The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26
„7SF. lllMMMiMMtiMMMNip mm 5 Galloway & Cherry 34-38 Wert M ii» Street, Xenia, Ohio " V Hoover Electric Cleaner 1900 Cataract Washer Patheand Aeolean Phonographs The CotkrviH MMNMMMiMS Henld mJmmm**** iriHiHM JUrlh Bull, e d i t o r ; — Kotercd At the Bo^t. Office* Cadax- |] villa, Q*. October £ i„ .87, u second |<1 m s Wstt r. FRIDAY, JANUARY 88, 1921 CORN STALK CLUB. Why Pay More? stitu CANJ5AVE YOU MONEY SAVE THE DIFFERENCE DOWN GO PRICES I Special Prices Salmon Red, large size can . . . . . . » , . . . . . . . . 12 1-2c Salmon Red, large size cAn, per dozen . ' ............$1.35 Beans, new Michigan Navy, best grade lb. ^ . 6 c Sugar, best American granulated l b . . . . . ................9c 13 tars P„ and G . S o a p ......... ............. .$1^00 25 Bars U,. S. Mail soap ......... ............................... $1.00 7 pounds best Santos Coffe, steel cut ..........$1.00 % FLOUR Schmidt's Old Hickory flour 24 1-2 lb, sack , . . .$1.40 Schmidt's Ocean Light flour 24 1-2 lb. sack . . . . . $L28 The members o f the Ohio Legisla-; ture that come from rural counties or } are farmers, retired or active, have ! formed tv Lorn litalk Club and the } Oi ,anizasion is out to protect the ' interest o f this class but not at the j expense o f the we’f.uv of the people | of the state. maer that the mo- j tives and objects- may not be misun derstood a set o f resolutions have been adopted and sent to Gov, Pavia and to the press _in the state. One o f the first items in the .reso lutions is the promise o f a Square deal not only- to agricultural inter ests but to ail the people of Ohio. The second is a promise to reduce expenses of government instead of increasing land and home values to get more tax fo r tax spenders to. spend. Wfe endorse this proposition. The third is an investigation o f every public office to see what ser vice is rendered so that needless governmental places can be abolish ed. • . In view o f what the Com Stalk promises the Herald in the interests o f the tax payers would make the following suggestions feeling that Greene county people demand some action, be taken: Legislature by , legislative action stop at once the plan, o f the State Tax Commission calling fo r a reval uation o f property. fo r taxation, / That a law- be passed effective at the earliest period allowed under the constitution' to control road traffic especially trucks, during the spring season or when roads are soft. Such a law the'past week' would have sav ed the state, county and townships a million dollars the past week. Restore the old health laws as a matter o f economy or eliminate the' high operating cost of the present' law. . ' Eliminate the expensive supervis ion .of the schools and repeal the special school, tax law passed at the last session that is, taking school funds from the townships and giving, same to the cities. Officers of the Com Stalk Club have asked that the resolutions be given publicity and we feel that the' club should know the sentiments of the people- that sent those members o f the club to the legislature and action on either or all o f the sugges tions would tnect hearty approval of the rural interests. . ' , With the various agencies at work in the interest' o f the farmer it be hoves the legislature to take‘ some action along this line or even the farmer cannot be induced to vote in the future fo r men that would make such a club possible. AS TO BALD HEADS. DOWN <*0 BREAD PRICES Large size, regular 1,5c size, one and one*half pound loaf best'made bread -*, •• . •*. *. . . . . . . . *•••*• •** ■12c* Regular 1Qc Size Loaf x . . . . . . . . . . . . . Qc Bring in your Eggs and'Poultry, we pay the Highest Market Price. H. E. Schmidt&Co ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL South Detroit St. Xenia, Ohio Envelopes to Match Use envelopes to match the color of your stationery. We can supply you with fine letterheads minted on Hammermill Bond and furnish pr envelop colors or white. es to, match in any o f the twelve Remember we are letterhead specialists. You arinti wUl find the quality o f our p ng and the paper we give you very high and oyr prices very low* Say what you please but bald- headed niert are generally gopd-nn- tured,'That is not all. * As a rule, they are the most sensible men in the world. Genial, honest, whole hearted, virtuous and , intelligent— why it is an honor, a certificate o f good moral character ip be the owner m fee simple o f a nice bald head. It is all nonsense to boast o f a full jeard or 1a plentiful crop o f hairv Beard never was the standard o f brains; if it were the cat would be more impoijtant than the elephant or cow. Then, too., swampy land al ways bears a plentiful crop of coarse grass. It does not take good land to produce weeds. They grow, anywhere. A clean man with a pure record in generally clean- to the- top o f his head. The absence o f lanigeroml growth on a man’s upper story is on ly proof that he is a thinker, a worker, a student. Look around you and you .will see the pro.of o f this everywhere. ■ * , Oh, ye. bald-headed men, wo great you as the highest type o f manhood, as the golden crown on nature’s brow; as the conservers o f morals; the friends o f the friendless; the hope o f the country; the glory o f the na tion. The bald-headed man has been the subject o f many a good joke but the next time you would twit your friend remember that he may call your at tention to the fact that the part used •most wears first. Let Ue Show You What We Can Do EAGLE"MIKAD 0 ” PencilNo. 174 M ( R A 7 j >* rw'iel**i fern ID tarter , Mad* in fit* grade* ASfcF6ft the yellow pencil with the red band EAGLE MIKADO COMBINATION SUBSCRIPTIONS The Herald will receive your sub scription for daily papers and all magazines as in the past. We guar antee as low prices or lower in gome cases than can fee secured elsewhere The Herald. Ohio State Journal, and National Stockman, regular price $6.50. Our p r i c e _______________ $5.65 ‘ The Herald, Ohio State Journel, Ohio Farmer, regular price $0.50. Our price ___________________$5:65 The Herald, Ohio State Journal, McCalls Magazine, regular price is $7.00. Our price - _______..— $6.00 Herald, Ohio State Journal, Horse Review, regular price $10.00. Ourprice .................................*__________ $9.15 Herald, Ohio State Joiitnal, Farm and Fireside, regular price ’ $6.00, Our p r ic e _____ „ ____ ______ $5.40 Herald, Ohio State Journal and Woman's Home Companion, regular price, $7.50. Our price ....______ $6.05 The Ohio State Journal and Ohio Farmer — ------------------ $4.50 The Ohio State Journal and Nation al Stockman, _____— ___$4.50 ‘ Wo give you any kind of a combi nation that you want. I f you are paid in advance to the Herald we will give you the Generate combinations or you ........... f EAGLE FENdlL COMPANY, NEW YORK can extern! your time another year. Orders taken, fo r any publication on the market and we can equator ex cel any rate made by and out of town agency. Oredrs fo r the .Ohio State Journal at the above rate dre goOd only on rural routes and not in town where there is a carrier. Those offers arc only good until January $1, 1921 sap EYES err ss» If YouNeedPrintingDropinAndSeeUs Examined Correctly - Fitted. : , « a t m o d era te pr ices TIFFANY’S s January Clearance Sale *• Our entire stock of Fashion Park and Hart Schafftier & Marx Suits *and O'coats go at the greatly reduced prices as grouped bejowr. $22.50 $25.00 $27.50 $40, $38, $35, $32.50 $42.50, $45, $47.50 GO AT .75 $17 $30.00 GO AT .75 $nd $50.00 GO AT $ 3 3 :™ Men sand Boys Men’s andYoung Men’s and Young Suits and O coats Men’s Suits and Men’s Suits and O’coats O’coats $55, $60, $65, $67.50 ' .• GOAT $ 3 7 ,2 $70, $72, $75 GO AT, $ 45 , .00 $77.50,$80.00,'$85.00 GO A T $ 4 8 j Z2 Suits and O’coats Suits and O’coats Suits and O’cdats u $90.00, $95.00 to $ 115.00 .go at $55.00 ' «l , . < ; " ' .. _ . f t* ■ Every article in our stock reduced to rock bottom prices, XENIA, OHIO G E T Tankage 60% Bran Middlings Oil Meal Cotton Seed Arlington Flour Red Dog Flour Prime Medium Clove Seed Timothy Seed Alsike Seed Dairy. Feed . « Special on Stoves We don’t want to carry them over summer. If in need o f a Manure Spreader see if we can make it interesting for you. «ss J33 The Cedarville Farmers’ Grain Co, £32 • * £- fir LOCAL Ai * # * #■ O, L. fimiik Columbus m In Mrs. A ok a spent But-3g‘U.y The'Ohio Ik- placed in recen Wanted:- Fa -Okie Thomlmi, Mrs. John To poorly tin's wee. Andrew Jack trip to Columbi O. F. Marshs the home o f hi Mrs, Jtaymor ill this week . s serious'case o f Colin Barber the house for a serious throa, ■Miss Effie (- a months vaca Valiev school health. S, C. Wright last Friday, w) days with his :i . Miss Eva Ari been the guest son. . Mrs. S. C' ' number o f frie ing at a “ Kook Mr, and Mrs gave a dinner! company of fr ’ The Jamestc, won both bask' Friday .night : The Houstoi to Mrs. Elmer conducting a L place. , The Ohio & one million d ■ scribed by th dollars. Rev. J. S. I Spring, Ind., s- have- charge c o f Mr. Mary ■ J. E. Stuck: been spending Keesport, Pa., day evening. For Sale:- stock racks, n dition. Call pi Ohio; Dr. Leq A.j State Vetema ‘ ■ink in' Columc| Friday. •The railroa-l men to reduc | same time as. ger fares. Thi r»n . - crease of 20 senger fares. Rev. V, E. .' With the grii preach last S filled by Mr. R. P. Semina, f ain for the abbath. Keep in mil o f sixty sow Dobbins toda tral garage. ] has had sevei and a number will be preset For Sale:- <*■ Columbias, a Also 500 10 it each, practica Mr. and M< bus spent, tin o f Mr. and 1 and Mrs. Ga tend the fun field. Monday is take advantr subscription . money so wl orders fo r a prices. Mr. Oscar Mrs. Edith Kathlene, w: last Saturdn the celebrat birthday. J. R. On plete thaw it blackberry this rule ho the blackbm years since due to thav were greatl Herman •garage, spe attending under the Storage Bn will have vice at the South Cl money for seems that on‘the Hou into the v have gone on such an Samuel . who came trip to pm ing store, several das and his me Farm We. party liavi price and t Olumipaigr
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