The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 27-52

mwiiijin im m wriiijiiMigtrtiirirJiiHii 111'rt'i;rtiijiiM MUSIC ANDENTERTAINMENT SUPREME WIU, BE PRESENTED AT CHAUTAUQUATHIS SUMMER ON OPENING DAT BY BREWER OSICAl ENTERTAINERS £? Variety •is this keynote of the' pro- erwn of the Brewer Musical Entar- . talners who, give lull concert the first day of the Chautauqua this sfcmmer, . Tlifii mirwont in thbjr, midst art­ ists of unustial ability who are masters Mr. Scott, selections on the mandolin, pf a variety of Instruments. Chief guitar and jjfano, as well as readings among them 3s Chester Scott, one of and vocal numbers, • America's most brilliant' cornetiats. I Besides their full concert In the The program presented by this com- {afternoon, the company will give a Pithy win consist o£ cornet solos b? >prelude to the.evening entertainment. MODEL 4-90 $875 No touring car at any price is more dependable or more economical ] to operate than the Chevrolet* .Yet with all its economy and low is a handsome, roomy, comfortable car—one you can feel ‘ to owb, " *' * j- . . * *■ ' , j , For a limited time we can make immediate delivery. Owens <SSon ;d a r v i l l e Ohio A T X E N IA , O H IO August 3, 4 / 5 / 6 Nine Class Events $400.00 Each Three Races Daily ■A Liberal Premiums in all Departments ■V* f Free Attractions Each Day. Watch for complete program. It's a Hummer Get a Fair Book. * Make an Exhibit. Attend the Big Fair. Everybody Going. ■ J.' ..v ‘ A ^ l lll V T ir r iillWilHi I'l I II. n f i 1 > rlii^ iiiii.»M W «'i>ii^ |ii«»ii»i.'i II IIIHi ir.KHM.n .w ^ i .1 Writ? the Secretary for further Information. IS YOURBUSINESS A SUCCESS? Fine stationery is a big aid , toBusiness. Printingline stationery is our specialty. i n t f l u U ffltK ifrM ii SM fS dO L . LESSON (J*r jpitkwatjsb , d . a , BiW. ip lh« Moody BtM. institute of CD lego.) Untan.) tESSON FOR AUGUST 1 DAVID BRINGS THE ARK TO JE. RU ALEM. LKSSON TEXT-U Sami «;)-»; p*. a*f 7*XCb GOLDEN TEXT—Enter Into hi» gate, with thanksgiving, and into hla courts with poilse,,—Ps. mom , q^rAL' VATEnjAL-Ex. 26:l? .42} IT Sam. 5:6-20; ifeb. a-.s-jo. PKiMAity TOPIC—Thanking God. TOPlc-yu© Ark of God. Brought to Jerusalem,- INTERMEDIATEANDSEMORTOPIC ->T\hftt die Ark Mg&nt to Israel. yOCNG PEOPLE' AND. ADULT TQPlC -Making Religion central, .The ark "was a symbol of the pres- ence of God In Israel. It represented God's throne, the place from which he communicated lila will to the people through tUe priest (Ex. 25:23; Psalm# o0:l>. I, David's Unsuccessful Attempt to Bring Up the Ark (vv.LG). * This Is an example of a wrong- way of doing .a right thing. That the ark of the Lord of Hpsts, tlie symbol,of God’s'presence,-should be brought to the very center of the nation's life wag ■a decision worthy of. all praise.' If surely tnet God’s ^pprovaI. Davld:gath- ered, together the representative inert of thp nation fn order that the move-’ meiit .might be a national one. That Djivld was sincere In this measure can­ not be doubted, but he was hasty and inconsiderate. God had expressly .de­ creed that the Kohatbltes should bear the .ark upon their shoulders ($Ju;n. 4 :14, 15? 7:9; 1&;3). ; For them to place It even upon a nfew cart was a positive violation of Gpd’3 'command-, tnent Though .David was sincere, hfs sincerity did not atone for disobedi­ ence to God’s'Word. The 'dictum that it matters little what you do, just so you are honest and sincere, Is one of tile Devil’s blackest lies. It mattered much .in Gifs case, and .Always does. David cannot be excused on the ground bt ignorance, because he'had the op­ portunity to. know,, God cannot ha, blamed for man's jgnorhhce when he* bus given him the law and the .ability to understand It. H, God Vindicates His Law and Holi­ ness (VV, 6-9},, / r , The people Were very-joyful as they moved on toward, Jevusalem with the ark, but suddenly there was a stop to tlieir jubilant voices and music. At some rough; place In the road the oxen stumbled.mid Ussssah.1anxious for the; precious freight.©iv his cart, reached forth hfs hand to steady It, Tills re­ sulted In hi$ being stricken with death. Ignorance does, not moke a mair'lni- mune from the death which Is In the touch o f the heavily charged electric Wire; neither does it in the easa- of the violation of God's laws. Even those who were- designated by the Lord to carry the ark were not allowed to touch It with their hands. Since .thq •ark was God’s dwelling place' among uinen, they needed to know that he was holy, God’s judgment was Severe, but not mote so than they deserved. This .awful visitation of just -judgment struck terror to David, Well It might, for hewas in the path of disobedience.. The Lord's presence has no terror for those 'who obey his word, ' , Ml, The Ark of God In the HoUse of Ob«d-Edom <vv, 10-12), The presence of Jehovah always brings blessings. The homes where God Is welcomed itre always blessed. Obed-Edom- was not-better personally than Uzzali and David, btit be openly received the Lord nnd properly related himself to' him, AVhajt had been death and dread to others was life and bless­ ing to him, ‘ " .' IV, The Ark Brought to Jerusalem With Great Joy (vv. 13-19). I, Sacrifices offered after going six paces (v. 18).- David made the start and when convinced of God’s approval he made offerings. These were both burnt and peace offerings, typifying ♦he seif-dedication of the offerers and their thnnskgivJrg (I Ohron. 10:1). 2. David’s great joy (vv. 14,15). The people joined him with great shouting and with the sound of the trumpet. 3. Michel's criticism (v, 16). Even though David went to excess in hta ex­ pression of joy, It was wrong in her to criticize, for God seems to have sanc­ tioned David’s rebuke of her (v. 23), ' 4. The grand celebration (vv. 17-19). As a token of his gratitude to God, David generously treated the people. 5. The King of glory, the Lord Je­ sus Christ comrng (Psalms 24:7-10). Tills Was not the p&atm composed by David for the occasion of bringing up the arlt; that was Psalm 105 (see I Chron. 16). It is strange that such a suggestion should have been made. The Twenty-fourth Psalm pictures Christ ns the coming And triumphant King. At that time the gates-shall open to him and the King of glory shall come in; ' Golf.Judgment. Turn thine byes unto thyself, and beware then judge not the deeds of other men. In judging of others a man laboreth in vain, often brbeth, and easily stnneth *„but in judging and examining himself, .he always laboreth fruitfully.—Thomas a Kempls, Amiable People. • Amiable people, though often subject 40 Imposition in ibeir contact with the world, ybt radiate ao much of mitmlii-L that they are reflected lh an appreo atlve hearts.—Deluz.v. Simple Explanation, Why Is it that fishes make no dim tnrbsnce when swimming through the water, although there is a rushing noise wheo a atone la flung in? This la explained by tn* fact that, in tha latter case, it Is the titling of the cav­ ity that is made, rather than the mere impact, which causes the noise, where* as the body of the fish is sirkhaped that when it moves through the water It leaves ho web cavity behind It and therefore there is no disturbance. iMitia>i_ iHi.raei#.aja;Aw i.Mi*Wg Come inandhearit / 3 . *i ■ -r i ' , i ' . ' , • L (> ( / ■ • '■-* • / - . V s -‘/ ' V \ ; ■ ■;« / v v - ^ Are you interested .to know just, how realistic the New Edison is? The Real­ ismTest is a test you can make yourself Takes 5 minutes- Stop in at our store; Try it. Mark the extraordinary result. The Phonograph with a SpuP t The realism o f a phonograph is the measure o f its value. Edison proves the absolute realism o f his new phonograph. His first proof is the Tone Test. The. singer stands beside the New Edison. He sings. Sud­ denly he ceases to sing. The New Edison continues the song alone. I f there were any differ* ence between the two, the .human ear could detect it in­ stantly. What. ,is the result? . Four thousand o f these Tone- Tests have beep given Three million people have heard them: No one has ever found any difference, The second proof is the Real ism Test. You can’ t deny what can hear for yourself Come and make the Realism Test. you Our Budget Plan o f payment w ill b$ interesting to you . Ask about iU - J. A . Beatty & Son XENIA, OHIO. See our display at the Greene County Fair in the Art Hall W e ’re Saving $3,000 Every Month For Car Owners In This Section Our immense buying power enables us to sell many STANDARD HIGH GRADE TIRES AT SAVINGS OF 20 to 45 Per Cent Our stock consists of Republic, Marion, Mason, Goad- year, Portage, Blackstone, Goodrich, Fisk, Knight, Cling­ stone, Racine and many other well known makes. See us before you buy, Share in the savings offered on many makes. TUe Springfield Tire & Supply Co. The White Front J4N. Fountaln-Cor. Columbus StM Springfield, 0 . tstm X X GET OCR PRICESON PRINTING X X