The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 27-52
I m KirpwiifiES*1*w m * . ■———«xww*w. ’A # k n •#^«i Uiffruvra jr «- **• -^aaa mi ' PQKiHBww4iti$w39fCSNdroiiro Mi<Mi»^i I>iriwMi|i ftwi i llliiiliii mmtrnm ,y¥'«f*f- <>r^ ‘T~Vn<i '%ff ifcf m m t i l . It ©wary*» « w e fmniicr -i tew*} skbjevt Wt MM jufoVriVil* to ^W'XHWteUtill o f J. S'. Rarafenum a* * m i » date for County Treasurer *ubj*ri: to the lUyttblfaam primary, August 19. . „ . to ttv* Republic** Pri»» r, a * c &* um , %m . t "Ip®ay*OMMlOlfWOf to ■|Mifyp*3tv<ft Bn •f <3. M. Pm*®. no a «*»d$d*M' Cfooaljy Osa Wt < bc * luotbeeiaadWOHfiWJOcethe mm§, o f X. i). 'Wlti«o»oa u a oandi- dW* foe Cowrtgr CowmiMioaer subject to the Republican Primary, August tO*b,W*0. Ho or* authorized to announce the W rim * o f Harvey Elam jut a candidate for <A«ndc of owrt* subject to the Re- pubBcai* primary election, August 19. Ho ax* authorised to announce the nam* Of Frank CrMwell aa a candi date f*r wntral eommiteeman in Cod arvill* township subject to the pri wary election, August 10th. 19b ar# authorised to announce .the now « f J, W. Johnson as a candi. date for esotral committeeman in CadaxviUc .Village subject to the pri mary election, August 10. ■ We ar* authorized to announce the bam* o f Frank A. Jackson as a can didate for county treasurer subject to. the Republican primary,.August 10th. We are 'authorized to announce the name o f Howard Turnbull as a can didate for Central committee before the Republican primary, August 10th We aw aWiheriaed to m m ww the name of Jos. T. Hutohiaan as a ean< dilate 3ge county tommmut before the RepuWJeaa primary, August 10. We are authorized to announce the name of john A. North as a candidate for County Commissioner subject to the Republican primary, August 10, MICKIE SAYS tSUTWHOKfXtOSNHw « AiUf »w e w f -tooorrsA.uuo^tTvV NOT'OCS^aEU.i WQVH ^*wotee\ tuuNAnrfwaaocs am i ,uorfoauwT vjmas 1 'NMtwfiaOHca' VN OvNNWUAIW sr Y/fk W )Z IN A iuvo ^ c * oume *o he cotxo 1 TU\H<5SONNB\oey£Rsextet iWDMj JS'i yjffh We are authorized to announce the name of J. G. MeCorkellas a candi date for Central committee before the Republican primary for Cpdarviffe Corporation 'before the Republican primary, August 10th. We are authorized to announce the name of.M; A» Broadstone as a can didate for' State Representative be fore the'Republican primary, August 10th. , JWe are authorised to announce,the name1of J. Kenneth Williamson as a candidate for, Prosecuting Attorney subject to the Republican primary, August 10th, • We are authorized to ' announce Charles Herbert Ellis of Yellow, Springs, formerly a, Deputy in the County Treasurers‘office; as- a ’can- djdate for Greene .County Treasurer, subject to the Republican primary, August 10th, 1920. - . We are authorized to .announce "the nameo f 1, T. Cummins aa a candidate for County CommigSiorier before the -Republican primary, Tuesday,-' Aug ust 10th. We are authorized to'announce the name o f John H; .MeVay, now deputy, as a candidate*tor County* .Treasurer subject to the'Republican Primary, ' August 10th- VtWo we authorized to announce the &ua£f&’ St' H. Shawhaa as a candi- Represeafativebcfore TueFday, )■v;-:Vfr'v:- toYmriounce the . TJ J, Ferry Shumaker,as a' can didate for County ’ Surveyor subject tor the Republican primacy, August We are authorized to.announce the name of DavidiArcher-as a candidate ;! for county commissioner subject to ■ ' the Republican primary, August 10tjh. We are authorized to announce the name tof W. J. Davis, county surveyor as a candidate for County Surveyor, subject to the Republican primary, August 10th. We are authorized to announce the name of Emery T. Reall as a candi date for County Commissioner subject to Republican FriUgpry» August 10, Q i?a OtfSV l>AV' IS P*N\ <1TARt.Fr 'STTcrttRO*. HOW'S THIS? / We offer One ’Hundred Dollars Re- vard -for any case of. Catarrh that iimnot be, cured, by Hall's ' Catarrh yiedicine, Hall’s CatarrhMedicine has been .aken by catarrh sufferers for* tbe •>ost' thirty-five years, and has bc- ome known as the most reliable rem edy -for Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh dedidne acts^thru the Blood on the vfucous surfaces, expelling the FolSoti rtm the Blood and healing the dis used portions. After you have taken Hall’s Ca- arrh Medicine for a short time you rill see a great improvement in yopr reneral .health. Start. taking.Hall’s ,’atarrh Medicine at once and get rid ■f csstarrh. Send for testimoihals, ?»e . l F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo. Ohio Sold by all Druggists^ 7Sc. Agents Wanted;—Man with team' or auto can easily make $150 to $300 a month selling HerheriingV medi- ;ihes, extracts, spices, toilet articles, stock powder, dip etc. in your county. .Own boss, EperiMice unnecessary. We furnish capital. Splimd^ territor ies open. Write today for free partic ulars. " , . ^ - Herheriing Medicine Cp., , Bloomington, HI. m The Xehia Bible oonfereacs will be held,on rim etd seminary grounds on August 8-15. One of the features wiR be Farmerti Day, August 10. J. Mar ‘ eon Prtigb will preside. 0 , X. Brad* fute will be among the speakers cov ering rural church condition*. Mrs. J, F. White of this place will conduct a children’* story hour for young fbuQu. I THE BIGGEST NEWS ITEM. The Herald let the biggest news item of last week get by us. It was the arrival of Misses Rachel Nell and Evelyn’ Belle, twins, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Oultice, the Sab bath previous. Mother and babes are doing fine while Walter’s good nature i* not £he least disturbed by the H. C. L. MAY WANT TO WATER STOCK George Rariow hea drilled a Well in the basementfor the newExchange Bank building. Water will he supplied throughout the building for sanitary purposes and. for a drinking fountain in’ the corridor. The well is in solid rock and 85 foet deep and an excel lent well of water was found. STEAM SHOVEL AT WORK. The steam^shovel for The Cedar- ville Lime Co. has arrived and is now beig used to grade for. the tramway. The shovel will afterwards housed in .the quarry to lift’ the stone-on th,e tram cars which will be pulled to the elevator by a gasoline locomotive, JUDGE SHOUP TO PRESIDE. ' Judge Shoup will preside at the Seventh District rally at Springfield Friday .evening at the big Cole meet ing, A delegation from this county is going to attend including a;number of Republicans from this place. r The delegation will be in line hi the par ade. INJURED IN FALL FRIDAY. Wanda Turnbull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turnbull, received a fall last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Oliver Job* where the Young .Folk’s Club’ was being en tertained. She was stunned by the fall and was in a semicomitose st|ite for several hours. The little girl 'wad brought to Dr. M. I, Marsh,for med ical treatment. CANNOT ATTACH PENSION. DAYTON, O.,— Judge PatterSon rendered a decision a decision to the effect that the pension o f Patrolman Charles Hannaberry can Hot be at tached In the case of Robert Bird A Co., which sought to collect,on a bill that allegedly was due the Concern by Hannaberry. < GUARANTOR’S MEETING NOTICE Grder your wall paper for fall pa pering before’ further advance in, the price of paper. Sample books at office one door south Of H< A. Barr’s furni ture store. - A. B, McFarland, A meeting of .the ehautauqua guar antors will be<held at the mayor’s office this Friday evening at which time tickets will, be given out ready for the Canvass which starts Saturday' morning. All guarantors are*Urged to be present. * ' CALLED TO SEE THE GOVERNOR POULRTY: Remember I buy poultry at the highest market price and will call for any amount any time. Wm. Marshall *£m WOULD CARE FOR THE COUNTY'S MONEY. O. E. Bradfuto, president o f the Ohio State Farm Bureau, was in con ference with Governor Cox at Trails Skid, Monday, where the Democratic qfeecb of acceptance is being written, The Governor was desirous of consult jug with. Mr. Bradfute on agriculture subjects; * Trait* of the Grizzly. So great 1s the strength of the griz zly, bear that he ran brenk the heck of a cow, horse or elk with n single blow and then rip the tlnlmal open from 6n» end to the other with a sldgle stroke. In earlier days he had no fear of mail, but now will run If he sees-one, unless he be disturbed in his feeding or 1* wounded, When he Becomes a veritable demon of hate and rage. He is natuo ally of a mean, suspicions hature, and is hard fO’ trap. He often tears a trap to pieces, just to show his contempt for the trapper, If disabled, ill or wounded by a bullet, or attacked by wolves or other wild animals, he will fight Until the last, and while he may be finally killed he exacts a terrible toll and dies with his fate to the foe. He is able to travel rapidly by means of a lope, and resembles, whoa run* uliig, a big boy playing leap frog. Reliefs That Center About Pearls, Many superstitious beliefs prevail in the East concerning pearls, those gems of the ocean deep®. For instance, it Is a common practice (only among the rich, needles*tQsay) to powder a peart find swallow it either as a tonic for: falling vigor or to ward off impending disease or iff ltickj or a maiden may mb her eyes with a pearl and there after, by merely gazing at a men, she may make him her slave! CfetAS. H. ELLIS, It I* bub natural for Charles H. Ellis to aspire to hold the office of Cowrtr Treasurer* for h* possesses the natural qualification* to fill the Ffted on top of the** is an experience a* deputy in the office through Dtiriod# is two Mte. Mills is Item Yellow Springs, whet* he stands foremost among the Hvt eMNma o f that village, v. WtJm iMhtajr m campaign and .has A strong following all over .fhea««itr- H i has raorivod m many assurance* of support that confidence i* all hr eateries* smile. He has never held a county office but ha* ....................................W* life a* ed-itor of the Yellow Spring* Review, , and at present StoiMirintendeqt of the Board of Id* home town* a l H B T i m J X L ‘ M& *8 h £-' *»<>:'iSica»w A. ^ T iL .W eu ^UIWAHON. Britos 'isiwutipi wmt9m *?5J "THbiRJHfej f grotiatve . tionofi i have th« Wren Co FO I „ . ' l S H K E E SPRINGFIELD, ONIO Ho«aaty in Word and.Wear UtowiRf Sbiet 1*77 mi Ohio Sb exhibit at will open have beep clothing. There it educate p wool" to t is true thi all wool a Wool is jm clothing v for new i worked u) improve a Uae of is doing n living. It ,thing t o i try ip this can be use “ *4, virgin wo, It is cht pianufacti the some clothes m the buyin difference. County .— f t ’s on oi of the St and is hei ; $ J5,< r s Since 1857 when this store first came into being and took its place at the head of the public serving mercantile establishments of Springfield, the patronage and friendship, of the farmhr ahd his neighbors in the smallertownr and cities within a radius of 25 miles, has ntways been- a source of much pride and satisfaction. / Founded'43 years ago by the late Edward Wren, the history of this store has been p«e of steady, substantial growth from year to year, untilhow it is known and recognized not $nly, in Springfield and surrounding territory, but in the large eastern market centers is well, as one o f the largest, and most progressive department stores in all Ohio. * With the announcement recently made that prominent business men of Springfield and Cincinnati Had combined in its purchase from the Edward Wren heirs, the destiny of the store from now on, promises even, greater progress than the past has witnessed. Realizing that no small part o f the stores past success has been due to'the unfailing support of the patrons in the surrounding towns and rural districts adjacent to Spring- &4d*anddeterrained to merit^its continuation in the future, the new owners have decided to ’ J The first lege will < Sept. 16 ,t place on 1 ing addre Rev. H. i the Presb The col largest a' far large is retumi outlook f lqrly goo< Every High Scl year will cept one. speaks w for the c Miss I uato this Will eniei Uheady t a* ? O f f e r E v e r y F am ily in T h is T e r r it o r y A n O p p o r tu n ity T o S h a r e In Its F u tu r e F r o n t s To this end a portion of the newtissue of preferred stock of the company has been set ^aaide andwill bepffered while the supply lasts, to the readers of th& paper. , ; - * Details of this unusual plan are in the hands of the following Companies, who will ^ gladly; furnish all information regarding it to. .thosewho’clip and mail the attached coupon. AMERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK .'COM Bank WM* tfc« dock) SPRINGFIELD, OHIO / J. B . CUNGERMAN Mi Baaiuwll EUg. ' Springfield, Ohio THE H . W . RUBY CO. STOCKS BOND* ’ *33 Fibbaab BoiUbf * Sprin,field, Ohio ROGER C , BOW LUS & CO . 333 Fairbanks Building Springfield, Ohio STOCKS, INVESTMENTS, BONDS THE UNITED SECURITY COMPANY Ea Ja - * ** / Rupert •j i e i .l l l j f i . i ^Sk^er, ]./RepreMoUtiw- j SPMNmSuO.OMO •■W*8*”*'»— ' ’•**■ BREED, ELLIOTT & HARRISON , Uhrtt National Bank Buildmff 4, J - /; . CINCINNATI CHXOAG* Cm UH A FRC lS - if \ i ' - SOXiWAIOXERI JS* Clip andmail thia covqponto any of the companies mentioned above for frae particulars of howyou can ahara in the future profits of The Edward Wrtn Company, SpringfiehfafLargest Department Store. ? . Please send me fuU particulars of The Edward Wren Co.’s plan to have me share in their profits. Name *♦-—***-******'************-*'-**-* Address...... P. 0. •MMN JS Caskey,. School aj Mr, J« Pa,rwho work at semester much im up his w Presidt ily are e cation at Rev. T. 1 He isvisi and sites ary light, he returr thousand East Dr. visit with science] North To impressei ability. The F the Urge tory of mores tb take a b won’t, bu Miss 1 Cedarvill the Lend here neX voice in a fine ha Rev. E ted Prof returned Universal The D this yeai With the; Carl I in the mountaii {tucky. Septemb 1 VC'4 m m a Give Us A Chance To Figure On Your Printing aid Five c : Sterrett, Millan, mings, ' BusUr, is 22 mi walked : , They co yoad So itmities . Utmost •j” . whereev- j| Upon v Crabbe, ment a t1 Hatchet ing the. years g sent ti Hardinj 'time -4 Un nounce i M wietoaiiiifmeirii the IlstjU ’ tot* ye*- V . -i* *■ v- mi4 i
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