The Cedarville Herald, Volume 43, Numbers 27-52

I I i') $ / / t? . , * « * ! b y th e pro­ g ram !*# fa rm e r * o f f h i t «oe. turn o f th e co u n ty , tlioae w h o , Iw r o th e m on ey to b u y . FORTY-XHIRD YEAR NO. 48.' m<V*& W t t i D R IV E F O R D E D IC A T E N EW C H U R C H ■M E M B E R S H I P 1 —— , : We are intoeeipt o f a copy at the T m . v Ohie Farm Bureau ’Federn.' booklet prepared for the dedication tie* i* aDperviainj nembmhip drive*'of th« * * * Second United rP«*by- kk varieua eoonUee in the state *nd'terian church at Buffalo, N .Y ., •where tfc* 9***s>rt —mbvr.Hip i* placed at •MW- *«•« ferty comities have yet to make tits drive. Green* will hold *f*.to# ewh wt 3m. * . The wentlMnr' will stake tott ' ei— H• iflUana * f the etamcert H E W B A N K FO RM IN G •OwadopaMnte to the Heastoa beak i the*’* Mw keek is wNi Jewfch Chariae- M f e a- -V --* i *S *J * a Hemtaft W*AVf MytaV*#R^aU8 IS IRI m INI 99tt0 -i4tap$ m # ‘tikt-Ka^k *■*^5^' w*!*i. ■ s I^NWMHRI k fel jft I*, gjhi that ttse eoitel- . :«f I t JS. Soweto* <4® nletun mtJf j-4BS0P|P p Mi gtlkwpff WR | TffBpfc tb n ■" WjAt$ $*1* rtgwri# todtert# f$m $Mf& Vmi U Ompmt wWa de|erito«t«« th* F ; B*, ^uretw’ aud ths Mcmstoa i.fe’tofiee Mom able to mset the Rev. Waler Hopping is pastor. Tho booklet give* a complete history of the church and is profusely illustra* ted with pictures of the exterior and interior of the buikUnc, building pom mittee, members at the eeeris* and ether others, former pesters and of lev . Hoppinjr and wife with a roeter at all members of the eoogregatfan fs^j4 ' Th§ immt jpto|c^ tare eoet flf&A** .and is very las* poring wd the work Sw . Ksrrtitfi is dehy is arWiwdir' rtfftwtoit in the chstndt'home. T Q PATRONS OP RURAL ROUTES fh$ Mllmtkmmt llidt tell* 13 the ad that doesn't try to tell too m u ch , C E D A R V I L E E , O H IO , E S I f A Y , N O V E M B E R 2 0 , 1920 PRICE. *1,50ATEAR CONDENi NewsItems fWke* «*1 A great many people thoughtlessly put.pemdss loose in mail box instead of buying stamps putting on letters and placing same in proper receptable The route man serves the public six days a week in all kinds of westh* J WUJ* «s»tmg mttmps,'i ert and in extreme cold and bad)*®'* gWas weather the carrier is often compel!-1w#r* UM1> Wr. OHIO NEWS sad Belled Dew* tax the Bwy Header ad to get oat of his machine in the plOsion tart ef dynamite' G W E T V *.■ ^ fiSpy 'JSKWFXIM^SK! rain or snow, take off his r a t t a n s m and fish pennies from >the mail box.: tion: as thsMMdt at i Bemsfeaber the Golden1rulseehl tba jnftioted ky a haating spurt*memwill matEt-an extrd' effort; fired .at a. w&m. |l, ,- ,1 Waltar Iprids. I*. wkQa . s«KMl>1 t j^| . tipi"'" mm W4 tryla* to Jostle a iag piace'WiNm " to pleaieyop. fflp l BrUKAL EOUT1R. ■*■ I’m Umde jNwt's meet favored pet; - Aw4HMwi»‘««d-&i; -Mm H i wpoH pm .- “ ** ‘ ||^ wesy -^^|ypTlES,<3oyyL t o o e k v k s ,r" '“■ ^»(iv fcfiVin Twjjstjf Iks '■r^aiRrf 1-Mtffim-iir JN m I f *, e * * . i g ^ w w ', gpwymsiagp.ij, gpwwnwi.w sir efwepm^ stheB :|Wkw^i fivriat a fifie of ** and dosta aaaeantiog te.°|l3*J3 '-and- one year ha the D«qr|»« warichoase. . LAYING OFF MEN ■.*v*.. * .‘j^eve^nari * .,-e,• •■■ ■ • ■ ,■.■.y. The Pemwyivwnia Railroad Com­ pany has been laying off many men, particularly on the divisions past of Htttsbmrg. Orders were removed sev­ eral 'day* 9& tax, 'the' local -aectien taat^'tMtpmeaa mao,.two'from one some r i# fresn' coal ease -iridle ' trains idtpA. pa ef ceel |WHO 18 txamrii .w-vw'i *w ■ ^ 'a M ittdm . m S £ m % ,* ■ * 'w m w M Oiio SSfertelEhrtv CftASlPION eHfG M fvw v lamw asT aAWWee ■,.- te . 4 ........ It?* f a 'iw«isiMi^ni.^^^s That Pm fishing from the bom 1 carry stamp* and envelope* ' And postal cards and sprit, And I would like to sell a few; •Tweald pleas* me very much. p But a man cant tell unless yon boy. No matter bow be tatksi $o I have to keep on dicing After penfiiee in the box. ' 1 • ,s A •• '.-j :,■ ■:' ,.v •■ +.•..■ \m .r,-■'<-•-■ t-•,f'v . It*s all right in the springtime, Or when summer breexes l^kiw, ■. J j t rSSlg 1 SaSawSi n jjf li t ITSi W*V m QlSrWWOV]^pQiliMl , When W* th|f^f-two to$, When *11 your fisfem ■ 1- - ■.A 1*^* - «pltiiaAjeiJliiaiij -saietdE -a, n i n-'fcjri • ■ A j PB- aj C^MOT^4M99 WmEm -IMP lys almdst anythhnr hnt jhwpy ° ■ * .Scratridog 'pennies front'ri*| henn-" T 6 B '" « a® E ' ^ . ■. I - iuj ■i P'|<,,■**, .■ pecta».lo*ftd I^se, '%* Oritafe at 9Jf hAf nMRi iU-Wjn Wbnier of which recnivrt 'dmfii'irtodwierf are both ■wwwsiWAdi^ewv** wfwtwt *'■-W"* *v w ^ iv w . And now, ouite confidentially, ^ aril yen semrihfttg more* himself and swore. '-$£ B 6 4 m 2 y K i * 5 ^ « M ^ ! Dean Affled fiyfcn at tbe tB ^ iBta^ IW nurty OoBege of Agrirtdture wilt . ddhsaa WmwPu W|^ ‘Stda he, “1 can stand the snowdrifts, „.. |dam stand th* ‘fkoaen lode*, Bet blatSt tbs meartr mcoi I mi ,-S r^m .' ww^^psew .we^W'.. wswv^^^e^j|r asmsaaaawm. k t the blasted dn ttitf box. When'the roB/'Is/Oalled rep. yendsr !■.'.And w«' all J 3 ^ Vk*V4H t :let , ffjfistytoww ■If yen want B*. • l W , , - V | VjhgAjy^ . . . wpus8»s|..psn in-." te^semss, openthe ears one ~ rnal'peeffmjPa ta *» nal. *: ■. e*sr*t swift osewerie* at Amples ef near bisf. Ohio welfare %, Boekmss of m« tU H. Shirer, .■ary. . Fire at Plata City .are .rind gsritfe owned legrseaad tbe blacksttit of c . B. Heece. . hwarly; 890 persons 'row typhoid fever hi maa ceuuty. JPour k ,nals estabU*bed witMe weeks'are ailed with'* Independent steel pi town have e»t prods cent, of capacity. Airs. Minnie Wuett ainted baiUg in eoms incinhati. = - Mrx 3*eefo Gook, *9, four other women were: iuinjd when their aeto iarj»fd :t«i tie near T? A. HP, Camera# .was diet Of Lorain rt**#b Thomas Brinkley, 4%1 kitted /at WMttt wh#| mem « piask tad frii if pa. After pliss of ttm* were found e*»c smd.osytog-i i i , CUffUeokhe. pri»m' ttEfadeld, 1C, am&it the boy he tij* .ike spike*. ;S ■-'Km g, ' After a* let! WilUam Firesko, # smothsrsd to dridk f , Miers both ex-..' opoll% OOBdl- rpuaia ,wh® fby Paul near, ' losr of jkeay blits hst- «**> Okie iof nor* ? # Tboiisands of LnUiomn* .irons £tn ! trot Ohio assembled at Lancaster a t ; t!a< aedit'atioa of rise new Lnrnuel; Lut-mran church, which he* l-oeh j snder cpnatfiictlon £vo year*, Rev.! John Weenel of Cleveland and He?, j 3. Miller of Fort Wayne, Ind., deliv­ ered, the dedicAtory addreaFCs, ’ AageJlo J3»ppavigna, brother-in-law j of Viaoeafc Marsndo, cashier of the] Canto* Jfxchaage bank, who tkom 1] murdered while at work in the bank, 0 * the nl*bt of Nov, 12. has been ar­ retted by police *ad Is held on sus­ picion in connection, with the murder/ - following threat* by Yausgstown grocers to build « co-operathre bakery Wfcrissale bread dealers northed the gmriwe, fia t the price at bread will W^tlys-Cverland AntempbUe eott- 1mm plant, at Toledo is again work- iwgJiUw me* b#i*g empi^ed. after a jputdthrn. ■ *1 BartfSa, *9, Fortsmcmth, died 0me-M blood as a re«iH. ef b»" Shot in the, left knee by a com**, patios on a hunting trip. mes Shonris, 50, Yciujgstown, wad shot' So death by three unknown - Ward Bt^dwi*. oensniting engineer t r rtks'ftsstdee of,the ■Cincinnati Pi^|wrn railway, died at Cincinnati ftoaowfiogAji operation. Four a mra* ; of yesefk he %s* professor of civa . rtd^mirtag at -the Uniferrity of cio-1. ♦btfiert. o ftof H rtocker, U , tm rieotrooot- •d.rttB* reptiring a»- eleriric line at After1more dun five years* Ht4*a- Mr*. Loni*e Bowers of Canton '■ ” ""' Dr. Leon B. 3«n-» mslpraetfce.' -* ............... ry, Bandusky, ehatrib-] ooawrt^tb:/'bri;| . fh’ 'jihaKriiing book* dealing i fful We®Mra Re- | • ■* % <j* 1 ' ’•* v •09$ rt. IMimMOm from tha ef- * * t Mihiri. , ' *W- ‘-ZtiHFQx ■ t» hog feei1*i:> market dropped t* 1848-1# Qma- h#M a new now marie and tba pros­ port at a] lower market, Dr July Hi a top of 888.60. AWAIIING^NEATRPER; The state highway department has « car of road oil that ha* been kept hoi for some days back waiting for goodweather to oil the Columbus pike •art of town. I t is doubtful if the oil will do any good this winter and yet the read will go to piece* mdea* it is jkeering weather. G E T W INDOW CA RD S W hsdow eaeds fier the ewaagriisric misting* are out and these la the eiimtry who have net been supplied mm get one by calling at the Herald MBee. It is the desire of the eommit- te* that ene he pUoed in a window at am it hem* la the eemmanHy. HOB «AL*—One iron gray drift Bene eemtog fiva and ewe right year g^g 1Mri^gaM^ %jmmkotuA td l i ft, Wmk $*mm ' -.,. ■ til#. - '. at the Moral standards of my com-, rnualty. t believe in the service at my fellowmeh, Xbelieve .that to Mpta I must rise above selfishness and petty jnlnitiiii. 1 beiieve in co-operation for communltv betterment. 2 believe in the application of the Golden Buie to community affairs.*Xxchange. SALBSMAN WANTED—To sefl Willy* Light in this territory* Willy* Light is the most complete riegtrie light and power /plant for Irina* oet the market. /Use* the fame#* Knight sirisre-vaive engine whkh •limiaates vibration, valve and car­ bon trouble, and is becked by the reeouree«°tIiat have given the Over­ land and WlUfs-KndH* aatemebtirii VtOTUfaTnom MMRmMr. TU l * IB OJh nofftBuity ijb m ntBcMftr j|vww w^wvwvwg v e iw w e w w e w lag berimes e f your own with no investment required. Address DODDS BROTH1R8 1M B , Third SL, .5 Dayton, Ohio. t in MlI? 11 / D A I fTT r* A V IC C l ||? 0 C * N E W x U L l l i v A L I ii * j U £ i I w * in the citie* are itill skeptical a* to the £ incline in the cost of living. The far&tet hue i am the gnhi«ct, a t least so faras the things he pm conesrnedl, f tt in the farming country around Cittern** for $ 1 .9 0 a bushel. ’ to rn s&ldl in Chicago, Mowky, November ^tonts a btt*hel. This is a price ^eclitie which __iggllsd draetk. It would not he so important * fto db with a luxury or a minor crop. Corn is th e (o f all our crops.. • * Students of politics may have to tfilce into account before they are through the feeling now general among American farmers that the agriculturist has had a rough deal since we went into the war. The price of wheat was regulated by the government a t a comparatively low level. Most of the things the farnier had .to buy were regulated a t a high level, if they were regulated a t all. O f all the casses of our population which were called upon for especial effort during the war none responded in a more remarkable way than the farmer. But th£ far­ mer i* not in love with tlie way things have been going in the Chicago markets. ff» eventually, the prices o f the things he has to buy decline as the prices for corn and wheat and pork already have declined, he will recover his good humor. If they do not, there may he unexpected devaiopmenta in, future political campaignSi^Ihe Ciffc* ~ , . . . . . . $$*£ mmm$* &* Jta&xMM tff Urn «f five immhert eeeS fmur Jmtrimd dod- Ur* and th* belt Ihinff «bout it i* that it bt prid for, Tbi* is the mort mcpensiv* course Ross township feu ever enjoyed wad no better i* brief put in by surnmndhur towne. At the fitrt number held Get, VI, Bene, th* msgiriMi, dUeppoteted ne one. Then tort week o*m* the Gtiirit- Frehcb Co. With *n *nt«rtidnin«Dt tbrt med* u* ell feet ms Uncle Jos* leys; *tb»t w» were etod bemuse w# Were livin* end we were fled becetue we were.therew, ’ Our next number will be Deo. 10th when ISWood T. Britof will,lecture, Bailey ws« Mi our course tort year. Hk leetore wee so well enjoyed thrt Immedtotely after the lecture e tele- srrem ww sent to the Bedpeth Ce. asking for a return date. Just a hint for oar cousin* hi the nemr-by towns. Why not remember the dele, Dec.-10 end hear a realty good lecture, * /"'• Our next Parent Teach#** meeting will be heldDec. 10th from one thirty to three thirty. Watch next week's paper for the program. Remember thet every one whether • parent or not fa invited, WAS A GREAT SHOW. The rril'ge play "What Happened to Jones"', drew a capacity house last Friday night. The play is by one of the noted theatrical writers, George Broadhurst, andwaa pet on under the direction of Mias Ethel Brand of the College Faculty, The characters were all well protrayed end the au­ dience pronounced it the beet play yet put on by the college, Tuesday even- the play was put on at Boss township school house and Wednesday night at Spring Valley. The production end players Wellwell received in obth places by good aired audiences. The annual college play is proving quite a hit each year and gives the students good training and* the community good amusement. NO HUNTING no t ic e , Hunters are warned not to trespass on the lands owned by the following, No hunting with dogs or gucis or trapping day or night is permitted, .E . Ii> Stormont W. C, Bull . Graham Bros. John Taylor* V. A. Wigel Carrey HcElroy. FOB SALE ^Double Dwelling House, An investment and a home for price call on - . - 1 Robert Bird ter tsir wiftbe held to*. < t» IL Mrs, Melinda .W«U*»w* * t , Marion*; dttd txaat injuries received in a fall, Ptrtittum and white gold mountlags, valued at more than *10,000 war* stoles from a room la a .Cleveland hotel. They were the property, of R. A, Hirsoh, salesman. A Movement to charge 10 cent* cash far* has been started by the Richland Sarvfee Company, which op­ erate* the Mansfirid streetcar lines. The company now charging ? cents for on* far* or four tickets for, 88 cents. John W. Joyce, termer saloonkeep­ er, charged With the second degree murder of Harold G. Kagy, garage owner, was acquitted by a Jury in criminal court at Ciavetoud. Dayton city commission approved the purchase at a tract of land along the Miaipl river between Dayton View and: Wolf creek bridges for the establishment o f ,* park, which will otNrt |28Q,b0d. Anthony, Gfngan,, whose where­ abouts bate been unknown to his mother, Mrs. Mary Gingan of New Jersey, for more than 40 year*, has been located in Toledo, Harry K, Davis, Republican, one of tbs three negro candidates for the legislature from Cuyahoga county, ha* won out in th# race for the lower bouse, the official count shows. Five person* were Injured, two seriously, at Dayton, when a Big Four freight train crashed into a stalled streetcar during a blinding snow- ttttf*. ■ / William E, Lewis, 82, died at War- ten following amputation of his arm, due io Injuries received when his shotgun exploded. Highway conditions and news to all counties of the state are to be surveyed by the Ohio Good Road* federation, with a view to supple wanting and poselbly revising its leg- lslative program before it is submit­ ted finally to the general assembly. Fulfilling a promise made twoyear* ago, Governor Cox has presented Wit­ tenberg college with $76,boo for a imw chapel building as a memorial to his motfier, Charles Cross, ft, Cievelsnd mur­ derer, sentenced to die Jan. 30 to th# electric chair at the penitentiary, at­ tempted 'to hang himself in his cell. He was Cut down by a guard. Frank A. Cunningham, 64, farmer, was instantly killed when his auto overturned near Portsmouth, Lawrence Moxley, 10, Washington C. li,, was probablyfatally hurt when his auto struck a moving van, A deent fare or nine tickets for 60 cents and a Lcent charge for frees* fey, |he maximum allowed under th* Taylor grant, under which the Cleve­ land streetcar system is operated, has gone into effect. Fire, which swept a portioh of the fcacJneas section of Ashtabula, de­ stroyed the Dome theater, a restau­ rant and poolroom, entailing a loss of about 860 , 000 , , Mrs, Presley iiutley of Canton was ’ killed in an automobile accident at Hubbard and her. husband badly in­ jured, liquor. - - Twelve hunters were arrested Defiance, chargedwith shpottog quail,' hen Pheasants and toy hearing ani­ mals out of season. Fire damaged the salvage depart­ ment at the American Shipbuilding company, Lorain. Thru*' bandits shot to death -Harry Fanlegoi, 60, to his store at Tohngg. town, When he refused to heed fhe command to hold up Hi* hands. Telephone exchanges at Middleport; and Fomeroy were closed when girl j operators went on a strike, after their demands for a 10 per cent increase to wages had been retospd. Ex-Probate Judge Walter A, Irvine; was shot and instantly killed by his* crippled son, Angus, 21, at their farm home to Licking county,, northeast of Newark, following a Quarrel. J. L, Huff resigned as mayor of Prospect He was succeeded by 0, F.. Bwnney, president of council. Wilbur Koehler, 11, Gallipolis, Was accidentally shot and killed by a hunting companion.. Dr. Edwin Watts .Chubb, professor of English and dean of the college of liberal arts for the past 20 years, was «olecte& acting president of Ohio uni- versity. Dr. Chubb- will serve until the board of trustees can elect a suc­ cessor to the late Dr. Alston Ellis." Convicted on a charge of attempted arson, Charles Hatter, 69, of Basil, Fairfield county, was sentenced to an indeterminate term to the state peni- tentiary. Attorney Thomas Gregory, Demo­ crat, former state senator, was ap­ pointed United Btates commissioner at Cincinnati to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Joseph L. Ad­ ler, The ‘ appointment is far four years. , . . . cashier of the Vandalia bank of Vandalia, five miico north of Dayton, foiled a tone bandit in a daring at­ tempt to rob the hank, wheh he afiitod a gun and exchanged shots with th* robber, who Wa& captured later by citfasens. John Wotten, 16, of Alger, hear Kenton, was accidentally shot by his own gun. The Shot tore off his right arm below the shoulder. President Wilson appointed Frank p ; Alton to bo postmaster at Akron, Fidel! Pomps, who served four- ■ years in the Italian army Without re­ ceiving a scratch, lost both lego un­ der a freight car at NewPhiladelphia, - At' Urbafiai Austin' 'White, 22, city.' fireman, was instantly killed and Fife Chief George Donovan. CO, was fieri- oUsly injured when the auto in which they Were riding wan struck by<a passenger train, Mrs, Daniel Wilt, 85, Sidney, Wats killed by a streetcar. Captain R. Wr Bchreedor, famous aviator, obtained a discharge from the air service and experts to engage in coiamerclal aviation at Chicago, Fhiior Howell, 50, Barberton, was found frozen to death in a field, Two armed bandits coeurod 60,005 $ay -oil money of the Republic Brace company at Cleveland when they held up ana robbed Edward Bitwise and JUilM* Pollortr, fnlhager %«j* eecto* taty'of the company. The ConservationPath No C!**» o f BufinfiM requinss more careful, or inniste upon more rigid rules# than &At of Banki g. It he* always been our eeumeet en­ deavor to confirm to these requirment*. Board cf Directors T h e fo llow ing wa ll kn ow n m en com pose ou r Boa rd O f D ire c to r *— G eo . W . R i f e a & Jo b e „o ;WiMl|g& , ISirndk - Ousar L* S i r im “ ■' f i b f e t y i^ ir e t, L i b o f t i l ^ r K o s t C a p i t a l a n d S u r p l u s $7&,OQOM ResourcesOrcrOneHaUMillion Deton U- S . L i b e r t y B o n d s B o u g h t a n d S o l d r/ I n t e r e s t P a i d o n S a v i n g s a n d ^ T im e C e r t i f i c a t e s PP*- & («*» . ■: 0 ' 'W? C E D A R V IL L E , OH IO . ....I.... ............. .. m aim tbs beart '{8 Muia'jaifca,'- iprirP1 i v U V v mg. * I- : Opera House *•"4 - . * ■ •' Cedarville, Ohio ♦ Dec. I to 19 , 1920 ..................... ........ .. .......rum,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.................. . I in......Wil..... . Rev. Valter C. Nash, UNION CHOIR 50 VOICES V A T T A D C I l l f l l W n YOU ARE INVITED Churches of CedannUe .3 n , T)