The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

4E MB. h*r. ■*(*.£* p ■■WMi'i 1 - i i inmiuHfiii-«*-•» i .J muMi''u»'j«lh*Mg *** m r a t t a o *wTw fiiwl tae'pd lm o ' b t ' m r r fifffiT i inf’it. ot^otem . ' r ' ^ ■ Si Rwrfdwma 2-132 W^h- C I O A B V I L U , O H IO OF JULY CELEBRATION * *, Monday, duly 4th . Clark County Firewarke • |2-AS fdA lS»ING FEAT0RES-12 Rices. Horse Show, Vaudeville, *Midway. \* BandConcert, Patriotic Addresses. Parade, L toeing.: Oriidrens Kvents, Day and*Night fimworh* ajid Daredevil Baloon Ascension, doubleparachute drop. t* * lyu tm ■j -’ ,’ -.•*.- 'A‘-'VY \<}. • -‘i i " Witt you allow us to convince you that eur method of ciean^.ptf«8ing, repairing and dyeing clothia is strictly iiaiiita^ and up-to-date. f; * tJ " i \ *l* ’ ‘W t give your clothes a lasting crease, uniform fini&wid the iaturaihody shape*. Only Complete P lan t in Gresne C*.: ; . / * mmswmm. '* iWia-HEi R o b in * o » ,A £ t ., C ed a rv llle , 6< ? > -M t S t r e e t , * ‘ * X « n h , O h io \ i Get Back to Normal by Buying Your G iotetns a t ' Lm.m '•fl 1-4M^tS^n^nTGasanftgfcF ^POTATO. BUTTEHJBtNUT OR BETSY SKLLER^OW 10 CENTS. SMALL seller ^ ow $ gents . * 0 t FLOURf FLOUR! _____ . __________ EVAPORATED FRUITS M&tm L «pt' Fpaw* per pound m — l i e " ‘ iaa*pi«*pound - mm —— — —-.-' mm -— 10« ...,r.... « OK PROCTOR AND GAMBLE SO^PS w A s»«> W*»■*»■»*{!*!»*«»*^ a* 4*4 4W4«<A»*w>i6^»:*i»>, Me 9 h«*s Mot branst BRANS! I '/I feF fciW # R a w Rasa* j u $e ^ Eiw-Lfeile ^ p a m t — ------------- ------- i» Mo. 1 s»c fawfofi, fEapifc. 90e ><a m•* tm Atw<a mso **»<*»g>w aswwjasvaM* to wF<a»«ri*»#r4m*a«»4*|6aA m «i>*aw»A 23c « r f ^ *ssd Potato*, oonristteg of l^rly Ko#*, Ohio's, Riiifr ■l *i»idiitFa—tiss, t o , * , ^<*mi»g^»ft«ii^mi>>i*tili^ir*n**f.niT|i^ am........ ,nink#„^. , CANNED GOODS v <’ ritfti&r MmS turn Sugar Cora. Sffoff.«*,.**, m ffitz Sts* S turn Temtiiti t £ge x dM P sm , t m m ! * 9MN9ApliSi Bt law®.F*r aEt lie like U M p a S d u s y t & C o -jrtfc-fy* m,1at-i»^ £ A’jytjf £ & ^n^K|pe^s.9p yau US98N FOR 1UM£ 25 t, IlHUlHuftr..WHW1 ' REVIEW: THE SOCIAL TA*K OP THE CHURCH. ^ WIX 1 V-R# ahull dwell with and t%*r *ia& b* lit* p^o-iJi<i.~R*y. 'AX. £U>MtDiW3™X&*if» Hd»H. ®MHC-TtM» Way y«u* me Tliln** J**u* ITS}ANU S tfilO li TOPIC » te Boys and Girl*. _ „ JFWC ADULT TOPIC —Tlie Ch*U«*i*« to tin Ohurcn.. JUreUtlon 21:144 £» tlie passage oM Scripture selected for devotional reading. Instead of attempting to re- ▼tew the Imeons of the Quarter it would b« interest end profit to enter Into a detailed study-of this Scripture. The following outlinemay be b^pfuL L ' The New Heareu and the NewEarth (w. 1, %); ir. The New. People (vv. 3-8) ; III. The New Jeru­ salem (w. fl-14), . Another way .would bo to assign- the rBolden Texts to<different members of .the Class asking them to give the part of the particular lesson which ‘Illus­ trates the teachings of the text, • .Bull another’ way would be to sum­ marize the' different' Scripture passi- nges, giving the lending lessons .of •each. The following is given by way of suggestion: .-: - I. The believer's supreme obliga­ tion Is to present hitrtself as A1living sacrifice to God,'. Tim grand reason for, jo doing is .that he has received the mercies of God. The one so yield­ ed will love his fellow believer sln- ceeely. *, , « ’ _ . ‘ II . The belJeverA body- is God's property—the temple of the' Holy Ghost; therefore we are under solemn Obligation to use it for Bis glory* Ml. Since God the Father and Jesus Christ work, it is'incumbent upon all to work, and the man who Will’not work .should, not eat. IV* God hates the greed that moves men to dishonest methods ln*otder to get rich. His judgment shall fall upon -such. • 1 - '■ '. * V. True education will, lead one to .Christ "The oneonly book which tells about him Is Die Bible. No one can call' himself educated who la Igporants 'o f the Bible. , c * . Vjf, God rested when Bfs work of creation was dope, «Qn this basis Be hits established the law of labor and rest The Obligation to cease from la­ bor is that one may remember God, VII. The church Is an organism as the human body, in- order that there may be real helpful co-operationThere must be membership in that body. .- Vlll. Jesus should be welcomed as a guestinto every home. He is an ex­ ample of an obedient son in the’ home, IX, The most Important Question, is dot “Who ia my neighbor?" hut. “To ' whom can I be a neighbor?"- Being a neighbor Is seeing those about who need help and rendering such help in loving sympathy'. X, The Christian 1#a citizen as well as a churchmember. IntelligentChris: tlans will show proper loyalty to the statu. ■ ’ „ - 4 • XI, *' When Christ Shall gelgn" as King there shall he peach all over the ‘ world between animals and men. The Supreme business of the believer in this dispensation is to preach the gos­ pel to all the' world as a witness, . XU* Jeans :came and preached, the gospel to the -.poor, but shall, come again to judge the world and reign as •King. J - ' ,*■' • Since the whole of man's duty is summed Up by Christ in duty to God and dfaty to man (Matt 22:89-40), it would be profitable to go through the Quarter's lesson and. set "down the teachings under , £ Duties to God; H, Duties to Man. House Divided Against Itself. - He who sits above the waterfloods la still working out Bis ways, and man’s extremity IS, as ever, God’Sop­ portunity. But if we are to be rtwt sharers In this task- of .divine recon­ struction, and fulfilling of God's pur- s poses for the human family, It be­ hooves us to do our utmost by prayer and effort to repair thakreaches which human waywardness has wrought in that Instrument which He - has de­ signed, and throughwhich He has cho­ sen especially to work out humanityV' salvation—the church of the living -God, the One,Holy, Catholic-and Apos­ tolic Body of Christ. For until these Wounds are healed the church must present herself as a iioiise divided against Itself; and, because the Sav­ ior's prayer for a unity in the “one fold” reinaihe unfulfilled. His enemies continue to triumph, and the forcea -Which make for righteousness are thwarted.—Bishop Bowden, Blessed tfyttsris* of Life, Bottv death and sleep are blessed mysteries of life, It is of Utile conse­ quence what time the angel of- Ilfs opens the door of death for us; the supreme concern for ns Is whether our hearts snail be pure, and our souls strong in grace to rejoice in the vision of the Everlasting Day,—Newman Smyth, . deeds' First Preaching. JeauS began to preach,,and to sky, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven id at hand.—Matthew 4:17. Not How Much But How Safe The amount o f interest ahbpM be a considsration. The safety of theyakn- eipal of your deposit should reoeive primary investigation. The highest^rate of interest pay- ’ able on Savings Accounts as agreed ■upon by banking authorities is 4 per cent—the amount w$s pay is 5 1-2 pec cent and at the same time, afford pro­ tection and security for your savings. TheCedarvilleBuilding & ; Loan Association Small amounts deposited in 9 Liberty Bell will swell your acount to ^rga proportions; $1 deposited herd gets one for you. ‘3 f Unpleasant Swimming Companion. A glia bad g terrifying experience In thfe Zwartkops river, South Africa* recently* She had been swimming with her father, but, stayed out longer' than be did. From the bank he heard a joking remark, and the next moment „ she cried out Ip. "obvious terror andTj pain. The father wns within reach, ‘ and as his daughter flung an .arm up­ wards be grasped It, and dragged her from the water,. Ifc appenrs that when she Wns wlthltt a couple o f feet of the Jetty^he girt became conscious of the presence in the water of something targe, which appeared to be swimming towards her. Thinking ft -waa her fa­ ther swimming submerged to give her a ducking, -she laughingly' callejd to him to ship joking. Then' she became «ware*lbnt the swimmer was a shark! Z .,"V — -"-'^ . . i ■ • „ Snake* Put Erid to plague. - Tn. llie. yoar 203 B. 0., Rome being ravaged h.v, the plague, the Tribune Quintus TJgolgius wept to Epidnnrus at thp head of 0 contmissfow to ask the,.priest-physicians of,the famous Askelplon femple what should be dona fo check the pestilence that vrtw dev. Sstating the cTfr. They brought back witi^ them rat-eating snakes, ana these soon pul an end to the disease. After « time the snakes died out, hut the people tong cohffnued to paint their effigies pn' the wall* of the lararimu in tpken of gratitude and paid them the tribute dne fo protect* log househojdgods. a / . f h X n A t* Ohld mrn^m ■»Vr Addition t# Museum's TrsMune, Among the recent notable anguish thma of the American Museum of Nab ««*jt Rastory is a block of vertebrate < W from the great foeett quarry at Aefite, Nri). A section from the rich* Wt part Of the quarry W selected. skfilfuliy removed, boned and trane ported to New fm*. Th* specimett, WrijSdn* about tbr« tons imxsd, Sbqwi m * w m of 9% fey 9 fefK as emmy a t , m aktfflA with corresponding numbers « eEMeton brnwi foipdrters, exporters^ travBlers — skip and sail under— the Stars and Stripes “KTEW triumph* In steel, steam *■N and, electricity have carried the Sun and Snipes hack again to the seven teas. On morethan fifty trade and passenger routes American- owned and operated ship*, flying the Flag, are read? JWcariy your goods, or- to carry you,, to every foreign land. They‘are splendid ahfps, the pride of American genius, de­ signed and equipped to give the finest passenger comfort, service and safety, and to handle your goods in the most economical way. Operators o f Passenger .Services. ■ 1 1 Stats Street,Hew Matson Navigation .Company. 26 . So,GayStreat,Baltimore,Mo. • MunsonSteamShipLine, 82Beaver: Street,NewYork,N. Y. NowYorksndPortoRJco.5. S. Co, 11Broadway,NewYork,N. r* PaeUleMailS. S, Co.,4) Broadway, NewYork,N. Y, ^ U. S. MM 8. 8, Co.,41 Broadway. NewY«rk,N,.Y. ■ WardLfaVt, (NewYork»nd,CubaMail Shipping Board films iforrnetkm : Street, SHirS FOR SALE (2V Am triein tW ttiH aa/y) gtaal itaamar*, katfc Hi «a4 eaal twraata, Atse wa»4 aWaaiMra, w#«4 kalla aa4 arfasa-ielOg tale. Patthar ItdorsMdaa *buia«4 by rsaaast. Fo t sliUnfs of passenger end freight ships to all parts of thi world and all other information, write any of the nbom Unes or "Cine of the moat Tellablestores hrthe country,*' "Mabley’s stand back of everything 'they *ell.M "The beM itorerl k n o w , , \ ’T. 3f OVER IN INDIANA lives a gentleman whose family has, occupied the old .homestead for more than fifty years. His idea o f our store is as he put it! / **One of the most reliable stores in the country.” U ; l IN OHIO near Miamitown we were told by an old resident that“Mabley,s stand back of everything they sell” r v IN O LD KEN TUCKY a most estimable lady said: ■: v “ Mabley's is the best store I know.” . Friends, these and similar expressions are heard about our store ''.■-everyday.- , ,w * * , ’ ; , , . ; ;v * ■ . » ' * 1 -, ’ 1 > ' > » , . « 1 *’ 5 , , } T h e g o o d w ill o f t h e p u b lic 2s w o r th m o r e f o u s th a n m o n e y . We invite you fo visit ns when you come to Cincinnati. , We will do bur best to make yoii feel at Home and give you the best values possible. * . . *i< Many opportunities to buy advantageously/*. **• CIHCIKNATI'S GFEATliST STORE. V6UNDED ISTTt C l N ,C I N N A r i f I 4 . O H i C ■Uti' -f : i 1 U-S-SflPPlkCBQAKD i m Ths Dainty Rzcdonn.- "Ughl" snW the city stranger oft th* farm, ‘T wcmbln’t eat raqtoon meat" Aftd fft a inimite tJricle lit Curtis wa* Ahhi* feet- "That remark only-shows your Ignorance,* he cried. "The rats coon has one custom that no other animal I know Indulges in. He wilt not touch a piece of meat until he washes it in some kind of water, and as a rate he’ll do a deal of hunting until he finds clean water. If there's a spring on the place he will yun there with it, I have given raccoons pieces of meat and watched them do it, H* performs this task so carefully that alt of. the surplus blood is washed from the meat, tt’s a mighty 1 iutarbsting thing to see h serious-faefcd raccoon- roll a chunk of meat over and over In the water until he is sure its immaeu* late.—Hoard's Dairyman. -M Polishing Powder for Glass. A polishing, ,wder for glass may b* made by rubbing down catdped inSg* ticsfn wltli pure benzine until a mesa l« formed snffidently-Soft to allow drops to b« pressed ou(, of it. The mixture should be kept in closely stoppered glass battle# to- retain the very volatile hen*|ne, A little should he placed on a pad of wadding or cot* ton and the glass rubbed With It, aHa'S? Mahon Fat Ho$a ^ AtWf ywrt MWhkg n^it I f m * duem* 9±wm „.c:r!riIiab;3fiW r«i Hi SOM»f |l«a: l»M** M l eaw* of nto«(oklakatniM«*(«. Sofa,kaiOis ondJoe**oii*MMU>«Mir. ,Cr*aa»f4 **wf»rt M4»n«tfmoro iMunAi jmt k»«“-rti*r»*•* P*r hows »**••«!.«4ik sWaow—wnora ftor has. If raw M w Aw riot1 tmtty CrtutmOi writ* m ». The jg l f i f e d ^ Cmnmmy • gnrTodt uRimnu Sold only bydealers give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history 'x 3 1 $ 15.00 NON-SKID Reduction in allstyles and sixes ANewLowFrige ona Known end Honest Product a - /' " r T h e H e r a l'ij g r e se iv e f tip n o f tin h a v e th e 1 FOin Profit Jobr. William t laborer, was night at a pc near the res Internal d Profit family tom of the si wait for Jol he had charg with his wife breaking of and Mrs. Pro in Clifton ar o’clock and road to the claims that 1 Johnson and was being le ,> the couple Pr manded of J away from b in which Pro Profit walk Alex. Hall’s, . to town and in he could not Xenia he wa and his wou Haven. He shot himself thorities scou was just belo • let pierced tl the third anc Sheriff Fun< and Monday arrest. He h nection with wards releas he had shot that it was shot himself without bun also suspecti the shot am wanted her t taking the b ing held f changed his did not shoe Johnson did. Profit and arated for ! to Sheriff 1 warned last of witnesses ^Profit's wifi ' WednCsda Pyosdcutor den change cipals place that nothing claimed he placed the 1 wife -says 1 What the of prosecute tl Johnson 1 second time port his clai evidence agt EVERY GR DISPL No grang gaily opene the open BL the grange The order ' L .J. Taber c the state (gr: that the 106,( in the 1870 g tinue to rem lie” as well i TIM The expir- Citizens’ M Camp Kno) quota for t is no expei torney Har ceiving ap; stand there Cant outsid< excellent o and receive all at the e ' Til The mail bout not 01 others jsut Carpenter Saturday, J prize fights country bu under vari> no strongc that hacks THE June thts heat over We have V ity was fi Last Frida hottest daj most peop heat Mono LA In drivii old land-n octagon b Anderson field. For . of the lan fiptlngfle1* Vf-s, f j t 4