The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 27-52

m m t a , August 19A. tw th* kapablikiaa Frt- 10*ik, 1980. W P to m&mm %* tC& Iff. ffariPno ittowffifafo wg^ifgjfelr ’feat. Frfcwury, Amrfat It. | . fW jg^wjiitog&wft % waiwMww tha „ 1P» *aw Priflwritoll to ammuacsa %» o f & BwTOkuaaWm a# a e*»# . m * i fwaQamriy Qmmtofoms! tobjfafc JUp#d*&«w Primary, Auguafc W$ tog Mtbodood to aiUWMSBVmtbo mm of Warm ®g» ** * stodWate $m? ritok «f «*Krt» *ubj#et to th* R«- pmfeliasa primary rieotion# August 10 . #• aro awfcberiwd to amK>«s*«‘%a S i of Frank Crsswell m * candi- for ewitrul rommitaeman id Ced- t# sum# <*! W. J. Davia, *oaafty surveyor a candidate for County Surveyor, subject to ' the Republican primary, August 10% We are authorized to ajmowwg the aasm of Emory T, Beall an a candi data for County Commissioner subject to Republican Primary, August 10. ■ ‘ We are nuthorizad to announce the nemo of J. F. H&rshmsn as a esoii data fw County Treasurer subject to the Republisan primary, August 10. township subject to the pri­ mary risotkm, August 10% We ere authorized to announce the of J, W. Johnson as a candi data for central committeeman in Cedarri.Ua Village subject to the pyk mary election, August IQ. *W« are authorized to announce the name of Frank A. Jackson as a can­ didate for county treasurer subject to the Republican primary, August 10% ' ■ We are authorized to announce the name of Howard Turnbull as a can­ didate for Central committee before the Republican primary, Angust 10% We are authorized to announce the name of J« G. McCorkeU 'fa a candi­ date for Central committee before % •— ----- -*“ r Cedarvilli Republican Republican primary for j Je corporation before „ v. — w - .the primary, August 10% * W4 are .'authorized toannounce the name of M. A. Broadetone as a can­ didate for State Representative be­ fore the Republican primary, August 10th. W« are authorized'to announce the name of J, Kenneth Williamson as a Candidate „for Prosecuting Attorney subject;"to the Republican primary, August 10% " .We are authorized . to ' announce Charles Herbert Ellis of Yellow Springs, formerly a Deputy in^the County Treasurer’s office, as a can­ didate for Greene County Treasurer, subject to” the Republican primary, August 10% 1920. , We are authorized to announce the name of 1. T.' Cummins as a candidate for County Commission^ before, the; Republican primary, Tuesday;. Aug­ ust 10% ” . • v- We are authorized to announce the *name of John H. McVay, hew deputy, as JS candidate for- County Treasurer subject to the Republican Primary, August 10% . - •Wo ere authorized ,to announce the hame, of S. R, ‘ahawhan fa a candj- ipresentatlve before, primary, Tuesday, zed. id announce, the If, A. QTBiQHG CAHDJDATR FOR STATU RBPRHflaWTATim ffiisa MARTHA COOK,1 Soprano of the Letter Light Opera Co. at Chautauqua This Bummer JlfNiOR "CHADTAVQDA while1grownups are'attending lec­ tures and entertainments on the Chau­ tauqua'’Program this summer, the biddies hf. the-neighborhood will fi«d special activities prepared for them as part of the Chaudauqua week. - Expert junior workers, drawn from Jbe.ranks, of public school education, will make possible story telling hours, hikes; games, the presentation of a “Mother Goose*' pageant apd;ahoye all .the formation 'of a, 'Junior' Tovtn In, which! the boys and girls win hold real office's and conduct the affairs of their miniate j city in real"businesslike fashion. 'There will be something ..doing for, the kiddies every day pLthe Chaufftu. qua—-something they will hot only like, hut which will leave Ragperma. bent imprint bn their growing lives, . M. A, Braadstone is * cajglifate far th# Republican nomination for state representative fronj this county at the' primary August JOtk. His ability as # iawysr cannot be questioned and his service in the House should be to the \ credit of the county, j Several years ago' Mr, Broadstone* served in the state senate from this district. At that time the Senate was controlled by the Democrats and one of Mr. Broadstone’s notable achieve­ ments at that time wfa to upset the Democratic caucus plans to force a road law through that would touch only large cities o f the sjtate. Mr, Rroadsftone. enlisted theservioe of Democratic as well as %e Republi­ can members from -the rural counties to show them there never would be any chance for good through high- : ways in their counties unless they were on a line of certain cities, On the floor o f %e Senate Mr. Brpad stone conducted his fight and regard­ less of the fact that %a bill had been endorsed ip caucus, it was defeated. It developed that even the Democratic rural members were not aware of the “sleeper” in %e bill that was,to be to the. advantage of the large, cities, at the expense of the rural counties, -Greene county is over-burdened, w ifi legislation and has been for sofhe time, What pepple want is re­ lief from some of the present laws; imrticulariy, where - our . system.’ of government has been so enlarged that the cost is out of reason. We do not believe a single citizen in the county can say %at we need' new laws for anyother purpose; What1we do need is a'man in jhe House that*1 will watch the interests of our people and not let such legis­ lation 'get by^-aa was put ovdr last wip.ter when: the truck interests had the protection to our roads removed. ■.We. believe that. Mr, Broadistono is capable in every way U guard the interests o f net only Greene bounty bu,t all the rural counties in the state. He' has spend his life in tins county and wo know his .interests at heart '■ate With, bur-people..-A strong map to watqh the other fellow is most needed -in the legislature, .A. fellow that can sfee between the lines'in a tricky bill-as did Mr. Bfcoadstone in the Senate softie years ago. - JULY SALE Agents- Wanted;—Man; with jfceam or auto can easily make- $150 % $300 a month selling HerberKng*s medi- c£n% extracts; spices,< toilet articles,, stock powdery dip etc,' in your County. PWU bo«v. JJperitace We ftefan capital. Bean HO CARS FOR SHIPPlNGr , The new*rule of the railroad .com­ pany on' cars.'will 'have"* notifiable, effect on ,twO of our local concerns. Monday orders' were received tbsjt- no, more Oars could bb furnished for the"present for out-bound freight. This hits the Ragar Straw Board & Paper Go. and the CedarviJIe Lime Cd- , ^ # / jfmTi mil fn III iiUKBP ii< m * ftrvei MHill M I f l< 1 | TO* * • t r t > | « , * I A t. a # ' k V * : *■ tffr a,. - n : The Dunlap C lothes Shop Far Men’ s and Boy’ s Clothes IN T H E H E A R T OF D O W N ­ T O W N C IN C IN N A T I A s has been our custom , w e are m aking Special P rices on practically ou r entire •sto ck during this month# T h is year FURN ITURE is included. AH kinds, all Qualities, all Sizes, all Prices, . all colors. • All prices away below today's market value. . RUGS WILL NOT BE OFFERED AS , CHEAPLY THIS FALL ■ ; k.l A t today’s Wholesale Cost - * » priced from 65c ta $2,70 per square yard. W« have afaiPlycomplete lineof Furniturewhichis priced to sell rapidly New Location 36^38 W. Main Street, Xeni^y Q* N ^ 1A» M , -.-i STOCKYARDS FIRE SATURDAY T fa; Sprin«0?l<L.ztocityardz burnt ■ with » lots of $50,000' Tliq y*rdt ■&§»*, just recently .erected oniy-b« And huvq l - eqnhuoperatiqu a few month#. The ‘company Announces the building# Vritl bh rebuilt as soon *5 .ftMtmrlal-cSdh* provided. M l Order your wall paper for fall ^jpa- pdriftg before further, advance in ihC price of paper. Sample book's aL'bfficq phe door south o f H. A. Barris furni­ ture store; ’ .. ’ 'A. B, McFarland. On your next trip to Cincin­ nati, we Inviteyou to visit our Mg, new store on Vine Street at the Arcade. A warm Welcome awaits you bore. We bride ourselves on the number of friends We have in your city. Now we want 'to $et acquainted with ydu. Satisfying customers and sell­ ing good clothes for men and boys is our business. We sell the kind of clothes you like to wear—metropolitan styles of erfect fit and distinctive abric. S You will like our store, our clothes, our salespeople, and our service. S*n4 fo t ffluatitafod Styl* Book T h e D U N L A P C LO TH E S SHOP 417-423 Vine Street Comer of Arcade CINCINNATI Tk«*Hom* of Kart Schsthasr A Marx Clothmi MiCKlE $AYS A Long-Pelt Want What thi* world needs is * spray and a germldda for thb humbug,— Wifmlngtoa News, HOW’S THIS? Wa .affgr Qua Hundred Dollars Re­ ward foi* any caw of Catarrh that Catftfrh f be wood by Hall'a euidfue. 1 > Bril’# Catarrh Medicine has been ricen by cafacrh sufferer# for the •mat %my-ff*e year#; tod has be- imm knownas ffa'riqgt irilribls wm- riy for Catarrh. Hril’s Catarrh Mediripo *dm .thru the Bktod oa the ffneorif iup#cM, exfalltag tbs Faison tfto the BTood and healing the di*- ■riied pfatleta. - , |. . ■ Attw mm> Utken Hall’s Ca» SrithMedloSie for a short timo you • ill a«e a gfaat improVemeftt in your VBSWil tatsiad# f 'rat. b*fci%h. ,j Stkbt taldftg Mali’s at oftoa ana fe* get rid roatteirinaia, F J. CHHHSrr A O#., Toledo, Ohio. AT XENIA, OHIO August 3, 4, 5, 6 Nine Class Events $400.00 Each Three Races Daily Liberal Premiums in all Departments Free Attractions Each Day. Watch For complete program. It’s a Hummer Get a Fair Book. “ Make an Exhibit, * , . - '■ - . m ■ i Attend the Big Fair. Everybody Going. Write the Secretary for further information. *; , - 1 1 2 C X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING XX A m am m am m arn Sonbyoft Mg ThcJHI ffreasit - lien pj have t) t trd The give# a institutio purposes, Cedarv cational need of f increasinj inveatmei vidual is the devej acter, ^ As we fessor an men in ed . paid in a that the day labo wag college pr The pre ’ in the cor -many diffl cosresponc communiti cational a Hundreds educated i T .never won of enterin institution institution ; our own other secti • recount th< now holdir the world jthe years' j a comparaf«* men ever 1 pecially in influence o. ured yet ' odd years our midst building oi . For this the college , and in mai '' The colh ' pace wi% . keep. Righ ■" '■salary fun< -meet incre»ij u% , which ^ only neeesi.^ Christian 1p the shynh j. Thu 1 fam]}' to educate1 far differs) I’ you would j- cated in &>f fer it at hoi j you able to ' girls' to soi ’ . the present j sire this col only posiblej institution oi supported ii lar invested *■» hottie for t i son or daug The Colle;; . last year bu er this year.; some of the ous,funds as! / o r the Cm* Republica Concord >T Coultorvil Fairview Los AngeiCI Third Phi- Fifth Phi, Seventh i] Darlingtoj Dariingtoi Rev, Ah-x Sparta r.l1 Grant St. Grant St. F. W. Spi Rev. R. W Rev. J, A Cedarville.; Cedarvillo' Cedarvillet Mrs. Wal^ A. E. Ric Class of aSS of l' Cl « Matilda Mrs. W. N. L. Rai Mr# N. L Ada Star Capt> Bta» , mm Cauadian m the C^aatan •is a studeft V