The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 27-52

IW S 3 * s «W :s J y 1* m m ay t o buy . cum Wto W 4 to * * tk* fitoeeti** oc Mr*, ^ c f j j a r EfiBjlEhA^lfowlHBg CMfc Mr*f J, W» «*»<*« ibw J22 f*;***% «w *N rri Mr*, m m Eww* t»»*to*r, iwiti«N| l» e *M iW M - •*toV tojritf* Oto, I# to tin gain#pke* ******** h*»*d .totwM 'i«« w two «W *M i fetto tot-to-fewa-AB hale* " • f * * * * % b* P « * to w d bear « M totocitea end enroll a* members to tteeleh. '. . to* tine* tom reftrivod that, Itto A. E. Faulkner |EXml* mill W apeokeex Saturday evening 2 % , watiwr *• to aecswad yto. Mia. EEiPflier i* * » tetereeting apetoto, **A the ladle* of the community tomldl to oto in foil numbers . The *teattng < **» to right n’doek. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? VS yon a* « farina? told * nun too. towtofo of corn or wheat and after toe year* he tod not paid for same, would you ,consider such a man fit to «*rre on a oourt of justice? i f you as a merchant sold a man a stove, suit o f clothes, or merchandise to any. kind tod after sin ySara to had not paid for same, would you consider such a men fit to serve on a court o f justice? tt yoV ;ss a laborer worked for a man. and after six years you had not received your pay, would yon to in­ clined to support « man for judicial honors, or think such a Candidate was worthy o f your suffrageT ' “ If you «s « .professional man; tod nettdorod services to a,msn and after to* years had not received your com­ pensation, would you feel it your duty in justice to yourself and fellow man to elevate such a man for judh toto honors! «' -* Would yon as the wife o f the far-; toar, the merchant, the laborer, the professional ,jsao, fool-, that yon totod o«* fto so -impmctto^ar Jlto* to, >nwteteri Ftow Ji?<lg$ that had tom your, bus- FAM tANDjrttDNOTT* The Cedar Vale Farm Duroc sale and the J. .H Lackey sale ef. Poland eWaa# are being told today. ■. * ■ w- W, I*. Chmsans sold the Winter* farm o f 184 acres senth ef town Wed­ nesday to George Martlndale o f Glad­ stone an aere. The farm was tobantiy ywriutsed by A.‘ H. Cm - well at executor’s sak for $174 so aore. ■ ■ ■ ■ .•*. •. *,■■-.■ -a ■ G. Mi Ctose, who has been operat­ ing * large part o f the Hototon land near Snath Charleston is holding a pabBe aal* on Wednesday, ©to 20. Mr. Chase has Purchased the Houston garage and is giving up farming. - ' *; a * , * * . . . Townsley and Ritinour' shipped seven decks of hogs from here last Saturday, ' * * t ’ A. H. Dean, who has been farming the H, C. Stewart farm will hold a public sale Oct. 25, Mr. Dean will leave the farm and locate in Spring- field. For Sale:- I have 500 shocks of good corn for sale ip the field. Elmer Spencer.. s e e ' f If yon failed to get that good young Duroc male hog at the Watt jalo visit Maple Glenn.Farm and buy an "Orion. Harvester”, . t 'James B. Orr. ,. , r ” .* ,■* TomlinSon and McCoy will hold a Hampshire sale on Monday, -Oct. IS »t Fairview farm, near Jamestown. This firm has gained quite a reputa- rioji as breeder o f Hampshire* and the coming sale will no doubt exceed any afthe many in the past. t - ‘ *•_r>,* ^ „ *a The apple and potato crops were never more promising that this year «£ all reports are true. We hear that potatoes hi Michigan and jh Indiana are selling now as low as 50 cento a bnshel. The only draw back is Gust airs, .cannot be iia:'fi)iu»iT, for shipment. '~P f ; \ i J ■ •’Wa Arif ; |g La.^aiu >—•1 \ ItvfM IPt ip sw* tiiat fitomtos OHIO'SREPUBLICANCl •:^m;;«lfiy;.being.-•Jto»*“.t o ^ « ^ • '^ ' ale« am not takwg Tha Freshmen had a spread Friday i^ ijif's to to to .w ii. Hu Wsihor De ler* to tokC ctobsd 21 whenT8 haad<foattli. Th* Oampa^n behig .wtoid. •> VM t Ohio’s ruTal school code ot . 1114, •nroiltueat in rural high school* ; has increased m«rs than 100 per best,: aocordls* to the stat* department o f ' public instruction, Rural high school enrollment in .1114 was S.04JT, Last year It was H.440. One of the largest com crop* ever raised In Ohio is. forecast by the Oc­ tober crop report;Usued by the-state Oepartmsnt of agriculture. The re­ port also show* record yields of ab­ ide*, peaches and pears, The bulk of the com crop is now sate from dam-, age and-harvesting and silo filling is hi full swing the report says. Hugo Bchlesiager, HS, prosecutor of, Franklin county, died in a Columbus houpHal following ian operation. Fay1 roll in tto steel mills at young*town fob September, *MW.* Mfc I* th* highestever reachedthere wiih one exception, tbe mptttb of Jan: uaiy, imp . " Annual meeting of the Grand chap- ter^ Royal Arch Masons, closed at Youngstown with the selection of Dayton ®s the 1921 convention City. 8, K, Jones* of Dayton was elected McDole,. 47, postmlS- - ------ - ...lage-of Kansas;..negr Foetbria, drowned herself while topi- porarily insane. She was a widow and leaves four chllren. * . That a woman Whom she met at Union • station ” upon arriving In Co; lurnbu* drugged her end- then robbed her of M,2U0 worth of diamonds, was the complaint made to the police by Miss Mary Wise of* Newark, t Action to give Oftlo 800 cat* of soft coal a day and satisfy demands for domestic coat in various other state? Was taken by the Interstate, cam*, metce commission Ip an order requir­ ing railroads east of Montana, Wyo­ ming,. Colorado and New. Mexico to furnish coal cars*to mines in prefer­ ence;to any other use. - ■ pIk-E. Kittle and Jesse Carter of ■feenefontaine, after making a trip to Upper Wisconsin, were struck hy a tfaction oar 20 miles from homb and severely Injured. - q ,-Yaooination of school children' was wads compulsory at Akron Whensev­ eral oases o f smallpox were founds estate dealers N ickles and D im es Built the Tallest Building in'the World Five and^ten cent ealee of merchtndise m $k * fortune of 140,000,000 for Frank Woolworth. If we could save the nickles and dime# mi h u little thought as wo spend them, we would very saoa have a liberal sum saved for emergencies, inveet- ments, nr business opportunities* - The latent power stored in loose change becomes apparent only when accumulated in a reserve fund. That reserve is the difference between Income and expenditure. . Protect your loose change in a savings Account where it will earn 4 per cent interest. It would be quickly lured from your-pocket but not withdraw from your Savings Account without deliberation. \ T h o F v r h q n f f p R a n l r J* lA w f a A v l i e u ' o a i i A f •. ,r'r t . '■ • , - ; : ' •'•toF- - '%■ :--.i •* . CEDARV1LLE, OH lp. '■ ResourcesOverOneHall MMon Dollars ■I v —- U—■ ; Bast Falosttao foal report * bufidtog boom. . * site for a newM,HEo.oooouaitorium to* bMB ooloctod at Youngstown. ...Ral^b ■ Vtous, 82; wto-kiUoA Whaa aa autotoahfio to which ho was ridlug turned over oa thoCtoton-AIH; attco tto^hato Loutovllto. " &5an* R ice K A R O S At*aV 4a-¥ *W^A* *-•,’> *4 i *M * H f 'l *1 < !i * £*+ f kr*4rV 2 1 b «, fo r 15c 2 1W. lor 25c- 1 hr A yfoiparV 'ozganixattoh iu titia *wwuty' toWWlljf iwTMjwwIjW'irof Hbort Hwfie* iW Agdasb- Haxrir h. D«vis» tbo BtotA^ Doan aominoo, to all * path o f Hid IDomocratic movement to elect their oandidato for that office. Mr. Davto ‘’baa kritoitedlr' atatedl dtat he atood for law mrforcament to the letter. Be has rt-affirmod hi* stasnd in a lettto to Frank.R. Willis* a known dry, who is reading it at po­ litical meeting*. Those who heard Willis several nights ago in Xenia heard that totter read. . " ^ , , . • ■ REPUBLICAN MEN ORGANIZE A Bardito-Ctottdga Xtegtoltoan efab for men was organised at the mayor’s office Wedneeday evening. Petition* will be circulated for m®»- hersMp to thi towaridg, all atoasber* being asked .to pledge to give their loyal support for « straight Repub- Tbe following Mfieer* wsre-elected: J. W* Jritosott, president; Harry Xen- ■ oh , vice president; 8. C. Wrifht, sec­ retory; Karlh Boll, tmaunrer. FBS8 SPSAX8 TURfiOAIf. )h io Congressmea Fuse apeefcs la Xeaia Ttoadsy avaaint H m S mm I ef Xeniajr, the late bwrtog b*to *Hw»ged. It to m wen *oJ mmm m i a m Mm<M eta, tfitiiltiiii f^flufHdin tMEkBoia *hA i* t mm m i women, md from be Col toga Bijidaimnr. Otob -wig attend* I^UTJCAL ANNOUNGBM1WT AjEaMujshMiitiwtofc "name « f Julga C. H. Kjde aa a een- dltoto f or rawieetkm on the iwft-par- ttoen jodictol ballot for Common amber, 2. MM* % NEW FRANKLIN SIUOAN* Georga Littie iam# driving into town. Toenitor wRfc a new Wmkm sedato one e it b t woet artotoeratlc ^ the market. Mr. Littie toe bad m .nmadiii ifiMr H JiWV -mmt •» *W8to*l1wBdWtoifiWto. nww mm beeaito tbe^vegne* Hto first we* toe stogie aillfifi* Olto fotowmd to «oce**ko by the todek. Cotton Hey* me, Hedge, f t o i **d tbenew ''WtemAjyttik JnCtoiPKWile THE E lfiT MWfiTRRt fittOW ' Tbi Ember »wM t Etoettel abow M to* bmwto «H toe Mtoto ItoM* m Wednesday m i Ttowad^ Fiaal np ». ft wae « eembtontton mteted m i vstotortl itoeWf w*E a1 fe e l bend m i tmmdm, « • m #m jm m wt a.... :■ -m _ The next intdtoment to this cOWtttry will b* an agrarian mevement, P. E. Goodrich o f Pftoi* lent o f the Graitt^-Deatora* National Msoriation, declared at toe opening o f the association’s annual conven- toto held at Minneapolis,'Minn., tins week. He said the farmers, misled by ambitious politicians, were forming organisations for class legisiatton stronger than tbe nation’s labor for­ ces. Mr. Goodrich declaredthe public had been misled as to grain market- ettog conditions,* “ iMraight be inter­ esting for tto public to know” he de­ clared "tljat tbe cost to the down­ trodden farmer of handling grain by too country grain merchant, tbe ter­ minal market buyer, including all weighing fees, interest on money, in­ spection, and all other charges ex­ cept freight, is less than 10 per Cent, of the price paid the producer- When grain was very cheap the coet was tf per cent It is a well-.known fact that irt no other country of the world are form product* bandied as cheap­ ly te the producers. * DEATH OF HUGO BCHLKSSINGER Huge N. Eetoecetoger, aged 42, prosecuting attorney of Franklin county, eendidate for common pleas judge to the county* died suddenly after an operation on the Tneeday prevtous -fee apptodidtis,. Mr. Schteseingre wee bom and edu­ cated to Xenia and bis first puhlk trust was a member of toe Ohio Codi­ fying Commission several years ago. H* became city prosecutor to Colum­ bus and afterwards county prosecutor, His work as prssecutor to running down auto bandits and prosecuting, them and prosecuting violator* of the cold storage law#made him prominent not only to his county hut the state. H f leaves a widow and one daughter. The funeral was held Tuesday to Col- umboe. tote t Ifteyfwy societies. The first society will fjkrm. a> HaSewsfat pro- the college The fleniocs bad*a "1^1 pariy” lato Wtvmf fVMalfl! HiFjlRf WWE Pi Mwi TfcflmE’ Siiltlu, ■—J*W VW-•*- ......*. . u ■, . t-' * • % ' ’ October he* come. Also teat*. " * ^ * * > The Sophomore agriculture class is planning to take a trip to Harry Townsley’* farm, Wednesday after­ noon. • • * -r - ■ •*: . .■■A The firstobservers from this year arrived Tuesday. • 0 * m The “Freahie*” axe How being ini­ tiated. Roger Stormont doe* not have to become * cocpee before riding to a hearse. Kenneth ’Arnold has a strong likeness for sand piles. #'f 9 9 A High School .orchestra and chorus have been organised by Miss Helen Oglesbee. They are planning to give a concert sometime this year. ■m ■•- *»■%■. • Prof. Parker spent Tuesday to Columbus attending ameeting called by the State Supt, of Public Instruc­ tion for the purpose of discussing educational topics of great Import­ ance to the principals and superb* tendents, * . * • The following is the record o f at­ tendance for the month. Tim first column is the grade, next number en- ftBSetioo bmfns writhe annual ..eel- ^ ” » - * * * * * * } # 2 3 2 ? * “ J W ’' f ; * y \ f * . Mtirnw otobh*Wif* 'into yean, -The college chaps! evorftowed totc^thc boy’s waitoag roma wito « t appreciative audi«me. Tb#% program rendered sto a high standard for 'toc ytoft;Tt'WS*: the president, Harold Hammond; vo-* cal. solo by Luril* Johnson; playlet' directed by Marjorie Wrij^t; reading Marion Stornmntj Oraage and Blue “ Outiook** Msjfgaret McCarty; vocai quartette, MiaSe* Parker andJchntfon Messrs. Carl Dunea» and Msrkle; reading, IMwto Bradfute; vocal solo, by Messrs Duncim, Marideand Harry Wright;, child impmseoations, jeri# McClollsn; mdgtoal ; poem by Wilbur ,White; piano *olo, LoMse Greer; musical readtog by Gertrude Insloy; pantontifte and revmie by Florrime Smith and bar' asriatantA It Is safe to say tbit a still larger .au* dfence will greet 'tow periformew at to* mat meeting. - * ' ♦ e :- -Mr. A - C. Rdceri, instructor^ to" physics to the Springfield High School viilted too College Into’ Friday after­ noon and demonstrated several stero- ticons and a moving picture machine. In a recent contest on tit* Rook of Genesis tit* boys in the B1M# class beat the girls to th* time of 28 to i f , The girit Claint it will be dtfferentjpn Exodus. Study, boys! ILIFF BROS. RBBULD1NG BRIDGE STREET BRIDGE. rolled, third neither, absent or tardy and fourth per cent of attendance: 1, 38 18 24 2, 41 28 85 S. 40 22 84.8 4. 38 27 24.8 6. 3 2 20 93.7 8. 26 8 88.1 7. 25 18 82 8. 20 18 . 88.76 H. School 88k , 77 88 MAN (F WAR WON, Tuesday was a great day wHh the sportim*u ef this Country, The World Barbell Series wse w*n by aeretsnd ever Brooklyn to a* saey maimer. . Tba other event wt» El* flUMEMHE, K|Windsor, Cam, btoweett to* Anted* mmm m i jumper, Man O* War m i. to* a»mum * perse to m m m i a f Sjm guld cup Samuel Rlddl*, owner to to* wi«m*r stmmmced btoor* to* mm that toll. wfuM I* to* Intorite#tor MwiO»Vtor as he W«M be placed in to i ltod. H* Ui-s mm toerto * * * * # * » “ to* m M bto raftoto to* totof. Th* county commissioners have let the contract to lift Rro. to rebuild fhe Bridge street bridge that gawk away some days baric. The work has been Started and a new concrete arch will be turned under the present arch with concrete extension to take toe place to toe part that gave way. Th* bridge When completed will be four feet wider than the old one PUBLIC SALE DATES. R. O', w lt t^ So* Friday, Oct. IS J. H. Lackey, October 15. A. H. Dean, October 28. Winter A Stotoey, Nov. 22. R. A. MURDOCK TAKES FORD • AGENCY IN JAMESTOWN. WHAT THE FILES SAY* Issue November 25, 1299. Cedsrville College foot ball team defeats Antioch by a score to 6 to 6. The county commisiofters have granted a franchise to the Rapid Transit Go., operating a traction Blit between Xenia and Dayton, to follow along the Columbus pike to WlllatotolUsteeei: WllOfnPXOrcf* Local telephone company asks council tor a 28 year franchise. & a , Murdock has branched oat W\ •to1**^* *° M». kouri an<i on Wednesday took ever to* Ford tbi* w*ek to investigate some mining M(twrM(.y jn Jamestowa, held until tout Jday by Bert Long. Mr. Murdock wi» The superintendent of the rural noiw have on* to to* meet impmrtent mail Service was in Xehia this week p otd agenda* In tola seetieeu He has and i» planning to lay out a route for built Up for hh eompeay and fier Mm- * « , . self a very extensive bteineea. No Hal Raid come* fo to* opera house mmoaacotaent has 'besri mM* kmte J L u * * * ^ * ^ * E * ^ si ■ , ema^y fiEi Martin Hetor to Bowlis* Cbrtoa*wto' found gulliy to robbing. Boldermstf# dry good* store at Tiiiln in 1817. Mr. ana lira.”David Fortney N*w! Philadelphia, celebrated their, sixtieth wedding anniversary. Dennison uouMCll will confer with other Cities before indortin* the peti- tlett tor a raise in Water rate*. * Commissioners of putnam, Mercer, Van Wert and Paulding counties are considering improvements along the Little AUglaixe river. Telephone company at Midlctovrni has asked for an increase i* service; COsti, . * ’ , * ^ - ’,'1 Mrs, Georg* E. Huribnt hanged her- ?elr la her home In Toledo. She had been ill, , - ‘ ■ i Mr*. Nancy May Elizabeth Wad*4 worth, 88, first cousin of Thomas A, Edison and resident of th* inventor’s birthplace at MRan, died from shock: following a fall. More than 208 railroad men have beendismissed from, th* service with­ in the last two Weeks in Cincinnati because of a slowing down in *the movement of freight. John J. Cain of Poland Is In jail at Youngstown for shooting A. M. Vi kovic. who. while driving an auto­ mobile, ran down Cain’s T-year-old son. . • E. C> Clay of Athene*, turnkey at the Btaric county jail, was esriouaty injured when two prisoners beat him over the head with a board and at­ tempted to secure the key to tbe jail. A trusty came to Clay’s assistance and prevented the escape to to pris­ oner*. Quick work by the crew to th* steamer Golden Rod saved the beat from sinking after striking a rock at Gallipoli*. .■■■•■ L. Lawrence, 40. Akron, waa killed by a truck. Traction service between Toledo and Marblehead was suspended when trainmen retimed to work on central standard time. Silas Watters, MilltospOrt farmer, will husk th* corn crop of bis neigh­ bor, Jatoes peters, because Watters bet On cinebipsti In the 1815 world series when Peters h sked Watters’ crop. > lima Franks. 5, killed herself with a revolver found In a drawer at her home m Cleveland. Five women were selected tor grand Jury service at Springfield, Search Is being made tor Stella Zaiac, IS, who left her homo to To­ ledo to attend a night class at high school, hut never reachedher destina­ tion-, Captain L. Vor'ni William, mayor to Ripley tor many year*, who re­ signed recently, walked Into the office of the prosecuting attorneyatGeorge, town and Wrote out an affidavit charg- lag himself toitfc the embezzlement of $78 from the Peep!*’* Building and Loan association of Ripley, of which he has been an officer toy 10 years, William demanded that he be sent to prison. Slovak society in Lorain Is erecting a 110,080 clubhouse. Rev, William M. Bustard, pastor to Euclid Avenue Baptist church, Cleve­ land, known as John D. Rockefeller# Cbttwh. accepted a call to Boston, *. •*.* «w*a*V**e**ew >^e«*dWe>4*-%« Blue Label 1-2 gallons . LARIL—PURE COUNTRY "Golden Fleece" Flow * ; r ^ (i ' - Seeded Raism8-~-l loz Fels Naptha Soap No, 2 1-2 Can “Sunkist” Sliced Pineapple . Santos Peaberry Coffee 45c * *554c-, • « »24c ; . . ,8 c bar , . \ -* * A':*'';<;4 5 0 ’r;': 32c lb. * * * e a i- ’W h , .* * ••>,*■* * *■.■#■■* RobLBird &Sons Co. »va », G a llow ay C h erry 36-38 West Main Street, Xenia, Ohio HooverElectric Cleaner 1900 Cataract Washer Pathe and Aeolean «*» ilrtaifa * m mm tm W. L. CLEMANS | R e a l Estate t*M MHtotA- to to f *Md* tool* Efttoday to r«*rii*4 hy phey at lay gerii eaWtocbi mrnm* FHONRS ReeWhtooe2-128 CEDARVnXE, OHIO If