The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 27-52

k‘‘ . r, m* »nmm T i l* H*R)dd I f r e t d fey t j » p $ » • rw h p e 6w w ai» e£ th is *«> e f A * em n ig r . th ew s w h o ***** A t ggfcaaey to Imy, memdSAiea MtofUW • T h e « 4 v » t i * i » e » t A n t teU e i» the $gf that doesn 't try I* tfcfl too much. „ mmm F O R T Y -T B X K D Y E A R N O . 39 ■m* C E D A R V I L L E , 0 3 I T , S E P T E M B E R 2 4 , 1920 R*a P R I C E , $1.5<B A Y E A R CORN W&UKY FRIDAY. Dw Rasssld* and F»ak<L*pi#k, <ff „ IV rtw i, vw « <rg**M % Stwriff Funderbwr* sad twenty-two fallens . of com whl*ky atossd. The two men M atopjmd & Yellow Spring* a t the <W r’ fen c e to change * tire and th* town Marshal, Coffman became suspicious and. Hayor Dentley was **U*t when they decided to eall on Sheriff Fttadwhnrf, who -with hie deputy, .George Birch, arreeted* the two me* wed' siesed the ewtomobile and contents, The Men quarreled with Marshal Coffman who took the hey to the awto lock. Sbctwragollons were in a key and two jugs that contained twp and oqe half gallons of whisky. BrosId told the Sheriff that the ma­ chine belonged to him, and that Lep- lsk(had asked’ him to take him from Springfield to Dayton. Wednesday evening Sheriff Ftmdvt- hurg placed Cassias Hosier wider air- rest for boot-togging in Xenia. He was in the act of selling a quart ofjjquor to a-men in the school house yard in that city when the Sheriff stepped up. Hosier had been- under watch for sev­ eral days. Be will he tuf&edover to *the Federal authorities. The, quart of booze is ip possession of Funderburg. «r ' . ......... m s REAL ESTATE DEALS. . INSTRUCTING THE SADIES We" notie* that gathering* h§ve been arranged for the instruction of ladies aa to bow to mark th« ballot* a t the oousing November, election. All ithi* may he well and good aa the new electorate probably needs some advice, particularly fo r the first timel ' It is being noised about in some sections of tb s county th a t the wot men were to. be instructed to knife certain candidates on the Republican ticket. Ho fact aa we have it one of the lady members of the Republican Executive committee has been appeal n i $ u m e .■—.-—-*> BUCAN BALLY SATURDAt NIGHT AT OPERA HOUSE There will be * Republican Rail) ' ouse « T Hi tfee cainpaignf^dr/Atwood 1* reputed to be a most excellent speaker and be is well versed on the League of Na­ tions and will discuss th a t "topic and other issues from a Republican stand­ point. He is the author of "Back to the Republic", a book that «h*s been in great demand over the country. Music for the. evening will be furn­ ished ’ ~ ’ " JEWl J0iL^p.... eyenm^s club .will give a concert a t 7:45 and„.TO >wa , i o acorc. ceo n ed to along that line, We are pleased [ the lecture follows" a t eight o’clock, to know th a t this feminize member L a # 4 b* mw . m U 4 ma i . * l . j , y?® DAoBt important in it# W. L, Clemana reports the Sale of the D. N. Hower property to W. Hr Evans fo r a consideration' o f $5100. The property is occupied by The 'Ex-- change Bank andtha Houstonia Creaip C o .on to e first, floor and Dr. Q .P , Elias and J. Y, Tarr on the second "Boor. Mr, Evans is proprietor, of the Cedar Inn aqd bought the property fo r investment. " - / Mr. Clemana la s t week sold the Ed' "Allen farm Of 500 acres in Hardin county. Mr. Allen purchased-this un­ improved farm last April for $75 an acre andvhas now sold i t fo r $00. an acre. Hi* profit on the deal was more than $5000 and in addition sold $5,500- worth of timber from the land. 'Mr, Allen has , purchased through "Mr, Ciemans th e ,J . W. Lile farm of 200 acres below Jamestown a t $150 ah acre, " «/, / >' * , , . - . * - ‘ THE MONET' MARKET. f, i ! S 'mSsuH i' JtL , *,- We some idea of the money market when by various taxing districts > a re no t purchased, in many recent^r r “ " - ' -i ' ' ^ J ,but thei'A was ohly one bid, 00, under the law no bonds rim he arid be­ low par, London was- loosing' about $500 a month on her electric light plant. To have continued the operation .of the plant a commercial rate o f 17 cents a kilaWatt hour would have to be charged. Council derided to close the plant and let s private contract. LOOKS 4LIKE BROOKLYN. of the committee had, enough back­ bone to stand for a "straight ticket.** I f the Republican Executive com­ mittee wants to lend the ladies assist­ ance in voting, it appears to us th a t net only the simplest instructions, but tiie most proper from-a party stand point is to urge thevotihg of a "straight Republican ticket”. , A mark in th e '1circle under the Eagle is a straigh t Republican -vote. Lot’s "hear from theRepublican E x ­ ecutive committee- that such a 'reso­ lution has been passed and aUph m* structions sent forth over the county. FORD SAYS WAR IS OVER BUT STARTS WAR IN AUTO CIRCLES - Henry Ford says' the war is over and i t ib time to get- back to 'normal' prewar conditions even j f i t means sotae'sacrifice and to that end upset auto circles Tuesday-wheh he announ­ ced lower prices' on all ears,- trucks and tractors. The company hal more" than 146,000 .orders on the' books a t the time the new prices were announ­ ced, THhe companies manufacturing higher priced cars have1ben operat­ ing With reduced forces to= keep the demand up fo r’cars and yet moat of these agents have plenty of cars on hand and no-ready sale. - The following are the,new prices: ' m campaign history and everyone is invited to be present not only to hear this -noted speaker.but. to le the cause, , A special invitation ia given to, the ladies who are accorded the first op^ portunity of top * president in the history of the Republic To the male voters -we. urge th a t each mar­ ried man bring his wife. J . W. Johnson and 'Frank CrCsfrell,- Republican Central Committeemen fo r CedarvjHe, village apd township.. COX CHANGED FIGURES. -ABOUT SLUSH FUND. * COI The terian its annual m * noon with *] Collage W L _ Dean of the given by Pastor of the Epiaeepai the Minister. isterie need fo r in view, of tb* financial., mental of d i f c e S e i . meet, Ha then gave ■ t o l* w ito di Frasbifj I «Bt«r- in vice a s life, by prayer, love fo r folks look. Last he ‘ a n d ’ OHTOPflEWSJN BRUEF Gov, Cox has changed his fig- to' charges; against RepUb- ures aa , „ . licans th a t.a seyen million dollar slush fund was being raised. I t is, , - now fifteen, million,-A prominent Xenia Republican stated-Monday, that ,Cox must have heard o f the , Xenia Gazette’s political rate and was figuring- that if all the Re­ publican, newspapers. were paid on ' the same basis, seven, million ’ would not be enough and conse­ quently raised-the amount to fif- ----- r,~—^ --------------------- dies' late „— ,— ..... — in­ terested also ih knowing that the man th a t buys space for cigatette advertising- gets i t for a lower rate than charged for a public - '-sale./... ‘ y ^ ~ SHERIFF STOPS TRUCK LOAD OF WHISKY, Stripped chassis from $625 to $360; Sheriff Funderburgon Tuesday af- runabout from $550 to $398, with held^up a truck load, of^h- stUrter, from $625 to $468; touring gerfovee: car.from $575 to $440, with starter, from $650 to $510;;truck chau is turn: '$640 to .$545* including .demountable qu6r on the Cofumbua pike near Wit The truck had 117: cases ' I t now looks as if ■ the Brooklyn Nationals' will take honor* this sea­ son for the penant. Cincinnati had-a good opportunity b d t trouble in the ranks of the players kept them from the high honors, I t Is probalble th a t the Cleveland Americans will win in th a t -league. This then means that Cleveland and Brooklyn will be.con­ tenders fo r the World Series. HARVEST CLOVER SEED. Farmer* will find it profitable to ha$ye*t clover seed fields according to ;the Ohio Experimental station. The production of clover seed ha*/fallen off heavily in many Ohio sections, bu t a good crop growing Mason has made i t possible to harvest light crops where i t usually has failed. Seed a t present is oxound $16 while last spring ft was above $80. Andrew Jackson has been attend­ ing the Grand Circuit rase* in Col­ umbus £hls week. The nee* are a t­ tracting the attention of home lovers and. some new record* are reported. Dr. Isaac Kay, aged 01 died a t his home in Springfield Monday in his" 02nd year. He was the oldest physi­ cian in the county a t the time of his death and fo r sixty years practiced in Springfield. H r. and Mrs. L. H. Buttshberger of Oxford and Mrs. Walter Wildman of Whittier, Cal., Spent Tuesday with Dr. and Mm. M. T. Marsh. Mr*. Wild- man is also visiting relative* a t Bai­ rn* PUBLIC BALE DATES. T. Wr St John, ,October 1 *. J. A, Swaby. Oct 18 . R. d Watt * Bom Friday, Oct. 18 * Stacksy, Nov. *8. FOLmCAL ANNOUNCEMENT* W* are authorised to announce the name ef lodge C. H. Kyle a* a can­ didate for re-election on the non-par­ tisan fcdhrfal ballet l« r„ Common Fleas &<%• for O rse rn jsa fe ay&e general election on Tuesday, Nov. ember, % 10t6- rims.and pneumaticitires; oonpe from $850 to $745, including starting sys- sem and demountable rim*; sedan from $075 to $795> including s ta rt­ ing system and, demountable rims; Fordeen p 5 0 $o $700. dealers Wednesday, none of whom were looking for such a cut anymore than the manufacturers of high priced cars. ■ . r* \ \ 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. Edha Dodds, of Detroit, Mich., is 'home for a few weeks v is it A daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs. David Taylojff Friday. Yod Will be interested in reading Exchange Bank statement in this issue, .. . ' sate date in the Announce your Herald. Whi, Fortune of the Dayton Sol­ dier’s Home, has been spending part of the week with relatives here. Mm. Frank Owens, who has been in. very poor health fo r some time, Was taken' to the Orchard Springs Sanitarium, Dayton, several days ago. Mr*. Hayea Bates we* taken to M t Carmel Hospital in Columbus Tues­ day for treatment and probably* an operation. Walter Cultice has resigned his position with II. Bates and accepted the managership o f the Xenia Meet Co. Warren Barber is now connected with the circulation department of the Ohio Farmer. He is a t present working a t county fairs. Dame Rumor has it that We are to soon hear of the early marriage of * popluar young lady arid ahignly es­ teemed young minister of-an Eastern city. Lee Shrodes o f Springfield was in town Tuesday arranging to move back hers about the first of October, His property is now occupied by Harvey Myers who has rented the C, M. Ridg- Way property on North .street. Noah DeVault gives up this place to move to Xenia. NO HUNTING NOTICE. Judge Charles Shearer o f Xenia died Friday a fte r a long illness. He Was fo r twelve year* a member of the old. Circuit Court bench end fo r two years chief justice. As a member of the Green* county bar and a di­ rector of The Xenia National Bank, he was prominently known in the county. Burial took place Monday. Suffrage was granted women on the gnawing demand th a t the feminine y<t »v srsMiv^it »» iuiis 'su, v*w# ;j wholesaleing i t for medical purposes. Sheriff FunderbUrg examined -the truck driver’s passports but ta be sqrethey were genuine, called the Federal department a t Dayton .and Cincinnati and held the men*until the government agents srrvied. The firm * h a th e S m w r had tim -p . I S i t S i i throu Sherii truck load will go through in a few days. The liquorI s pu t ii sold on -.medical permits. the devoted soul flow from a sold o f God burning wi men. I t was gsp le ual and prtijplcal' gree, assignments room work at are now in? young men: Messrs Clarke, Carl EM« George L, Markin, i Geprge Column, ' Duncan, Carl Duns D, H, Hammdnd, There a te a t „ „ in music than ,mui there being fonty-u for instruction and ) -two only. I t is bc$ ments can soon be . all who wish lessons1 Miss Mary Goode mezzo-soprano o f .“ ments now in pri are successful, will, instructor id -vocal %, lege. HhCisateScher; Homestead Studio, ‘ Dayton, and chorii' the F irst English ihq t city, Last sun m a presentation, comic opera,J "The mandy” a t Chautaw has done extensive and is a pupil of Gee. Foley, and Grace G; is said to have, a sp to .be a, trained and Any who wish ' les requested totelephor Mr. McKune has in typewriting, one and one a t four th Arrangements can o r three more .in ‘ . .Opce again the old j a t pight with the che college yells as the*, their^favorite profit i favorite girls!. „ The Bible is the the College thia ye popularity o f courses th a t a re thf- “ iinger. rMdfiare >pwpi#5^) classes a t eight: f ' i-,'We«kV: or two: en ti/ IrMouhde isound o f l serenade more r weht u last Saturday and the informed ' titan another t through in a few n storage and BARBERSHOP REUNION. , The gathering of a fety old timers Wednesday resulted- in w h a t might be termed a ’‘barber-shop” reunion. Rumpus JQhes of Dayton and Shelton Haggard of Columbia' Spent most of the Day With Charles Smith and what was lef of the old baseball crowd of years gone by t h a t took advantage of Smith’s ‘Tight, heat, and;protec­ tion” during the wintera some twenty five years ago; heard the old events of By-gone days all rehearsed. .It was a poor business day for Smith but •the stories of .the good-old-days made up for financial loss. I t will bo 28 years the fifteenth of October since Rumpus pitched that famous no hit game fo r Cincinnati, as an amateur, against the .Pittsburg .team. The record stands to this day, Haggard and Bumpus haVe not met fo r nearly twenty-ve years until they happened to be in their old home town on the. same day. * RESERVOIR BREAKS. The middele reservoir a t the pai mill broke several day* ago wl about four feet of the bank gave way allowing the refuse water to. pass into the creek, W» C. Bull, who re­ sides below noticed the condition of the Water in the creek and called the mill when an investigation was made. The break occured about the middle of the afternoon but there was no way of stopping i t until the water had lowered below the break. State officials have been here this week in­ specting the reservoirs. The company just recently paid a fine fo r allowing the -water to eftter the creek a lii is preparing plans for a Alteration sys­ tem, to be installed sOOn, THE LECTURE COURSE. The first number on the lecture course, Tuesday, October 10 will be “The Climax”, a dramatic master­ piece of comedy and music. This is one o f fhe most unique lyceum enter­ tainments on the road. The produc­ tion is put on by the Redpath Bureau and has been warmly received where ever i t has been presented. The play ran for two years in New York and a t one time five road companies were such a s BibM'Ur£i9?y, Bible Story Telling; Bible Archseoiogy, and A- pologetica, are also, well attended. Mias Brand has two strong French classes—that are atrone in numbers. They are not a * yet recommended as being stiong. in ilasal pronunciation. But tha t Witt come—it will cotike. Miss Brand is a SplemlJS ti&chcr. . President ,McChe«wy hee a das* m Oratory, HST th e ’ .sfe .,...... learn anything a t Cdfeg*, they will surely be able to tell it. The two new Pro leant L. Hathway Elhinney, though a t the. .teaching hold lik e—*■— fhe team Dr. ju rk a t b te to t beeriest ule of any member ,of Hie teaching thirtytone hours a eluding Hebrew logo History, phon, Old T* New Testament Litstoture. in- . eol- Xeuo- and . .____ now probably wondering if he eannot work in classes in bookkeeping and Spanish. Misses Louisa Great and Josephine. Randall are serving ia student in­ structors this year, tk« former teach­ ing a class in general science and the latter one in. second-? both in the preparatory Mr.' Edwin Bradfuto 4* chemistry. Miss Helen Bradfoto. a senior of this year, has, b**n detained from entering as yet .by illn*ea? but hopes to be able to be m by tbs a rst of next week. .. ■ The Y. W. and the year’s work esting meetings Mr. Harold Hammond preached in the Idaville, Ind., United Presbyter­ ian Church last saEsathr Mr. E. D. M cXW , who did such splendid home miisronary wotk iu Pontiac, Mich,, this pest summer, is now serving as regulai the Sycamore United Church, near Cincinnati. Tests!'Hateful Word! Which prof, will have .the honor (? ) of giving the first of tn s year? . So far, no student has become home­ sick enough to go home. All seem to be doing good work, too. So may it ■ever bef . * 1 touring this ticket sale or country. ____ spans Octooe: Which will be announced nekt week. _ .. Season r 12, more of NO PERMIT NECESSARY. Regardles* of reports farmers do itot have to have a permit to make cider for themselves or for Sate, so H as it is sold as sweet Or to be :■f o r v ' owner of a c ** permit. M. E, Epworth League threatens to do the same this week. MISS ROYAL SINGS AT COLLEGE Mis* Mary Goode «©K£ for vinegar. ider press have to have i n X has a beMdjbfal yoke undin complete control. Bg tt atotaftemi de lighted theatiriMbA MtasEoyai b*i Those about town th a t thought some time ago that oil for the street* was unnecessary have probably changed their minds within the pest w 3 / I t i« hard to make peopla be­ a t the ballot host. The first meeting of We Will ever hat# dust, especially if the Republican campaign will be held we are in an extended Wet season. ■Saturday night'in the opera house. ^ ’i ; _____ when Harrv Atwood of Chicago The County Road outfit is a t work * » *p«k*. IsM m j^ e s p e r i^ y ^ in v ite d accsptad the vocal music visit toe Co: give lessons, ef eighteen pdse to org or, if there enough classes, one for giria huwting Wtth deg or gun will be P*r- to be present. Now is the time to the*stotrifighway 1 will have Msh fees the, *hew your loyalty to the Republican will done, this year. The. con-;reasonable pri***. Y«w trade ia eoUo- mEMt ON the hwd* owned m m . |and R u t th* rioht e f f r anchise dition e f theraad urn* seek tha t tin- H*d. ■ 7 7 1 mediate werit had to bedene or i t / www* mnrnmw*, wogM- hm ImiysssiMe tM* winter. Notice: That there ha* been # matsria) de«t of laborers from cities, back to to* country is indicated by toe fewer demend*, for farm he lp ,.it is an-” nouncod' by W. F. Gslhtodsr, ststiitb «ian for th* Wste board of agrlcul* tore.--' : , ■: ,/ ; American Legion wfil hoM tis iso- wnd annual conventiol * | 4T#f*l*h# Bept. $7-8*. • -V • instead Of deciding for itself whether or not to p t o * ftotoioou- riabuiar? hiU. in .toc^nftxfc/gehdiat' $ sembly, -the :executive;'cpmmiti$S ' of' . the Ohio1Farm Bureau federation has nut- submitted the question to tills ^ n t y ** bureaus for consideration, , to* M f P*»id J.-Evans, 8«, Canton, fijed of . to save * fractured skull receivea wheu he spirit a scaffolding, it d e -4 Approximately 5.000 Knight* T*% vrato pfar of Ohio visited Cincinnati/tor Jlffi!* tod* elyentieth .annua);!c<mcl»Vjfe;: / i' ‘ w n ; Three;hundred miners employed at ay the Ohio. Colliers' company'* mine 1 ly ,•No. 2ia went oh strike at Athens,in, , Brown. 1sympathy With five drivers, reported-, Fsol discharged •hecause they demanded l *shorter ’Kour*; ' , .* . { 'PlaaflWg guilty to manslaughter for • riudwits toe killing of John Moore, Sun S tin -1 tuMtoted, son' wks aentenced at Youngstown to ; « ^ , t h e Mansfield reformatory, ! Irwin, postmaster of Begraff, i care to r Logpil County, ,for three terms, and i ) tonqeh state fire .marshal, died at hi* f known' home.tin Degfaff, . ^ *, t , ' ' 1 _jrange-! - Four prisoner*;,after JilttingSheriff mpleticm Georgh SbonW on .the bepd, escaped toe new from the Tuscarawas county Jail, one toe Col- was captured- shortly after, 41 . Bimm*. -Mrs; Eliza Baker, 35, daughter of Crattdn H, Baker, a banker, commit- of* l uicWe a t Tlffln by taking poison, appeared. to told to,have been despondent. ‘itte’s improper dancing of all f kinds is __, Ito r-; placed under an absolute ban by an Y. She . ordinance passed by- the city council J® of East Cleveland,': 1 4 ' ' - ' r fSim! Bev, E; A. Lilly, TO, minister qf the S d • Ftoat B ; B,/Church a t Findlay, com- mitten, suicide t>y cutting hi* throat with a razor. t* ■* 1>' >• Miss .Dorothy Sealand, 16,. dived into th e water fully , clothed and res­ cued Mil*, sAnna. Boyle, . 35, from drowning ia toe lagobm at the Cleve­ land7Yacht dub,’Cleveland', ■- JBrnjeet Goldschmidt, -19,,' was sen-' fenced- t° the -electric Chain a t the penitentiary Dec. 31,, He pleaded guilty a t Akron to shooting and kilt­ ing Jkcoh And Morris Shearer, mer­ chants/ during an attempted holdup of tbdlr store. •Frederick Joaeph Carl Fro*t,, sent up from Cuyahoga' county tor rob­ bery, made his escape from the Loa-' seweft - * ’ ’ . 5 ‘ - 'Fir* which broke out In A balcony stockroom of •the balMhig Occupied by the CarroU-Thompsoa compeny. Ford dealers, at Coiu.nbus, caused. « loss .estimated at $46, 90 / - At .Nelsouville John Mem 11, was killed by*A truck- Ted thousand union machinists In' Cincinnati district, who have been on strikd for 20 weeks, voted to end'the •walkout and return to. w o r k / ; ? '^ >' A '-burglar who entered' the home of-Mrs. Edward gagggd' her and cut off her hair,' Btx men were injured when the cable of a construction elevator at the New Carlisle school building broke, . / " r' ; . ■ ' * • At .Cleveland J , D- Marks ‘Asked A; hoy to watch his Automobile when he went into a store/ When he turned the hoy and A traveling ba$ containing $ 3,000 Worth o i’*jewelry! were’missing. Four babies,' born within an hour and a half to.Mrs. J,. Q. E llis'at Ken?, ton, died. 1 *' / , -, .. . , r / Single Tax party has asked Secre­ tary of State smith to put the ca t on the ballot as its emblem, alongside the rooster of the ;D#mocrats/ the eagj* of the Republicans and the torch of the Socialists, .W< N, Crowder, 84, ct-aQuiAerOity; -Guernsey county, on* of the oldest ex-members- of the state board of ag­ riculture. died of peritonitis at/Cos, lumbus. He was a member of th$ state tax Commission under Governor McKinley. Lightning wrecked the plant of the Ohio Light and Power company, Fox fori*. . Washington C, H, gag Consumers wlU pay 100 per cent more tor fuel in the future. , r; f/ Thieves stole song book# from the East Liverpool tabernacle. William Quinn, f ^ ; a policeman, was fattaty shot when pairolling hU beat id Massillon. The aseallant, de­ scribed ad a ,youttg\ffilii/ I# heitoted. to hate been a burglar, Quinn died soon, after In A hospital. * Edward Help!*, 18, eat on a log in ths> wood* near Athens barking like A squirrel, The rusi WOfked *0 wall that Clyde Mansfield sllpped up and shot Seiple in the head, 47 Shot tak­ ing effect, Seiple may recover, . Frank Byaky and -Ylnceoto/George-'’ vitch Are held a t ' Wkfrcn in Cohaec.' tiob’wlth the murder of George Pu- halskl. Nonpartisan school top citizenship will be organised a t tialletofitathe for women, ' ■■r ‘ ■ / Mrs. Lena Homing ' t$ /fi!g l 'tiling ton, died aa a result of injuries re­ ceived two hour* pr*fion» wien . struck by an automobile, . , - , «*a| Rudolph Gomoloski, railroad work* i Ori committed suicide a t Toledo ly id av to tohaliog gas, a el*is! Martin Brockman was electrocuted also her pu r-*at Loveland when he touched a live otiega glee club, wire. ktiareaied, two Nicholas Kolege, t , Loram, died of and on* fior men. j gB^ k o t wonads. Nine person* were injured a* the result of a collision between tw« antes at Cleveland, Edward,. Norris, Soalfe Brooklyn, auetoined « frac­ tured skull. Wtotpp w. A tw e ^ .tiatoadAf' nMrhti r in eM M •NH S I It Might Have B obo “THE land of might have been’* i$ crowded with a nad company de­ jected people, labeled., by ail the World a* dismal failure*. THEY dream of houses they might have owned, stocks that might have been theirs, servants that might have answered the beck and call, homes for die aged they might have found­ ed, orphans they might have educat­ ed,. if wealth had been theirs. Too { late now !,, , ' ' * ** f * ' \ r' - ’ 4 . /*, , ECONOMY .and sayings have no place in “ the land-, that might' have, been” ; -they are found Only in .“ the". , land of action and doing.” , ‘ RESOLVE to haye a 4 per cent. Sav- . ings Account and to keep, it growing ‘ and you Willbe numbered with those, red blooded .people Whose slogan is, . “IT WILL BE “ w/, Cedarville, Ohio , Resources Over dtie ^Half Million‘fDoll 3fi*38.West Main Street, Xenia, Ohio .game, mm ml veteran*, sad * victory is Assured already- 1900 Pathe and Aeolean -n, *y. *n Fraibyterisn n i . i r sap^ly^ for rf%5 wont er 11 - Itoa teltm Tpeedey, Sept, L m Flrit hetoi every day a t Hessteata Creem Cto,f W. H. Itoi*ki»iiwt. The Ideal A reola Radiator-Boiler For cslUrl&s small houses, flats! stores, schools' stations, etc. It is unlike most hot water heating plants and does not require a cellar, Ihe Aroola Boiler can set in any room in the house. It is more pleasing in appearance than any stoye, A stove heats in spots while the Areola dis­ tributes the heat uniformly over the various roomy of the house.; With this kind of a heating plant you •top trips to the cellar to “fire the furnace”. ^ The only Ideal Areola Radiator-Boiler heating plant in the county set up for display purposes show­ ing you hoar it works can be seen at our store. . 1 ■ ■ Baldner-FIetcher General Plumber* K. MtsiuStfMt, Xmfa>, OMe