The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 27-52
DONT BUY A FARM 1 UOTLYOUREAD THEOfflOFARM WLAM BOOK fengtatauw*eocBpUfeft4fc>mpdoeofmanydbtmfolcfarm* JbiM*wactkmof Ofeio. Wewifi furatohyouwithphoto- fWlffct ofhlf • , (: FARM BARGAINS righthereathome* SENDforyourcopy today. „ TMWafiioe-Snyder Redly Ce., FARM REALTORS 604 ArcueBuilding. Springfield, Ohio. LIST YOUR FARM FOR SALB INTHEOHIOFARMBLUEBOOK We*mail it tobuyersnil overAmerica. Writeor call for ourplan, getyourfarminthenextissue, Itwillcostyou, nothingunlessit issold. TheWallace-SnyderRealty Co., FARM REALTORS 604 Arcue Building. - Sprmgfield, Ohio. ~r CENTRAL GARAGE ' / ;V *■ CLARRNCE-^liKERYHrMgr.,;; Vl *- lhave secured the services of Harry Johnson; who has bad, three years experience in Overland repairing. General repairing'of all kinds. Prompt serviceany hour. ‘ „ , - - PHONE-98. ^ „ v - - , - NIGHT C^LL‘193 ' v; •* Mv Critical music lovers ■ _ ;r,y* ", r , g*- r ’ . • . p r e t w ; ■ . The Brunswick * T T is always a certain friend, an en- 1 thusiastic one, we find, who hears The Brunswick and then compares' it. The,ear is quick to appreciate its “ superiortone* Theeye is quicktonote its finercabinetWork, And themindis quick to reason out why Brunswick is a final-type-Jnstrument'in every way,. TheBrunswickMethodof Reproduce tion has broughtnew standards in the phonographic, art*—better tone, truer tone. Toneshithertolostarenowever present. Everyhearerisconvinced. Thatisthe reason for the great popularity*—that accounts for. The Brunswick winning such headway in a field where limits were supposed to have been reached. Since The-Brunswick came, they all say “Plays all records.” But just you findout howthey doit and theninves- tigate the Brunswickway, In yr\ y - 4 % / <W:V BROWER'SMUSIC SHOP, SW.MrihS^ XwKO. Cal Xwrjr and ion Fred, were bud* hr imjmm tfci* awmisg m South So- im whtm their stock track w « M&by * pNHMRf«r engine. Both w«r# »M»rtad wncoo^iouii whoa found. A t»h»ph»o» puwage to A. Murdock,. NrougKt til * first i . urr: non, Report* were Uw* l od ,»a p*-.'nMy Xttnowi- i*WNipi. h< injure >,/ere placed an dmmin * i.uv j \, Horn SpriogfUW Hospital. O l : h* of that nothing .in 4»UU ' * known *v this'time. .Tbs truck w h struck in the center and ,i»a.tot.I wreck, * MiNiHTIR KHE w I ha JRDING. _ '■ AU sores of rempaiga stories are-in eir* yiauon, wen to intimation of the mi* am of race* with ftenstor Harel- ing. Of coarse such * story is to in- flume people again-f ta aLaaibucnn nominee. R*>v. ... ..vcr *f, Smith of BoweraviHe wi*o was holm across the. road in Marion county from Harding, write# a lon^ letter telling that ail report# of that nature are groundless. Senaor Harding, when a hoy worked in Rev, Smith's father’s blacksmith shop and be know* that the Harding family bear no mark* not common to *o» all. Tim letter ia lenghtly and can be seen at this office. BUILDING BIG TANK, The Hagar Straw Bohrd & Paper1 Co, has a large force Of men working on a big ^ank Just west of the mill to screen the water before, it into a- large concrete reaeryoir that is being buffi inthe ravine, The water >ft the reservoir will settle before it ia al lowed to pass into the trough for the big reservoirs down the creek.- ' GOES INTO. RECEIVERSHIP, ' / ’ ‘ ' ^unmmir • The West’ Jefferson Creamery Co.. ,Columbus, has gone fnto the hands of: a receiver. This was supposed to be one of the strongest concerns m the •%tate.tin that .line,. There are said to be Several holders •of stock in this community, • 1 , •( * . POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorised to announce the name of Judge c : H, Kyle os' a can didate for re-election on the non-par-, tizan judicial ballot for Common Plead Judge for Greene cojinty at the .general election on Tuesday, sNoyi ember, 2,1920. Noticej- The fpr Season open# Nov, I but I will not bay.any fur until af ter the .fifteenth as the early flr b pfnovalde. The best o f fur tins ace- son will not be worth*more than half or lets than last winter, Witt. Marshall, ‘ vraiMairTiem - w p i niiwRTiinip i w. v . tiiii f f f L - Tv flww f■ * ; ltok haksvj - i , CURL...Si Uv.v.'V juamcsKHH f* M !»W«.' ioturur t # a * y , fiL '*1 . ml'AJCttiVt AMOUR .fm jo w . k , j p m es. ai V ote for FRANK B. WILLIS for United States Senatbr ONTHESTATETICKET-SECONDCOLUMN j (Not on the National T cket) One of themost out-standingfigures in the na tion, ■: ..... • i ■ * ■ Throughhis longpubliccareer, oneof themost typicalrepresentativesof thebest inAmerican life* A leaderwhosovoicewiltbeinstantlyheardand followedinthenation’s counciis. .....I (lit 11 hi f .j i i | i ' j m i ... . FEARLESS—ABLE--EXPERIENCED FAIRTOALLCLASSES lx FRANK B,-WILLIS. IMWOVEOIffllfOW INTflflfATlOHAt iBy’BBV, P, %. WATMlL 0: ' .TtaeWir at JEngBahBible i» t»a ltood$> 'Bible tnstltm# at CJUftMl®*! . !<&. I**#, W«*t*nj N^vucseprlrUnion,') LESSORFOBOCTOBERSt * hrw down T he corrupt tree —WORLD'S TEMPERANCE . . , ' SUNDAY, .'•BESSON TEXl’-Blatf V;13 GOLDES TUXT-Uvory treo that brtn$- cth pot tatitt .COoT fruit la liCKU flovTO, ‘ awdrash Irtto the tlrc.—Nfatt,, 7:19. rtUMALY TOBKVGUoaTrees a»4 $mtu. ' i] * JUNIOR,-TOPie-AHhi»rPAs fora Cor rupt Tree..- ■' ■ ,JNTi:JftM15JttAT*JANDEBNTOnTOPIC -The RruH* M the Mauor ’TtalXtc,, * YOUNGPEOPLEANDADULT TOPIC “-Complete Destruction of the Hauer rraflta. Tho king having completed the emw*. elation of the laws of the kingdom, •makes application-as.fallows: t. Entrance into the kingdomUrged. CW. 13,14), There arc two*,ways only before each one—life and death, heaven and hell, ■'The grand Incentive hold' out is that H Ift the way to life. He just as plainly declares that the gate affording an entrance Is straight and the way nar row. Btlt While U Is straight and narrow, it. Is an open gate, and all are Invited to enter. Though the guff* that lends to eternal life be straight and the way narrow lie the beginning, It broadens out In every respect anti) {lie fuliness of life is renliaefl. On the. Other hand, the wrty which at. first seems brond and pleasant heroines the wayof the most abject slavery andUrn- Ration.' fl. Warnings Against False Teach- err {w , 15-20)- . 1, Tbelr real existence i(v. 15). Ever since God has had a people, -false prophets and teachers have appeared among them. That they appear every where need not r,t all surpi-Ke us, for Christ foretold that such should be the ease {Matt. 21 :ltJ. - ; Z Thefr nature (v» 15). fl) They are hypocritical,, The Devil does hm most successful' wrnrk hy masquerad ing a* an angel of light (ft Cor. 11:14. 15,1 His ministers appear In this way and turn people from thenarrotv to tin* brond way- tf the. evil one would op- pear ns he"really is, Ms-success would not be great. From the day when he appeared to Eve In the garden nu ll! this present time, Ida success ban been due to his ability to deceive, (2) They are destructive. This Is suggest* ed by their being raveningwolves, it is when tlmwolf is In sheep's efotidus that he dors bis most destructive Work it is so today False teachers are do ing their most deadly work while pre tending to bp loyal to the Bible amt to Jesus Christ, 3, The unfailing test fvv; JIMS), “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Every tree bears Its own bind of fruit, Nature is inexorable In her laws as to this. One may search the Universe Id vatu for an exception to this law. It •Aequally true in the spiritual world. There la a vital connection bettvean the fjtfth of the heart said the fruit off the Ufe, That wlilc-h, comes out In the -ondnet was livst in the heart, a fight »«■«« is eKSHdiul to rigid conduct 4, _ Their ultimate rad (v. 10). All hlse teat-hern shall he finally punished, by being cast into the lire. Although' God has Infinite patience and bcaiv- mag. hi will #ce to U that thlp work Own not iso#* forme*,, Inserted by a, friend Of Frank B, WWIs HI, The Danger* o f Empty Profes sion (vv. 21-23), - 1. Merely ending Christ' “Lord” will not answer for doing hi# will. .2, Onq may even do superlinturg! ■works anil not he saved (vv, 22, 23). Nm air supepimurnl work's "ore- di vine. There is ft supernatural world of evu. It |» the business of every believer fo test the spirits (I John Fly 2),' j ;; 1 - % . . -3.-‘ Reparation from God (v,, 23), -Yon may he a4Suriihiy, school teacher or preacher, and even perform many .nigliiy 1works,'os csstlwK ont-rfovlK •icafiiig the nick, and yet- hear from fesus (T»*h't. CmKing, the awful dec-^ ’iiraf^n, “1 ,ae\er'knew you,, depart 'TOUT ild / _ . , / ’ * **' ivy The Dn« and Only safe Way ,<yv, 21*2b)», - t. Hear the asyihga o f Christ' fv, 241. To do this you must. glve,atten- ttomto reading,the word of tlod. Avail yonrseirnf every means at your com mand'to become acquainted with God. % Do vviifit(Tnrist 'commands (vv,.2-L 20). Onemust pflt to practice-Chrlsfs teachings,;. Tearing and doing . the igachlpRs of Christ la building upon the solid rock.- Christ Jeans,, .the Rock of Ages, l* the only right founds- non Uponwhich to buRrt., Such budd ing cgn. never l)e destroyed hy flood mid storm. Hearing and not dome Christ's saying* is building, upon the, >pnd., which in the time wf lhe storm of God's wrath and judgment-will be utterly destroyed. Obedience roufcl fol low, hearing Christ, FRANKB.WILLIS*3OHIO’SCHOICETOSUC CEEDTHECHEATMENWHOHAVEREPRE SENTEDHER IN THE COUNCILS OF THE NATION.- ^ ’ .v To Frank B, Willis "A coal heaver is. as much a man and • fellow citizen ,aa a millionaire,” * —Cleveland News, Infomation for Woiaen Voters - - , ■iiwniiiiiimiwaa»Ba3i»«MMBMWBMHMiTm:iia ,. T' *I%e t.wo greatest progressive achievement* in the United States,4since, the aholition •-: ol slavery, are the Prohibitlonof the.liquor Traffic pnri the EnfpanehiSement of Women, * ■ These two Amendments to the Constitution were secured only after more than hall a century o f the most sell-sacrificing effort, , ' ■ ' , . '■ ‘ . , Baring this long period, the Liquor Traffic, with its unlimited resources; relentlessly * .. andyicmUsly fuughf both measures.jand today is tryiug to nujlify Proldbitibn .In Ohio, ' S seeking the defeat of tjie legfSlatiye Enforcement Act,, which puts teeth into-"the ohibifion Xaw. . , - .• - , ■ • ; r , • ) " If' the, Wet* succeed in th is/ they w ill next endeavor jfco legalize beer and „ ' .Wine, which will foe th e entering wedge fo r restoring ,the saloon w ith its. end* T“ 4[ ; “less defoaiiching evils., ' ’ ’ ' , <w’ ^ lS *4, -*Even under saloons: men munityisgreatly benefited, If yohwouldretain.fendimprovethesedesirable ■ |HouseBill R o *,629»:’ j Conditions, andalsoget rid of bootleggers atadblind *S3 , pigs, VOTE to sustain the Slate Enforcement Act. • ppj T iJm eittiefll AssfJiWjr « . WOMENTOTHERESCUE* A Prayer, Thai U may please Thoe to wean my tfiiVclhms front all ihiags iwlmv and la HU«?a with ardent desires aft- vr heaven; mat tlwtlty tnm make m<* jiariakoi’ of alt T5*y Messjdgs and promises in Christ; Jesus; t beseech Thee- to hour me* Goad Lord.-r-From Helens Deration*, . ' Geniu* ef Christianity. It i» the genius-of Christianity ti> imve transfigured sacrifice by display ing It to us a* the reverse or the medftt railed love,—It, ft Halve!?, OUR FURS are friend* makers. They satisfy the most critical becati** the*styles arc updo-tbe-miaute. The pelts are Rich and Fine, the workmanstiip is all that can he desired and the smartness j»f apjAaranee in every fur wo offer”ia instantly apparent and lasting, ^eo them—wc don’t need to ray more. QUALITY, VALUE ' SERVICE Remodeling and repairIn;) at very reasonable piicei. Bring your furs with you for estimate. WOMEN yOTERS-JWofAera, wnW, AmgAWra—thhnkath the heroic efforts of, two gen erations of suffrage pioneers, you have been enfran*- cliised. At last you have your opportunity. On November % in,tbespiritof patriotismandloy- . alty to the constitution <>£ your country, VOTE to sustainHouseBillNo, 820, byplacingyour X in front Of the YES, as shown in the Sample Ballot ■ 'yj* Exercise your God-given right as citizens, and let us all vote andwork for Law Enforcement, and a betterworld here and now^ ■“ F ' *- V ' t , Start a chain o f voter* for the bill by not!*. fying all your voter friends, women arid men, and asking them in turn to notify their friends. . Krt>orruinOf will b*MT.t'fttt o i rxpnyioto»ny thryOnruifttltonUittoriiltt'0it,c to«!qr«t*«r»p»iK.rOrperiodittiiaOhio itrrcainsertion*■. * . ■ MHMWMNMM S3 S 553 Ohio mu IOrderedReferred to theElector*of theState. X Yes No SHALL HOUSE BILL No.020 BEAPPRpVED AS PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY JANUARY 27,1920, AP PROVED BY THE GOVERNOR, FEBRU ARY X6, 1920, AND FILED W ITki THE SEC RE TA RY .O F STATE. FEBRUARY 17, 1926, , To protuhifc the liquor traffic sad to providefor the administration and enforcement of suchpro* hibition sod repeal certainsections of theGen eral Code. i EXACT KEPnODVCTION OF BALLOT the UNION CUm pf Oreatrf Ciotinnatt A»Y*4,RFn>r Chairman rubU«itjr Committee JOHNr. mtostt i%*hmm ^xdeiiaraCesufttUfii ’ FVRRIER SecondFloor ’Arctic High*nd Fountain Thelilmturon High St., Springfield, Ohio Bldg. Bell 621? EYES ■ ' U .Examined Correctly Glaui*a« Fitted* f - f ’AT MODKRATE PRICES TIFFANY’S Optical Department Op#* Kreedaf* by Appointment Why Ohio Must Exercise " Concurrent Power * T h . PROHIBITION AMENDMENT to the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION give* to State* ^concurrent power to enforce this article by approptiata legislation,** .The^Federal Prohibition Commissioner in Cincinnati has eight officers to enforce the Prohibition Jawin the nineteen counties of his district. The Federal grand jury meets but twice a year for a' two to four *weeks’ session. The deeket of the“Federal District , Court already is overcrowded. It often is so long beforea case can be brought to ahear ing thatwitnesses moveaway, die,or forget the details to which they are to testify, thus making convictions very difficult. It probablywould require more than a year to handle the complaints already on file in the office of the local Commissioner. What is true in this district j3 frne’nll over the State, V* MarkBallot aaIndicated FinesWiH Increase Police Pay piid PteJisK Site .. .bsttawiyaftt« _ . . . . . . . ....... as SaweUwe jw-tasnjiliip, tenici;)*!,oreountyofficer. 1 In Ci&einnati there are 7G7 municipal policemen,, and a considerable number of other officers with local police powers. There are numerous local courts•sit ting daily. House Bill No.* 820 turns all. of this machinery, already existing, to aid in enforcement of prohibition. t No additional courts or officers are re quired. Police officers could make arrests, and, its in the case Of an auto speeder,'have an immediate hear ing. "Fines ranging frohi $10() to $2,000 could be as sessed, and the case finally disposed of in less than 48 hours, as compared with Waiting six months for an Indictment by a Federal grand jury. Help .Ohio to exercise her *‘concurrentpoitier, ** H««s«Bffl No. $2d, Piumd kytkftG**«nlAwemWy©f Old#andOrderedReferred totheElector*of theSUto. X Y m m Toil! Ari' ' ' for the ratification of House Bill No. 020 by before the YF,S as indicated. No SHALL HOUSE BILL No. 620 BEAPPROVED, AS PASSED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY JANUARY 27.1920, AP PROVED-,6 Y tfHE GOVERNOR, FEBRU- f il e d W it h the SECRETARY OF state , F e b r u a r y 1?, 1920. To prohibit the liquor truffle and to provide for the admiabtraiion and enfcrdtiaent of auth pro hibition nnci repe«l cer* tarn fteetton* of tb* G m *. rial Code. * EXACT REPRODUCTION OF RALIXtT uSUAttir. »aiM!R, tmUoft .TVUJJTOT-r CMtfl of GreaterCittrinirtU JOPNIf.BERGKTf’CMtamft,KxMittt*CoMMtM* A. t, MfiD.OLilftWMhlMiMierOMwnitt- ISY)J RBUSINESSA SUCCESS? Fine staUonery is a big aid toBusiness. - PrinUngfiae stationeiy1$ m specialty. 11 B The W*rj preeide Reyti Tueeaa tickets ' coantr? North : and Oil ! Jfc*n c< New U Cone branch) -Ohioat will be bave «i the goi Ohio and wi wjith R at first Ha than ll •. fthey. Catlg by Fran 100,000 ' 'Ohio - 'The . ment *> state. /The.- With m terest The da *Yery mer pi led in.’ ., This y- '/Votes, i ! The 'c'orpbri dential i ' Oscar .' For Gi Harry Vic.D IJ ,S .f ' Frank' • W,A. For Ct Paul J B. d .; Repr«i>- RLA..: mjii JOhq ;) G. N. R, D. John i CdUntj John i J. E. . Chief C. T, ; Hugh : Suprei E. S. Thomi Comm Charh R. L. Probai J. Ca The given Corpo" towns Res lows: Hardin Willif >FesS, Dayia . Brt G ot bighe term; Th. resul* Judgi the c attra crata missl backt ganit the 1 5 cox bWMk HIM' itatM (.tot Cmitii: figsld «j* P ‘ m1
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