Tuesday Evening, March 30, 1920 at 3:J0 P. M . 8:30 P. M. Tbs Wayfarer waa pmnsrited at Columbus last summer during the great Centenary and thousands were turned away uritble to aee it, Here is your opportunity. Tickets will be sold good on the above hours and cannot be ex- > changed. Only 175 tickets can be sold for* each *sperformancc. Admission Adults 30 c Ch ildren 2 0 c j Miss Isabelle Winter has filed suit iin Common Plea* Court contesting .‘ the will o f her mother, Mrs, Nancy •Winter. I For Sale;- One-sixth horse power A, C. motor to be used on Dayton Light & Power Co. current. This mo- „tor k like new and in the best o f con- 1 dition and will be sold afe a bargain* Inquire at this office. Fite o f unknoWn origin destroy* ed the barn on the W. L. Clematis farm on the Turnbull 4 ro*d where a tenant resides, about two o’clock Thursday afternoon. No on# had been about the bam that they know o f and the cause o f the fire is a mystery, il'he bam was old but the $400 In­ surance only represented about half the value, There wf* a small amount o f feed in the bam at the time* m flw Suits For Easter Attractively E ach on e is] d is iiiictiv e— w ith th e .h ew er deta ils c le v e r ly exp ressed . ‘tncotines, Checks, Serges, Roirct 'Twills *find Jerseys fm tailored and cm broidered styles, many with fancy braid and Button ^rimmings, $ 2 9 .7 5 , $ 3 5 .0 0 $ 3 9 .7 5 Tailleured and Embroidered Suits of Tricdtine, Poiret Twills* Men’s Wear Serges $49.50, $59,50, $65.00 and up, J New Easter Blouses in Georgette Special $5.95. Georgette Blouses, Beaded and Embroidered, in White,Flesh, Jade Blue, Orchid; Tan Sunset and Grey. Values up to $7.50. Special $5.95. New Easter Coats * K , * Short and Smart-—different— as coats have not been in many k springtime. Exceedingly well tailored, of Tweeds, Polo Cloth* and Covert Cloths, for high school girls, miss 5 and small women, $15.00, $19.75, $25.00 and tip ■ . s ' « *. ^ Jobe Brothers Company Xenia , Ohio t.i Agents Wantodi-Mim witii toam tit auto can easily make $110 t o $300 a mouth sailing Herbarilu*’* medi­ cines, extracts, »pibas,_toil*t articles, stock powder, dip *to. & your county. Own buss. Eptriauca tamacasaary. We furnish capital. %h»«Ud territor­ ies open. Write today far fra* partic- tltdPJL 1 Herberiing NWWa* Co^ iNemdagtoti, ill, *Tm>**o. To Gore a Gold InOne Day rifo.LaxrtlvwA tomo Q&m oTM **. ^ / & £ , mm m U ioom dornirnm «»Mtopaat1 3maa«M. _, T l k Tha Leonard Wood ttouiwemuni; un anot political advartiaing, tial an- page la paid X X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X SvAt - li' t If;