The Cedarville Herald, Volume 44, Numbers 1-26
■rin m m mO i* ■0m 0U 0 0m m *m m i0 0 0 0 m 0 u m m mmm m m m m mkm HIGH SPOTS III AlfffmHI tk * Buckeye Capitol M A J O R I T Y r & f i O k UBADWk H OMAfcLfc* CRAiUMi, »uOwr i t til* Okie *ry aet, i* *l*A jua ft#* iM* MR b*co»» *» w-ril kimwm§* hi# JWMtt*. A*fi Urn*’* a r»Moa. Tin ptkwr tl*y CnkhtMT v u In Ctn* e im u - H« w**t to * kwh** stop and wkU* bei«c shavmi, tkjs « mm- of forbidding turned tb« talk. w> prqtjfcth&toa/ "This fellow Crabb# a *af naa l*d tike to get m y knafi* •*** k* wfifi, xglaring twrcely at kin evafe****, ««d ' carefully totting tUo *h*rp*tm of kte Fooling ant vrkfitt? Crabfe*, m*el* me «mats«it, W . ritt barber, polling thj* ntitev ormc wiud Crabbo suspmlad was t*o **n*r*l dl- rootion of bin AfiMn's a®?*#* a#od*d no oacourageittoti^.- "If 1 ever had"biff la this chair, be'fi never get out *IJvt^M ho an*' nottneod •menacingly, whila Crabbo’a j heaft skipped a boat or two- ' “That wan ib* eloaeat nhave. I o»or bad,’' declares Crabkt. *. f * 0 . « O ' ’ WMM l i Mi tfttfe kdeclidel tu* Ma. 1%* roMMtgaioo w u giving loud vent to kit osjoyweat of th« rido At Uu bottom of tk* ntair* a lady, wlu)n tbo visitor rorognfsad an thn'Gov* •rnor s, w|fo. wan happily watching thn porfomanco. # - . “You will outawia tho Governor for * mao, Whan, won't ym.“ saifi Mrs. Daaris smlltaxly, after wnlcooung the o«ctai. "Wa nr* just putting imin Harry to bod. and wo alwayt lilft to romp around with him .a. bit first." a „* * o o W H|M a0V**JNO* DAVI8 rocont W.ta vigorcMui n^nor spiked the' oforts «$ U m wo)0nigwh Rev Herbert S. JHawlew. JMfatt Nearing and debars to bring ihn ii, repeal ot the J*pf dlroctod againat anarchistic plots, fherft ban ail tknewgb Ohio w*»o a t approbatrioa Letters by the ej»r* ponretl into the Ascutlv# offices here, etThogly «.>-»mee(liag {ho stand agxiifet the ant' Ameoean and pro Bolshevik propaganda " M BH who have boon wateblng login tativs processes for 'years and whe have had an opportunity of ob serving j^the periodical endeavor of constructed woo popular airs by roof posers of various natlooe,, fravlmts g«q*r*l assewblies to find p»j'hia^nt.",aoifttitwi:.0f tk# Okie tax? tUop. prohlam *rotax«- that aj ’last tiheywaa-w rayot tamtam »«pW«8*r^ They, 'figpf>' | h» i ; the recommendatiohs of the citizensVtax stion cotrt^iittee napied by the Gov WITH thd .state govarnment reor- «»%*> ?*9 transmitted them to W ganlsation ptah proposed by Gov. *»«“■J^ « ilatur9' ** offered » com * p o p ,pli*ie refiiedy for tha muddle in'which th<» tax’problem bf' the sthte,, Uiia beeu for years, > The recommendation* of the com mUtee'arui, * a. 'Cause rigid the uni. tojm rule, if it impossible. 2. » th»E is not possible, ,thhn‘amend ' edhstUution, abolishing unffora ' rule and gfStabliehing ’income a husiness-llke basis, *in the hopa*that f.' ' ' und, ■ inheritance taxes, ,but they may ho able to say* for them. ' strictly -limiting property1taxes fl , e a im i c p ecnor pavis now before .the general assembly, those fornaa In the stats' who haye long proatett by the exist* lag wastefulness and lank of close ■supervision over state expenditures and over state work i generally! are beginning to, see the end 1of their years of harvest ,at the expense of the taxpayers, put. f&appears that they intend Jo make a desperate fight against putting the state’s glfairs on n^ selves pt least a part of the personal advantages, which' they have so lohg enjoyed,v . * ' “ .* A frequently heard question-at the capital now is: Will’ the to do being fa^ed by "these ’selfish interests against being put out in the cold cut any figure against the' general inter-, est which demands the cutting out ot waste and thmeatab.lishmfut of higher, Btandgrds of economy, competence and efficiency than are possible under, the present system?’ » ” ,- Reports here - would lmiicafp, the people at bpiife are beginning to let fheir legislative representatives know, that they /Oallze .who the- foea ^ ' r e organization, are, namely, this self, same’ interests who have '.always op* ;posed, legislation beneficial to the pub-. lie because their personal advantages do not lie in that direction. to, per chut,, Amend* constlthjrtbn to ' provide - strict debt limitation fa eybry taxing district, ’ ” Man. y/ho Command* Success. * » A mttn- who is- not mikmored,‘o f hia Job. • who ’Igcim, that resolute, deter! gaincd purpose wplfcli knows n 6 defeat, recognises nt£ failure, l# never n sue* ,cess, The’mae whh -is victory organ- lisei} wili/get up,more determined than ever after he, Is .knocked down. The hgrder, the fall /the greater the re bound. Yoti ean't keep sue t-a man down,; you; bfln’t discourage Him any more than you could Have discouraged .a Napoleqn, for his personality, ills character, will remain although hia home, his. property, and ev§ry tnaterlal thing he .possessed tie swept away,-- New Success, ■- ' % v EASY approachability.ot.Gov- JL ernor ijavll, even after office hour*, baa been hailed a welcome change from tho impres- sion of aloofness that; has beln con-, nected by obseryars with abme of b|s predecessors. « j But, there has been a certain mys-, I tery why. he has’ generally been in-1 accessible for a period-early each ] evening, it was .solved the' other | evening by, the unexpected visit at | the Govembr’s .nlahslqn bf .a state [ official in connection with an urgent j ' matter of state. A* he euteced, hd ! heard-bursts*of childish laughter, add,! Ancjfent Money. „ ' The first coins used by the civilised nations of the -ancient world were small metfth Ingots stamped with ruler's seal, It is probable that they were first1minted ,in Lydia, the rich, Asian, kingdom of wlitch Croesus was the most famous king. The "punch- marked" coin? of -India are assigned to’ a period older even 'than that- ol Buddhism, - ♦> Glva Us Something Positive. * ' caught a glimpse of the disappearing j 1 *s ffiuCh advieC on ffie,subject **-----■-* - *-*- • of kissing, but nil of it la when hot SiTf*t^l#i;''■'!-:-v' j '-:T”,:’ ;- figure ht a big plan galloping up the stairtf with h MfUa hoy in,hia nighty wee-'.'.wwfi*■" i ■' ........I..........1 Oon’t Pay Two Prices For Your Groceries. Buying, Your Groceries Hfere Will Save You Money . Jaat received Car American Refined Can* Granblated Suga^ Qualcsr Braad Pennsylvania Sugar Refining Co. Although all a^ar Re fining Company's have drawn from the uj/rrket. Looks like * TWELVE CENT SUGAR , - CANE GRANULATED SUGAR, per lb. _______ ______ _ m. PER 100 POUND BAGS _______________________ L .' I ' f S M Get Your Supply for Summer Now - h schmidts week end prices Potatoes, best grade, fresh car just received, per bn. „ Potatoes, per 2 1-2 bushel bag ---------------- Pure Country Lard pgr pound .Cocoa best grade, 24 per efent butter fat, per pound Fresh Bulk Oysters, per quart „„ CANNED GOODS Com, test Ohio, 3- cans I standard grade, A cans „ '"•ft Wlsconson Early dune Peas 3 cans _ IiSalmon, I lb. tall can, per can______ II Try these—buy thorn by the dozen SEPCIALS ON PROCTORAND GAMBLE SOAPS Star Soap, 10 bars for H. y . and G. NapOrn Soap, 10 bars for Ivory Soap, lo bars for | Leonx Soap 10 bars f<* ____________ ONION SETS PER QUART * CENTS <#W>W m *# m urn* itjK,W -95c .2.10 . 15c -.17c —_50c CANNED GOODS *rM*W* u » a*«. V ' »25cv 25c «MUW 25c 10c $1.15 M M Ml•# U iiMt a.*. * * * * * <mmt A * Omnmtt, *« r - .* 1 i t CvtUctlMlV Has**. wu* j s z , ' ^ m, * , 1 1 ‘s u m ‘S i r s " wax *nnoy*d by the interruptkm of i " ----- m my four-year ohi daughter who w«» trying to tell Wiinothiiig exciting. I reminded Her that It was impolite t« ] « Interrupt me and went on with my j Vaudsh t* imltata Gretmd Story. Wtww 1 bad finished 1 turned ! 5-0 make a varnish to imitate to bar, saying;, “Row, Louise, whatf***, dimolveiW TrMwrf d#d yon want ta t*|i U1e r fibs aa- 1 awared diiwousolat^y; ‘Tv» lost my say now."—Exchange. ) i.e G*i HM friiM It i A fi'lcml visiting In tfa* city dafial ? m me, and R. b#<eg airnoat luaclmoa time, I asked Imr to have tea with me and try some of my cake I iwd J»*{ taken from the oven, Whou I go# t» the pantry door I found I had four gotten to close the window am} my, neighbor's cat was enjoying ib* last] • t my cake.—Kxehaug*. — - —...- r - .i - . - —- . -^r,T- .to - w . g— ^--r- -r— ■^ j v ¥> , u ,;i AuiiuHty; | fit Anthony was the satnt whemuidf JMtvarbe tempted, He was titular- iy immune from the Waadisbment* <>f women. Usually when a man is r« < ferred to aa a "modem 8t. A»thopvMj U 1* meant that he doesn't car* about; women. - ■ f l -.Mn F?o t W'- >« Tilt- *t. c raw uwtariaU tnm "LH4* paper is 'mafia g ra apewea, lw aha'k, poplar and ptae waads, mupk aoww tn d *W paper. Thmwiifi m m « f the entire 'eafipwt i§ manafisntasa# <rym wood palpT Safety Firth After a dreadful exjwrience In which a small* boy was locked in the bath room accidentally, the family had an emergency bell installed and also had the door equipped*with a night Jock like that on the front door. Then they . bung the extrn key on the wall outside -**n* f° ***• Par* 80 grshas i and 20 grain* of amatfir in iam.mfiiees j washed methylated ether, and add, in email quantise* sufficient beusina to I Ixtrama fioenomy. make it dry with a stdtaWe grain, too t a neightmr had some dental wort; little making the varnish toe tranapar. ■done, When the filling whs com* ent and an exeeee m AH nc R &***’ -pleted the tooth felt too long, causing The quantity ot iiemrina raqwhwd de- -him -nervousness find annoyance, t pend* upon the quality, frees eee-half , asked him why he didn't have the to on# and one-half omma. «r dentist grind it off a little and wore. Tba beet reanfitsartoW*#»ed he said seriousJy; “Well, I hate to trtyo a medium qufittty.It 1* Inspar- ■ think of tbnt gold dust going, to free .waste after I've paid for it.”—Ex- Aoelfiental Freneh. An American lady in Rafts wanted gome water, but could not make the maid understand she wanted it hot. After several vain attempts, she ex plained in disgust; “Rhol" The maid, brightened up suddenly, went off and returned with a pltchyr of hot water. It was not until some time afterward that the lady learned from a frien^ that the girl had evidently mistake;! "Shol” for “ebsud." which is th« the ropm where any would-be re»cu«r would b# sure to see It. The emer gency bell was' placed convenient to the bath tub, ps many semi-invalid# or the aged have been know* to faint froth tbp contact of hot w-nter. from spirit Nitric arid which is as#4 t a pro* paring the tremendous agptaatM, tri nitrotoluol,. is a very powerful arid, and. If applied t* th« gta* ***** ter ribly. Burgeon* occxsioMifiy <*• R for destroying growths. HydsgfiriWdC or prussic arid is probably' tta» deadly poisfinous of tht arifiA >tan*W •rid* found in certain insects, eape- dally in ants, is used as a t#«fi—by cnufcjng or eating the iwweta-HU**** some aboriginal tribes. Feasibly mall? acid, or some, of the edible fridt arid# French for ’'hot."—Boston Transcript, *meng tj,Pwaakwrt of tb* World's Highest Village,. • ,The little village of Karzok In Kash mir I 9 said hy ,a u riter in L'Astrotiomie to be the highest In the world. Its altitude is. 14,040 fpqt, .The buildings; consist of a few wretched stone house* and a small Buddhist mwnasfery* Kashmir is the most northerly state of India tmd lies vv/iqlly in the -illmnffiya mountains. Not far from its eastern border is Mt, Everest,, the loftiest peaV, go far .as known,,in the world. •aan aoy qauoua 4nom fiujeq Aoaq'eqy ^juo 'iiud ouo aqj a^nw oj suiJts xih hooj r tuq fpm jsaup aqi so tjos so poAOad.W aqt 30’u^e aut urojjt opsin saoqs jo jjud y -opqAi. q^oM, gy -tuj043ujmoo ;ou soav ojnpujuuuica a q ^ .jn^i itahiuoa hluaaqantu aqt tq paAoad' aouuj,q tnoaj paraodnq sujqs 30 gppos -noqt Oaios qjfAv juam(jodxO,Tii) qgnoqj U043 'pBAojd uabq si q jaqmoi joy pfistl aq UCD3BJ aqt 30 U|}[S oq t^nq i ■«upjs »*a'-wojj Jsqjeaq Th* Green Heron. Tills bird, Mfi!ich is sometimes .called the "fly-up-tfie-ereek," is about Operand, a'halt feet long vnO Is common'through- out the United tStutes and Canada. It feeds mostly on fish.'frogs and other aquatic animals, nud may be seen, par-, ttcularly In the morning and in the eve. nlng, standing patiently motionless In some shallow water, waiting till comes within renCh arqy Easy for .Some Pcoplb. . . .- . A New York wonffin is satd to. earn more than $5,000 a year designing ffi. vors any bon bon boxes. Tbe Cedaiville Building Si Loan Association Put' your spare, change in * a Liberty Bell pnd deposit it here at 5 1-2 per ( cent interest Compounded semi annually. *■ « ; * ... . HUiiiuiiiiHiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii iiiuiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiHuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiHiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiimitimiuiiiiimiiimii uiiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKmiiiKiiiiiiOuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiituiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiii = 5 ss . " B I I - 5 :**«*«*«!; Hra*. ,69fe* 69c —79c 50c i. E. Schmidt&Co wearing them. You will just lave .-to note the new style features to finger th e lovely new fabrics and to exa&iufi the qualities of the workmanship the sea son's smartest apparel' presentations offer: That’s why you will be anxious to inspect the stunning Suits and Coats in our Spring collections while Easter is ' still quite a few days away and there is abundant time to make thoughtful selections,1 COATS YOU WILL WANT TO WEAR THE . FIRST BALMY DAY OF SPRING The discriminating woman's search for tha t which U new, smartest and most becoming in Coats will come to a happy termination herd for presented in the most wanted colorings are rli of th e most •approved Spring modes. The fabrics and linings are of superior quality and the workmanship is of au excellence only found in thd better class of Coats.v *■ Spring prices $10:00 tai.$75.p0 • . ' SO MANY' SUITS OWE THEIR YOUTHFUL NESS TO CIRCULAR SKIRTS * , ^ When a Suit is tailored so tha t sleeves and shoulders fit snugly and the fabric is of irreproachable quality one*can be reasonably certain tha t it will re tain its smartness and individuality, for a long* long time. And such a Suit need n o t , be severe^ Side panele covered with rows of Hercules braid, em broidered tabs,- bell cuffs and shawl colars prove tha t i t can be just as distinctive and original as the most fastidious taste could desire. Choice is offered o f velour checks, tricotines, twill cords and covert cloths. Priced as low as ' es: -X. $25.00 «s * M ■ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL South Detroit St. x*nia, Ohio XENIA, OHIO imiHiiHimn m m m liiiiiiiiuitiimmmnm iiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiinniiniiirttiuiiinniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiHiniuniiiiiiiiiuiiiiiifmiiiMiiHiiiummuiiimuuHinuimiumtnimmifiumi
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