The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26
“ W t HKAT FROM THE HALL" OdJ&Uut who is to ajpjMii* at R qm township School, jgaau SI * Turn Wtibtaa * fewwoww p**m. that hw * special appeal test th* fi*HuaaEoi*l traveler. “W* Host From the H*U" i* the ttW*s “'Whence oohmm the bmtV* I wksd the hotel,wan A* to my staU he logs my gripe of tan. “Whoooe com** the heat to keep me warm and snug A m that muefa-tovtacl buglet in a rugt I'll torn the transem,* says the. pirate, “then The heat the’* ta he hall will seek your pen And warm: ’ fine. The radiator stands flown yonder where the third door stairway lands," ' I hope that when that landlord goes to where Invariably I consign him, be may tare A b badly as his guests, but from a cause Exactly oppositite in nature’s laws, ' And when he la so hot his hair’s on fire I hope he’ll have the rashness to inquire "See bo*6* old Nick, .could you direct a man Where in the—well, where cap. I get a tan? ■• ■ /wer. . ■. ■■■ And then I hope that Satan will reply, While devilishly winking t'other eye, * "There’s one just*around the corner, if you please, flut stationary—don't you feel the breeze.” rry 36*3SWest ■Main Street, Xenia, Ohio \ *. „V . ,, f- ‘i n Willard Storage Batteries :\-l V*.'.•.•-!’V F-^Xv'V-;’ t l ft We are authorized to solltheThreadRub- fcer Insulated. SlptrliitpairlDg andrechargingon all makes, -The Xenia L. C. R. Storage Battery Co. 11-13W. Market St. Xenia, 0. W. L. CLEMANS R e a l E s t a t e It*faun. at my o®£!* such Saturdfy or rsacftsdl by phone at cay reeidetK* each evening, U HKR«S Residence 2-122 CEDARVILLE, OHIO ‘ EAGLE“MIKADO”. PencilNo.174 PerJaleatyeer DMJvr ■ Med*I fir* grad** ASKrORTHEYELLOWPEHQLWITHTHEREDBAND RAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK O O T L , now W lU S e ll I-tear y * 4 [mtmGoom mmmm Younj afrit. i t young ladies really do .not want to be seen they should take care not to let their eyes dash when they dislike What people pay; and wore than that It 1* all nonsense from beginning to end about not wanting to be seen, % don’t know any more tiresome (lower Ijln the borders than your espechtflj modest snowdrop; which one has to stoop down and take alt sorts of tire some trouble with and nearly break ft* poor little head off before you can see It, and they half of it’s not worth seeing, Girls should be like flafafr*. ftlos and whit*; with an edge of red It you look dose, making the ground bright wherever they ate.—fcuekfn. .ui>w*,w»^^^^^^w^wmwiawiwaweeammssapmaMsasiea>i>ms>ta>i*meeweeiwBBaae<iiiMeiai fp Y OUR JOg PRINTING H m OdbrviHe H«rt!d ftDITCm Earth Bull, vilt#, 0„ October efoeamutter. at the Fe*ftCA d * Cedfg- *1« 1■#, as **o*od FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1921 wmm. .vurscss^JWmmsemasaepaai m i OHIO RURAL POLICE Representative Harding of Warren county has introduced a bill in the House to provide for three companies of Ohio ruarl police to patrol county roads and make life safe for the far* mer. A press communication from some organization in Cleveland says this bill should pass, Wo say it should not pass. * In the first place there is no demand for such a measure from the rural populace. In the second place the present ad ministration is pledged to a program of economy, Pledged^to reduce the number of officeholders in the state and the cost of state government. It is impossible to do either and pass Such a bill that would only add to the burden of the tax payers. This bill has the ear-marks of coming -from special interests al- .thought we 3o not like tO'uuestion the .sincereness of the author. We do know that .the mine owners have wanted such a bill owing to labor troubles •for some years back. The public, is not in a frame of mind jus? now to stant fop being taxed for a. mine op erator .that has been holding up the public,, , ' The farmer is in the majority, jn the legislature and if the special in terests put anythiny over it must be donewith the help of the farmer-mera hers. " , - The press matter at hand states that ho citizen of the state has less protection than the farmer. He is ex posed to plundering and outrage. His crops, his horses, his automobiles are stolen and frequently his house is burglarized. ■' In comparison the city dweller is said to have more protection with the city police., _ , It is true that the cities have more police but as the city has more people in given, area is it not possible for more crime than out in the open. Is it not a fact' that; more crime exists in the city with police than in the country today with only the protec tion of the constable and the sheriff, ' The- crook in the city watches from a hiding place the movements of the policeman, oh the ’beat. When, he is gone the act o f crime is committed. How easy would it no.t he to commit crime in-the country after the rural policeman had been gone an hour on his rounds. ^ ' Again to police, a "county like our'a would it pot take a hundred or more men oh duty day and night,. floes the prospect of such an outlay of public funds at a lame when the purse is cramped from our present local, county, state and fpredal taxes justify Buch dp,- outlay? We think not and we feel certain, that we voice the Sentiment of .the farmers of this township when we express open op position to such a bill. * ,■ -■ ■. __ __- NOTCIE TO STOCKHOLDERS "Stockholders of corpon stock of The Ralston Steel Car Company are requested to comqmnicate with the undersigned,council for the estate of late Joseph S, Ralston, for informa tion Of interest. (3t) . Clarence M. Wetum, Huntington Bank Bldg., Columbus, 0 Powder Misapplied. On the train home from Chicago l carried my aunt’s'parasol and her box of powder. Arriving at our home town, I handed her the parasol, forgetting I had put tho powder in it. A crowd of town boys was at the station to meet the 5:20, Including auntie’s beau—she was a young aunt As said beau opened the‘parasol for her, the two of them, were showered with face powder. Dk the crowd screamI I got mine when wo reached home.—Exchange. FUR SALE CONTINUES % OFF On our entire stock o f high -grade Furs . FVRRIER, Second Floor Arctic Bldg, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. BBS" *«»!i»gtT EYES Examined Correctly O iiM f Fitted* VtA f MODERATE PRICES TIFFANY’S fOpttcal Department (Open Evenings by Appointment i s H January Clearance Sale Our entire stock of Fashion Park and Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits *. * and O’coats go at the greatly reduced prices as grouped below, . $22 .50 $25 .00 $27 .50 $40, $38, $35, $32 .50 $42 .50 , $45 , $47 .50 1 GO AT . 7 5 $17 $30 .00 GO AT and $50*00 GO AT $33-7S $32 j Z§-; Men s and Boys Men’s arid Young Men’s and Young Suits and CJcoats Men’s Suits and Men’s Suits and O’coats O’coats ' $70, $72, $75 $77 ,50 ,$80 .00 ,$85 .00 GO AT 1 ; ^ ' $45jo V $48M Suits and O’coats Suits and O’coats Suits and Q’coats , . i . • ' • $90.00, $95.00 to $115.00 go at $55.00 ' f ,* > ' v * * 5; . Every article in our stock reduced to rock bottom prices. $55 , $60, $65, $67 .50 GO AT .75 XENIA, OHIO Tankage 60% Bran Middlings Oil Meal Cotton Seed Dairy Feed Arlington Flour Red Dog- Flour Prime Medium Clove Seed Timothy Seed Alsike Seed Alfalfa Seed ST V S p ec ia l on S tov es We don’t want to carry them over summer. If in need o f a Manure Spreader see if we can make it interesting for you. The Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co. ! hav* started « dray and would like to hav* soma o f your business. Anyklnd of draj^ig dons promptly, Im n <n$m » t Wm Wmttm* Grata Co, John Hoove, GET OUR PRICES O.J ALL OF ^R IN riN O # # * * * if LOCAL AMD ) # • # # # « ! •Cbm h seeking a quoted at 60 rents mj. Mrs. 0. E. Masto number o f ladies Er a "rook” party. For gale;- Two Shi male calves. Phone SJ 3. Fowler. i For Sale:- Bundle! > farm north of town. Dr. 0. P. Elias ret cinpati, Friday jeveni ing a couple days in Iness. The Cedarville Ili^ defeated the Ross .] Friday at basket bal gym. The local High( girls from Ross, For gale;- I have I pose horses for sale, old, other, 10. Otto Young, who v for the Logan Gas Q Muncie, Ind., with thi has been spending a1 friends. W. R. Watt susai arm Sabbath while crank his automobile has been placed in sjl 1 For Sale:- White ; cockerels. Heavy bo Citizens phone, Xeni O, A. Dobbins we Tuesday where he \ gram for the Swir stitutfe held in that <j Misses Hannah. I of Lima and Dor Springfield were tht* cousin, Helen Biff,'] More than 100 sp the annual meeting the Greene County , Protective Associati, of P, hall in Xenia,. N. P. Ewbank and, this place were nam; •tee to look after re with fish. ^iiiim With a Tern Account of get one of oil your sal f ‘
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