The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26

Galloway & Cherry 36-3$We*t Main Str*et, Xenia, Ohio ' Snyl If you. miss that Minstrel Show^ou are going to miss half Itfhatavor you do, do not fail to go to the College Minstrel show, March 25 and hear those jesting end men. Hoover Electric Cleaner 1900 Cataract Washer Pathe antf Aeolean Phonographs Prof. F. A. Young o f the Riehwood 10Hschools, was taken- from the Begil •Motel in Xenia, Sabbath night by the ,local officers for save keeping, He had been in Columbus and Dayton on a business trip and stopped in Xenia, lit is thought he was suffering from a .nervous breakdown, Tuesday he was taken to Columbus to a private san- latapium for treatment. , w !on Brid; J. Tarbox has sold his residence i ge street to P, M. Gillilan and , possession wiU he given M*y first l Mr. Gillilan owns about seven acres ‘ adjoining the Tarbox property and i expects to have most Of this tract planted with fruit trees. Mr. Tarbox owns the popartyat the north-east of Bridge and Cedar streets and. ex­ pects to erect A modern home on that site. The old house will be moved back on the lot and used as a resi­ dence while the new is being erected. The new house will mean much t<> the improvement of the street. LESSON TEXT—Matt a J-J-30. GOLDEN TEXT—A* often »» ye eat this bread, *nd drink this cup. y* do show the Lord's death till he tome - I Cor lUSt. REFERENCE MATERIAL - Mark M: l7-M;.Luke 22:7-23, John 13.1-C0; I Cor. 10; 44, 17; 41:23.24. PRIMAL? TOPrr — f.-mi-i m fr -.’ ir, . r JUNIOR TOPIC —nvmembermg Our Lord Jesus. - INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC —The Lord'* Supper and Its Meaning. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC —Communion With Christ. Curtains repaired at % Wolford’s. i f IVORY SOAP -4 12 BARS FOR 92c As a special treat tQ out-of-town people visiting our New Bargain Basement £>t6re, during this month, we have arranged to sell 1 % bars of Ivory Soap for 92 cents providing you clip this ad and bring it with you. You’ll know why all the Springfield women are ravirtg about this new basement store when you see the -nice n,ew clean merchandise at prices guarantee tp be lower than any in town. $1.00 ward if you can buy it for less elsewhere. we re- NEW BARGAIN BASEMENT SPRINGFIELD, OHIO THE EDWARD WREN CO. MlllllMI|IIIHHHMIHHllUlllllilllHIIIIHIlilllHllllllHlllllllllllllll|lllllHllllllllfillllHllHlllltUlllHllHHillHHIiHiHIHHHIIiWHHi 17 South Fountain Ave. Springfield, Ohio Coats, Suits, Furs, Waists, Skirts, Millinery. Spring and Summer Goods Now Arriving Daily. As usual, we have— |. The Bargain of Betrayal (w. 14. 16). This is a dark picture, Satan had so completely gained the mastery over Sudan that he sold his Lord for the price of a slave (Ex, 21:32), judas’ sin was not of a sort that one would suddenly be overtaken with, but one of deliberate purpose, . II. Tha Passover Prepared (vv. 17- 19). ‘ 1. The disciples' inquiry (v. 17). They Inquired of jesus as to where they should prepare for the Passover. They wejfe no. doubt anxious to be of service to Him. We qbopld be. pot only ready to do our Lord’s bidding, but should Inquire of Him as to what He would have us do. 2. The Masters strange directions (v, 18). They were to go into the city where they would meet a men bearing a pitcher of water. It was usual for the women to carry the water.. This unusual occurrence would make it easier for them to find-the man. To him they were to say; .’.Where is the guest-chamber where ! shall eat the Passover with my disciples?'’ "Ana he will show you a large upper room furnished and prepared, there make ready for us" (Mark 14:14,15). 3. The obedience of the disciples. They did as Jesus had appointed them. They did not stop to question the sanity bf the command, but like true disciples obeyed^-Ghrlstls omniscient— He knew just how the matter would turq out. , ill, The Betrayal Announced- (vv, 20-25). 1* The tirad of (vv. 20, 21), It was while they were eating the last pass- B5 over that Jesus^made .this announce­ ment Perhaps the reason why this feast should be disturbed by such a sad announcement was. that Judas might be given an opportunity at this last moment to repent. God does hot will that any should perish, but holds out to the most wicked man to the last moment an opportunity tp repent. 2. The sorrowful question (v. 22). They did not'seem to suspect one an­ other. but directed personal attention lo themselves, We should always ex­ amine ourselves rather (ban others. 3. The darkness of the crime (V, 23). "He that dippetb his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me." does not point opt the traitor, hut Indicates the greatness of the crime. 4. The betrayal of Jesus was by the determinate counsel and foreknowl­ edge of God (v. 24; Acts 2:23), Nothing takes place by chance, "Woe unto the man by whom the. Son of Man Is betrayed; it had been good, for that man if he had not been born;*’ To have been bom in the world add lived for a while, leaving' an impres­ sion upon it for good is a great priv­ ilege. but to be face to face with such a great privilege as Judas Iscariot, and to make such a miserable fail­ ure of it Is werse than nonexistence, 5. Judas’ evil determination un­ shaken (▼ . 25). In the lace of nit that Christ bad said, be went forward and tried to coyer up his purpose by saying, "Master, is It I?" IV. Ths Feast of tha Nsw Covenant instituted (vv. 25-30), This took place at the close of the passover supper. 1. The bread a symbol of Christ’s body (v. 26), This is a fitting emblem of Christ’s body. As. bread nourishes and strengthens our bodies, so Christ Is food te our spiritual lives. CnldSs we feed upon Him, we shall perish. 2. The cup a symbol ef Christ’s blood (vv, 27. 23), . This was sym bollc ‘ pf the atonement which was made by the shedding of His blood on the cross. 3. Drinking anew in the kingdom (v, 29). This does not mean that in heaven this service wljl be renewed, but that this was symbolic of the heavenly reality. 4. Going to the cross with a Song (v, 80), With all the sorrows and the burdens of the world upon Him, He pressed forward with cheerfulness. Those who have come under the si ad- ow of His blood can go forward be|r- ing their cross with A song of joy, DON 'T MAKE THE M ISTAKE OF TH INK ING THAT NITURE MUST BE EXPENSIVE I f you have admired the beautifully designed, aristocratic looking furniture pictured in our advertisements and displayed in our show windows, and imagine that it's expensive, you ’ ve a surprise awaiting you. It ’s not ! It ’* furniture that jo u can afford—-that the great majority o f Xenians can afford—without being in the least extravagant. Here are a few examples Of at moderate prices; Cane and Mahogany Living Boom ite, Davenport, Chair and Rocker, Su covered with beautiful velour, separate cushion.. . $225.00 Mahogany Bed Davenport, upholstered $54.00 in Black or Spanish artificial Poster Bed Boom Suite, four Poster Bed, Dresser, Dressing Table and Chifforette d» ■% q q a /\ in walnut......... ........... J L O « 7 *U U Eight piece Mahogany Dining Room Suite, Queen Anne Style, 60 inch Buffet, 54 inch Table, 5 chairs, 1 c £ , . ; ..... $229.00 O I ' ! # •:# FLORENCE Qlh COOK STOVES . Give* a dean flame 'close-up under the cooking, leaves control oftach burner permits you to lower tbit intenseheat to a medium or sim» mering heat whenever you wish. No valves to leak. No wicks to trim. “ I have put off buying a rug for two years, now I am going to buy. I don’ t mind pay­ ing the priceyou ask.” This is a typical remark of t h e housewife a f t e r pricing Rugs at Adairs. Grass Ruga -f r< 9x12 size. . ^ Tapestry BrusselsRugs 9x12 d ^ O O C A Size___ _ Japanese Matting Rugs 9x12 ‘ ( f e e c c Size ; ........« p D . O D High Spire' Brussels Rugs, 9x12 ^ .$15.75 Axmiuster Rugs, IS2 $39.00 China Matting Rugs, Ifze2... $8.00 GALL AND SEE OUR NEW LINE OF BABY VEHICLES Sulkies Pullmans $4,75 $23.00 UP UP Slumber Carriages Strollers ^ j ^ f & Pullman Sleepers. $55.00 UP UP Carriages in Reed, Fiber, and combination Raed and Enameled Wood! Fin­ ished in White, Ecru, Frosted Blue, Frosted Black, Frosted Mahogany, Ivory, Tan, Grey and Natural. Furnrtur.e, Carpets, Stoves, Victrolas 20-24 North Detroit St. XENIA, OHIO. To Save Is Thrift - fUllg/on. Religion Is not a lot of things that a man does, but a new lifq that he lives; not a thing for weak souls, but a thing for the manliest soul.—Phillips Brooks, Srsv *iL, Always The Latest Always The Best •i - ^ - ■■ ' Always The Lowest Prices « Watch Our Beginning*. Let ns watch well mir beginnings: and results will manage themselves.— Atlx Clark. The Life Preserver, Every man's task is his life pre­ server.—Emerssn. GET OUR PRICES ON ALL KINDS OF PRINTING Th* Organ of Bound, The real heating apparatus of all creatures Is inside the skull, the part which we call "the eari* being merely An enlarged fold of skin which belpt us to collect sounds. Birds and frogs have no outside ear. The hearing hole In birds, lizards and frogs Is just a little behind each eye and not far nom the corners of the mouth or beak, The frog has a middle ear, be* sides, so that sounds can he conducts* to a special nerve, whlfch is its real orjgan 6f hearing, $1.00 is sufficient earning 6 1-2 per cent interest, compounded semi­ annually, In this way you can begin systematic saving at home which will, in the end, prove of untold value to you, Thrift is the saving of time, energy, resources, wages, or profits. It means a home of your own, contentment, education and comfort for your children, and a book to read, a day now and then for recreation, a piano or Victrola with which to en­ tertain and - beautify the home, the city, the state and the -nation—a bulwark against the day of need, and independency that lengthens and sweetens life. GET ONE OP OUR LIBERTY BELLS The Cedarville Building & Loan Association X X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTIN' FORT ! )t J; CEDARVILIJ | HAVE AI | A.V A ] the Alumni of j interest memo Bisting to int ■ o f the college. m Pittsburg, Fa., j licity and has | members of ti, J The tinffe ha j lego must hai ment. It inu.-t | lags with gre«: on the work, Tl ,J ed endowment it tution within ti j State Associate * dowment of |2 ■ to get recogniti The college a hed a campaign - near future. Dr. Orr in his each a copy of last Alumni me tion has set $10 for the endowim 1 ges the Reformi - nomination and j round Cedarville | mount fo r .build The college is additional buildi* is required for ) ' lege students. A _ a necessity in th J the absence of s- H ■girls from atten lege. A new gym g ed, one with mo ments and large ■ growing needs o It is planned present Alford g science hall whic out great cost, girls and the g! built on the" colie timated that $10 ed for the buildi; The time has ville and commu. thing substantial the college if it For the second ti ' from Dayton to El to that city. A s'vl with a 40 acre c: J The advantages c for a college are very extensive. t< by immediate co'® cess by steam am Ik ' - Pew peopld ki the sacrifice Dr. fly . hers of the facult main, with this i) ville, .The turnin reached and the s spuarely before th v. Dr. McChesney ri. j see the college 1 . the institution m< j l endowment to reir tiofl of Colleges. O an acadamy or ju Those who hav ^ cate cannot afford leave this commt families the remov children cannot h. of a college ediic; cost. To those wl and have the mea, to you to lend ass an institution her- much to do with and realestate vail With the additio buildings, Dr. Mi his lifework for and the education women. We had better mind to support ti g| very liberal way t> had ofter the inst and gone. BROTHERS AGAJ AND COLLINS • The basket ball f | Brill Brothers of j Brothers of this p Gym ,Monday even exiciting athletic t in the county. Deli sent itom m ighbo weeks ago the Co feated the Brill bo Xenia, The game v was played off v i t ^ winning. The ranged with Collin ’ the winners again i 28 to 20. The garni one time Brill boj- the lead. Both matched and put o game. MIDNIGHT TR Tho midnight ea stopped hero Mom! M. I. Marsh called aid for a lady tha* f fur Orville, O. She ► cinnati where slio r for cancer of the hr- posed to naro two permit being taken tho incision fluif hr. broke and the lady ing to death. H'l-dii’ii'** td and ad ninh dan. v her to “ho Gi .V-it la; bus upon her .miv: } XB en OarUina rapairad ) .4. ** mM i