The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

**SI s' »C'V o f thi# too* wlw m b s : ■awme OEDARTILEE, OHIO, Jlerald. (»iilMW|^ri#ii'»h. ^ Thz a4vorti#mcioit that toll* i* the ad that doesn't try to tcH too much. AY, DECEMBER 31 ,1920 SS§8@FBS S3P3 iiil n flic 1$A*Tdfrsi1 1 ^ ’le5^^wl|SwS«B5 J y tU p p pw liMk' UnderInvestigation AaTia»<fta g armywill tows. irorniasr. It ijpel bat it h an army Njpfl pdd*sf» nafrda*- ?«< a - » I r i V j J m be compowd of 12 andar e# Bv dent conqni Th»7 of the ; SffSrtS of carry' *>f ‘ Tbs tow to fort cov about It ty breads hack b cUm.timchawra- ,ispu coM ty^r guards* who Me one county Farm of repelling the iava- will assist them in their the county, -- -*1> ,u«*fc will bathe campaign bureau for increased and sufficient fund* to program in, the toteifftt Tg industry andrureHceK p ■mil begin in Xenia ana will go from township ip until the entire* 12 are [t is expected to continue for WOplCB, plained by P. S, Prince, ctt that not only are the sbr fide Ohio farmers, hut they " "arm GraoneflJadison and Cham- tifts totntjy. ' . . ol3%-* ^ e inattfoiHon i* bat a boai-dinjr p’ me and is not doing what, wa - ot Vasily intended. In some Of the counties the physidans will recommend that patfimts be sent to the Clark county institution. The pun claims- the hoepital coats the taxpayers of the above counties About $40,000. There are new. only M patients and the annual cost is-mdre “ p&s patient. The hCspljali ndiuthb UncloWall’s BEGINNING THE B A Y “You ■talk4'** though beginning the t’ accomplis ing what it dfohld i day iff hgdod iMnor-whs ns easy a* tom ______ ___ al*o are members of their o' home, Thoy will he UP Gf.&m^eism^.Mad- „ ., _ , _ *. ..... .. 'd$ffiL_ Ms rounds.will he accompanied* >y a GreenAotinty farmer acting-aLpiciyer W: B> Bryson, president of me farm .burea% will act as county campaign manager.. The Greene County Farm Bureau •hasp rndtahmabip o f 064 at. $5 a-year Before li92p:?he fee was a, dMlar a year. Thte new plan, whihc is that of the1Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, is for mssmbershipsrfar three years-at olan airmanDgOOchv Counties are.ex-' ,basis, Shitty of ' H. Laarimore, (ier:!OhiP:5FM|)i A yeaf, The new $10 a yeah 4, ^ pected' to g ff' aem, ,actor" pub Burea their pai mem' -the or here. imFed^^wn^lres^y have held Campaigns or are now mjcam- ^!Th^^milfoyha^*heen 60,000 trremilte to; ^ ^ f f coMies-still on fee; thebe are 20,000 mem ee counties'b^giprtheir cam- „ t a,very Monday morning}-and at least %: dozen have scheduled;,cam- . paigns- tp begin soon. It'is expected, Mr, Lanfmoi’e says, that every Ohio county Will be organised|by*May-,1, With at}1aggregate*' membership 'ref more.than 125,000 farmers,' - Green* county has If the c lnW ife ip i1!j Well as,'the *- a met that, I Larimti oreare par cS -HT county goes as ' will .result in In ho county paign,' .Mr. Jsy i t obtained 6Gr|^4 IRAgi md it is referred to as only a board- ■ng place as modem treatment has ,mt beep provided. Report# of the de* adorable condition have b*en made-for .idme time claims the Sun; and .the ;ima has arrived fdr a change. "If Clark county,is going to contin up to support this institution, oh the present basis, let’s quit calling .it the District Tuberculosis Hospital.' > "Bet’s hang out a more exactly de­ scriptive - sign: * ‘District .Boarding House, for the Rousing,o f Tubereulp TRUCKS SOLD TUESDAY, The -six Mg Kelly trucks 'used by ‘he Sugar Straw Board & Paper Co. to haul haled straw’ were sold '.Tues­ day at public sole |n Xenia. The six 7 /fita knocked off to. Harry Smith for $7,000; The .origins! cost 6f the trucks was about $20,000. .The trucks' were used to haul bailed straw at a time svhen thp railroads .would not furnish :ars. The company 'hits an enormo_us amount of ,stra\v on hand that Would not he possible if the trucks had no been used; ‘ The reiltoad company at present will accept strew. The dif­ ference- in shipping conditions now "met then is noted when a representa­ tive of .flip, railroad,company was in town'last week looking up business. ' : ^ •'SCHGOi .CGSTB.JNiSlhVTE..*. ,^The average cost of School . build- 'ngs in the state,has increased ftui’ the past aayen.years from^202 to$ for each pupil enrolled', according the state department ‘ of phblic in­ struction.'In ether words the costmf a school’ building' for”IQ0' pupils- was ?20^0tt ip K«4'and $32,900 m !92()r '•/Rural.schools-have'increased more than cities for each pupil.’-. ' - >' Another‘item*of cost for schools is fo r coal from, $297 fOr each pupil'in IS19 to • $394. for each one thi$ year. MYSTERIOUS BULLET*. PRICE, *1.60 A YEAR CON SED OHIO NEWS R*»dPw *®4Boiled Down for ike BusyReader nn mterurtau troll s«&moblle at a tdiiing one mah otbars. , v£ Waller 3 , L*mt the Modere, a recsjym od at; Tol6 bail' on « charge of yH sky lav; ; -1*1 . ifrs. Thomaa. ■B*et Liverpool o fii falling off a dog," said llie low*browed wb»* her .dressing- map. “I suppose : A cuai beating stove yob have *b^ iU reading o n those -food AS* : i » t iewciiy when shine books, ?md you think a dish |Youngatown, • .. . ,can be la. a- godd *>, flhdjay Chilimb^1 humor ju s t by 1hoses a franchise,,] .. . .■ ■ w. >1 f«4 f#i« V.f saying he is going ; ation^ol -city cat so? to1 be- m m msff! can’t control hls.i humors July more-5; than he'can •con-=jJ®6to9y8f;$te^ml|, trol dreams/ " * »* *m toltSwa< “Some days he«* ' .. , feel like tile orfgAi Inal .Sunny,Sam-' <* « » t degree uej, and I just naturally go around' , 8 .°* shedding light; into, tlm dark places,' v, eland, m , hs-mt.i and making everybody glad. At finch ( ■'uTy recomm^odj times tine, world, sepms an. unqualified } ' **'■ , °^y ,. 1 “ “ ^ success, and th&fact that I was bbtd , Uberhn com into it does not cause me any remorse. ^ , t?rnmqVeJ!!e If some prominent, citizen backed me/ !; :®011 res up against a' fejtce and dsked ine'wltotj made me feel so gay, I couldn’t give i him any helpful’ information. I don’t know; .myself, wimt, causes the cldP- ^ * per feeling. J suppose it must be*be- } ip^ £* bu £ !m <a cause my works are In good condition, f . ; Jl* b " T * 41S * » '? "After a, few days, the glad feeling 5 tl passed away; and instead of bettig a were Mured^whel Sunny Samuel I become a Mournful w - MMei, I have all Mids of prmntl- bll® ov^ " ^ d mehte of ;eyU. 1 -have .a firm cQnylc- I «v tlon that the bottom is about to" drop °g * I S,Si, SS miked up With the wreckage. .*1 take- » < « » * « »r.»na-un« even fl» -^ S S S S T l i w / 1 oar strum an in Ganton, •lag throe agent of oy; for which i wa* arrest- | ied oh ‘$500 -ing the blue 48, died Buffered ignited from which she )er. . in money blew the' safe company at ommerch pro- ng’ for oper- on cost plua |sept franchise. Cincinnati a depressed dieted with an 'Attack hyrob- f " » ‘ t ‘ iinerwas found jUrder for the "Gaffney- at P^rf of 1913- mercy.. King, .presl* has inaugy- aibning pyesi-i free speech, " Edward' B^mcneon, conrivicd o; we murder of a merchant a t Youngstown in a fake whisky deal, was sentenced to die in the electric chair on April 8, after a motion for a new trlal had been overruled. n toe stills were ^nfltKutted nnd 12 alleged liquor law violators ware ar- rested at Cleveland m raids by the police vice squadron. ■y- Purchase, of 1,562 acresof land near! .Bucyrus as ft site for the hew insti­ tution forv feeble-minded, .was .an­ nounced by the state board of admin- ,letratlon, Nineteen termswere bought for $422,24p.. . John Barts, 73, Findlay building contractor, died front injuries re­ ceived when tie fell against a hitch-_ .ing post,'' . . /cv-;;v;>rvY.^ Belmont County Jersey Hattie club adopted a plan to spend>$4,000 adver­ tising cattle It produces,' H! Board of health ordered. Dover’s 20 pig pens, established during the war, -abolished alter Jan. j. i A full-grown lynx was. shot near Tiffin by Grant Mileage/ { Clinton-Hills; captain of Are truck: company No. 8, was seriously Injured aYDayton when a truck crashed Into • a^street’ear, * j Mrs; X H. Ijams. 36, Caldwell,,wife ’ of a druggist, died from an overdose .of headache powders. ! John Fallay, 28,'Youngstown, com- ■ blage and""to - fitted suicide by .Slashing his’ throat ttrf$b ' a • imobnt- 1pni$n‘ 5 aa£ day to Md cinder the dal opinions, ’ - *d” < , * 4 •», ’ rwasunan- at of the Ohio lilk company. with a- pocket knife. Mrs. Busan Bush, colored, grand­ mother of 42 and,''great-grandmbther Of 25,- died at Xenia. Her age is un­ known, ■- ' j ' At Springfield- George Parsons, 60 , was killed by a. truck. In a- gtin battle'between' police and ’fom was killed . . ., - also, of Bay- ,alleEeh coal thieves at Oayton, Otis theif automo- {Arnold, 25, * s shot and seriouslyin- '■Marys.,' ’ echner, noted ;stpwn after -u w , x , * r r 1”, " Upessimistic view of everything, and ' emmem^hntil^n^ go grouching around' until even the - ,,i®” * cows ,are sick of seeing me, and they f -nhiT* *2 give me a lift with their hind feet as I ^5 ^ ors °®ce- to mnla. go under eretion, which not only j&yg'fche ctg»t of the campaign, and carries on a state program, bat al*b send* a dol­ lar a year to-tbet American Farm Bu­ reau Federation‘ which cares for the national work. Oscar ‘E / Bradfute/is president of the Ohio’ Farm Bureau Federation and recently was elected vice president of the,American Farm Bureau Federation, In the Ante Federation there tore 45 state ,fei— tions and an individual membership o f a million and a half farmers, - Education,/legislation and market ing. according to Mr. Lariraore, are the three Mg objects, of tha/fetm,-bu­ reau movement-. Farmers are being taught,' he-poinfas out, thebehents of buying and selling, and the importance of establihhing a cost system of-production and- distri­ bution- Citef consumers aid being giv­ en an inshignt info) the farmer’s prob- ] 0 m*. jure beibe taught that he ,ia pot a profiteer, and that he must-have an adequate referri- on. hia.. investment and a just wage for his labor. . Only audh legislation as is'fair'all around is sought by the farmers, it ‘ ‘ ‘ itabisrtaxation syS- fficreiera-iegal; Motive marketing, these axe among things sought by the farmers/ Mr, Lorimore says. •jr. Bradfute points out that the farm bureau movement is succeeding because it always keeps in mind the interest of the consumer. It recognr- zes “p i t the spread between the price, the farmer gets and the price the con­ sumer pays Is too great-and -would reduce that spread,. Officers of the Bureau are as fol­ lows: President, W. B- Bryson;, vice president, F j ^ WardloW, Waynes- ville; nea&£ry,p' H, Smith; treas­ urer, Gao. W. Glass, .Cwlarvillo; « - ecutivC committee, including the offi­ cers ex offidoi H« M. Snook, Osborn; W. M"Hardman, Yellow Springs, Al­ bert Ankeney, jre Xenia; O. E.*Brad­ fute, Xenia; H. W. Eavey, Xetoa« Township chairman are as follows*. Bath, George Warner; Beavercreek. J, H. Mtrnger; CaOsarcreek, Elwood Stroup; CfdarviUe. A, H. Creswell; Jefferson, « . A. Klrich;, Miami, C. J. New Jasper, Edward Bal- G. W. Glass; giltercreek, w. —^ey ; SprMg Valley, George Queary; Sugarcreek. W. C, WilHam- son; Xenia North. Morton Dallas; Xetda South, H. W. Eavey. ■ J. O. wfuiamson represents the' Sheep and Wool Grewere? Association, E. £ Smith the Blg Type Poland China men: R. D. Williamson, the Shorthorn, Breeders, and Fred Wil- IiawWon ti?e Spotted^ Poland China matt. Three are affiliated organiza­ tions, - , It y pointed but that tiffi farm bu­ reau movement provide* for the or- it few on the street at , the time. The general- theory is that a gun had been bred at some- distance and the bullet found its resting place in the wjndpw. •■ , , •V '"■No'AUTo' TAGS HERE, ' The State Register of Automobiles has recindbd his order in the distri­ bution of autyrtags to any other than county seat towns, R. At Murdock had expected to handle the tags here but the new order made this imposs Xenia. PAPER MILL CLOSES. ’ The plant of the Hagar Straw Board and’ paper Co. Was closed Monday evening Until business - conditions .have,improved.-The company pro­ vided a large amount of coal and 3traw ready for'the winter Seasonbut lack,of orders forced a closedown, -DEATH OF MRS. WILCOX. Mrs, Minnie Wilcok, wife of Dr. C, M. Wilcox died Wednesday last week at her home in New Pgris, Burial took place Friday. The deceased had been in fulling health* for the pdst few years and her death Was not unex­ pected. Besides the husband the de­ ceased is survived by her only dau­ ghter, Mrs. A. E. Richards of this place and a sister, Mrs, Win, Alford of Indianapolis, Burial took place at ‘New Paris, . . . MRS, KANNEDY DEAD. Mrs, Anna DeH&ven K&nrtedy, wife o f .Andrew Kannedy, who resides on the F. T. Tarbox farm, died Of pneu- ■“ ‘ — * ■- ' “ * ■ i f .. a gentle hint'that i stiodld come out o f my trftnce;--------— ------------ - "if a lending business man 1 asked uie taexplain my ideJntrrinrfyI .couldn’t do It. -The'\vdrid‘‘Seems to bfe ffiovlfig along as timughuotiting iiadhappened, the ’ reeHtc^Txepiiyrs are Wowing fhrougli .my whiskers as of old, ‘ „“Qften a manbegins the daywrong, through Some accident .or unpleasant experience. Then he knows why he fuis^a grouch,|but" that doesn't help him to‘ get rid-of It. This riioriitpg was lying In bed dreaming that I ivas the only original'white hope, and flint I was-making h heroic effort to bring tiie laurels back to the Canon-' sian race, I was just administering an uppercut that seemed‘ destined to bring home the baton;’when I fell put of bed and practically ruinedmy head ’ against the floor. "I came downstairs.Ip, a.beastly hu- mor, and after breakfast T went over and picked a quftrrei with old Dt«K little, so that he had to shin up a tree to escape violence, and all because I was feeling ornery. If-Wouldn’t,have been safe for any man to tell We that In Order to begin the day right all a mrtn has fordo is to begin It right. ■* "I-have gone out from he house to milk the cows in the/thornlng, mady a time, feeling ns blithesome and glad ■is a dlckeyhlrd, nhd quite satisfied that’ the day was going to he one round of pleasure.*-,Then a cow would glvd We a poke in the ribs with Che­ at her celluloid horns, or piisli her big spiny foot Into a brimming bucket, of milk, and the joyous stuff Was fell off, and I’d be so sore all day that Aunt Julia would hand me my meals with ft pitchfork. “The other morning 1 got up feeling so mean that 1 was ashamed to look In the mirror, I went downtown after manager, tsrmond Aithoufie^j school *.atudei hands and fe wire, Ohio? kerchieftied in ftp old * lured. Police ,concealed themselves ih the train’ and took the men by sur* •prisd..v * > ,t« . Allah county grand jury reeom- meuded reformation and reorganiza- form"of ^gov-1 tiau *^e Lima police department. „* 13, Scores' of f Tiffin Knights "of Columbus plan to received at", erect ft home to cost $50,000, '" Marshall Moore, 68, London, inmate Of the Madison county ihfirinary, com-. mlttqd suicide by laying his, head on position of Ron- high feed, his /:th8 trackr in the/patli o f a passenger wltli barbed , tide. . „ - ed’ hand- i Miss-Florence’ E. Allen of Clave- e and*left *Iftftd hafi the honor of being the first awn as-’ woniai1 to hold ft commonpleas judge- ■>» _■»- j-ihlp i« '.C®b. ^iylgp^All^Will try Extra' detectives b*Ve hesk *add~ed1^ cas” tor ft‘5hbWltme*and then to the night tore* Of the Marietta Ibetranaterred to the criminal bench mie . of *the { Isaac Jaffe is Under arrest at Day- ton, charged'with the murder of his police department- becau ,‘ j, ] a ‘number o f ’robberies and attempted |*9®* * i ie unreinwoo ' ' ’ ; • wife, A trivial family quarrel is said burglaries,; . F.^C. Gerald packing house,* located five miles west pjf - Ashtabula* was completely destroyed by fire. -Loss $100,000, Thera w«s no insurance, ’ Eggs dropped io cents td 70 cents a dozen at Cincinnati, At Bellaire ?Jasper Gray was;som fenced, to life; Imprisonment for the murder"of George Kenewein.->•v .:. . i Goodyear’Tlre'ftnd.Rubber.Cpmpany; announced an upward turn' in*the' Huio tire1 industry during December. - Clement- Rossman, 14, Norwalk, re­ ceived severe injuries whep threwh by a mule he "waft riding, .* Suit-has been instituted a t ’ Tiffin' to compel the city / bokfd -Of health and board of education to permit the return to school, of 60 pupils who re* fused to be vaccinated/ ' , v-, While Robert Robbins,-steel work­ er, Youngstown, was at work^thieves stole his $1,582 savings from his ,roo% Cleveland real esta-te* board- de-^ mauds reassessment of real estate. In 61 counties of Ohio. s* . ■ , r . „ Mrs. Myrtle Hemsley was sentenced at Toledo to a life term in,the state reformatory for women. She was found guilty on a charge ’ of second degree murder, •She was accused of killing Led Cousino in her apartment on Aug. 16 last ‘ A Special guard was established hy police over the official hoarding ,to have, led to the tragedy. Heads of independent Steel plants at Youngstown indicated that the mills will bo practically idle until the first of .the year, owing to lack of or­ ders, The suspension would affect 20,000 workers, jfsaiah Groves, 77,- a civil war .vet­ eran, ,died at his home near Wells- vilie of burns sustained when he fell upon' a- lighted lantern. It is believed be was strlckon with .paralysis while caarrying the lantern, . Edward Ertie, chief of the Massil­ lon city police force, resigned after 28 years „ip .the olice department. He had- been chief 16 years. ' * Harry Carson; 56, and his son Ed­ ward, 25, word killed instantly when g passenger train struck their auto­ mobile at a crossing/in Columbus. Frank Motto, alleged member of Cleveland automobile thieves’ ring, Was given an Indeterminate Sentence' to Mansfield reformatory. ,Mfs- Rudolph Deutsch, wife of a jeweler,-was robbed of $7,000 worth of jewels by three armed thugs, who entered ,her home at Cleveland and tore diamond earrings from ‘her. ears and. stripped her finger* of jewels. R, S. Hunter, 20, switchman, was crushed to death when caught be­ neath a switch bngine, which turned over in the Cleveland yards, Thomae Whltford, fireman, was perhaps fai m . i a ni ; - ----- - >. . ,. * breakfast, In the raOod-to rob a biind «trlf “ 0bf lta. ..a organ grinder of his few plugged following the robbery of ^tetel o f Dayton Bag a»d nickels. Then I wehi to the past of- t , 6,,? r a.-j:oom8; Jovrelry, Cash «id — — ----- —" nun- will A banquet was held at tte Second tl. P. chSreh m Xenlft. Wednesday attd waa attend^ by more tbs’ 105 ftomer* who gathered for tl pnfihMcmtry wttk of the campaign- WILL INVITE OOBTHAL 8 Gov.-Elect Davie has invited Major General George W. Goethftle, builder at the Panama Canal, fo> come to Coltumbre immediately » fter theim* ration January 10 And chafer* to the proposed reorirep®*- OMo’e highway departmret, r ... rernor-Elert ie, looking vm U direct tide work, The g$rte spends millioBZ of dollar* each mmt 0 & read* andthe dmmrtment is pd m * mAam b«- mottia, Wednesday. The funeral bp hqld I*riday afternoon and burial takes plftec at Massies Creek Ceme­ tery, Besides the hfiubafid several children survive, QUOTA WAS REACHED. ’ The sale of Bed Cross Christmas seals was a success under the di­ rection of Miss Louisa Smith. The local quota was $50 and this was ex- eedett we understand. SUPERINTENDENTS MEET. Prof, L. D, Parker and G. F, Siegier attended ,themeeting of school superitt tendents of public schools in the state at Columbus this Week. Some of* the best known educators of .the statO were On the program. Lucky and Unlucky Days, There is an old belief among thft superstitious that a favor asked of any person on the fourteenth day of the month will he granted. The Chinese begin nothing on the seventh day of the month' because it is Supposed t o ; be unlttcky, Sftffilflctmos of Wedding Ring, flee and got a registered letter, A mnu who had owed me $2 for five years bad an ingrowing conscience nt Inst, and sent the money to me. When left the post Office everybody com­ mented-on my winning'smlie and said was the little stinbeam of the town," Th* wedding ring is a relic of bar-tc^lrie?" bariam, It signifies the bsgd bywhich! Twins Strangely Linked, Albert Grierson and Walter Grier* son, St. Loulr twins, were members of the same company, and each wore small diamond ring and a watch and elmin in France. Albert lost the stone of his ring and a few days later Wal­ ter lost the stone of his. Then Albert lost his wnteh nnd chain and soon af­ terward Walter’s disappeared. Then Albert was wounded and Walter fol­ lowed suit. ■And now they Intend to marry twin sisters, Geraldine and Blepdlne Smalley of Shridon, 111.—In­ dianapolis News. All Dcptnd*. "Can you support iny daughter in the Style she’s been accustomed to?” asked the father,of the young mnu who sought his daughter in marriage, "Well,” replied the young man thoughtfully, "IS she strong for a $500 baby grand piano or a $5 talking ma­ th* woman was bound to her lord and master, inevitable, * The worst of the hobble reputation is that the larger it get* the surer It la tii burefo—Soatofi Tmnscript. A Good With, i Cnndldate—Election day is also mt birthday. Friend—Good I I hope you will have many happy returns. Eaglet Ply High. EegU>« have been known to fiy fetigiit «* «£06 f*ab to * Burlap company’s plant at Dayton Was destroyed hy clothing amounting to several hU - fife. Doss $30,000. dred dollars were taken. ft. ft, Beetham of Cadiz .was select- Carbolic acid burns caused the ' ed for .speaker of the house of repre­ death of Mr*. .Elmer Ypung, 21. at sentatives and C. C, Crabbe. London, Findlay. Mrs. Young, a bride of a for speaker pro tem., both without op- few months, was taking a' bottle o t f position, in the rganization* caucus add home in the pocket of her dress, i of the house Republicans of the when the cork came opt, spilling the \ Eighty-fourth . General assembly, content over, her hips and thighs. [ John P. Maynard was nominated for Ohio Stat* Grange convention re* I rierk and Alfred Robinson, Ironton, elected U J. Taber of Barne ivUle tfor sergeant-at-arms, master and W. G, Vandftnbark; ZaneB- j ‘ Charles -Wills of Newark and Wii- villa, secretary. j bur Priest of Granville were instant* It is reported at Marion that the ly killed at a crossing in Newark next whit* house* physician wilt be when, a truck was struck hy a freight Dr." C. E_ Sawyer of Marlon,, Presi* train; The men were employed at a dent-elect Harding’s personal physi-, Granville mill, ciatt and friend, * Thomas H. Wilson, 70, senior vice Mass meeting of Youngstown citf*! president Of the First National bank, sens will be held* Jam 8 to decide i Cleveland, Is dead of typhoid fever. Whether an election shall be called to I Co-operation wa* urged hy State Vote on a' charter form of govern- i Master Taber in his anual address to went, . ' ’ i the Ohio State Grange meeting at James Saum, Springfield, was killed , Cleveland, hy kick of a horse. ' | Miss Mary McClelland of Utica wa# At Toledo Harvey Fepple, 6, was' injured severely at Lorain when hit by an automobile. • Judge James Hi Dinsmore, 67, com sfil to Cuba under Bresident* -Clave* killed by a motor track. J, B. Carey, 76, farmer and lime­ stone quarry owner of Union town­ ship, Van Wert county, died from bunts received when he saturated his clothing with gasoline and set fire to it. Holders ot state jobs have started a campaign of their own to have the new legislature either make perma­ nent the wartime bonus given each employe receiving less than $2,600 annually or pass appropriations to to carry it aver for the next two years, ending June 22, 1223. land, died at Greenville of heart dis­ ease. Police blame revenge for murderof Girolano Chiappisi, 35, shot to death in a street hear his home in Akron. A. if Mitchell, lawyer, ftt. Clairs- vllle, has his arm broken and at# leg attd Ankle sprained when he was struck by ah automobile. Mrs, Johanna Potter, 76, died from injuries received when she was streak by a traction oar. It’s a Full Purse I s And a “Good Time” When Xmas Gomes FOR EVERYONE WHO ENROLLS IN OUR Christmas Savings Club We want you in it—'and everyone in your family—also your friends* ’ - < ' ’ It will be a lot of fun to gelong, . • , * - It is a big, helpful -plan, which will enable you and others to accumulate money .for Christmas by Saving small amounts bjeeasy stages. ^ ' It’s so easy to save that you will never miss the small amounts you pay in from time to time. { 1 When Christmas comes, you will get jbaick in. a lump gum all you have saved, which will "be just like finding so much money. , , , * ^ f 4 Make it a sure thing. —- . - ; -----• - Enroll at once. ‘ -- *■* The ^ ch a n g e CEDAKVILLE, OHIO. %L J* , ....., ...........................*" .. .V. .T. - ^Vv- V.!««ggC|»A;- 36-38 West Main Street, Xenia/Ohio Hoover Electric Cleaner r 1900 Cataract Washer * * Patheand Aeolean Phonographs ; , ?* i New Years Greeting \ - -' ' * . ■ 1 ■' -I , ’ ■ ' ■ At (his Seasonoar thoughts revert | grealfully to those whose courtesy co­ operation andloyalty have assisted in our progress . .■,. r ' To you we extend our heartiest £ wish for r Happy andProsperous New Year . J. H. McMillan &Son TRY OUR IOB PRINTING ••V*" c